You must conduct a performance test for each drying and curing oven subject to this subpart according to the provisions in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section:
(a) Initially. You must conduct an initial performance test no later than 180 days after the applicable compliance date specified in Sec. 63.2985. The initial performance test is used to demonstrate initial compliance and establish operating parameter limits and ranges to be used to demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission standards.
(b) Every 5 years. You must conduct a performance test every 5 years as part of renewing your 40 CFR part 70 operating permit.
(c) To change your OMM plan. You must conduct a performance test according to the requirements specified in Sec. 63.2992 to change the limit or range for any operating limit specified in your OMM plan established during a previous compliance test.