(a) You must satisfy the recordkeeping requirements of this section by the compliance date for your source specified in Table 1 of Sec. 63.2834.
(b) Prepare a plan for demonstrating compliance (as described in Sec. 63.2851) and a SSM plan (as described in Sec. 63.2852). In these two plans, describe the procedures you will follow in obtaining and recording data, and determining compliance under normal operations or a SSM subject to the Sec. 63.2850(c)(2) or (d)(2) initial startup period or the Sec. 63.2850(e)(2) malfunction period. Complete both plans before the compliance date for your source and keep them on-site and readily available as long as the source is operational.
(c) If your source processes any listed oilseed, record the items in paragraphs (c)(1) through (5) of this section:
(1) For the solvent inventory, record the information in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (vii) of this section in accordance with your plan for demonstrating compliance:
(i) Dates that define each operating status period during a calendar month.
(ii) The operating status of your source such as normal operation, nonoperating, initial startup period, malfunction period, or exempt operation for each recorded time interval.
(iii) Record the gallons of extraction solvent in the inventory on the beginning and ending dates of each normal operating period.
(iv) The gallons of all extraction solvent received, purchased, and recovered during each calendar month.
(v) All extraction solvent inventory adjustments, additions or subtractions. You must document the reason for the adjustment and justify the quantity of the adjustment.
(vi) The total solvent loss for each calendar month, regardless of the source operating status.
(vii) The actual solvent loss in gallons for each operating month.
(2) For the weighted average volume fraction of HAP in the extraction solvent, you must record the items in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section:
(i) The gallons of extraction solvent received in each delivery.
(ii) The volume fraction of each HAP exceeding 1 percent by volume in each delivery of extraction solvent.
(iii) The weighted average volume fraction of HAP in extraction solvent received since the end of the last operating month as determined in accordance with Sec. 63.2854(b)(2).
(3) For each type of listed oilseed processed, record the items in paragraphs (c)(3)(i) through (vi) of this section, in accordance with your plan for demonstrating compliance:
(i) The dates that define each operating status period. These dates must be the same as the dates entered for the extraction solvent inventory.
(ii) The operating status of your source such as normal operation, nonoperating, initial startup period, malfunction period, or exempt operation for each recorded time interval. On the log for each type of listed oilseed that is not being processed during a normal operating period, you must record which type of listed oilseed is being processed in addition to the source operating status.
(iii) The oilseed inventory for the type of listed oilseed being processed on the beginning and ending dates of each normal operating period.
(iv) The tons of each type of listed oilseed received at the affected source each normal operating period.
(v) All listed oilseed inventory adjustments, additions or subtractions for normal operating periods. You must document the reason for the adjustment and justify the quantity of the adjustment.
(vi) The tons of each type of listed oilseed processed during each operating month.
(d) After your source has processed listed oilseed for 12 operating months, and you are not operating during an initial startup period as described in Sec. 63.2850(c)(2) or (d)(2), or a malfunction period as described in Sec. 63.2850(e)(2), record the items in paragraphs (d)(1) through (5) of this section by the end of the calendar month following each operating month:
(1) The 12 operating months rolling sum of the actual solvent loss in gallons as described in Sec. 63.2853(c).
(2) The weighted average volume fraction of HAP in extraction solvent received for the previous 12 operating months as described in Sec. 63.2854(b)(3).
(3) The 12 operating months rolling sum of each type of listed oilseed processed at the affected source in tons as described in Sec. 63.2855(c).
(4) A determination of the compliance ratio. Using the values from Sec. Sec. 63.2853, 63.2854, 63.2855, and Table 1 of Sec. 63.2840, calculate the compliance ratio using Equation 2 of Sec. 63.2840.
(5) A statement of whether the source is in compliance with all of the requirements of this subpart. This includes a determination of whether you have met all of the applicable requirements in Sec. 63.2850.
(e) For each SSM event subject to an initial startup period as described in Sec. 63.2850(c)(2) or (d)(2), or a malfunction period as described in Sec. 63.2850(e)(2), record the items in paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this section by the end of the calendar month following each month in which the initial startup period or malfunction period occurred:
(1) A description and date of the SSM event, its duration, and reason it qualifies as an initial startup or malfunction.
(2) An estimate of the solvent loss in gallons for the duration of the initial startup or malfunction period with supporting documentation.
(3) A checklist or other mechanism to indicate whether the SSM plan was followed during the initial startup or malfunction period.