Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 40  /  Part 63  /  Sec. 63.471 Facility-wide standards.

(a) Each owner or operator of an affected facility shall comply with the requirements specified in this section. For purposes of this section, affected facility means all solvent cleaning machines, except solvent cleaning machines used in the manufacture and maintenance of aerospace products, solvent cleaning machines used in the manufacture of narrow tubing, and continuous web cleaning machines, located at a major source that are subject to the facility-wide limits in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, and for area sources, affected facility means all solvent cleaning machines, except cold batch cleaning machines, located at an area source that are subject to the facility-wide limits in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

(b)(1) Each owner or operator of an affected facility must maintain a log of solvent additions and deletions for each solvent cleaning machine.

(1) Each owner or operator of an affected facility must maintain a log of solvent additions and deletions for each solvent cleaning machine.

(2) Each owner or operator of an affected facility must ensure that the total emissions of perchloroethylene (PCE), trichloroethylene (TCE) and methylene chloride (MC) used at the affected facility are equal to or less than the applicable facility-wide 12-month rolling total emission limit presented in Table 1 of this section as determined using the procedures in paragraph (c) of this section.

Table 1--Facility-wide Emission Limits for Facilities With Solvent Cleaning Machines----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Facility-wide annual

emission limits in kg-- Facility-wide annual

Solvents emitted for general population emission limit in kg

degreasing machines for military depot

maintenance facilities----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PCE only \a\.................................................. 4,800 8,000TCE only...................................................... 14,100 23,500MC only....................................................... 60,000 100,000Multiple solvents--Calculate the MC-weighted emissions using 60,000 100,000

equation 1...................................................----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ PCE emission limit calculated using CalEPA URE.

Note: In the equation, the facility emissions of PCE and TCE are weighted according to their carcinogenic potency relative to that of MC. The value of A is 12.5. The value for B is 4.25.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR03MY07.015 Where: WE = Weighted 12-month rolling total emissions in kg (lbs).PCE = 12-month rolling total PCE emissions from all solvent cleaning

machines at the facility in kg (lbs).TCE = 12-month rolling total TCE emission from all solvent cleaning

machines at the facility in kg (lbs).MC = 12-month rolling total MC emissions from all solvent cleaning

machines at the facility in kg (lbs).

(c) Each owner or operator of an affected facility shall on the first operating day of every month, demonstrate compliance with the applicable facility-wide emission limit on a 12-month rolling total basis using the procedures in paragraphs (c)(1) through (5) of this section. For purposes of this paragraph, ``each solvent cleaning machine'' means each solvent cleaning machine that is part of an affected facility regulated by this section.

(1) Each owner or operator of an affected facility shall, on the first operating day of every month, ensure that each solvent cleaning machine system contains only clean liquid solvent. This includes, but is not limited to, fresh unused solvent, recycled solvent, and used solvent that has been cleaned of soiled materials. A fill line must be indicated during the first month the measurements are made. The solvent level within the machine must be returned to the same fill-line each month, immediately prior to calculating monthly emissions as specified in paragraphs (c)(2) and (3) of this section. The solvent cleaning machine does not have to be emptied and filled with fresh unused solvent prior to the calculations.

(2) Each owner or operator of an affected facility shall, on the first operating day of the month, using the records of all solvent additions and deletions for the previous month, determine solvent emissions (Eunit) from each solvent cleaning machine using equation 10:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR03MY07.016 Where: Eunit = the total halogenated HAP solvent emissions from the

solvent cleaning machine during the most recent month i,

(kilograms of solvent per month).SAi = the total amount of halogenated HAP liquid solvent

added to the solvent cleaning machine during the most recent

month i, (kilograms of solvent per month).LSRi = the total amount of halogenated HAP liquid solvent

removed from the solvent cleaning machine during the most

recent month i, (kilograms of solvent per month).SSRi = the total amount of halogenated HAP solvent removed

from the solvent cleaning machine in solid waste, obtained as

described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section, during the most

recent month i, (kilograms of solvent per month).

(3) Each owner or operator of an affected facility shall, on the first operating day of the month, determine SSRi using the method specified in paragraph (c)(3)(i) or (c)(3)(ii) of this section.

(i) From tests conducted using EPA reference method 25d.

(ii) By engineering calculations included in the compliance report.

(4) Each owner or operator of an affected facility shall on the first operating day of the month, after 12 months of emissions data are available, determine the 12-month rolling total emissions, ETunit, for the 12-month period ending with the most recent month using equation 11:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR03MY07.017 Where: ETunit = the total halogenated HAP solvent emissions over the

preceding 12 months, (kilograms of solvent emissions per 12-

month period).Eunit = halogenated HAP solvent emissions for each month (j)

for the most recent 12 months (kilograms of solvent per


(5) Each owner or operator of an affected facility shall on the first operating day of the month, after 12 months of emissions data are available, determine the 12-month rolling total emissions, ETfacility, for the 12-month period ending with the most recent month using equation 12:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR03MY07.018 Where: ETfacility = the total halogenated HAP solvent emissions over

the preceding 12 months for all cleaning machines at the

facility, (kilograms of solvent emissions per 12-month

period).ETunit = the total halogenated HAP solvent emissions over the

preceding 12 months for each unit j, where i equals the total

number of units at the facility (kilograms of solvent

emissions per 12-month period).

(d) If the applicable facility-wide emission limit presented in Table 1 of paragraph (b)(2) is not met, an exceedance has occurred. All exceedances shall be reported as required in Sec. 63.468(h).

(e) Each owner or operator of an affected facility shall maintain records specified in paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this section either in electronic or written form for a period of 5 years. For purposes of this paragraph, ``each solvent cleaning machine'' means each solvent cleaning machine that is part of an affected facility regulated by this section.

(1) The dates and amounts of solvent that are added to each solvent cleaning machine.

(2) The solvent composition of wastes removed from each solvent cleaning machines as determined using the procedure described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section.

(3) Calculation sheets showing how monthly emissions and the 12-month rolling total emissions from each solvent cleaning machine were determined, and the results of all calculations.

(f) Each owner or operator of an affected facility shall submit an initial notification report to the Administrator no later than May 3, 2010. This report shall include the information specified in paragraphs (f)(1) through (5) of this section.

(1) The name and address of the owner or operator of the affected facility.

(2) The address (i.e., physical location) of the solvent cleaning machine(s) that is part of an affected facility regulated by this section.

(3) A brief description of each solvent cleaning machine at the affected facility including machine type (batch vapor, batch cold, vapor in-line or cold in-line), solvent/air interface area, and existing controls.

(4) The date of installation for each solvent cleaning machine.

(5) An estimate of annual halogenated HAP solvent consumption for each solvent cleaning machine.

(g) Each owner or operator of an affected facility shall submit to the Administrator an initial statement of compliance on or before May 3, 2010. The statement shall include the information specified in paragraphs (g)(1) through (g)(3) of this section.

(1) The name and address of the owner or operator of the affected facility.

(2) The address (i.e., physical location) of each solvent cleaning machine that is part of an affected facility regulated by this section.

(3) The results of the first 12-month rolling total emissions calculation.

(h) Each owner or operator of an affected facility shall submit a solvent emission report every year. This solvent emission report shall contain the requirements specified in paragraphs (h)(1) through (h)(3) of this section.

(1) The average monthly solvent consumption for the affected facility in kilograms per month.

(2) The 12-month rolling total solvent emission estimates calculated each month using the method as described in paragraph (c) of this section.

(3) This report can be combined with the annual report required in Sec. 63.468(f) and (g) into a single report for each facility. [72 FR 25158, May 3, 2007]

Sec. Appendix A to Subpart T of Part 63--Test of Solvent Cleaning


General Questions ------ 1. What is the maximum allowable speed for parts entry and


A. 8.5 meters per minute (28 feet per minute).

B. 3.4 meters per minute (11 feet per minute).

C. 11 meters per minute (36 feet per minute).

D. No limit.------ 2. How do you ensure that parts enter and exit the solvent

cleaning machine at the speed required in the regulation?

A. Program on computerized hoist monitors speed.

B. Can judge the speed by looking at it.

C. Measure the time it takes the parts to travel a measured distance.------ 3. Identify the sources of air disturbances.

A. Fans

B. Open doors

C. Open windows

D. Ventilation vents

E. All of the above------ 4. What are the three operating modes?

A. Idling, working and downtime

B. Precleaning, cleaning, and drying

C. Startup, shutdown, off

D. None of the above------ 5. When can parts or parts baskets be removed from the solvent

cleaning machine?

A. When they are clean

B. At any time

C. When dripping stops

D. Either A or C is correct ------ 6. How must parts be oriented during cleaning?

A. It does not matter as long as they fit in the parts basket.

B. So that the solvent pools in the cavities where the dirt is concentrated.

C. So that solvent drains from them freely.------ 7. During startup, what must be turned on first, the primary

condenser or the sump heater?

A. Primary condenser

B. Sump heater

C. Turn both on at same time

D. Either A or B is correct------ 8. During shutdown, what must be turned off first, the primary

condenser or the sump heater?

A. Primary condenser

B. Sump heater

C. Turn both off at same time

D. Either A or B is correct------ 9. In what manner must solvent be added to and removed from the

solvent cleaning machine?

A. With leak proof couplings

B. With the end of the pipe in the solvent sump below the liquid solvent surface.

C. So long as the solvent does not spill, the method does not matter.

D. A and B------ 10. What must be done with waste solvent and still and sump


A. Pour down the drain

B. Store in closed container

C. Store in a bucket

D. A or B------ 11. What types of materials are prohibited from being cleaned in

solvent cleaning machines using halogenated HAP solvents?

A. Sponges

B. Fabrics

C. Paper

D. All of the above

Control Device Specific Questions

[ ] Freeboard Refrigeration Device ------ 1. What temperature must the FRD achieve?

A. Below room temperature

B. 50 [deg]F

C. Below the solvent boiling point

D. 30 percent below the solvent boiling point

[ ] Working-Mode Cover ------ 2. When can a cover be open?

A. While parts are in the cleaning machine

B. During parts entry and removal

C. During maintenance

D. During measurements for compliance purposes

E. A and C

F. B, C, and D------ 3. Covers must be maintained in what condition?

A. Free of holes

B. Free of cracks

C. So that they completely seal cleaner opening

D. All of the above

[ ] Dwell ------ 4. Where must the parts be held for the appropriate dwell time?

A. In the vapor zone

B. In the freeboard area above the vapor zone

C. Above the cleaning machine

D. In the immersion sump


General Questions

1. B

2. A or C

3. E

4. A

5. C

6. C

7. A

8. B

9. D10. B11. D

Control Device Specific Questions

1. D

2. F

3. D

4. B [59 FR 61818, Dec. 2, 1994; 60 FR 29485, June 5, 1995] Appendix B to Subpart T of Part 63--General Provisions Applicability to

Subpart T ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Applies to subpart T

Reference ----------------------------------- Comments

BCC BVI----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------63.1(a) (1)-(3)................. Yes............. Yes............63.1(a)(4)...................... Yes............. Yes............ Subpart T (this appendix) specifies

applicability of each paragraph in subpart

A to subpart T.63.1(a)(5)...................... No.............. No.............63.1(a) (6)-(8)................. Yes............. Yes............63.1(a)(9)...................... No.............. No.............

63.1(a)(10)..................... Yes............. Yes............63.1(a)(11)..................... No.............. No............. Subpart T allows submittal of notifications

and reports through the U.S. mail, fax,

and courier. Subpart T requires that the

postmark for notifications and reports

submitted through the U.S. mail or other

non-Governmental mail carriers be on or

before deadline specified in an applicable

requirement.63.1(a) (12)-(14)............... Yes............. Yes............63.1(b)(1)...................... No.............. No............. Subpart T specifies applicability.63.1(b)(2)...................... No.............. Yes............63.1(b)(3)...................... No.............. No............. Subpart T requires that a record of

halogenated cleaning machine applicability

determination be kept on site for 5 years,

or until the cleaning machine changes its

operations. The record shall be

sufficiently detailed to allow the

Administrator to make a finding about the

source's applicability status with regard

to subpart T.63.1(c)(1)...................... Yes............. Yes............63.1(c)(2)...................... Yes............. Yes............ Subpart T, Sec. 63.460(h) exempts area

sources subject to this subpart from the

obligation to obtain Title V operating

permits.63.1(c)(3)...................... No.............. No.............63.1(c)(4)...................... Yes............. Yes............63.1(c)(5)...................... Yes............. Yes............ Subpart T does not require continuous

monitoring systems (CMS) or continuous

opacity monitoring systems. Therefore,

notifications and requirements for CMS and

COMS specified in subpart A do not apply

to subpart T.63.1(d)......................... No.............. No.............63.1(e)......................... No.............. Yes............63.2............................ Yes............. Yes............ Subpart T definitions (Sec. 63.461) for

existing and new overlap with the

definitions for existing source and new

source in subpart A (Sec. 63.2). Both

subpart A and T also define Administrator.63.3(a)-(c)..................... Yes............. Yes............63.4(a) (1)-(3)................. Yes............. Yes............63.4(a)(4)...................... No.............. No.............63.4(a)(5)...................... Yes............. Yes............63.4(b)-(c)..................... Yes............. Yes............63.5(a)(1)...................... Yes............. Yes............63.5(a)(2)...................... Yes............. Yes............63.5(b)(1)...................... Yes............. Yes............63.5(b)(2)...................... No.............. No.............63.5(b)(3)...................... No.............. No............. Subpart T overrides the requirement for

approval prior to constructing a new or

reconstructing an existing major source.63.5(b)(4)-(6).................. Yes............. Yes............63.5(c)......................... No.............. No.............63.5 (d)-(f).................... No.............. No............. Subpart T overrides the requirement to

submit an application for approval of

construction or reconstruction of a

halogenated solvent cleaning machine.63.6(a)......................... Yes............. Yes............63.6(b) (1)-(5)................. Yes............. Yes............ Subpart T, Sec. 63.460, specifies

compliance dates.63.6(b)(6)...................... No.............. No.............63.6(b)(7)...................... No.............. No............. Subpart T has the same requirements for

affected halogenated HAP solvent cleaning

machine subcategories that are located at

area sources as it does for those located

at major sources.63.6(c)(1)-(2).................. Yes............. Yes............ Subpart T allows 3 years from the date of

promulgation for both area and major

existing sources to comply.63.6(c) (3)-(4)................. No.............. No.............63.6(c)(5)...................... Yes............. Yes............ Subpart T has the same requirements for

affected halogenated HAP solvent cleaning

machine subcategories that are located at

area sources as it does for those located

at major sources.

Subpart T allows 3 years from the date of

promulgation for both area and major

existing sources to comply.63.6(d)......................... No.............. No.............63.6(e)(1)-(2).................. Yes............. Yes............63.6(e)(3)...................... No.............. No............. Subpart T overrides the requirement of a

startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan.

Subpart T specifies startup and shutdown

procedures to be followed by an owner or

operator for batch vapor and in-line

cleaning machines.63.6(f)-(g)..................... Yes............. Yes............63.6(h)......................... No.............. No............. Subpart T does not require compliance with

an opacity or visible emission standard.63.6(i) (1)-(14)................ Yes............. Yes............63.6(i)(15)..................... No.............. No.............63.6(i)(16)..................... Yes............. Yes............63.6(j)......................... Yes............. Yes............

63.7(a)......................... No.............. Yes............ Subpart T gives owners or operators the

option to perform an idling emission

performance test as a way of demonstrating

compliance. Other options are also

available that do not require a

performance test.63.7(b)......................... No.............. Yes............ This is only required for those owners or

operators that choose the idling emission

standard as their compliance option.63.7(c)(1)...................... No.............. Yes............ This is only required for those owners or

operators that choose the idling emission

standard as their compliance option.63.7(c) (2)-(3)................. No.............. No............. Subpart T does not require a site-specific

test plan for the idling emission

performance test.63.7(c)(4)...................... No.............. No............. Subpart T does not require a performance

test that involves the retrieval of gas

samples, and therefore this does not

apply.63.7(d)......................... No.............. No............. Requirements do not apply to the idling

emission performance test option.63.7(e)......................... No.............. Yes............63.7(f)......................... No.............. Yes............63.7(g)......................... No.............. Yes............ Subpart T specifies what is required to

demonstrate idling emission standard

compliance through the use of the

Environmental Protection Agency test

method 307 and control device monitoring.

Reports and records of testing and

monitoring are required for compliance

verification. Three runs of the test are

required for compliance, as specified in

Sec. 63.7(e) of subpart A.63.7(h)......................... No.............. No............. Subpart T does not require the use of a

performance test to comply with the

standard. The idling emission standard

option (which requires an idling emission

performance test) is an alternative option

offered to owners or operators of batch

vapor and in-line cleaning machines for

compliance flexibility.63.8 (a)-(b).................... Yes............. Yes............63.8 (c)-(e).................... No.............. No............. Subpart T does not require the use of

continuous monitoring systems to

demonstrate compliance.63.8(f)......................... Yes............. Yes............63.8(g)......................... No.............. No............. Subpart T does not require continuous

opacity monitoring systems and continuous

monitoring systems data.63.9(a) (1)-(4)................. Yes............. Yes............63.9(b)(1)...................... Yes............. Yes............63.9(b)(2)...................... Yes............. Yes............ Subpart T includes all of those

requirements stated in subpart A, except

that subpart A also requires a statement

as to whether the affected source is a

major or an area source, and an

identification of the relevant standard

(including the source's compliance date).

Subpart T also has some more specific

information requirements specific to the

affected source (see subpart T, Secs.

63.468(a)-(b)).63.9(b)(3)...................... Yes............. Yes............ The subpart A and subpart T initial

notification reports differ (see above).63.9(b)(4)...................... No.............. No............. Subpart T does not require an application

for approval of construction or

reconstruction.63.9(b)(5)...................... Yes............. Yes............63.9(c)......................... Yes............. Yes............63.9(d)......................... Yes............. Yes............63.9(e)......................... Yes............. Yes............ Under subpart T, this requirement only

applies to owners or operators choosing to

comply with the idling emissions standard.63.9(f)......................... No.............. No............. Subpart T does not require opacity or

visible emission observations.63.9(g)(1)...................... No.............. No............. Subpart T does not require the use of

continuous monitoring systems or

continuous opacity monitoring systems.63.9(h)......................... No.............. No............. Section 63.468 of subpart T requires an

initial statement of compliance for

existing sources to be submitted to the

Administrator no later than 150 days after

the compliance date specified in Sec.

63.460(d) of subpart T. For new sources,

this report is to be submitted to the

Administrator no later than 150 days from

the date specified in Sec. 63.460(c).63.9(i)......................... Yes............. Yes............63.9(j)......................... Yes............. Yes............63.10(a)........................ Yes............. Yes............63.10(b)........................ No.............. No............. Recordkeeping requirements are specified in

subpart T.63.10(c) (1)-(15)............... No.............. No............. Subpart T does not require continuous

monitoring systems.63.10(d)(1)..................... Yes............. Yes............63.10(d)(2)..................... No.............. No............. Reporting requirements are specified in

subpart T.63.10(e) (l)-(2)................ No.............. No............. Subpart T does not require continuous

emissions monitoring systems.63.10(e)(3)..................... No.............. No............. Subpart T does not require continuous

monitoring systems.63.10(e)(4)..................... No.............. No............. Subpart T does not require continuous

opacity monitoring systems.63.10(f)........................ Yes............. Yes............63.11(a)........................ Yes............. Yes............63.11(b)........................ No.............. No............. Flares are not a control option under

subpart T.63.12 (a)-(c)................... Yes............. Yes............63.13 (a)-(c)................... Yes............. Yes............63.14........................... No.............. No............. Subpart T requirements do not require the

use of the test methods incorporated by

reference in subpart A.

63.15(a)-(b).................... Yes............. Yes............----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BCC=Batch Cold Cleaning Machines.BVI=Batch Vapor and In-line Cleaning Machines. [59 FR 61818, Dec. 2, 1994; 60 FR 29485, June 5, 1995, as amended at 70 FR 75346, Dec. 19, 2005]