All terms used in this subpart that are not defined in this section have the meaning given to them in the Clean Air Act (CAA) and in subpart A of this part.
Always-controlled work station means a work station associated with a dryer from which the exhaust is delivered to a control device with no provision for the dryer exhaust to bypass the control device unless there is an interlock to interrupt and prevent continued coating during a bypass. Sampling lines for analyzers, relief valves needed for safety purposes, and periodic cycling of exhaust dampers to ensure safe operation are not considered bypass lines.
Applied means, for the purposes of this subpart, the amount of organic HAP, coating material, or coating solids (as appropriate for the emission standards in Sec. 63.3320(b)) used by the affected source during the compliance period.
As-applied means the condition of a coating at the time of application to a substrate, including any added solvent.
As-purchased means the condition of a coating as delivered to the user.
Capture efficiency means the fraction of all organic HAP emissions generated by a process that is delivered to a control device, expressed as a percentage.
Capture system means a hood, enclosed room, or other means of collecting organic HAP emissions into a closed-vent system that exhausts to a control device.
Car-seal means a seal that is placed on a device that is used to change the position of a valve or damper (e.g., from open to closed) in such a way that the position of the valve or damper cannot be changed without breaking the seal.
Coating material(s) means all inks, varnishes, adhesives, primers, solvents, reducers, and other coating materials applied to a substrate via a web coating line. Materials used to form a substrate are not considered coating materials.
Control device means a device such as a solvent recovery device or oxidizer which reduces the organic HAP in an exhaust gas by recovery or by destruction.
Control device efficiency means the ratio of organic HAP emissions recovered or destroyed by a control device to the total organic HAP emissions that are introduced into the control device, expressed as a percentage.
Day means a 24-consecutive-hour period.
Deviation means any instance in which an affected source, subject to this subpart, or an owner or operator of such a source:
(1) Fails to meet any requirement or obligation established by this subpart including, but not limited to, any emission limitation (including any operating limit) or work practice standard;
(2) Fails to meet any term or condition that is adopted to implement an applicable requirement in this subpart and that is included in the operating permit for any affected source required to obtain such a permit; or
(3) Fails to meet any emission limitation (including any operating limit) or work practice standard in this subpart during start-up, shutdown, or malfunction, regardless of whether or not such failure is permitted by this subpart.
Existing affected source means any affected source the construction or reconstruction of which is commenced on or before September 13, 2000, and has not undergone reconstruction as defined in Sec. 63.2.
Fabric means any woven, knitted, plaited, braided, felted, or non-woven material made of filaments, fibers, or yarns including thread. This term includes material made of fiberglass, natural fibers, synthetic fibers, or composite materials.
Facility means all contiguous or adjoining property that is under common ownership or control, including properties that are separated only by a road or other public right-of-way.
Flexible packaging means any package or part of a package the shape of which can be readily changed. Flexible packaging includes, but is not limited to, bags, pouches, labels, liners and wraps utilizing paper, plastic, film, aluminum foil, metalized or coated paper or film, or any combination of these materials.
Formulation data means data on the organic HAP mass fraction, volatile matter mass fraction, or coating solids mass fraction of a material that is generated by the manufacturer or means other than a test method specified in this subpart or an approved alternative method.
HAP means hazardous air pollutants.
HAP applied means the organic HAP content of all coating materials applied to a substrate by a web coating line at an affected source.
Intermittently-controlled work station means a work station associated with a dryer with provisions for the dryer exhaust to be delivered to or diverted from a control device through a bypass line, depending on the position of a valve or damper. Sampling lines for analyzers, relief valves needed for safety purposes, and periodic cycling of exhaust dampers to ensure safe operation are not considered bypass lines.
Metal coil means a continuous metal strip that is at least 0.15 millimeter (0.006 inch) thick which is packaged in a roll or coil prior to coating. After coating, it may or may not be rewound into a roll or coil. Metal coil does not include metal webs that are coated for use in flexible packaging.
Month means a calendar month or a pre-specified period of 28 days to 35 days to allow for flexibility in recordkeeping when data are based on a business accounting period.
Never-controlled work station means a work station that is not equipped with provisions by which any emissions, including those in the exhaust from any associated dryer, may be delivered to a control device.
New affected source means any affected source the construction or reconstruction of which is commenced after September 13, 2000.
Overall organic HAP control efficiency means the total efficiency of a capture and control system.
Pressure sensitive tape means a flexible backing material with a pressure-sensitive adhesive coating on one or both sides of the backing. Examples include, but are not limited to, duct/duct insulation tape and medical tape.
Research or laboratory equipment means any equipment for which the primary purpose is to conduct research and development into new processes and products where such equipment is operated under the close supervision of technically trained personnel and is not engaged in the manufacture of products for commercial sale in commerce except in a de minimis manner.
Rewind or cutting station means a unit from which substrate is collected at the outlet of a web coating line.
Uncontrolled coating line means a coating line consisting of only never-controlled work stations.
Unwind or feed station means a unit from which substrate is fed to a web coating line.
Web means a continuous substrate (e.g., paper, film, foil) which is flexible enough to be wound or unwound as rolls.
Web coating line means any number of work stations, of which one or more applies a continuous layer of coating material across the entire width or any portion of the width of a web substrate, and any associated curing/drying equipment between an unwind or feed station and a rewind or cutting station.
Work station means a unit on a web coating line where coating material is deposited onto a web substrate.
Emission Standards and Compliance Dates