(a) Summary of requirements. (1) You must submit the following notifications to the Administrator: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference Notification------------------------------------------------------------------------63.9(b).............................. Initial notifications that you
are subject to Subpart EEE of
this Part.63.9(d).............................. Notification that you are subject
to special compliance
requirements.63.9(j).............................. Notification and documentation of
any change in information
already provided under Sec. Notification of changes in
design, operation, or
maintenance.63.1206(c)(8)(iv).................... Notification of excessive bag
leak detection system
exceedances.63.1206(c)(9)(v)..................... Notification of excessive
particulate matter detection
system exceedances.63.1207(e), 63.9(e) 63.9(g)(1) and Notification of performance test
(3). and continuous monitoring system
evaluation, including the
performance test plan and CMS
performance evaluation plan.\1\63.1210(b)........................... Notification of intent to comply.63.1210(d), 63.1207(j), 63.1207(k), Notification of compliance,
63.1207(l), 63.9(h), 63.10(d)(2), including results of performance
63.10(e)(2). tests and continuous monitoring
system performance evaluations.------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ You may also be required on a case-by-case basis to submit a
feedstream analysis plan under Sec. 63.1209(c)(3).
(2) You must submit the following notifications to the Administrator if you request or elect to comply with alternative requirements: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Notification, request, petition,
Reference or application------------------------------------------------------------------------63.9(i).............................. You may request an adjustment to
time periods or postmark
deadlines for submittal and
review of required information.63.10(e)(3)(ii)...................... You may request to reduce the
frequency of excess emissions
and CMS performance reports.63.10(f)............................. You may request to waive
recordkeeping or reporting
requirements.63.1204(d)(2)(iii), Notification that you elect to
63.1220(d)(2)(iii). comply with the emission
averaging requirements for
cement kilns with in-line raw
mills.63.1204(e)(2)(iii), Notification that you elect to
63.1220(e)(2)(iii). comply with the emission
averaging requirements for
preheater or preheater/
precalciner kilns with dual
stacks.63.1206(b)(4), 63.1213, 63.6(i), You may request an extension of
63.9(c). the compliance date for up to
one year.63.1206(b)(5)(i)(C).................. You may request to burn hazardous
waste for more than 720 hours
and for purposes other than
testing or pretesting after
making a change in the design or
operation that could affect
compliance with emission
standards and prior to
submitting a revised
Notification of Compliance.63.1206(b)(8)(iii)(B)................ If you elect to conduct
particulate matter CEMS
correlation testing and wish to
have federal particulate matter
and opacity standards and
associated operating limits
waived during the testing, you
must notify the Administrator by
submitting the correlation test
plan for review and approval.63.1206(b)(8)(v)..................... You may request approval to have
the particulate matter and
opacity standards and associated
operating limits and conditions
waived for more than 96 hours
for a correlation test.63.1206(b)(9)........................ Owners and operators of
lightweight aggregate kilns may
request approval of alternative
emission standards for mercury,
semivolatile metal, low volatile
metal, and hydrogen chloride/
chlorine gas under certain
conditions.63.1206(b)(10)....................... Owners and operators of cement
kilns may request approval of
alternative emission standards
for mercury, semivolatile metal,
low volatile metal, and hydrogen
chloride/chlorine gas under
certain conditions.63.1206(b)(14)....................... Owners and operators of
incinerators may elect to comply
with an alternative to the
particulate matter standard.63.1206(b)(15)....................... Owners and operators of cement
and lightweight aggregate kilns
may request to comply with the
alternative to the interim
standards for mercury.63.1206(c)(2)(ii)(C)................. You may request to make changes
to the startup, shutdown, and
malfunction plan.63.1206(c)(5)(i)(C).................. You may request an alternative
means of control to provide
control of combustion system
leaks.63.1206(c)(5)(i)(D).................. You may request other techniques
to prevent fugitive emissions
without use of instantaneous
pressure limits.63.1207(c)(2)........................ You may request to base initial
compliance on data in lieu of a
comprehensive performance test.63.1207(d)(3)........................ You may request more than 60 days
to complete a performance test
if additional time is needed for
reasons beyond your control.63.1207(e)(3), 63.7(h)............... You may request a time extension
if the Administrator fails to
approve or deny your test plan.63.1207(h)(2)........................ You may request to waive current
operating parameter limits
during pretesting for more than
720 hours.63.1207(f)(1)(ii)(D)................. You may request a reduced
hazardous waste feedstream
analysis for organic hazardous
air pollutants if the reduced
analysis continues to be
representative of organic
hazardous air pollutants in your
hazardous waste feedstreams.63.1207(g)(2)(v)..................... You may request to operate under
a wider operating range for a
parameter during confirmatory
performance testing.63.1207(i)........................... You may request up to a one-year
time extension for conducting a
performance test (other than the
initial comprehensive
performance test) to consolidate
testing with other state or
federally-required testing.63.1207(j)(4)........................ You may request more than 90 days
to submit a Notification of
Compliance after completing a
performance test if additional
time is needed for reasons
beyond your control.63.1207(l)(3)........................ After failure of a performance
test, you may request to burn
hazardous waste for more than
720 hours and for purposes other
than testing or pretesting.63.1209(a)(5), 63.8(f)............... You may request: (1) Approval of
alternative monitoring methods
for compliance with standards
that are monitored with a CEMS;
and (2) approval to use a CEMS
in lieu of operating parameter
limits.63.1209(g)(1)........................ You may request approval of: (1)
Alternatives to operating
parameter monitoring
requirements, except for
standards that you must monitor
with a continuous emission
monitoring system (CEMS) and
except for requests to use a
CEMS in lieu of operating
parameter limits; or (2) a
waiver of an operating parameter
limit.63.1209(l)(1)........................ You may request to extrapolate
mercury feedrate limits.63.1209(n)(2)........................ You may request to extrapolate
semivolatile and low volatile
metal feedrate limits.63.1211(d)........................... You may request to use data
compression techniques to record
data on a less frequent basis
than required by Sec. 63.1209.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) Notification of intent to comply (NIC). These procedures apply to sources that have not previously complied with the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, and to sources that previously complied with the NIC requirements of Sec. Sec. 63.1210 and 63.1212(a), which were in effect prior to October 11, 2000, that must make a technology change requiring a Class 1 permit modification to meet the standards of Sec. Sec. 63.1219, 63.1220, and 63.1221.
(1) You must prepare a Notification of Intent to Comply that includes all of the following information:
(i) General information:
(A) The name and address of the owner/operator and the source;
(B) Whether the source is a major or an area source;
(C) Waste minimization and emission control technique(s) being considered;
(D) Emission monitoring technique(s) you are considering;
(E) Waste minimization and emission control technique(s) effectiveness;
(F) A description of the evaluation criteria used or to be used to select waste minimization and/or emission control technique(s); and
(G) A general description of how you intend to comply with the emission standards of this subpart.
(ii) As applicable to each source, information on key activities and estimated dates for these activities that will bring the source into compliance with emission control requirements of this subpart. You must include all of the following key activities and dates in your NIC:
(A) The dates by which you anticipate you will develop engineering designs for emission control systems or process changes for emissions;
(B) The date by which you anticipate you will commit internal or external resources for installing emission control systems or making process changes for emission control, or the date by which you will issue orders for the purchase of component parts to accomplish emission control or process changes.
(C) The date by which you anticipate you will submit construction applications;
(D) The date by which you anticipate you will initiate on-site construction, installation of emission control equipment, or process change;
(E) The date by which you anticipate you will complete on-site construction, installation of emission control equipment, or process change; and
(F) The date by which you anticipate you will achieve final compliance. The individual dates and milestones listed in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(A) through (F) of this section as part of the NIC are not requirements and therefore are not enforceable deadlines; the requirements of paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(A) through (F) of this section must be included as part of the NIC only to inform the public of how you intend to comply with the emission standards of this subpart.
(iii) A summary of the public meeting required under paragraph (c) of this section;
(iv) If you intend to cease burning hazardous waste prior to or on the compliance date, the requirements of paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) and (b)(1)(iii) of this section do not apply. You must include in your NIC a schedule of key dates for the steps to be taken to stop hazardous waste activity at your combustion unit. Key dates include the date for submittal of RCRA closure documents required under subpart G, part 264 or subpart G, part 265 of this chapter.
(2) You must make a draft of the NIC available for public review no later than 30 days prior to the public meeting required under paragraph (c)(1) of this section or no later than 9 months after the effective date of the rule if you intend to cease burning hazardous waste prior to or on the compliance date.
(3) You must submit the final NIC to the Administrator:
(i) Existing units. No later than one year following the effective date of the emission standards of this subpart; or
(ii) New units. No later than 60 days following the informal public meeting.
(c) NIC public meeting and notice. (1) Prior to the submission of the NIC to the permitting agency and:
(1) Prior to the submission of the NIC to the permitting agency and:
(i) Existing units. No later than 10 months after the effective date of the emission standards of this subpart, you must hold at least one informal meeting with the public to discuss the anticipated activities described in the draft NIC for achieving compliance with the emission standards of this subpart. You must post a sign-in sheet or otherwise provide a voluntary opportunity for attendees to provide their names and addresses.
(ii) New units. No earlier than thirty (30) days following notice of the informal public meeting, you must hold at least one informal meeting with the public to discuss the anticipated activities described in the draft NIC for achieving compliance with the emission standards of this subpart. You must post a sign-in sheet or otherwise provide a voluntary opportunity for attendees to provide their names and addresses.
(2) You must submit a summary of the meeting, along with the list of attendees and their addresses developed under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, and copies of any written comments or materials submitted at the meeting, to the Administrator as part of the final NIC, in accordance with paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section;
(3) You must provide public notice of the NIC meeting at least 30 days prior to the meeting and you must maintain, and provide to the Administrator upon request, documentation of the notice. You must provide public notice in all of the following forms:
(i) Newspaper advertisement. You must publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or equivalent jurisdiction of your facility. In addition, you must publish the notice in newspapers of general circulation in adjacent counties or equivalent jurisdiction where such publication would be necessary to inform the affected public. You must publish the notice as a display advertisement.
(ii) Visible and accessible sign. You must post a notice on a clearly marked sign at or near the source. If you place the sign on the site of the hazardous waste combustor, the sign must be large enough to be readable from the nearest spot where the public would pass by the site.
(iii) Broadcast media announcement. You must broadcast a notice at least once on at least one local radio station or television station.
(iv) Notice to the facility mailing list. You must provide a copy of the notice to the facility mailing list in accordance with Sec. 124.10(c)(1)(ix) of this chapter.
(4) You must include all of the following in the notices required under paragraph (c)(3) of this section:
(i) The date, time, and location of the meeting;
(ii) A brief description of the purpose of the meeting;
(iii) A brief description of the source and proposed operations, including the address or a map (e.g., a sketched or copied street map) of the source location;
(iv) A statement encouraging people to contact the source at least 72 hours before the meeting if they need special access to participate in the meeting;
(v) A statement describing how the draft NIC (and final NIC, if requested) can be obtained; and
(vi) The name, address, and telephone number of a contact person for the NIC.
(5) The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to sources that intend to cease burning hazardous waste prior to or on the compliance date.
(d) Notification of compliance. (1) The Notification of Compliance status requirements of Sec. 63.9(h) apply, except that:
(1) The Notification of Compliance status requirements of Sec. 63.9(h) apply, except that:
(i) The notification is a Notification of Compliance, rather than compliance status;
(ii) The notification is required for the initial comprehensive performance test and each subsequent comprehensive and confirmatory performance test; and
(iii) You must postmark the notification before the close of business on the 90th day following completion of relevant compliance demonstration activity specified in this subpart rather than the 60th day as required by Sec. 63.9(h)(2)(ii).
(2) Upon postmark of the Notification of Compliance, the operating parameter limits identified in the Notification of Compliance, as applicable, shall be complied with, the limits identified in the Documentation of Compliance or a previous Notification of Compliance are no longer applicable.
(3) The Notification of Compliance requirements of Sec. 63.1207(j) also apply.[64 FR 53038, Sept. 30, 1999, as amended at 64 FR 63211, Nov. 19, 1999; 65 FR 42301, July 10, 2000; 66 FR 24272, May 14, 2001; 67 FR 6992, Feb. 14, 2002; 70 FR 59552, Oct. 12, 2005; 73 FR 18982, Apr. 8, 2008; 73 FR 64097, Oct. 28, 2008]