Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 40  /  Part 63  /  Sec. 63.153 Implementation and enforcement.

(a) This subpart can be implemented and enforced by the U.S. EPA, or a delegated authority such as the applicable State, local, or Tribal agency. If the U.S. EPA Administrator has delegated authority to a State, local, or Tribal agency, then that agency, in addition to the U.S. EPA, has the authority to implement and enforce this subpart. Contact the applicable U.S. EPA Regional Office to find out if implementation and enforcement of this subpart is delegated to a State, local, or Tribal agency.

(b) In delegating implementation and enforcement authority of this subpart to a State, local, or Tribal agency under subpart E of this part, the authorities contained in paragraph (c) of this section are retained by the Administrator of U.S. EPA and cannot be transferred to the State, local, or Tribal agency.

(c) The authorities that cannot be delegated to State, local, or Tribal agencies are as specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) Approval of alternatives to the requirements in Secs. 63.110, 63.112 through 63.113, 63.119, 63.126, 63.132 through 63.140, 63.148 through 63.149, and 63.150(i)(1) through (4). Follow the requirements in Sec. 63.121 to request permission to use an alternative means of emission limitation for storage vessels. Where these standards reference another subpart, the cited provisions will be delegated according to the delegation provisions of the referenced subpart. Where these standards reference another subpart and modify the requirements, the requirements shall be modified as described in this subpart. Delegation of the modified requirements will also occur according to the delegation provisions of the referenced subpart.

(2) Approval of major alternatives to test methods under Sec. 63.7(e)(2)(ii) and (f), as defined in Sec. 63.90, and as required in this subpart.

(3) Approval of major alternatives to monitoring under Sec. 63.8(f), as defined in Sec. 63.90, and as required in this subpart.

(4) Approval of major alternatives to recordkeeping and reporting under Sec. 63.10(f), as defined in Sec. 63.90, and as required in this subpart. [68 FR 37344, June 23, 2003]

Sec. Table 1 to Subpart G of Part 63--Process Vents--Coefficients for

Total Resource Effectiveness for Existing Source Nonhalogenated and

Halogenated Vent Streams ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Values of Coefficients

Type of Stream Control Device ------------------------------------------------------------

Basis a b c d----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nonhalogenated................. Flare............. 1.935 3.660x10-1 -7.687x10-3 -7.333x10-4

Thermal 1.492 6.267x10-2 3.177x10-2 -1.159x10-3

Incinerator 0

Percent Heat


Thermal 2.519 1.183x10-2 1.300x10-2 4.790x10-2

Incinerator 70

Percent Heat

Recovery.Halogenated.................... Thermal 3.995 5.200x10-2 -1.769x10-3 9.700x10-4

Incinerator and

Scrubber.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sec. Table 1A to Subpart G of Part 63--Applicable 40 CFR Part 63 General

Provisions ------------------------------------------------------------------------

40 CFR part 63, subpart A, provisions applicable to subpart G-------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. 63.1(a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(13), (a)(14), (b)(2) and (c)(4)Sec. 63.2Sec. 63.5(a)(1), (a)(2), (b), (d)(1)(ii), (d)(3)(i), (d)(3)(iii)

(1), and (f)(2)Sec. 63.6(a), (b)(3), (c)(5), (i)(1), (i)(2), (i)(4)(i)(A), (i)(5)

(i)(14), (i)(16) and (j)Sec. 63.9(a)(2), (b)(4)(i)\a\, (b)(4)(ii), (b)(4)(iii), (b)(5)\a\, (c),

(d)Sec. 63.10(d)(4)Sec. 63.11 (c), (d), and (e)Sec. 63.12(b)------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ The notifications specified in Sec. 63.9(b)(4)(i) and (b)(5) shall

be submitted at the times specified in 40 CFR part 65. [59 FR 19468, Apr. 22, 1994, as amended at 73 FR 78213, Dec. 22, 2008]

Sec. Table 2 to Subpart G of Part 63--Process Vents--Coefficients for

Total Resource Effectiveness for New Source Nonhalogenated and

Halogenated Vent Streams ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Values of Coefficients

Type of stream Control device ------------------------------------------------------------

basis a b c d----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nonhalogenated................. Flare............. 0.5276 0.0998 -2.096x10-3 -2.000x10-4

Thermal 0.4068 0.0171 8.664x10-3 -3.162x10-4

Incinerator 0

Percent Heat


Thermal 0.6868 3.209x10-3 3.546x10-3 1.306x10-2

Incinerator 70

Percent Heat

Recovery.Halogenated.................... Thermal 1.0895 1.417x10-2 -4.822x10-4 2.645x10-4

Incinerator and


Sec. Table 3 to Subpart G of Part 63--Process Vents--Monitoring,

Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements for Complying With 98 Weight-Percent Reduction of Total Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants Emissions or

a Limit of 20 Parts Per Million by Volume ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Parameters to be monitored Recordkeeping and reporting requirements

Control device \a\ for monitored parameters----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thermal incinerator..................... Firebox temperature \b\ 1. Continuous records. \c\

[63.114(a)(1)(i)]. 2. Record and report the firebox

temperature averaged over the full

period of the performance test--NCS. \d\

3. Record the daily average firebox

temperature for each operating day. \e\

4. Report all daily average temperatures

that are outside the range established

in the NCS or operating permit and all

operating days when insufficient

monitoring data are collected \f\--PR.


Catalytic incinerator................... Temperature upstream and 1. Continuous records.

downstream of the catalyst 2. Record and report the upstream and

bed [63.114(a)(1)(ii)]. downstream temperatures and the

temperature difference across the

catalyst bed averaged over the full

period of the performance test--NCS.

3. Record the daily average upstream

temperature and temperature difference

across the catalyst bed for each

operating day. \e\

4. Report all daily average upstream

temperatures that are outside the range

established in the NCS or operating


5. Report all daily average temperature

differences across the catalyst bed that

are outside the range established in the

NCS or operating permit--PR.

6. Report all operating days when

insufficient monitoring data are

collected. \f\Boiler or process heater with a design Firebox temperature \b\ 1. Continuous records.

heat input capacity less than 44 [63.114(a)(3)]. 2. Record and report the firebox

megawatts and vent stream is not temperature averaged over the full

introduced with or as the primary fuel. period of the performance test--NCS.

3. Record the daily average firebox

temperature for each operating day. \e\

4. Report all daily average firebox

temperatures that are outside the range

established in the NCS or operating

permit and all operating days when

insufficient monitoring data are

collected \f\--PR.Flare................................... Presence of a flame at the 1. Hourly records of whether the monitor

pilot light [63.114(a)(2)]. was continuously operating and whether

the pilot flame was continuously present

during each hour.

2. Record and report the presence of a

flame at the pilot light over the full

period of the compliance determination--


3. Record the times and durations of all

periods when all pilot flames are absent

or the monitor is not operating.

4. Report the times and durations of all

periods when all pilot flames of a flare

are absent--PR.Recapture devices....................... The appropriate monitoring 1. The recordkeeping and reporting

device identified in table requirements for monitored parameters

4 when, in the table, the identified for the appropriate

term ``recapture'' is monitoring device in table 4 of this

substituted for subpart.


[63.114(a)(5)].Scrubber for halogenated vent streams pH of scrubber effluent 1. Continuous records.

(Note: Controlled by a combustion [63.114(a)(4)(i)], and. 2. Record and report the pH of the

device other than a flare). scrubber effluent averaged over the full

period of the performance test--NCS.

3. Record the daily average pH of the

scrubber effluent for each operating

day. \e\

4. Report all daily average pH values of

the scrubber effluent that are outside

the range established in the NCS or

operating permit and all operating days

when insufficient monitoring data are

collected \f\--PR.Scrubber for halogenated vent streams Scrubber liquid and gas 1. Continuous records of scrubber liquid

(Note: Controlled by a combustion flow rates flow rate.

device other than a flare) (Continued). [63.114(a)(4)(ii)]. 2. Record and report the scrubber liquid/

gas ratio averaged over the full period

of the performance test--NCS.

3. Record the daily average scrubber

liquid/gas ratio for each operating day.


4. Report all daily average scrubber

liquid/gas ratios that are outside the

range established in the NCS or

operating permit and all operating days

when insufficient monitoring data are

collected \f\--PR.All control devices..................... Presence of flow diverted 1. Hourly records of whether the flow

to the atmosphere from the indicator was operating and whether

control device diversion was detected at any time

[63.114(d)(1)] or. during each hour.

2. Record and report the times and

durations of all periods when the vent

stream is diverted through a bypass line

or the monitor is not operating--PR.

Monthly inspections of 1. Records that monthly inspections were

sealed valves performed.

[63.114(d)(2)]. 2. Record and report all monthly

inspections that show the valves are

moved to the diverting position or the

seal has been changed--PR.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Regulatory citations are listed in brackets.\b\ Monitor may be installed in the firebox or in the ductwork immediately downstream of the firebox before any

substantial heat exchange is encountered.\c\``Continuous records'' is defined in Sec. 63.111 of this subpart.\d\ NCS=Notification of Compliance Status described in Sec. 63.152 of this subpart.

\e\ The daily average is the average of all recorded parameter values for the operating day. If all recorded

values during an operating day are within the range established in the NCS or operating permit, a statement to

this effect can be recorded instead of the daily average.\f\ The periodic reports shall include the duration of periods when monitoring data is not collected for each

excursion as defined in Sec. 63.152(c)(2)(ii)(A) of this subpart.\g\ PR=Periodic Reports described in Sec. 63.152 of this subpart.

Sec. Table 4 to Subpart G of Part 63--Process Vents--Monitoring,

Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements For Maintaining a TRE Index

Value >1.0 and. <=4.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Parameters to be monitored Recordkeeping and reporting requirements

Final recovery device \a\ for monitored parameters----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Absorber \b\............................ Exit temperature of the 1. Continuous records \c\.

absorbing liquid 2. Record and report the exit temperature

[63.114(b)(1)], and. of the absorbing liquid averaged over

the full period of the TRE

determination--NCS. \d\

3. Record the daily average exit

temperature of the absorbing liquid for

each operating day \e\.

4. Report all the daily average exit

temperatures of the absorbing liquid

that are outside the range established

in the NCS or operating permit--PR \f\.

Exit specific gravity 1. Continuous records.

[63.114(b)(1)]. 2. Record and report the exit specific

gravity averaged over the full period of

the TRE determination--NCS.

3. Record the daily average exit specific

gravity for each operating day \e\.

4. Report all daily average exit specific

gravity values that are outside the

range established in the NCS or

operating permit--PR.Condenser \d\........................... Exit (product side) 1. Continuous records.

temperature [63.114(b)(2)]. 2. Record and report the exit temperature

averaged over the full period of the TRE


3. Record the daily average exit

temperature for each operating day \e\.

4. Report all daily average exit

temperatures that are outside the range

established in the NCS or operating

permit--PR.Carbon adsorber \d\..................... Total regeneration stream 1. Record of total regeneration stream

mass or volumetric flow mass or volumetric flow for each carbon

during carbon bed bed regeneration cycle.

regeneration cycle(s) 2. Record and report the total

[63.114(b)(3)], and. regeneration stream mass or volumetric

flow during each carbon bed regeneration

cycle during the period of the TRE


3. Report all carbon bed regeneration

cycles when the total regeneration

stream mass or volumetric flow is

outside the range established in the NCS

or operating permit--PR.

Temperature of the carbon 1. Records of the temperature of the

bed after regeneration carbon bed after each regeneration.

[and within 15 minutes of 2. Record and report the temperature of

completing any cooling the carbon bed after each regeneration

cycle(s)] [63.114(b)(3)]. during the period of the TRE


3. Report all carbon bed regeneration

cycles during which temperature of the

carbon bed after regeneration is outside

the range established in the NCS or

operating permit--PR.All recovery devices (as an alternative Concentration level or 1. Continuous records.

to the above). reading indicated by an 2. Record and report the concentration

organic monitoring device level or reading averaged over the full

at the outlet of the period of the TRE determination--NCS.

recovery device [63.114


3. Record the daily average concentration

level or reading for each operating day


4. Report all daily average concentration

levels or readings that are outside the

range established in the NCS or

operating permit--PR.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Regulatory citations are listed in brackets.\b\ Alternatively, these devices may comply with the organic monitoring device provisions listed at the end of

this table under ``All Recovery Devices.''\c\ ``Continuous records'' is defined in Sec. 63.111 of this subpart.\d\ NCS = Notification of Compliance Status described in Sec. 63.152 of this subpart.\e\ The daily average is the average of all values recorded during the operating day. If all recorded values

during an operating day are within the range established in the NCS or operating permit, a statement to this

effect can be recorded instead of the daily average.\f\ PR= Periodic Reports described in Sec. 63.152 of this subpart.

Sec. Table 5 to Subpart G of Part 63--Group 1 Storage Vessels at

Existing Sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vessel capacity (cubic meters) Vapor Pressure \1\ (kilopascals)------------------------------------------------------------------------75 <=capacity <151.................... "13.1151 <=capacity........................ "5.2------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Maximum true vapor pressure of total organic HAP at storage


Sec. Table 6 to Subpart G of Part 63--Group 1 Storage Vessels at New

Sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vapor pressure \a\

Vessel capacity (cubic meters) (kilopascals)------------------------------------------------------------------------38 <=capacity<151........................ "13.1151 <=capacity........................... "0.7------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Maximum true vapor pressure of total organic HAP at storage


Sec. Table 7 to Subpart G of Part 63--Transfer Operations--Monitoring,

Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements for Complying With 98 Weight-Percent Reduction of Total Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants Emissions or

a Limit of 20 Parts Per Million by Volume ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Parameters to be monitored Recordkeeping and reporting requirements

Control device \a\ for monitored parameters----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thermal incinerator..................... Firebox temperature \b\ 1. Continuous records \c\ during loading.

[63.127(a)(1)(i)]. 2. Record and report the firebox

temperature averaged over the full

period of the performance test--NCS.\d\

3. Record the daily average firebox

temperature for each operating day \e\

4. Report daily average temperatures that

are outside the range established in the

NCS or operating permit and all

operating days when insufficient

monitoring data are collected \f\--PR

\g\Catalytic incinerator................... Temperature upstream and 1. Continuous records during loading.

downstream of the catalyst 2. Record and report the upstream and

bed [63.127(a)(1)(ii)]. downstream temperatures and the

temperature difference across the

catalyst bed averaged over the full

period of the performance test--NCS.

3. Record the daily average upstream

temperature and temperature difference

across catalyst bed for each operating


4. Report all daily average upstream

temperatures that are outside the range

established in the NCS or operating


5. Report all daily average temperature

differences across the catalyst bed that

are outside the range established in the

NCS or operating permit--PR.

6. Report all operating days when

insufficient monitoring data are

collected.\f\Boiler or process heater with a design Firebox temperature \b\ 1. Continuous records during loading.

heat input capacity less than 44 [63.127(a)(3)]. 2. Record and report the firebox

megawatts and vent stream is not temperature averaged over the full

introduced with or as the primary fuel. period of the performance test--NCS.

3. Record the daily average firebox

temperature for each operating day.\e\

4. Report all daily average firebox

temperatures that are outside the range

established in the NCS or operating

permit and all operating days when

insufficient data are collectedf--PR.Flare................................... Presence of a flame at the 1. Hourly records of whether the monitor

pilot light [63.127(a)(2)]. was continuously operating and whether

the pilot flame was continuously present

during each hour.

2. Record and report the presence of a

flame at the pilot light over the full

period of the compliance determination--


3. Record the times and durations of all

periods when all pilot flames are absent

or the monitor is not operating.

4. Report the duration of all periods

when all pilot flames of a flare are


Scrubber for halogenated vent streams pH of scrubber effluent 1. Continuous records during loading.

(Note: Controlled by a combustion [63.127(a)(4)(i)], and. 2. Record and report the pH of the

device other than a flare). scrubber effluent averaged over the full

period of the performance test--NCS.

3. Record the daily average pH of the

scrubber effluent for each operating


4. Report all daily average pH values of

the scrubber effluent that are outside

the range established in the NCS or

operating permit and all operating days

when insufficient monitoring data are

collected \f\--PR.

Scrubber liquid and gas 1. Continuous records during loading of

flow rates scrubber liquid flow rate.

[63.127(a)(4)(ii)]. 2. Record and report the scrubber liquid/

gas ratio averaged over the full period

of the performance test--NCS.

3. Record the daily average scrubber

liquid/gas ratio for each operating


4. Report all daily average scrubber

liquid/gas ratios that are outside the

range established in the NCS or

operating permit and all operating days

when insufficient monitoring data are

collected \f\--PR.Absorber \h\............................ Exit temperature of the 1. Continuous records during loading.

absorbing liquid 2. Record and report the exit temperature

[63.127(b)(1)], and. of the absorbing liquid averaged over

the full period of the performance test--


3. Record the daily average exit

temperature of the absorbing liquid for

each operating day.\e\

4. Report all daily average exit

temperatures of the absorbing liquid

that are outside the range established

in the NCS or operating permit and all

operating days when insufficient

monitoring data are collected \f\--PR.

Exit specific gravity 1. Continuous records during loading.

[63.127(b)(1)]. 2. Record and report the exit specific

gravity averaged over the full period of

the performance test--NCS.

3. Record the daily average exit specific

gravity for each operating day.\e\

4. Report all daily average exit specific

gravity values that are outside the

range established in the NCS or

operating permit and all operating days

when insufficient monitoring data are

collected \f\--PR.Condenser \h\........................... Exit (product side) 1. Continuous records during loading.

temperature [63.127(b)(2)]. 2. Record and report the exit temperature

averaged over the full period of the

performance test--NCS.

3. Record the daily average exit

temperature for each operating day.\e\

4. Report all daily average exit

temperatures that are outside the range

established in the NCS or operating

permit and all operating days when

insufficient monitoring data are

collected \f\--PR.Carbon adsorber \h\..................... Total regeneration stream 1. Record of total regeneration stream

mass or volumetric or mass or volumetric flow for each carbon

volumetric flow during bed regeneration cycle.

carbon bed regeneration 2. Record and report the total

cycle(s) [63.127(b)(3)], regeneration stream mass or volumetric

and. flow during each carbon bed regeneration

cycle during the period of the

performance test--NCS.

3. Report all carbon bed regeneration

cycles when the total regeneration

stream mass or volumetric flow is

outside the range established in the NCS

or operating permit and all operating

days when insufficient monitoring data

are collected \f\--PR.

Temperature of the carbon 1. Records of the temperature of the

bed after regeneration carbon bed after each regeneration.

[and within 15 minutes of 2. Record and report the temperature of

completing any cooling the carbon bed after each regeneration

cycle(s)] [63.127(b)(3)]. during the period of the performance


3. Report all the carbon bed regeneration

cycles during which the temperature of

the carbon bed after regeneration is

outside the range established in the NCS

or operating permit and all operating

days when insufficient monitoring data

are collected \f\--PR.All recovery devices (as an alternative Concentration level or 1. Continuous records during loading.

to the above). reading indicated by an 2. Record and report the concentration

organic monitoring device level or reading averaged over the full

at the outlet of the period of the performance test--NCS.

recovery device


3. Record the daily average concentration

level or reading for each operating


4. Report all daily average concentration

levels or readings that are outside the

range established in the NCS or

operating permit and all operating days

when insufficient monitoring data are

collected \f\--PR.All control devices and vapor balancing Presence of flow diverted 1. Hourly records of whether the flow

systems. to the atmosphere from the indicator was operating and whether a

control device diversion was detected at any time

[63.127(d)(1)] or. during each hour.

2. Record and report the duration of all

periods when the vent stream is diverted

through a bypass line or the monitor is

not operating--PR.

Monthly inspections of 1. Records that monthly inspections were

sealed valves performed.

[63.127(d)(2)]. 2. Record and report all monthly

inspections that show the valves are

moved to the diverting position or the

seal has been changed.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Regulatory citations are listed in brackets.\b\ Monitor may be installed in the firebox or in the ductwork immediately downstream of the firebox before any

substantial heat exchange is encountered.\c\ ``Continuous records'' is defined in Sec. 63.111 of this subpart.\d\ NCS = Notification of Compliance Status described in Sec. 63.152 of this subpart.\e\ The daily average is the average of all recorded parameter values for the operating day. If all recorded

values during an operating day are within the range established in the NCS or operating permit, a statement to

this effect can be recorded instead of the daily average.\f\ The periodic reports shall include the duration of periods when monitoring data are not collected for each

excursion as defined in Sec. 63.152(c)(2)(ii)(A) of this subpart.\g\ PR = Periodic Reports described in Sec. 63.152 of this subpart.\h\ Alternatively, these devices may comply with the organic monitoring device provisions listed at the end of

this table under ``All Recovery Devices.''

Sec. Table 8 to Subpart G of Part 63--Organic HAP's Subject to the

Wastewater Provisions for Process Units at New Sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chemical name CAS No.\a\------------------------------------------------------------------------Allyl chloride...................................... 107051Benzene............................................. 71432Butadiene (1,3-).................................... 106990Carbon disulfide.................................... 75150Carbon tetrachloride................................ 56235Cumene.............................................. 98828Ethylbenzene........................................ 100414Ethyl chloride (Chloroethane)....................... 75003Ethylidene dichloride 75343

(1,1-Dichloroethane).Hexachlorobutadiene................................. 87683Hexachloroethane.................................... 67721Hexane.............................................. 100543Methyl bromide (Bromomethane)....................... 74839Methyl chloride (Chloromethane)..................... 74873Phosgene............................................ 75445Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene)............. 127184Toluene............................................. 108883Trichloroethane (1,1,1-) (Methyl chloroform)........ 71556Trichloroethylene................................... 79016Trimethylpentane (2,2,4-)........................... 540841Vinyl chloride (chloroethylene)..................... 75014Vinylidene chloride 75354

(1,1-Dichloroethylene).Xylene (m-)......................................... 108383Xylene (p-)......................................... 106423------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ CAS numbers refer to the Chemical Abstracts Service registry number

assigned to specific compounds, isomers, or mixtures of compounds.Note. The list of organic HAP's on table 8 is a subset of the list of

organic HAP's on table 9 of this subpart.

Sec. Table 9 to Subpart G of Part 63--Organic HAP's Subject to the Wastewater Provisions for Process Units at New and Existing Sources and

Corresponding Fraction Removed (Fr) Values ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Chemical name No.\a\ Fr------------------------------------------------------------------------Acetaldehyde........................................ 75070 0.95Acetonitrile........................................ 75058 0.62Acetophenone........................................ 98862 0.72

Acrolein............................................ 107028 0.96Acrylonitrile....................................... 107131 0.96Allyl chloride...................................... 107051 0.99Benzene............................................. 71432 0.99Benzyl chloride..................................... 100447 0.99Biphenyl............................................ 92524 0.99Bromoform........................................... 75252 0.99Butadiene (1,3-).................................... 106990 0.99Carbon disulfide.................................... 75150 0.99Carbon tetrachloride................................ 56235 0.99Chlorobenzene....................................... 108907 0.99Chloroform.......................................... 67663 0.99Chloroprene (2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene)................ 126998 0.99Cumene.............................................. 98828 0.99Dichlorobenzene (p-)................................ 106467 0.99Dichloroethane (1,2-) (Ethylene dichloride)......... 107062 0.99Dichloroethyl ether (Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether)....... 111444 0.87Dichloropropene (1,3-).............................. 542756 0.99Diethyl sulfate..................................... 64675 0.90Dimethyl sulfate.................................... 77781 0.53Dimethylaniline (N,N-).............................. 121697 0.99Dimethylhydrazine (1,1-)............................ 57147 0.57Dinitrophenol (2,4-)................................ 51285 0.99Dinitrotoluene (2,4-)............................... 121142 0.38Dioxane (1,4-) (1,4-Diethyleneoxide)................ 123911 0.37Epichlorohydrin(1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane).......... 106898 0.91Ethyl acrylate...................................... 140885 0.99Ethylbenzene........................................ 100414 0.99Ethyl chloride (Chloroethane)....................... 75003 0.99Ethylene dibromide (Dibromomethane)................. 106934 0.99Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether...................... 110714 0.90Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate............. 112072 0.76Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate............ 110496 0.28Ethylene oxide...................................... 75218 0.98Ethylidene dichloride (1,1-Dichloroethane).......... 75343 0.99Hexachlorobenzene................................... 118741 0.99Hexachlorobutadiene................................. 87683 0.99Hexachloroethane.................................... 67721 0.99Hexane.............................................. 110543 0.99Isophorone.......................................... 78591 0.60Methanol............................................ 67561 0.31Methyl bromide (Bromomethane)....................... 74839 0.99Methyl chloride (Chloromethane)..................... 74873 0.99Methyl isobutyl ketone (Hexone)..................... 108101 0.99Methyl methacrylate................................. 80626 0.98Methyl tert-butyl ether............................. 1634044 0.99Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)................ 75092 0.99Naphthalene......................................... 91203 0.99Nitrobenzene........................................ 98953 0.80Nitropropane (2-)................................... 79469 0.98Phosgene............................................ 75445 0.99Propionaldehyde..................................... 123386 0.99Propylene dichloride (1,2-Dichloropropane).......... 78875 0.99Propylene oxide..................................... 75569 0.99Styrene............................................. 100425 0.99Tetrachloroethane (1,1,2,2-)........................ 79345 0.99Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene)............. 127184 0.99Toluene............................................. 108883 0.99Toluidine (o-)...................................... 95534 0.44Trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-)........................... 120821 0.99Trichloroethane (1,1,1-) (Methyl chloroform)........ 71556 0.99Trichloroethane (1,1,2-) (Vinyl trichloride)........ 79005 0.99Trichloroethylene................................... 79016 0.99Trichlorophenol (2,4,5-)............................ 95954 0.96Triethylamine....................................... 121448 0.99Trimethylpentane (2,2,4-)........................... 540841 0.99Vinyl acetate....................................... 108054 0.99Vinyl chloride (Chloroethylene)..................... 75014 0.99Vinylidene chloride (1,1-Dichloroethylene).......... 75354 0.99Xylene (m-)......................................... 108383 0.99Xylene (o-)......................................... 95476 0.99Xylene (p-)......................................... 106423 0.99------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ CAS numbers refer to the Chemical Abstracts Service registry number

assigned to specific compounds, isomers, or mixtures of compounds. [59 FR 19468, Apr. 22, 1994, as amended at 71 FR 76615, Dec. 21, 2006]

Sec. Table 10 to Subpart G of Part 63--Wastewater--Compliance Options

for Wastewater Tanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------



Capacity (m \3\) vapor Control requirements


(kPa)------------------------------------------------------------------------<75........................... ......... Sec. 63.133(a)(1)``75 and <151................. <13.1 Sec. 63.133(a)(1)

''13.1 Sec. 63.133(a)(2)``151......................... <5.2 Sec. 63.133(a)(1)

''5.2 Sec. 63.133(a)(2)------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sec. Table 11 to Subpart G of Part 63--Wastewater--Inspection and

Monitoring Requirements for Waste Management Units ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Frequency of

To comply with Inspection or monitoring inspection or Method

requirement monitoring----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tanks:

63.133(b)(1)................... Inspect fixed roof and all Initially Semi- Visual.

openings for leaks. annually.

63.133(c)...................... Inspect floating roof in See Sec. 63.120 Visual.

(a)(2) and (a)(3).

63.120 (a)(2) and (a)(3).

63.133(d)...................... Measure floating roof seal ...................... See Sec. 63.120

gaps in accordance with (b)(2)(i) through

Secs. 63.120 (b)(2)(i) (b)(4).

through (b)(4).

--Primary seal gaps........ Once every 5 years

Initially Annually.

--Secondary seal gaps......63.133(f) 63.133(g)................ Inspect wastewater tank for Initially Semi- Visual.

control equipment failures annually.

and improper work

practices.Surface impoundments:

63.134(b)(1)................... Inspect cover and all Initially Semi- Visual.

openings for leaks. annually.

63.134(c)...................... Inspect surface impoundment Initially Semi- Visual.

for control equipment annually.

failures and improper work


63.135(b)(1), 63.135(b)(2) (ii) Inspect cover and all Initially Semi- Visual.

openings for leaks. annually.

63.135(d)(1)................... Inspect enclosure and all Initially Semi- Visual.

openings for leaks. annually.

63.135(e)...................... Inspect container for Initially Semi- Visual.

control equipment failures annually.

and improper work

practices.Individual Drain Systems \a\:

63.136(b)(1)................... Inspect cover and all Initially Semi- Visual.

openings to ensure there annually.

are no gaps, cracks, or


63.136(c)...................... Inspect individual drain Initially Semi- Visual.

system for control annually.

equipment failures and

improper work practices.

63.136(e)(1)................... Verify that sufficient Initially Semi- Visual.

water is present to annually.

properly maintain

integrity of water seals.

63.136(e)(2), 63.136(f)(1)..... Inspect all drains using Initially Semi- Visual.

tightly-fitted caps or annually.

plugs to ensure caps and

plugs are in place and

properly installed.

63.136(f)(2)................... Inspect all junction boxes Initially Semi- Visual or smoke test

to ensure covers are in annually. or other means as

place and have no visible specified.

gaps, cracks, or holes.

63.136(f)(3)................... Inspect unburied portion of Initially Semi- Visual.

all sewer lines for cracks annually.

and gaps.Oil-water separators:

63.137(b)(1)................... Inspect fixed roof and all Initially Semi- Visual.

openings for leaks. annually.

63.137(c)...................... Measure floating roof seal Initially \b\......... See 40 CFR

gaps in accordance with 40 60.696(d)(1).

CFR 60.696(d)(1).

--Primary seal gaps........ Once every 5 years....

63.137(c)...................... --Secondary seal gaps...... Initially \b\ Annually

63.137(d)...................... Inspect oil-water separator Initially Semi- Visual.

for control equipment annually.

failures and improper work

practices.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ As specified in Sec. 63.136(a), the owner or operator shall comply with either the requirements of Sec.

63.136 (b) and (c) or Sec. 63.136 (e) and (f).\b\ Within 60 days of installation as specified in Sec. 63.137(c).

Sec. Table 12 to Subpart G of Part 63--Monitoring Requirements for

Treatment Processes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To comply with Parameters to be monitored Frequency Methods----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Required mass removal of Table 8 Appropriate parameters as Appropriate frequency Appropriate methods as

and/or Table 9 compound(s) from specified in Sec. as specified in Sec. specified in Sec.

wastewater treated in a properly 63.143(c) and approved by 63.143 and approved 63.143 and as

operated biological treatment permitting authority. by permitting approved by

unit, Sec. 63.138(f), and Sec. authority. permitting authority.

(i) Steam flow rate; and... Continuously.......... Integrating steam flow

monitoring device

equipped with a

continuous recorder.

(ii) Wastewater feed mass Continuously.......... Liquid flow meter

flow rate; and installed at stripper

influent and equipped

with a continuous


(iii) Wastewater feed Continuously.......... (A) Liquid temperature

temperature; or monitoring device

(iv) Column operating installed at stripper

temperature. influent and equipped

with a continuous or

recorder; or

(B) Liquid temperature

monitoring device

installed in the

column top tray

liquid phase (i.e.,

at the downcomer) and

equipped with a

continuous recorder.3. Other treatment processes or Other parameters may be

alternative monitoring parameters monitored upon approval

to those listed in item 2 of this from the Administrator

table. with the requirements

specified in Sec.


Sec. Table 13 to Subpart G of Part 63--Wastewater--Monitoring

Requirements for Control Devices ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Monitoring equipment Parameters to be

Control Device required monitored Frequency----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All control devices.................. 1. Flow indicator 1. Presence of flow Hourly records of

installed at all diverted from the whether the flow

bypass lines to the control device to the indicator was

atmosphere and atmosphere or. operating and whether

equipped with a diversion was

continuous recorder detected at any time

\b\ or. during each hour

2. Valves sealed closed 2. Monthly inspections Monthly.

with car-seal or lock- of sealed valves.

and-key configuration.Thermal Incinerator.................. Temperature monitoring Firebox temperature.... Continuous.

device installed in

firebox or in ductwork

immediately downstream

of firebox \a\ and

equipped with a

continuous recorder

\b\.Catalytic Incinerator................ Temperature monitoring 1. Temperature upstream Continuous.

device installed in of catalyst bed or.

gas stream immediately 2. Temperature

before and after difference across

catalyst bed and catalyst bed.

equipped with a

continuous recorder

\b\.Flare................................ Heat sensing device Presence of a flame at Hourly records of

installed at the pilot the pilot light. whether the monitor

light and equipped was continuously

with a continuous operating and whether

recorder \a\. the pilot flame was

continuously present

during each hour.

Boiler or process heater <44 Temperature monitoring Combustion temperature. Continuous.

megawatts and vent stream is not device installed in

mixed with the primary fuel. firebox \a\ and

equipped with

continuous recorder

\b\.Condenser............................ Temperature monitoring Condenser exit (product Continuous.

device installed at side) temperature.

condenser exit and

equipped with

continuous recorder

\b\.Carbon adsorber (regenerative)....... Integrating Total regeneration For each regeneration

regeneration stream stream mass or cycle, record the

flow monitoring device volumetric flow during total regeneration

having an accuracy of carbon bed stream mass or

[10 percent, and. regeneration cycle(s). volumetric flow.

Carbon bed temperature Temperature of carbon For each regeneration

monitoring device. bed after regeneration cycle and within 15

[and within 15 minutes minutes of completing

of completing any any cooling cycle,

cooling cycle(s)]. record the carbon bed

temperature.Carbon adsorber (Non-regenerative)... Organic compound Organic compound Daily or at intervals

concentration concentration of no greater than 20

monitoring device.\c\. adsorber exhaust. percent of the design

carbon replacement

interval, whichever is

greater.Alternative monitoring parameters.... Other parameters may be

monitored upon

approval from the

Administrator in

accordance with the

requirements in Sec.

63.143(e)(3).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Monitor may be installed in the firebox or in the ductwork immediately downstream of the firebox before any

substantial heat exchange is encountered.\b\ ``Continuous recorder'' is defined in Sec. 63.111 of this subpart.\c\ As an alternative to conducting this monitoring, an owner or operator may replace the carbon in the carbon

adsorption system with fresh carbon at a regular predetermined time interval that is less than the carbon

replacement interval that is determined by the maximum design flow rate and organic concentration in the gas

stream vented to the carbon adsorption system.

Sec. Tables 14-14b to Subpart G of Part 63 [Reserved] Sec. Table 15 to Subpart G of Part 63--Wastewater--Information on Table

8 and/or Table 9 Compounds To Be Submitted With Notification of Compliance Status for Process Units at New and/or Existing Sources \a b\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Concentration of

Stream table 8 and/or Waste management

Process unit identification identification table 9 Flow rate (lpm) \e Group 1 or Group 2 Compliance Treatment process(es) unit(s) Intended control

code \c\ code compound(s) (ppmw) f\ \g\ approach \h\ identification \i\ identification device

\d e\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


\a\ The information specified in this table must be submitted; however, it may be submitted in any format. This table presents an example format.\b\ Other requirements for the NCS are specified in Sec. 63.152(b) of this subpart.\c\ Also include a description of the process unit (e.g., benzene process unit).\d\ Except when Sec. 63.132(e) is used, annual average concentration as specified in Sec. 63.132 (c) or (d) and Sec. 63.144.\e\ When Sec. 63.132(e) is used, indicate the wastewater stream is a designated Group 1 wastewater stream.\f\ Except when Sec. 63.132(e) is used, annual average flow rate as specified in Sec. 63.132 (c) or (d) and in Sec. 63.144.\g\ Indicate whether stream is Group 1 or Group 2. If Group 1, indica0te whether it is Group 1 for Table 8 or Table 9 compounds or for both Table 8 and Table 9 compounds.\h\ Cite Sec. 63.138 compliance option used.

Sec. Table 16 to Subpart G of Part 63 [Reserved]

Sec. Table 17 to Subpart G of Part 63--Information for Treatment

Processes To Be Submitted With Notification of Compliance Status \a b\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wastewater stream(s) Monitoring parameters

Treatment process identification \c\ Description \d\ treated \e\ \f\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


\a\ The information specified in this table must be submitted; however, it may be submitted in any format. This

table presents an example format.\b\ Other requirements for the Notification of Compliance Status are specified in Sec. 63.152(b) of this

Subpart.\c\ Identification codes should correspond to those listed in Table 15.\d\ Description of treatment process.\e\ Stream identification code for each wastewater stream treated by each treatment unit. Identification codes

should correspond to entries listed in Table 15.\f\ Parameter(s) to be monitored or measured in accordance with Table 12 and Sec. 63.143. Sec. Table 18 to Subpart G of Part 63--Information for Waste Management

Units To Be Submitted With Notification of Compliance Status \a b\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Waste management unit Description \d\ stream(s) received

identification \c\ or managed \e\------------------------------------------------------------------------


\a\ The information specified in this table must be submitted; however,

it may be submitted in any format. This table presents an example

format.\b\ Other requirements for the Notification of Compliance Status are

specified in Sec. 63.152(b) of this Subpart.\c\ Identification codes should correspond to those listed in Table 15.\d\ Description of waste management unit.\e\ Stream identification code for each wastewater stream received or

managed by each waste management unit. Identification codes should

correspond to entries listed in Table 15.

Sec. Table 19 to Subpart G of Part 63--Wastewater--Information on

Residuals To Be Submitted With Notification of Compliance Status \a b\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Control device

Residual Residual Wastewater stream Treatment Fate \g\ identification Control device Control device

identification \c\ description \d\ identification \e\ process \f\ code description \h\ efficiency \i\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


\a\ The information specified in this table must be submitted; however, it may be submitted in any format. This table presents an example format.\b\ Other requirements for the Notification of Compliance Status are specified in Sec. 63.152(b) of this subpart.\c\ Name or identification code of residual removed from Group 1 wastewater stream.\d\ Description of residual (e.g., steam stripper A-13 overhead condensates).\e\ Identification of stream from which residual is removed.\f\ Treatment process from which residual originates.\g\ Indicate whether residual is sold, returned to production process, or returned to waste management unit or treatment process; or whether HAP mass of

residual is destroyed by 99 percent.\h\ If the fate of the residual is such that the HAP mass is destroyed by 99 percent, give description of device used for HAP destruction.\i\ If the fate of the residual is such that the HAP mass is destroyed by 99 percent, provide an estimate of control device efficiency and attach

substantiation in accordance with Sec. 63.146(b)(9) of this subpart.

Sec. Table 20 to Subpart G of Part 63--Wastewater--Periodic Reporting

Requirements for Control Devices Subject to Sec. 63.139 Used To Comply

With Secs. 63.13 Through 63.139 ------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Thermal Incinerator...... Report all daily average \a\ temperatures

that are outside the range established

in the NCS \b\ or operating permit and

all operating days when insufficient

(i) Report all daily average \a\ upstream

temperatures that are outside the range

established in the NCS \b\ or operating


(ii) Report all daily average \a\

temperature differences across the

catalyst bed that are outside the range

established in the NCS \b\ or operating


(iii) Report all operating days when

insufficient monitoring data are

collected.\c\(3) Boiler or Process Heater Report all daily average \a\ firebox

with a design heat input temperatures that are outside the range

capacity less than 44 established in the NCS \b\ or operating

megawatts and vent stream is permit and all operating days when

not mixed with the primary insufficient monitoring data are

fuel. collected.\c\(4) Flare.................... Report the duration of all periods when

all pilot flames are absent.(5) Condenser................ Report all daily average \a\ exit

temperatures that are outside the range

established in the NCS \b\ or operating

permit and all operating days when

insufficient monitoring data are

collected \c\.

(6) Carbon Adsorber (i) Report all carbon bed regeneration

(Regenerative). cycles when the total regeneration

stream mass or volumetric flow is

outside the range established in the NCS

\b\ or operating permit.

(ii) Report all carbon bed regeneration

cycles during which the temperature of

the carbon bed after regeneration is

outside the range established in the NCS

\b\ or operating permit.

(iii) Report all operating days when

insufficient monitoring data are

(i) Report all operating days when

Regenerative). inspections not done according to the

schedule developed as specified in table

13 of this subpart.

(ii) Report all operating days when

carbon has not been replaced at the

frequency specified in table 13 of this

(i) Report the times and durations of all

periods when the vent stream is diverted

through a bypass line or the monitor is

not operating, or

(ii) Report all monthly inspections that

show the valves are moved to the

diverting position or the seal has been

changed.------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ The daily average is the average of all values recorded during the

operating day, as specified in Sec. 63.147(d).\b\ NCS = Notification of Compliance Status described in Sec. 63.152.\c\ The periodic reports shall include the duration of periods when

monitoring data are not collected for each excursion as defined in

Sec. 63.152(c)(2)(ii)(A).

Sec. Table 21 to Subpart G of Part 63--Average Storage Temperature

(Ts) as a Function of Tank Paint Color ------------------------------------------------------------------------



Tank Color Temperature

(Ts)------------------------------------------------------------------------White................................................... TA a = 0Aluminum................................................ TA = 2.5Gray.................................................... TA = 3.5Black................................................... TA = 5.0------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ TA is the average annual ambient temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.

Sec. Table 22 to Subpart G of Part 63--Paint Factors for Fixed Roof

Tanks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tank color Paint factors (Fp)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paint Condition


Roof Shell Good Poor----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------White.......................................... White.................................. 1.00 1.15Aluminum (specular)............................ White.................................. 1.04 1.18White.......................................... Aluminum (specular).................... 1.16 1.24Aluminum (specular)............................ Aluminum (specular).................... 1.20 1.29White.......................................... Aluminum (diffuse)..................... 1.30 1.38Aluminum (diffuse)............................. Aluminum (diffuse)..................... 1.39 1.46White.......................................... Gray................................... 1.30 1.38Light gray..................................... Light gray............................. 1.33 1.44Medium gray.................................... Medium gray............................ 1.40 1.58----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sec. Table 23 to Subpart G of Part 63--Average Clingage Factors (c) \a\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shell condition


Liquid Light Dense Gunite

rust \b\ rust lined------------------------------------------------------------------------Gasoline.................................. 0.0015 0.0075 0.15Single component stocks................... 0.0015 0.0075 0.15Crude oil................................. 0.0060 0.030 0.60------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Units for average clingage factors are barrels per 1,000 square

feet.\b\ If no specific information is available, these values can be assumed

to represent the most common condition of tanks currently in use.

Sec. Table 24 to Subpart G of Part 63--Typical Number of Columns as a

Function of Tank Diameter for Internal Floating Roof Tanks With Column

Supported Fixed Roofs \a\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Typical number of

Tank diameter range (D in feet) columns, (NC)------------------------------------------------------------------------0

Sec. Table 25 to Subpart G of Part 63--Effective Column Diameter

(Fc) ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Column type Fc (feet)------------------------------------------------------------------------9-inch by 7-inch built-up columns................... 1.18-inch-diameter pipe columns........................ 0.7No construction details known....................... 1.0------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sec. Table 26 to Subpart G of Part 63--Seal Related Factors for Internal

Floating Roof Vessels ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Seal type KS n------------------------------------------------------------------------Liquid mounted resilient seal:

Primary seal only........................... 3.0 0

With rim-mounted secondary seal \a\......... 1.6 0Vapor mounted resilient seal:

Primary seal only........................... 6.7 0

With rim-mounted secondary seal \a\......... 2.5 0------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ If vessel-specific information is not available about the secondary

seal, assume only a primary seal is present. Sec. Table 27 to Subpart G of Part 63--Summary of Internal Floating Deck

Fitting Loss Factors (KF) and Typical Number of Fittings

(NF) ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deck fitting loss Typical number of

Deck fitting type factor (KF) \a\ fittings (NF)------------------------------------------------------------------------Access hatch.................... ................. 1.

Bolted cover, gasketed...... 1.6

Unbolted cover, gasketed.... 11

Unbolted cover, ungasketed.. \b\ 25Automatic gauge float well...... ................. 1.

Bolted cover, gasketed........ 5.1

Unbolted cover, gasketed...... 15

Unbolted cover, ungasketed.... \b\ 28Column well..................... ................. (see Table 24).

Builtup column-sliding 33

cover, gasketed.

Builtup column-sliding \b\ 47

cover, ungasketed. 10

Pipe column-flexible fabric 19

sleeve seal.

Pipe column-sliding cover, 32


Pipe column-sliding cover,

ungasketed.Ladder well..................... ................. 1.

Sliding cover, gasketed..... 56

Sliding cover, ungasketed... \b\vRoof leg or hanger well......... ................. (5+D/10+D \2\/600)


Adjustable.................. \b\ 7.9

Fixed....................... 0Sample pipe or well............. ................. 1.

Slotted pipe-sliding cover, 44


Slotted pipe-sliding cover, 57


Sample well-slit fabric \b\

seal, 10 percent open area.Stub drain, 1-in diameter \d\... 1.2 (D \2\/125) \c\.Vacuum breaker.................. ................. 1.

Weighted mechanical \b\7

actuation, gasketed.

Weighted mechanical 0.9

actuation, ungasketed.------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Units for KF are pound-moles per year.\b\ If no specific information is available, this value can be assumed

to represent the most common/typical deck fittings currently used.\c\ D=Tank diameter (feet).\d\ Not used on welded contact internal floating decks.

Sec. Table 28 to Subpart G of Part 63--Deck Seam Length Factors \a\

(SD) for Internal Floating Roof Tanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Typical deck seam

Deck construction length factor------------------------------------------------------------------------Continuous sheet construction \b\:

5-feet wide sheets............................... 0.2

6-feet wide sheets............................... 0.17

7-feet wide sheets............................... 0.14Panel construction \d\:

5 x 7.5 feet rectangular......................... 0.33

5 x 12 feet rectangular.......................... 0.28------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Deck seam loss applies to bolted decks only. Units for S\D\ are feet

per square feet.\b\ SD = 1/W, where W = sheet width (feet).\c\ If no specific information is available, these factors can be

assumed to represent the most common bolted decks currently in use.\d\ SD = (L+W)/LW, where W = panel width (feet), and L = panel length

(feet). Sec. Table 29 to Subpart G of Part 63--Seal Related Factors for External

Floating Roof Vessels ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Welded vessels Riveted

---------------- vessels

Seal type ---------------

KS N KS N------------------------------------------------------------------------Metallic shoe seal:

Primary seal only................... 1.2 1.5 1.3 1.5

With shoe-mounted secondary seal.... 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.2

With rim-mounted secondary seal..... 0.2 1.0 0.2 1.6Liquid mounted resilient seal:

Primary seal only................... 1.1 1.0 \a\ NA NA

With weather shield................. 0.8 0.9 NA NA

With rim-mounted secondary seal..... 0.7 0.4 NA NAVapor mounted resilient seal:

Primary seal only................... 1.2 2.3 NA NA

With weather shield................. 0.9 2.2 NA NA

With rim-mounted secondary seal..... 0.2 2.6 NA NA------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ NA=Not applicable.

Sec. Table 30 to Subpart G of Part 63--Roof Fitting Loss Factors,

KFa, KFb, and m, \a\ and Typical Number of

Fittings, NT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Loss factors \b\


Fitting type and construction KFb (lb-mole/ Typical number of fittings, NT

details KFa (lb-mole/ [mi/hr]\m\- m

yr) yr) (dimensionless)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Access hatch (24-in-diameter well) ............ ............. ............... 1.

Bolted cover, gasketed........ 0 0 \c\ 0

Unbolted cover, ungasketed.... 2.7 7.1 1.0

Unbolted cover, gasketed...... 2.9 0.41 1.0Unslotted guide-pole well (8-in- ............ ............. ............... 1.

diameter unslotted pole, 21-in-

diameter well).

Ungasketed sliding cover...... 0 67 \c\ 0.98

Gasketed sliding cover........ 0 3.0 1.4Slotted guide-pole/sample well (8- ............ ............. ............... (\d\).

in-diameter unslotted pole, 21-in-

diameter well).

Ungasketed sliding cover, 0 310 1.2

without float.

Ungasketed sliding cover, with 0 29 2.0


Gasketed sliding cover, 0 260 1.2

without float.

Gasketed sliding cover, with 0 8.5 1.4

float.Gauge-float well (20-inch ............ ............. ............... 1.


Unbolted cover, ungasketed.... 2.3 5.9 \c\ 1.0

Unbolted cover, gasketed...... 2.4 0.34 1.0

Bolted cover, gasketed........ 0 0 0Gauge-hatch/sample well (8-inch ............ ............. ............... 1.


Weighted mechanical actuation, 0.95 0.14 \c\ 1.0


Weighted mechanical actuation, 0.91 2.4 1.0

ungasketed.Vacuum breaker (10-in-diameter ............ ............. ............... NF6 (Table 31).


Weighted mechanical actuation, 1.2 0.17 \c\ 1.0


Weighted mechanical actuation, 1.2 3.0 1.0

ungasketed.Roof drain (3-in-diameter)........ ............ ............. ............... NF7 (Table 31).

Open.......................... 0 7.0 \e\ 1.4 NF8 (Table 32 \f\).

90 percent closed............. 0.51 0.81 1.0Roof leg (3-in-diameter).......... ............ ............. ............... NF8 (Table 32 \f\).

Adjustable, pontoon area...... 1.5 0.20 \c\ 1.0

Adjustable, center area....... 0.25 0.067 \c\ 1.0

Adjustable, double-deck roofs. 0.25 0.067 1.0

Fixed......................... 0 0 0Roof leg (2\1/2\-in-diameter)..... ............ ............. ............... NF8 (Table 32 \f\).

Adjustable, pontoon area...... 1.7 0 0

Adjustable, center area....... 0.41 0 0

Adjustable, double-deck roofs. 0.41 0 0

Fixed......................... 0 0 0Rim vent (6-in-diameter).......... ............ ............. ............... 1 \g\.

Weighted mechanical actuation, 0.71 0.10 \c\ 1.0


Weighted mechanical actuation, 0.68 1.8 1.0

ungasketed.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ The roof fitting loss factors, KFa, KFb, and m, may only be used for wind speeds from 2 to 15 miles per

hour.\b\ Unit abbreviations are as follows: lb = pound; mi = miles; hr = hour; yr = year.\c\ If no specific information is available, this value can be assumed to represent the most common or typical

roof fittings currently in use.\d\ A slotted guide-pole/sample well is an optional fitting and is not typically used.\e\ Roof drains that drain excess rainwater into the product are not used on pontoon floating roofs. They are,

however, used on double-deck floating roofs and are typically left open.\f\ The most common roof leg diameter is 3 inches. The loss factors for 2\1/2\-inch diameter roof legs are

provided for use if this smaller size roof is used on a particular floating roof.\g\ Rim vents are used only with mechanical-shoe primary seals.

Sec. Table 31 to Subpart G of Part 63--Typical Number of Vacuum

Breakers, NF6 and Roof Drains,\a\ NF7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

No. of vacuum breakers, NF6 No. of roof

-------------------------------- drains, N F7

Tank diameter D (feet) \b\ Double-deck double-deck

Pontoon roof roof roof \c\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------50.............................................................. 1 1 1100............................................................. 1 1 1150............................................................. 2 2 2200............................................................. 3 2 3250............................................................. 4 3 5300............................................................. 5 3 7350............................................................. 6 4 \d\400............................................................. 7 4 \d\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ This table should not supersede information based on actual tank data.\b\ If the actual diameter is between the diameters listed, the closest diameter listed should be used. If the

actual diameter is midway between the diameters listed, the next larger diameter should be used.\c\ Roof drains that drain excess rainwater into the product are not used on pontoon floating roofs. They are,

however, used on double-deck floating roofs, and are typically left open.\d\ For tanks more than 300 feet in diameter, actual tank data or the manufacturer's recommendations may be

needed for the number of roof drains.

Sec. Table 32 to Subpart G of Part 63--Typical Number of Roof Legs,\a\

NF8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pontoon roof

-------------------------------- No. of legs on

Tank diameter D (feet) \b\ No. of pontoon No. of center double-deck

legs legs roof----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30.............................................................. 4 2 640.............................................................. 4 4 750.............................................................. 6 6 860.............................................................. 9 7 1070.............................................................. 13 9 1380.............................................................. 15 10 1690.............................................................. 16 12 20100............................................................. 17 16 25110............................................................. 18 20 29120............................................................. 19 24 34130............................................................. 20 28 40140............................................................. 21 33 46150............................................................. 23 38 52160............................................................. 26 42 58170............................................................. 27 49 66180............................................................. 28 56 74190............................................................. 29 62 82200............................................................. 30 69 90210............................................................. 31 77 98220............................................................. 32 83 107230............................................................. 33 92 115240............................................................. 34 101 127250............................................................. 34 109 138260............................................................. 36 118 149270............................................................. 36 128 162280............................................................. 37 138 173290............................................................. 38 148 186300............................................................. 38 156 200310............................................................. 39 168 213320............................................................. 39 179 226330............................................................. 40 190 240340............................................................. 41 202 255350............................................................. 42 213 270360............................................................. 44 226 285370............................................................. 45 238 300380............................................................. 46 252 315390............................................................. 47 266 330400............................................................. 48 281 345----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ This table should not supersede information based on actual tank data.\b\ If the actual diameter is between the diameters listed, the closest diameter listed should be used. If the

actual diameter is midway between the diameters listed, the next larger diameter should be used.

Sec. Table 33 to Subpart G of Part 63--Saturation Factors ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cargo carrier Mode of operation S factor------------------------------------------------------------------------Tank trucks and rail tank cars... Submerged loading of a 0.50

clean cargo tank.

Submerged loading: 0.60

dedicated normal


Submerged loading: 1.00

dedicated vapor balance


Splash loading of a 1.45

clean cargo tank.

Splash loading: 1.45

dedicated normal


Splash loading: 1.00

dedicated vapor balance

service.------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sec. Table 34 to Subpart G of Part 63--Fraction Measured (Fm)

and Fraction Emitted (Fe) For HAP Compounds in Wastewater

Streams ------------------------------------------------------------------------

CAS Number

Chemical name \a\ Fm Fe------------------------------------------------------------------------Acetaldehyde.......................... 75070 1.00 0.48Acetonitrile.......................... 75058 0.99 0.36Acetophenone.......................... 98862 0.31 0.14Acrolein.............................. 107028 1.00 0.43Acrylonitrile......................... 107131 1.00 0.43Allyl chloride........................ 107051 1.00 0.89Benzene............................... 71432 1.00 0.80Benzyl chloride....................... 100447 1.00 0.47

Biphenyl.............................. 92524 0.86 0.45Bromoform............................. 75252 1.00 0.49Butadiene (1,3-)...................... 106990 1.00 0.98Carbon disulfide...................... 75150 1.00 0.92Carbon tetrachloride.................. 56235 1.00 0.94Chlorobenzene......................... 108907 1.00 0.73Chloroform............................ 67663 1.00 0.78Chloroprene (2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene).. 126998 1.00 0.68Cumene................................ 98828 1.00 0.88Dichlorobenzene (p-).................. 106467 1.00 0.72Dichloroethane (1,2-) (Ethylene 107062 1.00 0.64

dichloride)..........................Dichloroethyl ether (Bis(2-Chloroethyl 111444 0.76 0.21

ether))..............................Dichloropropene (1,3-)................ 542756 1.00 0.76Diethyl sulfate....................... 64675 0.0025 0.11Dimethyl sulfate...................... 77781 0.086 0.079Dimethylaniline (N,N-)................ 121697 0.00080 0.34Dimethylhydrazine (1,1-).............. 57147 0.38 0.054Dinitrophenol (2,4-).................. 51285 0.0077 0.060Dinitrotoluene (2,4-)................. 121142 0.085 0.18Dioxane (1,4-) (1,4-Diethyleneoxide).. 123911 0.87 0.18Epichlorohydrin(1-Chloro-2,3- 106898 0.94 0.35

epoxypropane)........................Ethyl acrylate........................ 140885 1.00 0.48Ethylbenzene.......................... 100414 1.00 0.83Ethyl chloride (Chloroethane)......... 75003 1.00 0.90Ethylene dibromide (Dibromomethane)... 106934 1.00 0.57Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether........ 110714 0.86 0.32Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether 112072 0.043 0.067

acetate..............................Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether 110496 0.093 0.048

acetate..............................Ethylene oxide........................ 75218 1.00 0.50Ethylidene dichloride (1,1- 75343 1.00 0.79

Dichloroethane)......................Hexachlorobenzene..................... 118741 0.97 0.64Hexachlorobutadiene................... 87683 0.88 0.86Hexachloroethane...................... 67721 0.50 0.85Hexane................................ 110543 1.00 1.00Isophorone............................ 78591 0.51 0.11Methanol.............................. 67561 0.85 0.17Methyl bromide (Bromomethane)......... 74839 1.00 0.85Methyl chloride (Chloromethane)....... 74873 1.00 0.84Methyl isobutyl ketone (Hexone)....... 108101 0.98 0.53Methyl methacrylate................... 80626 1.00 0.37Methyl tert-butyl ether............... 1634044 1.00 0.57Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane).. 75092 1.00 0.77Naphthalene........................... 91203 0.99 0.51Nitrobenzene.......................... 98953 0.39 0.23Nitropropane (2-)..................... 79469 0.99 0.44Phosgene.............................. 75445 1.00 0.87Propionaldehyde....................... 123386 1.00 0.41Propylene dichloride (1,2- 78875 1.00 0.72

Dichloropropane).....................Propylene oxide....................... 75569 1.00 0.60Styrene............................... 100425 1.00 0.80Tetrachloroethane (1,1,2,2-).......... 79345 1.00 0.46Tetrachloroethylene 127184 1.00 0.92

(Perchloroethylene)..................Toluene............................... 108883 1.00 0.80Toluidine (o-)........................ 95534 0.15 0.052Trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-)............. 120821 1.00 0.64Trichloroethane (1,1,1-) (Methyl 71556 1.00 0.91

chloroform)..........................Trichloroethane (1,1,2-) (Vinyl 79005 1.00 0.60

Trichloride).........................Trichloroethylene..................... 79016 1.00 0.87Trichlorophenol (2,4,5-).............. 95954 0.11 0.086Triethylamine......................... 121448 1.00 0.38Trimethylpentane (2,2,4-)............. 540841 1.00 1.00Vinyl acetate......................... 108054 1.00 0.59Vinyl chloride (Chloroethylene)....... 75014 1.00 0.97Vinylidene chloride (1,1- 75354 1.00 0.94

Dichloroethylene)....................Xylene (m-)........................... 108383 1.00 0.82Xylene (o-)........................... 95476 1.00 0.79Xylene (p-)........................... 106423 1.00 0.82------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ CAS numbers refer to the Chemical Abstracts Service registry number

assigned to specific compounds, isomers, or mixtures of compounds. [59 FR 19468, Apr. 22, 1994, as amended at 71 FR 76615, Dec. 21, 2006] Sec. Table 35 to Subpart G of Part 63--Control Requirements for Items of

Equipment That Meet the Criteria of Sec. 63.149 of Subpart G ------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) Tightly fitting solid cover

(TFSC); or

(b) TFSC with a vent to either a

process, or to a fuel gas system,

or to a control device meeting the

requirements of Sec. 63.139(c); or

(c) Water seal with submerged

discharge or barrier to protect

(a) TFSC; or

(b) TSFC with a vent to either a

process, or to a fuel gas system,

or to a control device meeting the

requirements of Sec. 63.139(c); or

(c) If the item is vented to the

atmosphere, use a TFSC with a

properly operating water seal at

the entrance or exit to the item to

restrict ventilation in the

collection system. The vent pipe

shall be at least 90 cm in length

and not exceeding 10.2 cm in

(a) TFSC; or

(b) TFSC with a vent to either a

process, or to a fuel gas system,

or to a control device meeting the

requirements of Sec. 63.139(c); or

(c) If the lift station is vented to

the atmosphere, use a TFSC with a

properly operating water seal at

the entrance or exit to the item to

restrict ventilation in the

collection system. The vent pipe

shall be at least 90 cm in length

and not exceeding 10.2 cm in

nominal inside diameter. The lift

station shall be level controlled

to minimize changes in the liquid

(a) TFSC; or

(b) TFSC with a vent to either a

process, or to a fuel gas system,

or to a control device meeting the

requirements of Sec. 63.139(c); or

(c) If the item is vented to the

atmosphere, use a TFSC with a

properly operating water seal at

the entrance or exit to the item to

restrict ventilation in the

collection system. The vent pipe

shall be at least 90 cm in length

and not exceeding 10.2 cm in

nominal inside diameter.Pipe.............................. Each pipe shall have no visible gaps

in joints, seals, or other emission

(a) Equip with a fixed roof and

route vapors to a process or to a

fuel gas system, or equip with a

closed vent system that routes

vapors to a control device meeting

the requirements of Sec.

63.139(c); or

(b) Equip with a floating roof that

meets the equipment specifications

of Sec. 60.693 (a)(1)(i),

(a)(1)(ii), (a)(2), (a)(3), and

(1)(ii), (a)(2), (a)(3), and

(ii), (a)(2), (a)(3), and

(a)(4).Tank \c\.......................... Maintain a fixed roof.\d\ If the

(4).Tank \c\.......................... Maintain a fixed roof.\d\ If the

tank is sparged \e\ or used for

heating or treating by means of an

exothermic reaction, a fixed roof

and a system shall be maintained

that routes the organic hazardous

air pollutants vapors to other

process equipment or a fuel gas

system, or a closed vent system

that routes vapors to a control

device that meets the requirements

of 40 CFR Sec. 63.119 (e)(1) or

(e)(2).------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Where a tightly fitting solid cover is required, it shall be

(2).------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Where a tightly fitting solid cover is required, it shall be

maintained with no visible gaps or openings, except during periods of

sampling, inspection, or maintenance.\b\ Manhole includes sumps and other points of access to a conveyance

system.\c\ Applies to tanks with capacities of 38 m\3\ or greater.\d\ A fixed roof may have openings necessary for proper venting of the

tank, such as pressure/vacuum vent, j-pipe vent.\e\ The liquid in the tank is agitated by injecting compressed air or


Sec. Table 36 to Subpart G of Part 63--Compound Lists Used for

Compliance Demonstrations for Enhanced Biological Treatment Processes

(See Sec. 63.145(h)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

List 1 List 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Acetonitrile........................ Acetaldehyde.Acetophenone........................ Acrolein.Acrylonitrile....................... Allyl Chloride.Biphenyl............................ Benzene.Chlorobenzene....................... Benzyl Chloride,Dichloroethyl Ether................. Bromoform.Diethyl Sulfate..................... Bromomethane.Dimethyl Sulfate.................... Butadiene 1,3.Dimethyl Hydrazine 1,1.............. Carbon Disulfide.Dinitrophenol 2,4................... Carbon TetrachlorideDinitrotoluene 2,4.................. Chloroethane (ethyl chloride).Dioxane 1,4......................... Chloroform.Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl........... Chloroprene.Ether Acetate.......................Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl.......... Cumene (isopropylbenzene).Ether Acetate.......................Ethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether...... Dibromoethane 1,2.Hexachlorobenzene................... Dichlorobenzene 1,4.Isophorone.......................... Dichloroethane 1,2.Methanol............................ Dichloroethane 1,1 (ethylidene dichloride).Methyl Methacrylate................. Dichloroethene 1,1 (vinylidene chloride).Nitrobenzene........................ Dichloropropane 1,2.Toluidine........................... Dichloropropene 1,3.

Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4.............. Dimethylaniline N,N.Trichlorophenol 2,4,6............... Epichlorohydrin.Triethylamine....................... Ethyl Acrylate.


Ethylene Oxide.

Ethylene Dibromide.




Methyl Isobutyl Ketone.

Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether.

Methyl Chloride.

Methylene Chloride (dichloromethane).


Nitropropane 2



Propylene Oxide.


Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2.

TolueneTrichloroethane 1,1,1 (methyl chloroform).

Trichloroethane 1,1,2.


Trimethylpentane 2,2,4.

Vinyl Chloride.

Vinyl Acetate.



Xylene-p.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [59 FR 19468, Apr. 22, 1994, as amended at 71 FR 76615, Dec. 21, 2006]

Sec. Table 37 to Subpart G of Part 63--Default Biorates for List 1

Compounds ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Biorate, K1 L/g

Compound name MLVSS-hr------------------------------------------------------------------------Acetonitrile.......................................... 0.100Acetophenone.......................................... 0.538Acrylonitrile......................................... 0.750Biphenyl.............................................. 5.643Chlorobenzene......................................... 10.000Dichloroethyl ether................................... 0.246Diethyl sulfate....................................... 0.105Dimethyl hydrazine(1,1)............................... 0.227DIMethyl sulfate...................................... 0.178Dinitrophenol 2,4..................................... 0.620Dinitrotoluene(2,4)................................... 0.784Dioxane(1,4).......................................... 0.393Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether........................ 0.364Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate.............. 0.159Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate............... 0.496Hexachlorobenzene..................................... 16.179ISophorone............................................ 0.598Methanol.............................................. 0.200Methyl methacrylate................................... 4.300Nitrobenzene.......................................... 2.300Toluidine (-0)........................................ 0.859Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4................................ 4.393Trichlorophenol 2,4,5................................. 4.477Triethylamine......................................... 1.064------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sec. Figure 1 to Subpart G of Part 63--Definitions of Terms Used in

Wastewater Equations

Main Terms AMR=Actual mass removal of Table 8 and/or Table 9 compounds achieved by treatment process or a series of treatment processes, kg/hr.C=Concentration of Table 8 and/or Table 9 compounds in wastewater, ppmw.CG=Concentration of TOC (minus methane and ethane) or total organic hazardous air pollutants, in vented gas stream, dry basis, ppmv.CGc = Concentration of TOC or organic hazardous air pollutants corrected to 3-percent oxygen, in vented gas stream, dry basis, ppmv.CGS=Concentration of sample compounds in vented gas stream, dry basis, ppmv.E=Removal or destruction efficiency, percent.Fbio = Site-specific fraction of Table 8 and/or Table 9 compounds biodegraded, unitless.f\bio\ = Site-specific fraction of an individual Table 8 or Table 9 compound biodegraded, unitless.Fm=Compound-specific fraction measured factor, unitless (listed in table 34).Fr=Fraction removal value for Table 8 and/or Table 9 compounds, unitless (listed in Table 9).Fravg = Flow-weighted average of the Fr values.i=Identifier for a compound.j=Identifier for a sample.k=Identifier for a run.K2 = Constant, 41.57 * 10-9, (ppm)-1 (gram-mole per standard m \3\) (kg/g), where standard temperature (gram-mole per standard m \3\) is 20 [deg]C.m=Number of samples.M=Mass, kg.MW=Molecular weight, kg/kg-mole.n=Number of compounds.p=Number of runs.%O2d = Concentration of oxygen, dry basis, percent by volume.Q=Volumetric flowrate of wastewater, m \3\/hr.QG=Volumetric flow rate of vented gas stream, dry standard, m \3\/min.QMG=Mass flowrate of TOC (minus methane and ethane) or organic hazardous air pollutants, in vented gas stream, kg/hr.QMW=Mass flowrate of Table 8 and/or Table 9 compounds in wastewater, kg/hr.[rho]=Density, kg/m \3\.RMR=Required mass removal achieved by treatment process or a series of treatment processes, kg/hr.tT = Total time of all runs, hr.

Subscripts a=Entering.b=Exiting.i=Identifier for a compound.j=Identifier for a sample.k=Identifier for a run.m=Number of samples.n=Number of compounds.p=Number of runs.T=Total; sum of individual. [59 FR 19468, Apr. 22, 1994, as amended at 59 FR 29201, June 6, 1994; 61 FR 63629-63630, Dec. 12, 1995; 62 FR 2779, Jan. 17, 1997; 63 FR 67793, Dec. 9, 1998; 64 FR 20195, Apr. 26, 1999; 65 FR 78284, Dec. 14, 2000; 66 FR 6935, Jan. 22, 2001]