(a)(1) If you have an existing non-industrial POTW treatment plant, or a new or reconstructed area source non-industrial POTW treatment plant, you are not required to submit a notification of compliance status. If you have a new or reconstructed non-industrial POTW treatment plant which is a major source of HAP, you must submit to the Administrator a notification of compliance status, signed by the responsible official who must certify its accuracy, attesting to whether your POTW treatment plant has complied with this subpart. This notification must be submitted initially, and each time a notification of compliance status is required under this subpart. At a minimum, the notification must list--
(1) If you have an existing non-industrial POTW treatment plant, or a new or reconstructed area source non-industrial POTW treatment plant, you are not required to submit a notification of compliance status. If you have a new or reconstructed non-industrial POTW treatment plant which is a major source of HAP, you must submit to the Administrator a notification of compliance status, signed by the responsible official who must certify its accuracy, attesting to whether your POTW treatment plant has complied with this subpart. This notification must be submitted initially, and each time a notification of compliance status is required under this subpart. At a minimum, the notification must list--
(i) The methods that were used to determine compliance;
(ii) The results of any monitoring procedures or methods that were conducted;
(iii) The methods that will be used for determining continuing compliance;
(iv) The type and quantity of HAP emitted by your POTW treatment plant;
(v) A description of the air pollution control equipment (or method) for each emission point; and
(vi) Your statement that your POTW treatment plant has complied with this subpart.
(2) You must send this notification before the close of business on the 60th day following the completion of the relevant compliance demonstration activity specified in this subpart.
(b) After you have been issued a title V permit, you must comply with all requirements for compliance status reports contained in your title V permit, including reports required under this subpart. After you have been issued a title V permit, and each time a notification of compliance status is required under this subpart, you must submit the notification of compliance status to the appropriate permitting authority, as described in paragraph (d) of this section, following completion of the relevant compliance demonstration activity specified in this subpart.
(c) You must comply with the delay of repair reporting required in Sec. 63.1588(a)(3).
(d) If your State has not been delegated authority, you must submit reports to your EPA Regional Office. If your State has been delegated authority, you must submit reports to your delegated State authority, and you must send a copy of each report submitted to the State to your EPA Regional Office. Your EPA Regional Office, at its discretion, may waive this requirement for any reports.
(e) You may apply to the Administrator for a waiver of recordkeeping and reporting requirements by complying with the requirements of Sec. 63.10(f) of subpart A of this part.
(f) If you own or operate a control device used to meet the requirements of Sec. 63.1586(a), you must submit the reports required by Sec. 63.697(b) of subpart DD of this part, including a notification of performance tests; a performance test report; a startup, shutdown, and malfunction report; and a summary report.
(g) To comply with the performance standard specified in Sec. 63.1586(b), you must submit, for approval by the Administrator, an initial report explaining your compliance approach 90 days prior to beginning operation of your new or reconstructed POTW. You must also submit a startup, shutdown, and malfunction report. [64 FR 57579, Oct. 26, 1999, as amended at 66 FR 16142, Mar. 23, 2001; 67 FR 64746, Oct. 21, 2002]
General Requirements