(a) The provisions of this part shall not be construed in any manner to preclude any State or political subdivision thereof from--
(1) Adopting and enforcing any standard, limitation, prohibition, or other regulation applicable to an affected source subject to the requirements of this part, provided that such standard, limitation, prohibition, or regulation is not less stringent than any requirement applicable to such source established under this part;
(2) Requiring the owner or operator of an affected source to obtain permits, licenses, or approvals prior to initiating construction, reconstruction, modification, or operation of such source; or
(3) Requiring emission reductions in excess of those specified in subpart D of this part as a condition for granting the extension of compliance authorized by section 112(i)(5) of the Act.
(b)(1) Section 112(l) of the Act directs the Administrator to delegate to each State, when appropriate, the authority to implement and enforce standards and other requirements pursuant to section 112 for stationary sources located in that State. Because of the unique nature of radioactive material, delegation of authority to implement and enforce standards that control radionuclides may require separate approval.
(1) Section 112(l) of the Act directs the Administrator to delegate to each State, when appropriate, the authority to implement and enforce standards and other requirements pursuant to section 112 for stationary sources located in that State. Because of the unique nature of radioactive material, delegation of authority to implement and enforce standards that control radionuclides may require separate approval.
(2) Subpart E of this part establishes procedures consistent with section 112(l) for the approval of State rules or programs to implement and enforce applicable Federal rules promulgated under the authority of section 112. Subpart E also establishes procedures for the review and withdrawal of section 112 implementation and enforcement authorities granted through a section 112(l) approval.
(c) All information required to be submitted to the EPA under this part also shall be submitted to the appropriate State agency of any State to which authority has been delegated under section 112(l) of the Act, provided that each specific delegation may exempt sources from a certain Federal or State reporting requirement. The Administrator may permit all or some of the information to be submitted to the appropriate State agency only, instead of to the EPA and the State agency.