To comply with the formaldehyde standards, you must meet all of the following:
(a) Install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a device that continuously measures the operating temperature in the firebox of each thermal incinerator.
(b) Do a performance test as specified in Sec. 63.1188 of this subpart while manufacturing the product that requires a binder formulation made with the resin containing the highest free-formaldehyde content specification range. Show compliance with the formaldehyde emission limits while the device for measuring incinerator operating temperature is installed, operational, and properly calibrated. Establish the average operating temperature as specified in Sec. 63.1185(a) of this subpart.
(c) During the performance test that uses the binder formulation made with the resin containing the highest free-formaldehyde content specification range, record the free-formaldehyde content specification range of the resin used, and the formulation of the binder used, including the formaldehyde content and binder specification.
(d) Following the performance test, monitor and record the free-formaldehyde content of each resin lot and the formulation of each batch of binder used, including the formaldehyde content.
(e) Maintain the free-formaldehyde content of each resin lot and the formaldehyde content of each binder formulation at or below the specification ranges established during the performance test.
(f) Following the performance test, measure and record the average operating temperature of the incinerator as specified in Sec. 63.1185(b) of this subpart.
(g) Maintain the operating temperature of the incinerator so that the average operating temperature for each three-hour block period never falls below the average temperature established during the performance test.
(h) Operate and maintain the incinerator as specified in your operations, maintenance, and monitoring plan required by Sec. 63.1187 of this subpart.
(i) With prior approval from the Administrator, you may do short-term experimental production runs using resin where the free-formaldehyde content, or binder formulations where the formaldehyde content, is higher than the specification ranges of the resin and binder used during previous performance tests, or using experimental pollution prevention process modifications without first doing additional performance tests. Notification of intent to perform a short-term experimental production run must include the following information:
(1) The purpose of the experimental run.
(2) The affected production process.
(3) How the resin free-formaldehyde content or binder formulation will deviate from previously approved levels or what the experimental pollution prevention process modifications are.
(4) The duration of the experimental run.
(5) The date and time of the experimental run.
(6) A description of any emissions testing to be done during the experimental run.
Additional Monitoring Information