(a) You must meet each emission limit in Table 4 to this subpart that applies to your storage tanks, and you must meet each applicable requirement specified in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section.
(b) [Reserved]
(c) Exceptions to subparts SS and WW of this part 63. (1) If you conduct a performance test or design evaluation for a control device used to control emissions only from storage tanks, you must establish operating limits, conduct monitoring, and keep records using the same procedures as required in subpart SS of this part 63 for control devices used to reduce emissions from process vents instead of the procedures specified in Sec. Sec. 63.985(c), 63.998(d)(2)(i), and 63.999(b)(2).
(1) If you conduct a performance test or design evaluation for a control device used to control emissions only from storage tanks, you must establish operating limits, conduct monitoring, and keep records using the same procedures as required in subpart SS of this part 63 for control devices used to reduce emissions from process vents instead of the procedures specified in Sec. Sec. 63.985(c), 63.998(d)(2)(i), and 63.999(b)(2).
(2) When the term ``storage vessel'' is used in subparts SS and WW of this part 63, the term ``storage tank,'' as defined in Sec. 63.2550 applies for the purposes of this subpart.
(d) Planned routine maintenance. The emission limits in Table 4 to this subpart for control devices used to control emissions from storage tanks do not apply during periods of planned routine maintenance. Periods of planned routine maintenance of each control device, during which the control device does not meet the emission limit specified in Table 4 to this subpart, must not exceed 240 hours per year (hr/yr). You may submit an application to the Administrator requesting an extension of this time limit to a total of 360 hr/yr. The application must explain why the extension is needed, it must indicate that no material will be added to the storage tank between the time the 240-hr limit is exceeded and the control device is again operational, and it must be submitted at least 60 days before the 240-hr limit will be exceeded.
(e) Vapor balancing alternative. As an alternative to the emission limits specified in Table 4 to this subpart, you may elect to implement vapor balancing in accordance with Sec. 63.1253(f), except as specified in paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) When Sec. 63.1253(f)(6)(i) refers to a 90 percent reduction, 95 percent applies for the purposes of this subpart.
(2) To comply with Sec. 63.1253(f)(6)(i), the owner or operator of an offsite cleaning or reloading facility must comply with Sec. Sec. 63.2445 through 63.2550 instead of complying with Sec. 63.1253(f)(7)(ii), except as specified in paragraph (e)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section.
(i) The reporting requirements in Sec. 63.2520 do not apply to the owner or operator of the offsite cleaning or reloading facility.
(ii) As an alternative to complying with the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting provisions in Sec. Sec. 63.2445 through 63.2550, the owner or operator of an offsite cleaning or reloading facility may comply as specified in Sec. 63.2535(a)(2) with any other subpart of this part 63 which has monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting provisions as specified in Sec. 63.2535(a)(2).
(3) You may elect to set a pressure relief device to a value less than the 2.5 pounds per square inch gage pressure (psig) required in Sec. 63.1253(f)(5) if you provide rationale in your notification of compliance status report explaining why the alternative value is sufficient to prevent breathing losses at all times.
(4) You may comply with the vapor balancing alternative in Sec. 63.1253(f) when your storage tank is filled from a barge. All requirements for tank trucks and railcars specified in Sec. 63.1253(f) also apply to barges, except as specified in Sec. 63.2470(e)(4)(i).
(i) When Sec. 63.1253(f)(2) refers to pressure testing certifications, the requirements in 40 CFR 61.304(f) apply for barges.
(ii) [Reserved] [68 FR 63888, Nov. 10, 2003, as amended at 70 FR 38559, July 1, 2005; 71 FR 40335, July 14, 2006]