(a) The initial notifications required for existing affected sources under Sec. 63.9(b)(2) shall be submitted by 1 year after an affected source becomes subject to the provisions of this subpart or by December 16, 1996, whichever is later. Affected sources that are major sources on December 16, 1996 and plan to be area sources by December 15, 1997 shall include in this notification a brief, non-binding description of and schedule for the action(s) that are planned to achieve area source status.
(b) Each owner or operator of a bulk gasoline terminal subject to the provisions of this subpart shall keep records of the test results for each gasoline cargo tank loading at the facility as follows:
(1) Annual certification testing performed under Sec. 63.425(e) and railcar bubble leak testing performed under Sec. 63.425(i); and
(2) Continuous performance testing performed at any time at that facility under Sec. 63.425 (f), (g), and (h).
(3) The documentation file shall be kept up-to-date for each gasoline cargo tank loading at the facility. The documentation for each test shall include, as a minimum, the following information:
(i) Name of test: Annual Certification Test--Method 27 (Sec. 63.425(e)(1)); Annual Certification Test--Internal Vapor Valve (Sec. 63.425(e)(2)); Leak Detection Test (Sec. 63.425(f)); Nitrogen Pressure Decay Field Test (Sec. 63.425(g)); Continuous Performance Pressure Decay Test (Sec. 63.425(h)); or Railcar Bubble Leak Test Procedure (Sec. 63.425(i)).
(ii) Cargo tank owner's name and address.
(iii) Cargo tank identification number.
(iv) Test location and date.
(v) Tester name and signature.
(vi) Witnessing inspector, if any: Name, signature, and affiliation.
(vii) Vapor tightness repair: Nature of repair work and when performed in relation to vapor tightness testing.
(viii) Test results: test pressure; pressure or vacuum change, mm of water; time period of test; number of leaks found with instrument; and leak definition.
(c) Each owner or operator of a bulk gasoline terminal subject to the provisions of this subpart shall:
(1) Keep an up-to-date, readily accessible record of the continuous monitoring data required under Sec. 63.427(a). This record shall indicate the time intervals during which loadings of gasoline cargo tanks have occurred or, alternatively, shall record the operating parameter data only during such loadings. The date and time of day shall also be indicated at reasonable intervals on this record.
(2) Record and report simultaneously with the notification of compliance status required under Sec. 63.9(h):
(i) All data and calculations, engineering assessments, and manufacturer's recommendations used in determining the operating parameter value under Sec. 63.425(b); and
(ii) The following information when using a flare under provisions of Sec. 63.11(b) to comply with Sec. 63.422(b):
(A) Flare design (i.e., steam-assisted, air-assisted, or non-assisted); and
(B) All visible emissions readings, heat content determinations, flow rate measurements, and exit velocity determinations made during the compliance determination required under Sec. 63.425(a).
(3) If an owner or operator requests approval to use a vapor processing system or monitor an operating parameter other than those specified in Sec. 63.427(a), the owner or operator shall submit a description of planned reporting and recordkeeping procedures. The Administrator will specify appropriate reporting and recordkeeping requirements as part of the review of the permit application.
(d) Each owner or operator of storage vessels subject to the provisions of this subpart shall keep records and furnish reports as specified in Sec. 60.115b of this chapter, except records shall be kept for at least 5 years.
(e) Each owner or operator complying with the provisions of Sec. 63.424 (a) through (d) shall record the following information in the log book for each leak that is detected:
(1) The equipment type and identification number;
(2) The nature of the leak (i.e., vapor or liquid) and the method of detection (i.e., sight, sound, or smell);
(3) The date the leak was detected and the date of each attempt to repair the leak;
(4) Repair methods applied in each attempt to repair the leak;
(5) ``Repair delayed'' and the reason for the delay if the leak is not repaired within 15 calendar days after discovery of the leak;
(6) The expected date of successful repair of the leak if the leak is not repaired within 15 days; and
(7) The date of successful repair of the leak.
(f) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of Sec. 63.424 shall report to the Administrator a description of the types, identification numbers, and locations of all equipment in gasoline service. For facilities electing to implement an instrument program under Sec. 63.424(f), the report shall contain a full description of the program.
(1) In the case of an existing source or a new source that has an initial startup date before the effective date, the report shall be submitted with the notification of compliance status required under Sec. 63.9(h), unless an extension of compliance is granted under Sec. 63.6(i). If an extension of compliance is granted, the report shall be submitted on a date scheduled by the Administrator.
(2) In the case of new sources that did not have an initial startup date before the effective date, the report shall be submitted with the application for approval of construction, as described in Sec. 63.5(d).
(g) Each owner or operator of a bulk gasoline terminal or pipeline breakout station subject to the provisions of this subpart shall include in a semiannual report to the Administrator the following information, as applicable:
(1) Each loading of a gasoline cargo tank for which vapor tightness documentation had not been previously obtained by the facility;
(2) Periodic reports required under paragraph (d) of this section; and
(3) The number of equipment leaks not repaired within 5 days after detection.
(h) Each owner or operator of a bulk gasoline terminal or pipeline breakout station subject to the provisions of this subpart shall submit an excess emissions report to the Administrator in accordance with Sec. 63.10(e)(3), whether or not a CMS is installed at the facility. The following occurrences are excess emissions events under this subpart, and the following information shall be included in the excess emissions report, as applicable:
(1) Each exceedance or failure to maintain, as appropriate, the monitored operating parameter value determined under Sec. 63.425(b). The report shall include the monitoring data for the days on which exceedances or failures to maintain have occurred, and a description and timing of the steps taken to repair or perform maintenance on the vapor collection and processing systems or the CMS.
(2) Each instance of a nonvapor-tight gasoline cargo tank loading at the facility in which the owner or operator failed to take steps to assure that such cargo tank would not be reloaded at the facility before vapor tightness documentation for that cargo tank was obtained.
(3) Each reloading of a nonvapor-tight gasoline cargo tank at the facility before vapor tightness documentation for that cargo tank is obtained by the facility in accordance with Sec. 63.422(c)(2).
(4) For each occurrence of an equipment leak for which no repair attempt was made within 5 days or for which repair was not completed within 15 days after detection:
(i) The date on which the leak was detected;
(ii) The date of each attempt to repair the leak;
(iii) The reasons for the delay of repair; and
(iv) The date of successful repair.
(i) Each owner or operator of a facility meeting the criteria in Sec. 63.420(c) shall perform the requirements of this paragraph (i), all of which will be available for public inspection:
(1) Document and report to the Administrator not later than December 16, 1996 for existing facilities, within 30 days for existing facilities subject to Sec. 63.420(c) after December 16, 1996, or at startup for new facilities the methods, procedures, and assumptions supporting the calculations for determining criteria in Sec. 63.420(c);
(2) Maintain records to document that the facility parameters established under Sec. 63.420(c) have not been exceeded; and
(3) Report annually to the Administrator that the facility parameters established under Sec. 63.420(c) have not been exceeded.
(4) At any time following the notification required under paragraph (i)(1) of this section and approval by the Administrator of the facility parameters, and prior to any of the parameters being exceeded, the owner or operator may submit a report to request modification of any facility parameter to the Administrator for approval. Each such request shall document any expected HAP emission change resulting from the change in parameter.
(j) Each owner or operator of a facility meeting the criteria in Sec. 63.420(d) shall perform the requirements of this paragraph (j), all of which will be available for public inspection:
(1) Document and report to the Administrator not later than December 16, 1996 for existing facilities, within 30 days for existing facilities subject to Sec. 63.420(d) after December 16, 1996, or at startup for new facilities the use of the emission screening equations in Sec. 63.420(a)(1) or (b)(1) and the calculated value of ET or EP;
(2) Maintain a record of the calculations in Sec. 63.420 (a)(1) or (b)(1), including methods, procedures, and assumptions supporting the calculations for determining criteria in Sec. 63.420(d); and
(3) At any time following the notification required under paragraph (j)(1) of this section, and prior to any of the parameters being exceeded, the owner or operator may notify the Administrator of modifications to the facility parameters. Each such notification shall document any expected HAP emission change resulting from the change in parameter.
(k) As an alternative to keeping records at the terminal of each gasoline cargo tank test result as required in paragraph (b) of this section, an owner or operator may comply with the requirements in either paragraph (k)(1) or (2) of this section.
(1) An electronic copy of each record is instantly available at the terminal.
(i) The copy of each record in paragraph (k)(1) of this section is an exact duplicate image of the original paper record with certifying signatures.
(ii) The permitting authority is notified in writing that each terminal using this alternative is in compliance with paragraph (k)(1) of this section.
(2) For facilities that utilize a terminal automation system to prevent gasoline cargo tanks that do not have valid cargo tank vapor tightness documentation from loading (e.g., via a card lock-out system), a copy of the documentation is made available (e.g., via facsimile) for inspection by permitting authority representatives during the course of a site visit, or within a mutually agreeable time frame.
(i) The copy of each record in paragraph (k)(2) of this section is an exact duplicate image of the original paper record with certifying signatures.
(ii) The permitting authority is notified in writing that each terminal using this alternative is in compliance with paragraph (k)(2) of this section. [59 FR 64318, Dec. 14, 1994, as amended at 61 FR 7723, Feb. 29, 1996; 62 FR 9093, Feb. 28, 1997; 68 FR 70966, Dec. 19, 2003; 71 FR 17358, Apr. 6, 2006]