(a) You must maintain the records specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section in accordance with Sec. 63.10(b)(1):
(1) Records of the coating lines on which you used each compliance option and the time periods (beginning and ending dates and times) you used each option.
(2) Records specified in Sec. 63.10(b)(2) of all measurements needed to demonstrate compliance with this subpart, including:
(i) Continuous emission monitor data in accordance with Sec. 63.5150(a)(2);
(ii) Control device and capture system operating parameter data in accordance with Sec. 63.5150(a)(1), (3), and (4);
(iii) Organic HAP content data for the purpose of demonstrating compliance in accordance with Sec. 63.5160(b);
(iv) Volatile matter and solids content data for the purpose of demonstrating compliance in accordance with Sec. 63.5160(c);
(v) Overall control efficiency determination or alternative outlet HAP concentration using capture efficiency tests and control device destruction or removal efficiency tests in accordance with Sec. 63.5160(d), (e), and (f); and
(vi) Material usage, HAP usage, volatile matter usage, and solids usage and compliance demonstrations using these data in accordance with Sec. 63.5170(a), (b), and (d);
(3) Records specified in Sec. 63.10(b)(3); and
(4) Additional records specified in Sec. 63.10(c) for each continuous monitoring system operated by the owner or operator in accordance with Sec. 63.5150(a)(2).
(b) Maintain records of all liquid-liquid material balances that are performed in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 63.5170.
Delegation of Authority