(a) If you have an industrial POTW treatment plant or a new or reconstructed non-industrial POTW which is a major source of HAP, and your State has not been delegated authority, you must submit notifications to the appropriate EPA Regional Office. If your State has been delegated authority you must submit notifications to your State and a copy of each notification to the appropriate EPA Regional Office. The Regional Office may waive this requirement for any notifications at its discretion.
(b) You must notify the Administrator in writing no later than 120 calendar days after the effective date of this subpart (or within 120 calendar days after your POTW treatment plant becomes subject to the relevant standard), and you must provide the following information:
(1) Your name and address;
(2) The address (i.e., physical location) of your POTW treatment plant;
(3) An identification of these standards as the basis of the notification and your POTW treatment plant's compliance date; and
(4) A brief description of the nature, size, design, and method of operation of your POTW treatment plant, including its operating design capacity and an identification of each point of emission for each HAP, or if a definitive identification is not yet possible, a preliminary identification of each point of emission for each HAP.
(c) You must notify the Administrator if your data show that you are no longer in continuous compliance. [64 FR 57579, Oct. 26, 1999, as amended at 67 FR 64746, Oct. 21, 2002]