The applicable records designated in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section shall be maintained by owners and operators of all affected sources.
(a) Storage vessel records. (1) A list of diisocyanate storage vessels, along with a record of the type of control utilized for each storage vessel.
(1) A list of diisocyanate storage vessels, along with a record of the type of control utilized for each storage vessel.
(2) For storage vessels complying through the use of a carbon adsorption system, paragraphs (a)(2)(i) or (ii), and paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section.
(i) Records of dates and times when the carbon adsorption system is monitored for carbon breakthrough and the monitoring device reading, when the device is monitored in accordance with Sec. 63.1303(a); or
(ii) For affected sources monitoring at an interval no greater than 20 percent of the carbon replacement interval, in accordance with Sec. 63.1303(a)(2), the records listed in paragraphs (a)(2)(ii)(A) and (B) of this section.
(iii) Date when the existing carbon in the carbon adsorption system is replaced with fresh carbon.
(3) For storage vessels complying through the use of a vapor return line, paragraphs (a)(3)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(i) Dates and times when each unloading event occurs and each inspection of the vapor return line for leaks occurs.
(ii) Records of dates and times when a leak is detected in the vapor return line.
(iii) Records of dates and times when a leak is repaired.
(b) Equipment leak records. (1) A list of components in diisocyanate service.
(1) A list of components in diisocyanate service.
(2) For transfer pumps in diisocyanate service, a record of the type of control utilized for each transfer pump and the date of installation.
(3) When a leak is detected as specified in Sec. Sec. 63.1294(b)(2)(ii) and 63.1294(c), the requirements listed in paragraphs (b)(3)(i) and (ii) of this section apply:
(i) Leaking equipment shall be identified in accordance with the requirements in paragraphs (b)(3)(i)(A) and (B) of this section.
(A) A readily visible identification, marked with the equipment identification number, shall be attached to the leaking equipment.
(B) The identification on equipment may be removed after it has been repaired.
(ii) The information in paragraphs (b)(2)(ii)(A) through (G) shall be recorded for leaking components.
(A) The operator identification number and the equipment identification number.
(B) The date the leak was detected and the dates of each attempt to repair the leak.
(C) Repair methods applied in each attempt to repair the leak.
(D) The words ``repair delayed'' and the reason for the delay if a leak is not repaired within 15 calendar days after discovery of the leak.
(E) The expected date of the successful repair of the leak if a leak is not repaired within 15 calendar days.
(F) The date of successful repair of the leak.
(G) The date the identification is removed.
(c) The owner or operator of an affected source subject to Sec. 63.1297 shall maintain a product data sheet for each ABA used which includes the HAP content, in kg of HAP/kg solids (lb HAP/lb solids).
(d) The owner or operator of an affected source subject to Sec. 63.1298 of this subpart shall maintain a product data sheet for each equipment cleaner used which includes the HAP content, in kg of HAP/kg solids (lb HAP/lb solids).
(e) The owner or operator of an affected source following the compliance methods in Sec. 63.1308(b)(1) shall maintain records of each use of a vapor return line during unloading, of any leaks detected during unloading, and of repairs of leaks detected during unloading.
(f) The owner or operator of an affected source subject to Sec. 63.1300 or Sec. 63.1301 of this subpart shall maintain a product data sheet for each compound other than diisocyanates used to flush the mixhead and associated piping during periods of startup or maintenance, which includes the HAP content, in kg of HAP/kg solids (lb HAP/lb solids), of each solvent other than diisocyanates used to flush the mixhead and associated piping during periods of startup or maintenance.
(g) The owner or operator of an affected source subject to Sec. 63.1300 or Sec. 63.1301 of this subpart shall maintain a product data sheet for each mold release agent used that includes the HAP content, in kg of HAP/kg solids (lb HAP/lb solids), of each mold release agent.
(h) Malfunction records. Records shall be kept as specified in paragraphs (h)(1) through (3) of this section for affected sources. Records are not required for emission points that do not require control under this subpart.
(1) In the event that an affected unit fails to meet an applicable standard, record the number of failures. For each failure, record the date, time and duration of the failure.
(2) For each failure to meet an applicable standard, record and retain a list of the affected sources or equipment, an estimate of the volume of each regulated pollutant emitted over any emission limit and a description of the method used to estimate the emissions.
(3) Record actions taken to minimize emissions in accordance with Sec. 63.1290(d) and any corrective actions taken to return the affected unit to its normal or usual manner of operation.[63 FR 53996, Oct. 7, 1998, as amended at 79 FR 48088, Aug. 15, 2014]