Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 40  /  Part 63  /  Sec. 63.1519 Implementation and enforcement.

(a) This subpart can be implemented and enforced by the U.S. EPA, or a delegated authority such as the applicable State, local, or Tribal agency. If the U.S. EPA Administrator has delegated authority to a State, local, or Tribal agency, then that agency, in addition to the U.S. EPA, has the authority to implement and enforce this regulation. Contact the applicable U.S. EPA Regional Office to find out if this subpart is delegated to a State, local, or Tribal agency.

(b) In delegating implementation and enforcement authority of this regulation to a State, local, or Tribal agency under subpart E of this part, the authorities contained in paragraph (c) of this section are retained by the Administrator of U.S. EPA and cannot be transferred to the State, local, or Tribal agency.

(c) The authorities that cannot be delegated to State, local, or Tribal agencies are as specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) Approval of alternatives to the requirements in Sec. Sec. 63.1500 through 63.1501 and 63.1505 through 63.1506.

(2) Approval of major alternatives to test methods for under Sec. 63.7(e)(2)(ii) and (f), as defined in Sec. 63.90, and as required in this subpart.

(3) Approval of major alternatives to monitoring under Sec. 63.8(f), as defined in Sec. 63.90, and as required in this subpart.

(4) Approval of major alternatives to recordkeeping and reporting under Sec. 63.10(f), as defined in Sec. 63.90, and as required in this subpart. [68 FR 37359, June 23, 2003] Sec. 63.1520 [Reserved]

Sec. Table 1 to Subpart RRR of Part 63--Emission Standards for New and

Existing Affected Sources[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR23MR00.010 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR23MR00.011 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR23MR00.012

Sec. Table 2 to Subpart RRR of Part 63--Summary of Operating

Requirements for New and Existing Affected Sources and Emission Units ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Monitor type/operation/

Affected source/emission unit process Operating requirements----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All affected sources and emission units Emission capture and Design and install in accordance with

with an add-on air pollution control collection system. Industrial Ventilation: A Handbook of

device. Recommended Practice; operate in

accordance with OM&M; plan. \b\All affected sources and emission units Charge/feed weight or Operate a device that records the weight

subject to production-based (lb/ton of Production weight. of each charge; Operate in accordance

feed) emission limits \a\. with OM&M; plan. \b\Group 1 furnace, group 2 furnace, in-line Labeling................... Identification, operating parameter

fluxer and scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/ ranges and operating requirements

decoating kiln. posted at affected sources and emission

units; control device temperature and

residence time requirements posted at

scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating

kiln.Aluminum scrap shredder with fabric Bag leak detector or....... Initiate corrective action within 1-hr

filter. of alarm and complete in accordance

with OM&M; plan \b\; operate such that

alarm does not sound more than 5% of

operating time in 6-month period.

COM or..................... Initiate corrective action within 1-hr

of a 6-minute average opacity reading

of 5% or more and complete in

accordance with OM&M; plan. \b\

VE......................... Initiate corrective action within 1-hr

of any observed VE and complete in

accordance with the OM&M; plan. \b\Thermal chip dryer with afterburner...... Afterburner operating Maintain average temperature for each 3-

temperature. hr period at or above average operating

temperature during the performance


Afterburner operation...... Operate in accordance with OM&M; plan.


Feed material.............. Operate using only unpainted aluminum

chips.Scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating Afterburner operating Maintain average temperature for each 3-

kiln with afterburner and lime-injected temperature. hr period at or above average operating

fabric filter. temperature during the performance


Afterburner operation...... Operate in accordance with OM&M; plan.


Bag leak detector or....... Initiate corrective action within 1-hr

of alarm and complete in accordance

with the OM&M; plan; \b\ operate such

that alarm does not sound more than 5%

of operating time in 6-month period.

COM........................ Initiate corrective action within 1-hr

of a 6-minute average opacity reading

of 5% or more and complete in

accordance with the OM&M; plan. \b\

Fabric filter inlet Maintain average fabric filter inlet

temperature. temperature for each 3-hr period at or

below average temperature during the

performance test +14 [deg]C (+25


Lime injection rate........ Maintain free-flowing lime in the feed

hopper or silo at all times for

continuous injection systems; maintain

feeder setting at level established

during the performance test for

continuous injection systems.Sweat furnace with afterburner........... Afterburner operating If a performance test was conducted,

temperature. maintain average temperature for each 3-

hr period at or above average operating

temperature during the performance

test; if a performance test was not

conducted, and afterburner meets

specifications of Sec. 63.1505(f)(1),

maintain average temperature for each 3-

hr period at or above 1600 [deg]F.

Afterburner operation...... Operate in accordance with OM&M; plan.

\b\Dross-only furnace with fabric filter.... Bag leak detector or....... Initiate corrective action within 1-hr

of alarm and complete in accordance

with the OM&M; plan; \b\ operate such

that alarm does not sound more than 5%

of operating time in 6-month period.

COM........................ Initiate corrective action within 1-hr

of a 6-minute average opacity reading

of 5% or more and complete in

accordance with the OM&M; plan. \b\

Feed/charge material....... Operate using only dross as the feed

material.Rotary dross cooler with fabric filter... Bag leak detector or....... Initiate corrective action within 1-hr

of alarm and complete in accordance

with the OM&M; plan; \b\ operate such

that alarm does not sound more than 5%

of operating time in 6-month period.

COM........................ Initiate corrective action within 1-hr

of a 6-minute average opacity reading

of 5% or more and complete in

accordance with the OM&M; plan. \b\In-line fluxer with lime-injected fabric Bag leak detector or....... Initiate corrective action within 1-hr

filter (including those that are part of of alarm and complete in accordance

a secondary aluminum processing unit). with the OM&M; plan; \b\ operate such

that alarm does not sound more than 5%

of operating time in 6-month period.

COM........................ Initiate corrective action within 1-hr

of a 6-minute average opacity reading

of 5% or more and complete in

accordance with the OM&M; plan. \b\

Lime injection rate........ Maintain free-flowing lime in the feed

hopper or silo at all times for

continuous injection systems; maintain

feeder setting at level established

during performance test for continuous

injection systems.

Reactive flux injection Maintain reactive flux injection rate at

rate. or below rate used during the

performance test for each operating

cycle or time period used in the

performance test.In-line fluxer (using no reactive flux Flux materials............. Use no reactive flux.

material).Group 1 furnace with lime-injected fabric Bag leak detector or Initiate corrective action within 1-hr

filter (including those that are part of of alarm; operate such that alarm does

a secondary of aluminum processing not sound more than 5% of operating

unit).. time in 6-month period; complete

corrective action in accordance with

the OM&M; plan. \b\

COM........................ Initiate corrective action within 1-hr

of a 6-minute average opacity reading

of 5% or more; complete corrective

action in accordance with the OM&M;

plan. \b\

Fabric filter inlet Maintain average fabric filter inlet

temperature. temperature for each 3-hour period at

or below average temperature during the

performance test +14 [deg]C (+25


Reactive flux injection Maintain reactive flux injection rate

rate. (kg/Mg) (lb/ton) at or below rate used

during the performance test for each

furnace cycle.

Lime injection rate........ Maintain free-flowing lime in the feed

hopper or silo at all times for

continuous injection systems; maintain

feeder setting at level established at

performance test for continuous

injection systems.

Maintain molten aluminum Operate sidewell furnaces such that the

level. level of molten metal is above the top

of the passage between sidewell and

hearth during reactive flux injection,

unless the hearth is also controlled.

Fluxing in sidewell furnace Add reactive flux only to the sidewell

hearth. of the furnace unless the hearth is

also controlled.Group 1 furnace without add-on controls Reactive flux injection Maintain reactive flux injection rate

(including those that are part of a rate. (kg/Mg) (lb/ton) at or below rate used

secondary aluminum processing unit). during the performance test for each

operating cycle or time period used in

the performance test.

Site-specific monitoring Operate furnace within the range of

plan \c\. charge materials, contaminant levels,

and parameter values established in the

site-specific monitoring plan.

Feed material (melting/ Use only clean charge.

holding furnace).Clean (group 2) furnace.................. Charge and flux materials.. Use only clean charge. Use no reactive

flux.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Thermal chip dryers, scrap dryers/delacquering kilns/decoating kilns, dross-only furnaces, in-line fluxers

and group 1 furnaces including melting/holding furnaces.\b\ OM&M; plan--Operation, maintenance, and monitoring plan.\c\ Site-specific monitoring plan. Owner/operators of group 1 furnaces without control devices must include a

section in their OM&M; plan that documents work practice and pollution prevention measures, including

procedures for scrap inspection, by which compliance is achieved with emission limits and process or feed

parameter-based operating requirements. This plan and the testing to demonstrate adequacy of the monitoring

plan must be developed in coordination with and approved by the permitting authority. [65 FR 15710, Mar. 23, 2000, as amended at 67 FR 79818, Dec. 30, 2002; 69 FR 53984, Sept. 3, 2004]

Sec. Table 3 to Subpart RRR of Part 63--Summary of Monitoring

Requirements for New and Existing Affected Sources and Emission Units ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Monitor type/Operation/

Affected source/Emission unit Process Monitoring requirements----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All affected sources and emission units Emission capture and Annual inspection of all emission

with an add-on air pollution control collection system. capture, collection, and transport

device. systems to ensure that systems continue

to operate in accordance with ACGIH

standards.All affected sources and emission units Feed/charge weight......... Record weight of each feed/charge,

subject to production-based (lb/ton of weight measurement device or other

feed/charge) emission limits \a\. procedure accuracy of 1% \b\; calibrate according to

manufacturers specifications, or at

least once every 6 months.Group 1 furnace, group 2 furnace, in-line Labeling................... Check monthly to confirm that labels are

fluxer, and scrap dryer/delacquering intact and legible.

kiln/decoating kiln.

Aluminum scrap shredder with fabric Bag leak detector or....... Install and operate in accordance with

filter. ``Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection

Guidance'' \c\; record voltage output

from bag leak detector.

COM or..................... Design and install in accordance with PS-

1; collect data in accordance with

subpart A of 40 CFR part 63; determine

and record 6-minute block averages.

VE......................... Conduct and record results of 30-minute

daily test in accordance with Method 9.Thermal chip dryer with afterburner...... Afterburner operating Continuous measurement device to meet

temperature. specifications in Sec. 63.1510(g)(1);

record average temperature for each 15-

minute block; determine and record 3-hr

block averages.

Afterburner operation...... Annual inspection of afterburner

internal parts; complete repairs in

accordance with the OM&M; plan.

Feed/charge material....... Record identity of each feed/charge;

certify feed/charge materials every 6

months.Scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating Afterburner operating Continuous measurement device to meet

kiln with afterburner and lime-injected temperature.. specifications in Sec. 63.1510(g)(1);

fabric filter. record temperature for each 15-minute

block; determine and record 3-hr block


Afterburner operation...... Annual inspection of afterburner

internal parts; complete repairs in

accordance with the OM&M; plan.

Bag leak detector or....... Install and operate in accordance with

``Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection

Guidance \c\; record voltage output

from bag leak detector.

COM........................ Design and Install in accordance with PS-

1; collect data in accordance with

subpart A of 40 CFR part 63; determine

and record 6-minute block averages.

Lime injection rate........ For continuous injection systems,

inspect each feed hooper or silo every

8 hours to verify that lime is free

flowing; record results of each

inspection. If blockage occurs, inspect

every 4 hours for 3 days; return to 8-

hour inspections if corrective action

results in no further blockage during 3-

day period, record feeder setting


Fabric filter inlet Continous measurement device to meet

temperature.. specifications in Sec. 63.1510(h)(2);

record temperatures in 15-minute block

averages; determine and record 3-hr

block averages.Sweat furnace with afterburner........... Afterburner operating Continuous measurement device to meet

temperature. specifications in Sec. 63.1510(g)(1);

record temperatures in 15-minute block

averages; determine and record 3-hr

block averages.

Afterburner operation...... Annual inspection of afterburner

internal parts; complete repairs in

accordance with the OM&M; plan.Dross-only furnace with fabric filter.... Bag leak detector or....... Install and operate in accordance with

``Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection

Guidance'' \c\; record output voltage

from bag leak detector.

COM........................ Design and install in accordance with PS-

1; collect data in accordance with

subpart A of 40 CFR part 63; determine

and record 6-minute block averages.

Feed/charge material....... Record identity of each feed/charge;

certify charge materials every 6

months.Rotary dross cooler with fabric filter... Bag leak detector or....... Install and operate in accordance with

``Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection

Guidance'' \c\; record output voltage

from bag leak detector.

COM........................ Design and install in accordance with PS-

1; collect data in accordance with

subpart A of 40 CFR part 63; determine

and record 6-minute block averages.In-line fluxer with lime-injected fabric Bag leak detector or....... Install and operate in accordance with

filter. ``Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection

Guidance'' \c\; record output voltage

from bag leak detector.

COM........................ Design and install in accordance with PS-

1; collect data in accordance with

subpart A of 40 CFR part 63; determine

and record 6-minute block averages

Reactive flux injection Weight measurement device accuracy of

rate. 1% \b\; calibrate

according to manufacturer's

specifications or at least once every 6

months; record time, weight and type of

reactive flux added or injected for

each 15-minute block period while

reactive fluxing occurs; calculate and

record total reactive flux injection

rate for each operating cycle or time

period used in performance test; or

Alternative flux injection rate

determination procedure per Sec.


Lime injection rate........ For continuous injection systems, record

feeder setting daily and inspect each

feed hopper or silo every 8 hrs to

verify that lime is free-flowing;

record results of each inspection. If

blockage occurs, inspect every 4 hrs

for 3 days; return to 8-hour

inspections if corrective action

results in no further blockage during 3-

day period. \d\In-line fluxer using no reactive flux.... Flux materials............. Record flux materials; certify every 6

months for no reactive flux.Group 1 furnace with lime-injected fabric Bag leak detector or....... Install and operate in accordance with

filter. ``Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection

Guidance'' \c\; record output voltage

from bag leak detector.

COM........................ Design and install in accordance with PS-

1; collect data in accordance with

subpart A of 40 part CFR 63; determine

and record 6-minute block averages.

Lime injection rate........ For continuous injection systems, record

feeder setting daily and inspect each

feed hopper or silo every 8 hours to

verify that lime is free-flowing;

record results of each inspection. If

blockage occurs, inspect every 4 hours

for 3 days; return to 8-hour

inspections if corrective action

results in no further blockage during 3-

day period. \d\

Reactive flux injection Weight measurement device accuracy of

rate. 1%\b\; calibrate

every 3 months; record weight and type

of reactive flux added or injected for

each 15-minute block period while

reactive fluxing occurs; calculate and

record total reactive flux injection

rate for each operating cycle or time

period used in performance test; or

Alternative flux injection rate

determination procedure per Sec.


Fabric filter inlet Continuous measurement device to meet

temperature. specifications in Sec. 63.1510(h)(2);

record temperatures in 15-minute block

averages; determine and record 3-hour

block averages.

Maintain molten aluminum Maintain aluminum level operating log;

level in sidewell furnace. certify every 6 months.Group 1 furnace without add-on controls.. Fluxing in sidewell furnace Maintain flux addition operating log;

hearth. certify every 6 months.

Reactive flux injection Weight measurement device accuracy of

rate. +1% \b\; calibrate according to

manufacturers specifications or at

least once every six months; record

weight and type of reactive flux added

or injected for each 15-minute block

period while reactive fluxing occurs;

calculate and record total reactive

flux injection rate for each operating

cycle or time period used in

performance test.

OM&M; plan (approved by Demonstration of site-specific

permitting agency). monitoring procedures to provide data

and show correlation of emissions

across the range of charge and flux

materials and furnace operating


Feed material (melting/ Record type of permissible feed/charge

holding furnace). material; certify charge materials

every 6 months.Clean (group 2) furnace.................. Charge and flux materials.. Record charge and flux materials;

certify every 6 months for clean charge

and no reactive flux.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Thermal chip dryers, scrap dryers/delacquering kilns/decoating kilns, dross-only furnaces, in-line fluxers

and group 1 furnaces or melting/holding furnaces.\b\ Permitting agency may approve measurement devices of alternative accuracy, for example in cases where flux

rates are very low and costs of meters of specified accuracy are prohibitive; or where feed/charge weighing

devices of specified accuracy are not practicable due to equipment layout or charging practices.\c\ Non-triboelectric bag leak detectors must be installed and operated in accordance with manufacturers'

specifications.\d\ Permitting agency may approve other alternatives including load cells for lime hopper weight, sensors for

carrier gas pressure, or HCl monitoring devices at fabric filter outlet. [65 FR 15710, Mar. 23, 2000, as amended at 69 FR 53985, Sept. 3, 2004]

Sec. Appendix A to Subpart RRR of Part 63--General Provisions

Applicability to Subpart RRR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Citation Requirement Applies to RRR Comment----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. 63.1(a)(1)-(4)................... General Applicability. Yes. .....................Sec. 63.1(a)(5)....................... ...................... No..................... [Reserved].Sec. 63.1(a)(6)-(8)................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.1(a)(9)....................... ...................... No..................... [Reserved].Sec. 63.1(a) (10)-(14)................ ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.1(b).......................... Initial Applicability Yes.................... EPA retains approval

Determination. authority.Sec. 63.1(c)(1)....................... Applicability After Yes. .....................

Standard Established.

Sec. 63.1(c)(2)....................... ...................... Yes.................... Sec. 63.1500(e)

exempts area sources

subject to this

subpart from the

obligation to obtain

Title V operating

permits.Sec. 63.1(c)(3)....................... ...................... No..................... [Reserved].Sec. 63.1(c)(4)-(5)................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.1(d).......................... ...................... No..................... [Reserved].Sec. 63.1(e).......................... Applicability of Yes. .....................

Permit Program.Sec. 63.2............................. Definitions........... Yes.................... Additional

definitions in Sec.

63.1503.Sec. 63.3............................. Units and Yes.................... .....................

Abbreviations.Sec. 63.4(a)(1)-(3)................... Prohibited Activities. Yes. .....................Sec. 63.4(a)(4)....................... ...................... No..................... [Reserved]Sec. 63.4(a)(5)....................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.4(b)-(c)...................... Circumvention/ Yes. .....................

Severability.Sec. 63.5(a).......................... Construction and Yes. .....................


cability.Sec. 63.5(b)(1)....................... Existing, New, Yes. .....................


Sources--Requirements.Sec. 63.5(b)(2)....................... ...................... No..................... [Reserved].Sec. 63.5(b)(3)-(6)................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.5(c).......................... ...................... No..................... [Reserved].Sec. 63.5(d).......................... Application for Yes. .....................

Approval of


Reconstruction.Sec. 63.5(e).......................... Approval of Yes. .....................


Reconstruction.Sec. 63.5(f).......................... Approval of Yes. .....................


Reconstruction Based

on State Review.Sec. 63.6(a).......................... Compliance with Yes. .....................

Standards and


ility.Sec. 63.6(b)(1)-(5)................... New and Reconstructed Yes. .....................

Sources--Dates.Sec. 63.6(b)(6)....................... ...................... No..................... [Reserved].Sec. 63.6(b)(7)....................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.6(c)(1)....................... Existing Sources Dates Yes.................... Sec. 63.1501

specifies dates.Sec. 63.6(c)(2)....................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.6(c)(3)-(4)................... ...................... No..................... [Reserved].Sec. 63.6(c)(5)....................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.6(d).......................... ...................... No..................... [Reserved].Sec. 63.6(e)(1)-(2)................... Operation & Yes.................... Sec. 63.1510

Maintenance requires plan.

Requirements.Sec. 63.6(e)(3)....................... Startup, Shutdown, and Yes. .....................

Malfunction Plan.Sec. 63.6(f).......................... Compliance with Yes. .....................

Emission Standards.Sec. 63.6(g).......................... Alternative Standard.. No..................... .....................Sec. 63.6(h).......................... Compliance with Yes. .....................

Opacity/VE Standards.Sec. 63.6(i)(1)-(14).................. Extension of Yes. .....................

Compliance.Sec. 63.6(i)(15)...................... ...................... No..................... [Reserved].Sec. 63.6(i)(16)...................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.6(j).......................... Exemption from Yes. .....................

Compliance.Sec. 63.7(a)-(h)...................... Performance Test Yes.................... Except Sec. 63.1511

Requirements- establishes dates

Applicability and for initial

Dates. performance tests.Sec. 63.7(b).......................... Notification.......... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.7(c).......................... Quality Assurance/Test Yes. .....................

Plan.Sec. 63.7(d).......................... Testing Facilities.... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.7(e).......................... Conduct of Tests...... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.7(f).......................... Alternative Test Yes. .....................

Method.Sec. 63.7(g).......................... Data Analysis......... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.7(h).......................... Waiver of Tests....... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.8(a)(1)....................... Monitoring Yes. .....................


bility.Sec. 63.8(a)(2)....................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.8(a)(3)....................... ...................... No..................... [Reserved]Sec. 63.8(a)(4)....................... ...................... Yes.................... .....................Sec. 63.8(b).......................... Conduct of Monitoring. Yes. .....................Sec. 63.8(c)(1)-(3)................... CMS Operation and Yes. .....................

Maintenance.Sec. 63.8(c)(4)-(8)................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.8(d).......................... Quality Control....... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.8(e).......................... CMS Performance Yes. .....................


Sec. 63.8(f)(1)-(5)................... Alternative Monitoring No..................... Sec. 63.1510(w)

Method. includes provisions

for monitoring

alternatives.Sec. 63.8(f)(6)....................... Alternative to RATA Yes. .....................

Test.Sec. 63.8(g)(1)....................... Data Reduction........ Yes. .....................Sec. 63.8(g)(2)....................... ...................... No..................... Sec. 63.1512

requires five 6-

minute averages for

an aluminum scrap

shredder.Sec. 63.8(g)(3)-(5)................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.9(a).......................... Notification Yes. .....................


bility.Sec. 63.9(b).......................... Initial Notifications. Yes. .....................Sec. 63.9(c).......................... Request for Compliance Yes. .....................

Extension.Sec. 63.9(d).......................... New Source Yes. .....................

Notification for

Special Compliance

Requirements.63.9(e)................................. Notification of Yes. .....................

Performance Test.Sec. 63.9(f).......................... Notification of VE/ Yes. .....................

Opacity Test.Sec. 63.9(g).......................... Additional CMS Yes. .....................

Notifications.Sec. 63.9(h)(1)-(3)................... Notification of Yes.................... Except Sec. 63.1515

Compliance Status. establishes dates

for notification of

compliance status

reports.Sec. 63.9(h)(4)....................... ...................... No..................... [Reserved].Sec. 63.9(h)(5)-(6)................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.9(i).......................... Adjustment of Yes. .....................

Deadlines.Sec. 63.9(j).......................... Change in Previous Yes. .....................

Information.Sec. 63.10(a)......................... Recordkeeping/ Yes. .....................


ity.Sec. 63.10(b)......................... General Requirements.. Yes.................... Sec. 63.1517

includes additional

requirements.Sec. 63.10(c)(1)...................... Additional CMS Yes. .....................

Recordkeeping.Sec. 63.10(c)(2)-(4).................. ...................... No..................... [Reserved].Sec. 63.10(c)(5)...................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.10(c)(6)...................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.10(c)(7)-(8).................. ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.10(c)(9)...................... ...................... No..................... [Reserved].Sec. 63.10(c)(10)-(13)................ ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.10(c)(14)..................... ...................... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.10(d)(1)...................... General Reporting Yes. .....................

Requirements.Sec. 63.10(d)(2)...................... Performance Test Yes. .....................

Results.Sec. 63.10(d)(3)...................... Opacity or VE Yes. .....................

Observations.Sec. 63.10(d)(4)-(5).................. Progress Reports/ Yes. .....................

Startup, Shutdown,

and Malfunction

Reports.Sec. 63.10(e)(1)-(2).................. Additional CMS Reports Yes. .....................Sec. 63.10(e)(3)...................... Excess Emissions/CMS Yes.................... Reporting deadline

Performance Reports. given in Sec.

63.1516.Sec. 63.10(e)(4)...................... COMS Data Reports..... Yes. .....................Sec. 63.10(f)......................... Recordkeeping/ Yes. .....................

Reporting Waiver.Sec. 63.11(a)-(b)..................... Control Device No..................... Flares not

Requirements. applicable.Sec. 63.12(a)-(c)..................... State Authority and Yes. EPA retains authority

Delegations. for applicability

determinations.Sec. 63.13............................ Addresses............. Yes. .....................Sec. 63.14............................ Incorporation by Yes.................... Chapters 3 and 5 of

Reference. ACGIH Industrial

Ventilation Manual

for capture/

collection systems;

and Interim

Procedures for

Estimating Risk

Associated with

Exposure to Mixtures

of Chlorinated

Dibenzofurans (CDDs

and CDFs) and 1989

Update (incorporated

by reference in Sec.

63.1502).Sec. 63.15............................ Availability of Yes. .....................


Confidentiality.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [65 FR 15710, Mar. 23, 2000, as amended at 67 FR 59793, Sept. 24, 2002; 67 FR 79818, Dec. 30, 2002; 69 FR 53986, Sept. 3, 2004; 70 FR 75346, Dec. 19, 2005] Subpart SSS [Reserved] Subpart TTT_National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for

Primary Lead Smelting

Source: 64 FR 30204, June 4, 1999, unless otherwise noted.