For each facility meeting the applicability criteria in Sec. 63.2832, you must comply with either the requirements specified in paragraphs (a) through (d), or the requirements in paragraph (e) of this section.
(a)(1) The emission requirements limit the number of gallons of HAP lost per ton of listed oilseeds processed. For each operating month, you must calculate a compliance ratio which compares your actual HAP loss to your allowable HAP loss for the previous 12 operating months as shown in Equation 1 of this section. An operating month, as defined in Sec. 63.2872, is any calendar month in which a source processes a listed oilseed, excluding any entire calendar month in which the source operated under an initial startup period subject to Sec. 63.2850(c)(2) or (d)(2) or a malfunction period subject to Sec. 63.2850(e)(2). Equation 1 of this section follows:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR12AP01.001
(1) The emission requirements limit the number of gallons of HAP lost per ton of listed oilseeds processed. For each operating month, you must calculate a compliance ratio which compares your actual HAP loss to your allowable HAP loss for the previous 12 operating months as shown in Equation 1 of this section. An operating month, as defined in Sec. 63.2872, is any calendar month in which a source processes a listed oilseed, excluding any entire calendar month in which the source operated under an initial startup period subject to Sec. 63.2850(c)(2) or (d)(2) or a malfunction period subject to Sec. 63.2850(e)(2). Equation 1 of this section follows:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR12AP01.001
(2) Equation 1 of this section can also be expressed as a function of total solvent loss as shown in Equation 2 of this section. Equation 2 of this section follows:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR12AP01.002 Where: f = The weighted average volume fraction of HAP in solvent received
during the previous 12 operating months, as determined in
Sec. 63.2854, dimensionless.0.64 = The average volume fraction of HAP in solvent in the baseline
performance data, dimensionless.Actual Solvent Loss = Gallons of actual solvent loss during previous 12
operating months, as determined in Sec. 63.2853.Oilseed = Tons of each oilseed type ``i'' processed during the previous
12 operating months, as shown in Sec. 63.2855.SLF = The corresponding solvent loss factor (gal/ton) for oilseed ``i''
listed in Table 1 of this section, as follows:
Table 1 of Sec. 63.2840--Oilseed Solvent Loss Factors for Determining
Allowable HAP Loss------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oilseed solvent loss
factor (gal/ton)
Type of oilseed process A source that... ---------------------
Existing New
(i) Corn Germ, Wet Milling..... processes corn 0.4 0.3
germ that has
been separated
from other corn
components using
a ``wet''
process of
centrifuging a
slurry steeped
in a dilute
sulfurous acid
solution.(ii) Corn Germ, Dry Milling.... processes corn 0.7 0.7
germ that has
been separated
from the other
corn components
using a ``dry''
process of
chafing and air
sifting.(iii) Cottonseed, Large........ processes 120,000 0.5 0.4
tons or more of
a combination of
cottonseed and
other listed
oilseeds during
all normal
periods in a 12
operating month
period.(iv) Cottonseed, Small......... processes less 0.7 0.4
than 120,000
tons of a
combination of
cottonseed and
other listed
oilseeds during
all normal
periods in a 12
operating month
period.(v) Flax....................... processes flax... 0.6 0.6(vi) Peanuts................... processes peanuts 1.2 0.7(vii) Rapeseed................. processes 0.7 0.3
rapeseed.(viii) Safflower............... processes 0.7 0.7
safflower.(ix) Soybean, Conventional..... uses a 0.2 0.2
desolventizer to
produce crude
soybean oil
products and
soybean animal
feed products.(x) Soybean, Specialty......... uses a special 1.7 1.5
desolventizer to
produce soybean
meal products
for human and
consumption.(xi) Soybean, Combination Plant processes 0.25 0.25
with Low Specialty Production. soybeans in both
specialty and
and the quantity
of soybeans
processed in
during normal
periods is less
than 3.3 percent
of total
processed during
all normal
periods in a 12
operating month
period. The
solvent loss
factor is an
overall value
and applies to
the total
quantity of
processed..(xii) Sunflower................ processes 0.4 0.3
(b) When your source has processed listed oilseed for 12 operating months, calculate the compliance ratio by the end of each calendar month following an operating month using Equation 2 of this section. When calculating your compliance ratio, consider the conditions and exclusions in paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of this section:
(1) If your source processes any quantity of listed oilseeds in a calendar month and the source is not operating under an initial startup period or malfunction period subject to Sec. 63.2850, then you must categorize the month as an operating month, as defined in Sec. 63.2872.
(2) The 12-month compliance ratio may include operating months occurring prior to a source shutdown and operating months that follow after the source resumes operation.
(3) If your source shuts down and processes no listed oilseed for an entire calendar month, then you must categorize the month as a nonoperating month, as defined in Sec. 63.2872. Exclude any nonoperating months from the compliance ratio determination.
(4) If your source is subject to an initial startup period as defined in Sec. 63.2872, exclude from the compliance ratio determination any solvent and oilseed information recorded for the initial startup period.
(5) If your source is subject to a malfunction period as defined in Sec. 63.2872, exclude from the compliance ratio determination any solvent and oilseed information recorded for the malfunction period.
(6) For sources processing cottonseed or specialty soybean, the solvent loss factor you use to determine the compliance ratio may change each operating month depending on the tons of oilseed processed during all normal operating periods in a 12 operating month period.
(c) If the compliance ratio is less than or equal to 1.00, your source was in compliance with the HAP emission requirements for the previous operating month.
(d) To determine the compliance ratio in Equation 2 of this section, you must select the appropriate oilseed solvent loss factor from Table 1 of this section. First, determine whether your source is new or existing using Table 1 of Sec. 63.2833. Then, under the appropriate existing or new source column, select the oilseed solvent loss factor that corresponds to each type oilseed or process operation for each operating month.
(e) Low-HAP solvent option. For all vegetable oil production processes subject to this subpart, you must exclusively use solvent where the volume fraction of each HAP comprises 1 percent or less by volume of the solvent (low-HAP solvent) in each delivery, and you must meet the requirements in paragraphs (e)(1) through (5) of this section. Your vegetable oil production process is not subject to the requirements in Sec. Sec. 63.2850 through 63.2870 unless specifically referenced in paragraphs (e)(1) through (5) of this section.
(1) You shall determine the HAP content of your solvent in accordance with the specifications in Sec. 63.2854(b)(1).
(2) You shall maintain documentation of the HAP content determination for each delivery of the solvent at the facility at all times.
(3) You must submit an initial notification for existing sources in accordance with Sec. 63.2860(a).
(4) You must submit an initial notification for new and reconstructed sources in accordance with Sec. 63.2860(b).
(5) You must submit an annual compliance certification in accordance with Sec. 63.2861(a). The certification should only include the information required under Sec. 63.2861(a)(1) and (2), and a certification indicating whether the source complied with all of the requirements in paragraph (e) of this section.
(f) You may change compliance options for your source if you submit a notice to the Administrator at least 60 days prior to changing compliance options. If your source changes from the low-HAP solvent option to the compliance ratio determination option, you must determine the compliance ratio for the most recent 12 operating months beginning with the first month after changing compliance options. [66 FR 19011, Apr. 12, 2001, as amended at 69 FR 53341, Sept. 1, 2004]
Compliance Requirements