Terms used in this subpart are defined in the CAA, in 40 CFR 63.2, and in this section as follows:
Add-on control means an air pollution control device, such as a thermal oxidizer or carbon adsorber, that reduces pollution in an air stream by destruction or removal before discharge to the atmosphere.
Adhesive means any chemical substance that is applied for the purpose of bonding two surfaces together.
Aerosol can means any can into which a pressurized aerosol product is packaged.
Aseptic coating means any coating that must withstand high temperature steam, chemicals, or a combination of both used to sterilize food cans prior to filling.
Can body means a formed metal can, excluding the unattached end(s).
Can end means a can part manufactured from metal substrate equal to or thinner than 0.3785 millimeters (mm) (0.0149 inch) for the purpose of sealing the ends of can bodies including nonmetal or composite can bodies.
Capture device means a hood, enclosure, room, floor sweep, or other means of containing or collecting emissions and directing those emissions into an add-on air pollution control device.
Capture efficiency or capture system efficiency means the portion (expressed as a percentage) of the pollutants from an emission source that is delivered to an add-on control device.
Capture system means one or more capture devices intended to collect emissions generated by a coating operation in the use of coatings, both at the point of application and at subsequent points where emissions from the coatings occur, such as flash-off, drying, or curing.
Cleaning material means a solvent used to remove contaminants and other materials such as dirt, grease, oil, and dried or wet coating (e.g., depainting) from a substrate before or after coating application or from equipment associated with a coating operation, such as spray booths, spray guns, racks, tanks, and hangers. Thus, it includes any cleaning material used on substrates or equipment or both.
Coating means a material applied to a substrate for decorative, protective, or functional purposes. Such materials include, but are not limited to, paints, sealants, caulks, inks, adhesives, and maskants. Fusion pastes, ink jet markings, mist solutions, and lubricants, as well as decorative, protective, or functional materials that consist only of protective oils for metal, acids, bases, or any combination of these substances, are not considered coatings for the purposes of this subpart.
Coating operation means equipment used to apply coating to a metal can or end (including decorative tins), or metal crown or closure, and to dry or cure the coating after application. A coating operation always includes at least the point at which a coating is applied and all subsequent points in the affected source where organic HAP emissions from that coating occur. There may be multiple coating operations in an affected source. Coating application with hand-held nonrefillable aerosol containers, touch-up markers, or marking pens is not a coating operation for the purposes of this subpart.
Coating solids means the nonvolatile portion of a coating that makes up the dry film.
Continuous parameter monitoring system (CPMS) means the total equipment that may be required to meet the data acquisition and availability requirements of this subpart; used to sample, condition (if applicable), analyze, and provide a record of coating operation, capture system, or add-on control device parameters.
Controlled coating operation means a coating operation from which some or all of the organic HAP emissions are routed through an emission capture system and add-on control device.
Crowns and closures means steel or aluminum coverings such as bottle caps and jar lids for containers other than can ends.
Decorative tin means a single-walled container, designed to be covered or uncovered that is manufactured from metal substrate equal to or thinner than 0.3785 mm (0.0149 inch) and is normally coated on the exterior surface with decorative coatings. Decorative tins may contain foods but are not hermetically sealed and are not subject to food processing steps such as retort or pasteurization. Interior coatings are not usually applied to protect the metal and contents from chemical interaction.
Deviation means any instance in which an affected source subject to this subpart or an owner or operator of such a source:
(1) Fails to meet any requirement or obligation established by this subpart including but not limited to any emission limit, operating limit, or work practice standard;
(2) Fails to meet any term or condition that is adopted to implement an applicable requirement in this subpart and that is included in the operating permit for any affected source required to obtain such a permit; or
(3) Fails to meet any emission limit, operating limit, or work practice standard in this subpart during startup, shutdown, or malfunction regardless of whether or not such failure is permitted by this subpart.
Drum means a cylindrical metal container with walls of 29 gauge or thicker and a capacity greater than 45.4 liters (12 gal).
Emission limitation means an emission limit, operating limit, or work practice standard.
Enclosure means a structure that surrounds a source of emissions and captures and directs the emissions to an add-on control device.
End coating means the application of end seal compound or repair spray on can ends during manufacturing.
End seal compound means the coating applied onto ends of cans that functions to seal the end(s) of a can to the can body.
Exempt compound means a specific compound that is not considered a VOC due to negligible photochemical reactivity. The exempt compounds are listed in 40 CFR 51.100(s).
Food can means any can manufactured to contain edible products and designed to be hermetically sealed. Does not include decorative tins.
Fusion paste means a material used to attach nozzles and other miscellaneous parts to general line cans.
General line can means any can manufactured to contain inedible products. Does not include aerosol cans or decorative tins.
Ink jet marking means the ink and makeup fluid used for date code and other identification markings on a can for the marking on a can indicating when food in a can has completed the retort process.
Inside spray means a coating sprayed on the interior of a can body to provide a protective film between the can and its contents.
Lubricant means an organic liquid used as a lubricating agent to facilitate the handling and fabrication (e.g., tab making, stamping, or necking) of can bodies or ends.
Manufacturer's formulation data means data on a material (such as a coating) that are supplied by the material manufacturer based on knowledge of the ingredients used to manufacture that material, rather than based on testing of the material with the test methods specified in Sec. 63.3521. Manufacturer's formulation data may include, but are not limited to, information on density, organic HAP content, volatile organic matter content, and coating solids content.
Mass fraction of organic HAP means the ratio of the mass of organic HAP to the mass of a material in which it is contained, expressed as kg of organic HAP per kg of material.
Metal can means a single-walled container manufactured from metal substrate equal to or thinner than 0.3785 mm (0.0149 inch).
Mist solution means a hydrocarbon or aqueous solution used as an application aid with solvent-based or waterborne end seal compounds to prevent compound accumulation on the lining nozzle.
Month means a calendar month or a pre-specified period of 28 days to 35 days to allow for flexibility in recordkeeping when data are based on a business accounting period.
Nonaseptic coating means any coating that is not subjected to high temperature steam, chemicals, or a combination of both to sterilize food cans prior to filling.
One and two-piece draw and iron can means a steel or aluminum can manufactured by the draw and iron process. Includes two-piece beverage cans, two-piece food cans, and one-piece aerosol cans.
One-piece aerosol can means an aerosol can formed by the draw and iron process to which no ends are attached and a valve is placed directly on top.
Organic HAP content means the mass of organic HAP per volume of coating solids for a coating, calculated using Equation 1 of Sec. 63.3521. The organic HAP content is determined for the coating in the condition it is in when received from its manufacturer or supplier and does not account for any alteration after receipt.
Pail means a cylindrical or rectangular metal container with walls of 29 gauge or thicker and a capacity of 7.6 to 45.4 liters (2 to 12 gal) (for example, bucket).
Permanent total enclosure (PTE) means a permanently installed enclosure that meets the criteria of Method 204 of appendix M, 40 CFR part 51, for a PTE and that directs all the exhaust gases from the enclosure to an add-on control device.
Protective oil means an organic material that is applied to metal for the purpose of providing lubrication or protection from corrosion without forming a solid film. This definition of protective oil includes, but is not limited to, lubricating oils, evaporative oils (including those that evaporate completely), and extrusion oils.
Repair spray means a spray coating for post-formed easy-open ends to provide additional protection in the scored areas by covering breaks at the score location or to provide an additional layer of protective coating on the interior of the end for corrosion resistance.
Research or laboratory equipment means any equipment that is being used to conduct research and development of new processes and products, when such equipment is operated under the close supervision of technically trained personnel and is not engaged in the manufacture of final or intermediate products for commercial purposes, except in a de minimis manner.
Responsible official means responsible official as defined in 40 CFR 70.2.
Sheetcoating means a can manufacturing coating process that involves coating of flat metal sheets before they are formed into cans.
Side seam stripe means a coating applied to the interior and/or exterior of the welded or soldered seam of a three-piece can body to protect the exposed metal.
Startup, initial means the first time equipment is brought online in a facility.
Surface preparation means use of a cleaning material on a portion of or all of a substrate. That includes use of a cleaning material to remove dried coating which is sometimes called ``depainting.''
Temporary total enclosure (TTE) means an enclosure constructed for the purpose of measuring the capture efficiency of pollutants emitted from a given source as defined in Method 204 of appendix M, 40 CFR part 51.
Thinner means an organic solvent that is added to a coating after the coating is received from the supplier.
Three-piece aerosol can means a steel aerosol can formed by the three-piece can assembly process manufactured to contain food or nonfood products.
Three-piece can assembly means the process of forming a flat metal sheet into a shaped can body which may include the processes of necking, flanging, beading, and seaming and application of a side seam stripe and/or an inside spray coating.
Three-piece food can means a steel can formed by the three-piece can assembly process manufactured to contain edible products and designed to be hermetically sealed.
Total volatile hydrocarbon (TVH) means the total amount of nonaqueous volatile organic matter determined according to Methods 204 and 204A through 204F of appendix M to 40 CFR part 51 and substituting the term TVH each place in the methods where the term VOC is used. The TVH includes both VOC and non-VOC.
Two-piece beverage can means a two-piece draw and iron can manufactured to contain drinkable liquids such as beer, soft drinks, or fruit juices.
Two-piece food can means a steel or aluminum can manufactured by the draw and iron process and designed to contain edible products other than beverages and to be hermetically sealed.
Uncontrolled coating operation means a coating operation from which none of the organic HAP emissions are routed through an emission capture system and add-on control device.
Volatile organic compound (VOC) means any compound defined as VOC in 40 CFR 51.100(s).
Volume fraction of coating solids means the ratio of the volume of coating solids (also known as volume of nonvolatiles) to the volume of coating; liters of coating solids per liter of coating.
Wastewater means water that is generated in a coating operation and is collected, stored, or treated prior to being discarded or discharged. [68 FR 64446, Nov. 13, 2003, as amended at 71 FR 1384, Jan. 6, 2006]
Sec. Table 1 to Subpart KKKK of Part 63--Emission Limits for New or
Reconstructed Affected Sources
You must comply with the emission limits that apply to your affected source in the following table as required by Sec. 63.3490(a) through (c). ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You must meet the
If you apply surface following organic
coatings to metal cans or Then for all HAP emission limit
metal can parts in this coatings of this in kg HAP/liter
subcategory . . . type . . . solids (lbs HAP/gal
solids): \a b\------------------------------------------------------------------------1. One and two-piece draw a. Two-piece 0.04 (0.31).
and iron can body coating. beverage cans--all 0.06 (0.50).
coatings. 0.08 (0.65).
b. Two-piece food
cans--all coatings.
c. One-piece aerosol
cans--all coatings.2. Sheetcoating............. Sheetcoating........ 0.02 (0.17).3. Three-piece can assembly. a. Inside spray..... 0.12 (1.03).
b. Aseptic side seam 1.48 (12.37).
stripes on food
c. Nonaseptic side 0.72 (5.96).
seam stripes on
food cans.
d. Side seam stripes 1.18 (9.84).
on general line
nonfood cans.
e. Side seam stripes 1.46 (12.14).
on aerosol cans.4. End coating.............. a. Aseptic end seal 0.06 (0.54).
b. Nonaseptic end 0.00 (0.00).
seal compounds.
c. Repair spray 0.64 (5.34).
coatings.------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ If you apply surface coatings of more than one type within any one
subcategory you may calculate an OSEL according to Sec. 63.3531(i).\b\ Rounding differences in specific emission limits are attributable to
unit conversions.
Sec. Table 2 to Subpart KKKK of Part 63--Emission Limits for Existing
Affected Sources
You must comply with the emission limits that apply to your affected source in the following table as required by Sec. 63.3490(a) through (c). ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You must meet the
If you apply surface following organic
coatings to metal cans or Then for all HAP emission limit
metal can parts in this coatings of this in kg HAP/liter
subcategory . . . type . . . solids (lbs HAP/gal
solids): \a b\------------------------------------------------------------------------1. One and two-piece draw a. Two-piece 0.07 (0.59).
and iron can body coating. beverage cans--all 0.06 (0.51).
coatings. 0.12 (0.99).
b. Two-piece food
cans--all coatings.
c. One-piece aerosol
cans--all coatings.2. Sheetcoating............. Sheetcoating........ 0.03 (0.26).3. Three-piece can assembly. a. Inside spray..... 0.29 (2.43).
b. Aseptic side seam 1.94 (16.16).
stripes on food
c. Nonaseptic side 0.79 (6.57).
seam stripes on
food cans.
d. Side seam stripes 1.18 (9.84).
on general line
nonfood cans.
e. Side seam stripes 1.46 (12.14).
on aerosol cans.4. End coating.............. a. Aseptic end seal 0.06 (0.54).
b. Nonaseptic end 0.00 (0.00).
seal compounds.
c. Repair spray 2.06 (17.17).
coatings.------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ If you apply surface coatings of more than one type within any one
subcategory you may calculate an OSEL according to Sec. 63.3531(i).\b\ Rounding differences in specific emission limits are attributable to
unit conversions.
Sec. Table 3 to Subpart KKKK of Part 63--Emission Limits for Affected
Sources Using the Control Efficiency/Outlet Concentration Compliance
You must comply with the emission limits that apply to your affected source in the following table as required by Sec. 63.3490(d). ------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you use the control efficiency/ Then you must comply with one
outlet concentration option to comply of the following by using an
with the emission limitations for any emissions control system to . .
coating operation(s) . . . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. in a new or reconstructed affected a. reduce emissions of total
source. HAP, measured as THC (as
carbon), \a\ by 97 percent; or
b. limit emissions of total
HAP, measured as THC (as
carbon), \a\ to 20 ppmvd at
the control device outlet and
use a PTE.
2. in an existing affected source...... a. reduce emissions of total
HAP, measured as THC (as
carbon), \a\ by 95 percent; or
b. limit emissions of total
HAP, measured as THC (as
carbon), \a\ to 20 ppmvd at
the control device outlet and
use a PTE.------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ You may choose to subtract methane from THC as carbon measurements.
Sec. Table 4 to Subpart KKKK of Part 63--Operating Limits If Using the
Emission Rate With Add-on Controls Option or the Control Efficiency/
Outlet Concentration Compliance Option
If you are required to comply with operating limits by Sec. 63.3492, you must comply with the applicable operating limits in the following table: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
And you must demonstrate
For the following device . . . You must meet the following operating continuous compliance with
limit . . . the operating limit by . . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Thermal oxidizer.................. a. The average combustion temperature in i. Collecting the combustion
each 3-hour block period must not fall temperature data according
below the combustion temperature limit to Sec. 63.3547(c) or Sec.
established according to Sec. 63.3557(c);
63.3546(a) or Sec. 63.3556(a). ii. Reducing the data to 3-
hour block averages; and
iii. Maintaining the 3-hour
block average combustion
temperature at or above the
temperature limit
established according to
Sec. 63.3546(a) or Sec.
63.3556(a).2. Catalytic oxidizer................ a. The average temperature difference i. Collecting the temperature
across the catalyst bed in each 3-hour data according to Sec.
period does not fall below the 63.3547(c) or Sec.
temperature difference limit established 63.3578(c);
according to Sec. 63.3546(b)(2) or Sec. ii. Reducing the data to 3-
63.3556(b)(2); or hour block averages; and
iii. Maintaining the 3-hour
block average temperature
difference at or above the
temperature difference limit
established according to
Sec. 63.3546(b)(2) or Sec.
b. The average temperature measured at the i. Collecting the temperature
inlet to the catalyst bed in each 3-hour data according to Sec.
block period must not fall below the 63.3547(c) or Sec.
limit established according to Sec. 63.3557(c); and
63.3546(b) or Sec. 63.3556(b); and ii. Reducing the data to 3-
hour block averages, and
iii. Maintaining the 3-hour
block average temperature at
the inlet to the catalyst
bed at or above the
temperature limit
established according to
Sec. 63.3546(b) or Sec.
c. Develop and implement an inspection and Maintaining an up-to-date
maintenance plan according to Sec. inspection plan, records of
63.3546(b)(4) or Sec. 63.3556(b)(4). annual catalyst activity
checks, records of monthly
inspections of the oxidizer
system, and records of the
annual internal inspections
of the catalyst bed. If a
problem is discovered during
a monthly or annual
inspection required by Sec.
63.3546(b)(4) or Sec.
63.3556(b)(4), you must take
corrective action as soon as
practicable consistent with
the manufacturer's
recommendations.3. Regenerative oxidizers............ a. Develop and implement a valve Maintaining an up-to-date
inspection plan according to Sec. valve inspection plan. If a
63.3546(c) or Sec. 63.3546(c); and problem is discovered during
either an inspection required by
Sec. 63.3556(c), or Sec.
63.3556(c), you must take
corrective action as soon as
soon as practicable.
b. If you are using a regenerative thermal See all applicable items in
oxidizer, follow the operating limits 1.a of this table.
according to 1.a of this table; or
c. If you are using a regenerative See all applicable items in
catalytic oxidizer, follow the operating 2.a, 2.b, and 2.c of this
limits according to item 2.a of this table.
4. Carbon adsorber................... a. The total regeneration desorbing gas i. Measuring the total
(e.g., steam or nitrogen) mass flow for regeneration desorbing gas
each carbon bed regeneration cycle must (e.g., steam or nitrogen)
not fall below the total regeneration mass flow for each
desorbing gas mass flow limit established regeneration cycle according
according to Sec. 63.3546(d) or Sec. to Sec. 63.3547(d) or Sec.
63.3556(d). 63.3557(d); and
ii. Maintaining the total
regeneration desorbing gas
mass flow at or above the
mass flow limit.
b. The temperature of the carbon bed, i. Measuring the temperature
after completing each regeneration and of the carbon bed, after
any cooling cycle, must not exceed the completing each regeneration
carbon bed temperature limit established and any cooling cycle,
according to Sec. 63.3546(d) or Sec. according to Sec.
63.3556(d). 63.3547(d) or Sec.
63.3557(d); and
ii. Operating the carbon beds
such that each carbon bed is
not returned to service
until completing each
regeneration and any cooling
cycle until the recorded
temperature of the carbon
bed is at or below the
temperature limit.5. Condenser......................... a. The average condenser outlet (product i. Collecting the condenser
side) gas temperature in each 3-hour outlet (product side) gas
period must not exceed the temperature temperature according to
limit established according to Sec. Sec. 63.3547(e) or Sec.
63,3546(e) or Sec. 63.3556(e). 63.3557(e);
ii. Reducing the data to 3-
hour block averages; and
iii. Maintaining the 3-hour
block average gas
temperature at the outlet at
or below the temperature
limit.6. Concentrators, including zeolite a. The average inlet temperature measured i. Collecting the temperature
wheels and rotary carbon absorbers. from the desorption reactivation zone in data including zeolite inlet
each 3-hour block period must not fall temperature according to
below the limit established according to Sec. 63.3547(f)
Sec. 63.3546(f) or Sec. 63.3556(f). ii. Reducing the data to 3-
hour block averages; and
iii. Maintaining the 3-hour
block average temperature at
or above the temperature
b. The indicator of performance for the i. Collecting the indicator
desorption reactivation fan operation in data according to Sec.
each 3-hour block period must not fall 63.3547(f) or Sec.
outside of the range established 63.3557(f); and
according to Sec. 63.3547(f) or Sec. ii. Maintaining the indicator
63.3556(f). data within the range
c. The nominal rotational speed of the i. Collecting the rotational
concentrator in each 3-hour block period speed according to Sec.
must not fall below the speed established 63.3547(f) or Sec.
according to Sec. 63.3546(f) or Sec. 63.3557(f);
63.3556(f). ii. Reducing the speed data
to 3-hour block averages;
iii. Maintaining the 3-hour
block average speed at or
above the rotational speed
d. Develop and implement an inspection and Maintaining an up-to-date
maintenance plan according to Sec. inspection plan, and records
63.3546(f)(3) or Sec. 63.3556(f)(3). of annual adsorbent activity
checks. The results shall be
compared to historical
results and/or results for
new adsorbents. If a problem
is discovered during the
annual inspection required
by Sec. 63.3546(f)(3) or
Sec. 63.3556(f)(3), you
must take corrective action
as soon as practicable
consistent with the
recommendations.7. Emission capture system that is a a. The direction of the air flow at all i. Collecting the direction
PTE according to Sec. 63.3544(a) times must be into the enclosure; and of air of air flow, and
or Sec. 63.3554(a). either either the facial velocity
of air through all natural
draft openings or the
pressure drop across the
enclosure; and
ii. Reducing the data
collected each successive 15-
minute period to 3-hour
block averages according to
Sec. 63.3547(a)(1) and (2)
or Sec. 63.3557(a)(1) and
(2), as applicable; and
iii. Maintaining the 3-hour
block average facial
velocity of air flow through
all natural draft openings
or the pressure drop at or
above the facial velocity
limit or pressure drop
limit, and maintaining the
direction of air flow into
the enclosure at all times.
b. The average facial velocity of air See items 7.a.i and ii of
through all natural draft openings in the this table.
enclosure must be at least 200 feet per
minute; or
c. The pressure drop across the enclosure See items 7.a.i and ii of
must be at least 0.007 inch H20, as this table.
established in Method 204 of appendix M
to 40 CFR part 51.8. Emission capture system that is a. The average gas volumetric flow rate at i. Measuring the gas
not a PTE according to Sec. a location upstream of the control volumetric flow at a
63.3544(a). device, or duct static pressure at a location upstream of the
location upstream (i.e., vacuum side) of control device, or duct
the primary fan in each duct of each static pressure at a
capture device or upstream of the fan location upstream (i.e.,
that is common to multiple capture vacuum side) of the primary
devices in each 3-hour period must not fan in each duct of each
fall below the average volumetric flow capture device upstream or
rate or above the duct static pressure upstream of the fan that is
limit established for that capture device common to multiple capture
in accordance with Sec. 63.3546 or Sec. devices; and
63.3556, as applicable. ii. Reducing the data
collected each successive 15-
minute period to 3-hour
block averages according to
Sec. 63.3547(a)(1) and (2)
or Sec. 63.3557(a)(1) and
(2), as applicable; and
iii. Maintaining the 3-hour
block average gas volumetric
flow rate at a location
upstream of the control
device, or duct static
pressure at a location
upstream (i.e., vacuum side)
of the primary fan in each
duct of each capture device
or upstream of the fan that
is common to multiple
capture devices at or above
the average gas volumetric
flow rate or below the duct
static pressure limit
established in accordance
with the performance test
described in Sec.
63.3546(g).---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [68 FR 64446, Nov. 13, 2003, as amended at 71 FR 1384, Jan. 6, 2006]
Sec. Table 5 to Subpart KKKK of Part 63--Applicability of General
Provisions to Subpart KKKK
You must comply with the applicable General Provisions requirements according to the following table: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Applicable to subpart
Citation Subject KKKK Explanation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. 63.1(a)(1)-(4)................ General Applicability.. Yes....................Sec. 63.1(a)(5).................... [Reserved]............. No.....................Sec. 63.1(a)(6).................... Source Category Listing Yes....................Sec. 63.1(a)(7)-(9)................ [Reserved]............. No.....................Sec. 63.1(a)(10)-(12).............. Timing and Overlap Yes....................
Clarifications.Sec. 63.1(b)(1).................... Initial Applicability Yes.................... Applicability to
Determination. subpart KKKK is also
specified in Sec.
63.3481.Sec. 63.1(b)(2).................... [Reserved]............. No.....................Sec. 63.1(b)(3).................... Applicability Yes....................
Recordkeeping.Sec. 63.1(c)(1).................... Applicability after Yes....................
Standard Established.Sec. 63.1(c)(2)-(3)................ Applicability of Permit No..................... Area sources are not
Program for Area subject to subpart
Sources. KKKK.Sec. 63.1(c)(4)-(5)................ Extensions and Yes....................
Notifications.Sec. 63.1(e)....................... Applicability of Permit Yes....................
Program before
Relevant Standard is
Set.Sec. 63.2.......................... Definitions............ Yes.................... Additional definitions
are specified in Sec.
63.3561.Sec. 63.3(a)-(c)................... Units and Abbreviations Yes....................Sec. 63.4(a)(1)-(5)................ Prohibited Activities.. Yes....................Sec. 63.4(b)-(c)................... Circumvention/ Yes....................
Fragmentation.Sec. 63.5(a)....................... Construction/ Yes....................
Reconstruction.Sec. 63.5(b)(1)-(6)................ Requirements for Yes....................
Existing, Newly
Constructed, and
Reconstructed Sources.Sec. 63.5(d)....................... Application for Yes....................
Approval of
Reconstruction.Sec. 63.5(e)....................... Approval of Yes....................
Sec. 63.5(f)....................... Approval of Yes....................
Reconstruction Based
on Prior State Review.Sec. 63.6(a)....................... Compliance with Yes....................
Standards and
ility.Sec. 63.6(b)(1)-(7)................ Compliance Dates for Yes.................... Section 63.3483
New and Reconstructed specifies the
Sources. compliance dates.Sec. 63.6(c)(1)-(5)................ Compliance Dates for Yes.................... Section 63.3483
Existing Sources. specifies the
compliance dates.Sec. 63.6(e)(1)-(2)................ Operation and Yes....................
Maintenance.Sec. 63.6(e)(3).................... SSMP................... Yes.................... Only sources using an
add-on control device
to comply with the
standard must complete
SSMP.Sec. 63.6(f)(1).................... Compliance Except Yes.................... Applies only to sources
during Startup, using an add-on
Shutdown, and control device to
Malfunction. comply with the
standards.Sec. 63.6(f)(2)-(3)................ Methods for Determining Yes....................
Compliance.Sec. 63.6(g)(1)-(3)................ Use of an Alternative Yes....................
Standard.Sec. 63.6(h)....................... Compliance with Opacity/ No..................... Subpart KKKK does not
Visible Emission establish opacity
Standards. standards and does not
require continuous
opacity monitoring
systems (COMS).Sec. 63.6(i)(1)-(14)............... Extension of Compliance Yes....................Sec. 63.6(i)(15)................... [Reserved]............. No.....................Sec. 63.6(i)(16)................... Compliance Extensions Yes....................
and Administrator's
Authority.Sec. 63.6(j)....................... Presidential Compliance Yes....................
Exemption.Sec. 63.7(a)(1).................... Performance Test Yes.................... Applies to all affected
Requirements--Applicab sources. Additional
ility. requirements for
performance testing
are specified in Sec.
Sec. 63.3543,
63.3544, 63.3545,
63.3554, and 63.3555.Sec. 63.7(a)(2).................... Performance Test Yes.................... Applies only to
Requirements--Dates. performance tests for
capture system and
control device
efficiency at sources
using these to comply
with the standards.
Sections 63.3540 and
63.3550 specify the
schedule for
performance test
requirements that are
earlier than those
specified in Sec.
63.7(a)(2).Sec. 63.7(a)(3).................... Performance Tests Yes....................
Required by the
Administrator.Sec. 63.7(b)-(e)................... Performance Test Yes.................... Applies only to
Requirements--Notifica performance tests for
tion, Quality capture system and add-
Assurance, Facilities on control device
Necessary for Safe efficiency at sources
Testing, Conditions using these to comply
During Test. with the standards.Sec. 63.7(f)....................... Performance Test Yes.................... Applies to all test
Requirements--Use of methods except those
Alternative Test used to determine
Method. capture system
efficiency.Sec. 63.7(g)-(h)................... Performance Test Yes.................... Applies only to
Requirements--Data performance tests for
Analysis, capture system and add-
Recordkeeping, on control device
Reporting, Waiver of efficiency at sources
Test. using these to comply
with the standards.Sec. 63.8(a)(1)-(3)................ Monitoring Yes.................... Applies only to
Requirements--Applicab monitoring of capture
ility. system and add-on
control device
efficiency at sources
using these to comply
with the standards.
requirements for
monitoring are
specified in Sec.
Sec. 63.3547 and
63.3557.Sec. 63.8(a)(4).................... Additional Monitoring No..................... Subpart KKKK does not
Requirements. have monitoring
requirements for
flares.Sec. 63.8(b)....................... Conduct of Monitoring.. Yes....................Sec. 63.8(c)(1)-(3)................ Continuous Monitoring Yes.................... Applies only to
System (CMS) Operation monitoring of capture
and Maintenance. system and add-on
control device
efficiency at sources
using these to comply
with the standards.
requirements for CMS
operations and
maintenance are
specified in Sec.
Sec. 63.3547 and
Sec. 63.8(c)(4).................... CMS.................... No..................... Sections 63.3547 and
63.3557 specify the
requirements for the
operation of CMS for
capture systems and
add-on control devices
at sources using these
to comply.Sec. 63.8(c)(5).................... COMS................... No..................... Subpart KKKK does not
have opacity or
visible emission
standards.Sec. 63.8(c)(6).................... CMS Requirements....... No..................... Sections 63.3547 and
63.3557 specify the
requirements for
monitoring systems for
capture systems and
add-on control devices
at sources using these
to comply.Sec. 63.8(c)(7).................... CMS Out-of-Control Yes....................
Periods.Sec. 63.8(c)(8).................... CMS Out-of-Control No..................... Section 63.3511
Periods Reporting. requires reporting of
CMS out of control
periods.Sec. 63.8(d)-(e)................... Quality Control Program No.....................
and CMS Performance
Evaluation.Sec. 63.8(f)(1)-(5)................ Use of an Alternative Yes....................
Monitoring Method.Sec. 63.8(f)(6).................... Alternative to Relative No.....................
Accuracy Test.Sec. 63.8(g)(1)-(5)................ Data Reduction......... No..................... Sections 63.3542,
63.3547, 63.3552 and
63.3557 specify
monitoring data
reduction.Sec. 63.9(a)....................... Notification Yes....................
Applicability.Sec. 63.9(b)(1)-(2)................ Initial Notifications.. Yes....................Sec. 63.9(b)(3).................... [Reserved]............. No.....................Sec. 63.9(b)(4)-(5)................ Application for Yes....................
Approval of
Construction or
Reconstruction.Sec. 63.9(c)....................... Request for Extension Yes....................
of Compliance.Sec. 63.9(d)....................... Special Compliance Yes....................
Notification.Sec. 63.9(e)....................... Notification of Yes.................... Applies only to capture
Performance Test. system and add-on
control device
performance tests at
sources using these to
comply with the
standards.Sec. 63.9(f)....................... Notification of Visible No..................... Subpart KKKK does not
Emissions/Opacity Test. have opacity or
visible emission
standards.Sec. 63.9(g)(1)-(3)................ Additional No.....................
Notifications When
Using CMS.Sec. 63.9(h)(1)-(3)................ Notification of Yes.................... Section 63.3510
Compliance Status. specifies the dates
for submitting the
notification of
compliance status.Sec. 63.9(h)(4).................... [Reserved]............. No.....................Sec. 63.9(h)(5)-(6)................ Clarifications......... Yes....................Sec. 63.9(i)....................... Adjustment of Submittal Yes....................
Deadlines.Sec. 63.9(j)....................... Change in Previous Yes....................
Information.Sec. 63.10(a)...................... Recordkeeping/ Yes....................
ty and General
Information.Sec. 63.10(b)(1)................... General Recordkeeping Yes.................... Additional requirements
Requirements. are specified in Sec.
Sec. 63.3512 and
63.3513.Sec. 63.10(b)(2) (i)-(v)........... Recordkeeping Relevant Yes.................... Requirements for
to Startup, Shutdown, Startup, Shutdown, and
and Malfunction Malfunction records
Periods and CMS. only apply to add-on
control devices used
to comply with the
standards.Sec. 63.10(b)(2) (vi)-(xi)......... ....................... Yes....................Sec. 63.10(b)(2) (xii)............. Records................ Yes....................Sec. 63.10(b)(2) (xiii)............ ....................... No.....................Sec. 63.10(b)(2) (xiv)............. ....................... Yes....................Sec. 63.10(b)(3)................... Recordkeeping Yes....................
Requirements for
Determinations.Sec. 63.10(c)(1)................... Additional Yes....................
Requirements for
Sources with CMS.Sec. 63.10(c)(2)-(4)............... [Reserved]............. No.....................Sec. 63.10(c)(5)-(6)............... ....................... Yes....................Sec. 63.10(c)(7)-(8)............... ....................... No..................... The same records are
required in Sec.
63.3511(a)(7).Sec. 63.10(c)(9)................... [Reserved]............. No.....................Sec. 63.10(c)(10)-(15)............. ....................... Yes....................Sec. 63.10(d)(1)................... General Reporting Yes.................... Additional requirements
Requirements. are specified in Sec.
63.3511.Sec. 63.10(d)(2)................... Report of Performance Yes.................... Additional requirements
Test Results. are specified in Sec.
63.3511(b).Sec. 63.10(d)(3)................... Reporting Opacity or No..................... Subpart KKKK does not
Visible Emissions require opacity or
Observations. visible emissions
Sec. 63.10(d)(4)................... Progress Reports for Yes....................
Sources with
Compliance Extensions.Sec. 63.10(d)(5)................... Startup, Shutdown, Yes.................... Applies only to and add-
Malfunction Reports. on control devices at
sources using these to
comply with the
standards.Sec. 63.10(e)(1)-(2)............... Additional CMS Reports. No.....................Sec. 63.10(e)(3)................... Excess Emissions/CMS No..................... Section 63.3511(b)
Performance Reports. specifies the contents
of periodic compliance
reports.Sec. 63.10(e)(4)................... COMS Data Reports...... No..................... Subpart KKKK does not
specify requirements
for opacity or COMS.Sec. 63.10(f)...................... Recordkeeping/Reporting Yes....................
Waiver.Sec. 63.11......................... Control Device No..................... Subpart KKKK does not
Requirements/Flares. specify use of flares
for compliance.Sec. 63.12......................... State Authority and Yes....................
Delegations.Sec. 63.13......................... Addresses.............. Yes....................Sec. 63.14......................... Incorporation by Yes....................
Reference.Sec. 63.15......................... Availability of Yes....................
Sec. Table 6 to Subpart KKKK of Part 63--Default Organic HAP Mass
Fraction for Solvents and Solvent Blends
You may use the mass fraction values in the following table for solvent blends for which you do not have test data or manufacturer's formulation data. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
organic Typical organic
Solvent/solvent blend CAS. No. HAP mass HAP, percent by
fraction mass------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Toluene.................. 108-88-3 1.0 Toluene.2. Xylene(s)................ 1330-20-7 1.0 Xylenes,
ethylbenzene.3. Hexane................... 110-54-3 0.5 n-hexane.4. n-Hexane................. 110-54-3 1.0 n-hexane.5. Ethylbenzene............. 100-41-4 1.0 Ethylbenzene.6. Aliphatic 140............ ............. 0 None.7. Aromatic 100............. ............. 0.02 1% Xylene, 1%
cumene.8. Aromatic 150............. ............. 0.09 Naphthalene.9. Aromatic naphtha......... 64742-95-6 0.02 1% Xylene, 1%
cumene.10. Aromatic solvent........ 64742-94-5 0.1 Naphthalene.11. Exempt mineral spirits.. 8032-32-4 0 None.12. Ligroines (VM & P)...... 8032-32-4 0 None.13. Lactol spirits.......... 64742-89-6 0.15 Toluene.14. Low aromatic white 64742-82-1 0 None.
spirit.15. Mineral spirits......... 64742-88-7 0.01 Xylenes.16. Hydrotreated naphtha.... 64742-48-9 0 None.17. Hydrotreated light 64742-47-8 0.001 Toluene.
distillate.18. Stoddard solvent........ 8052-41-3 0.01 Xylenes.19. Super high-flash naphtha 64742-95-6 0.05 Xylenes.20. Varsol [supreg] solvent. 8052-49-3 0.01 0.5% Xylenes,
ethylbenzene.21. VM & P naphtha.......... 64742-89-8 0.06 3% Toluene, 3%
xylene.22. Petroleum distillate 68477-31-6 0.08 4% Naphthalene,
mixture. 4% biphenyl.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 7 to Subpart KKKK of Part 63--Default Organic HAP Mass
Fraction for Petroleum Solvent Groups \a\
You may use the mass fraction values in the following table for solvent blends for which you do not have test data or manufacturer's formulation data. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average organic HAP
Solvent type mass fraction Typical organic HAP, percent by mass----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aliphatic \b\................................... 0.03 1% Xylene, 1% toluene, and 1%
ehylbenzene.Aromatic \c\.................................... 0.06 4% Xylene, 1% toluene, and 1%
ethylbenzene.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Use this table only if the solvent blend does not match any of the solvent blends in Table 6 to this subpart
and you only know whether the blend is aliphatic or aromatic.\b\ E.g., Mineral Spirits 135, Mineral Spirits 150 EC, Naphtha, Mixed Hydrocarbon, Aliphatic Hydrocarbon,
Aliphatic Naphtha, Naphthol Spirits, Petroleum Spirits, Petroleum Oil, Petroleum Naphtha, Solvent Naphtha,
Solvent Blend.
\c\ E.g., Medium-flash Naphtha, High-flash Naphtha, Aromatic Naphtha, Light Aromatic Naphtha, Light Aromatic
Hydrocarbons, Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Light Aromatic Solvent.
Subpart MMMM_National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
for Surface Coating of Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products
Source: 69 FR 157, Jan. 2, 2004, unless otherwise noted.
What This Subpart Covers