Terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act, in Sec. 63.2, and in this section as follows:
Bag leak detector system (BLDS) is a type of PM detector used on FF to identify an increase in PM emissions resulting from a broken filter bag or other malfunction and sound an alarm.
Belt conveyor means a conveying device that transports processed stone from one location to another by means of an endless belt that is carried on a series of idlers and routed around a pulley at each end.
Bucket elevator means a processed stone conveying device consisting of a head and foot assembly which supports and drives an endless single or double strand chain or belt to which buckets are attached.
Building means any frame structure with a roof.
Capture system means the equipment (including enclosures, hoods, ducts, fans, dampers, etc.) used to capture and transport PM to a control device.
Control device means the air pollution control equipment used to reduce PM emissions released to the atmosphere from one or more process operations at an LMP.
Conveying system means a device for transporting processed stone from one piece of equipment or location to another location within a plant. Conveying systems include but are not limited to feeders, belt conveyors, bucket elevators and pneumatic systems.
Deviation means any instance in which an affected source, subject to this subpart, or an owner or operator of such a source:
(1) Fails to meet any requirement or obligation established by this subpart, including but not limited to any emission limitation (including any operating limit);
(2) Fails to meet any term or condition that is adopted to implement an applicable requirement in this subpart and that is included in the operating permit for any affected source required to obtain such a permit; or
(3) Fails to meet any emission limitation (including any operating limit) in this subpart during startup, shutdown, or malfunction, regardless of whether or not such failure is allowed by this subpart.
Emission limitation means any emission limit, opacity limit, operating limit, or VE limit.
Emission unit means a lime kiln, lime cooler, storage bin, conveying system transfer point, bulk loading or unloading operation, bucket elevator or belt conveyor at an LMP.
Fugitive emission means PM that is not collected by a capture system.
Hydrator means the device used to produce hydrated lime or calcium hydroxide via the chemical reaction of the lime product with water.
Lime cooler means the device external to the lime kiln (or part of the lime kiln itself) used to reduce the temperature of the lime produced by the kiln.
Lime kiln means the device, including any associated preheater, used to produce a lime product from stone feed by calcination. Kiln types include, but are not limited to, rotary kiln, vertical kiln, rotary hearth kiln, double-shaft vertical kiln, and fluidized bed kiln.
Lime manufacturing plant (LMP) means any plant which uses a lime kiln to produce lime product from limestone or other calcareous material by calcination.
Lime product means the product of the lime kiln calcination process including, calcitic lime, dolomitic lime, and dead-burned dolomite.
Limestone means the material comprised primarily of calcium carbonate (referred to sometimes as calcitic or high calcium limestone), magnesium carbonate, and/or the double carbonate of both calcium and magnesium (referred to sometimes as dolomitic limestone or dolomite).
Monovent means an exhaust configuration of a building or emission control device (e.g., positive pressure FF) that extends the length of the structure and has a width very small in relation to its length (i.e., length-to-width ratio is typically greater than 5:1). The exhaust may be an open vent with or without a roof, louvered vents, or a combination of such features.
Particulate matter (PM) detector means a system that is continuously capable of monitoring PM loading in the exhaust of FF or ESP in order to detect bag leaks, upset conditions, or control device malfunctions and sounds an alarm at a preset level. A PM detector system includes, but is not limited to, an instrument that operates on triboelectric, light scattering, light transmittance, or other effects to continuously monitor relative particulate loadings. A BLDS is a type of PM detector.
Positive pressure FF or ESP means a FF or ESP with the fan(s) on the upstream side of the control device.
Process stone handling operations means the equipment and transfer points between the equipment used to transport processed stone, and includes, storage bins, conveying system transfer points, bulk loading or unloading systems, screening operations, bucket elevators, and belt conveyors.
Processed stone means limestone or other calcareous material that has been processed to a size suitable for feeding into a lime kiln.
Screening operation means a device for separating material according to size by passing undersize material through one or more mesh surfaces (screens) in series and retaining oversize material on the mesh surfaces (screens).
Stack emissions means the PM that is released to the atmosphere from a capture system or control device.
Storage bin means a manmade enclosure for storage (including surge bins) of processed stone prior to the lime kiln.
Transfer point means a point in a conveying operation where the material is transferred to or from a belt conveyor.
Vent means an opening through which there is mechanically induced air flow for the purpose of exhausting from a building air carrying PM emissions from one or more emission units.
Sec. Table 1 to Subpart AAAAA of Part 63--Emission Limits
As required in Sec. 63.7090(a), you must meet each emission limit in the following table that applies to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You must meet the following
For . . . emission limit------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Existing lime kilns and their PM emissions must not exceed
associated lime coolers that did not 0.12 pounds per ton of stone
have a wet scrubber installed and feed (lb/tsf).
operating prior to January 5, 2004.2. Existing lime kilns and their PM emissions must not exceed
associated lime coolers that have a 0.60 lb/tsf. If at any time
wet scrubber, where the scrubber after January 5, 2004 the kiln
itself was installed and operating changes to a dry control
prior to January 5, 2004. system, then the PM emission
limit in item 1 of this Table
1 applies, and the kiln is
hereafter ineligible for the
PM emission limit in item 2 of
this Table 1 regardless of the
method of PM control.3. New lime kilns and their associated PM emissions must not exceed
lime coolers. 0.10 lb/tsf.4. All existing and new lime kilns and Weighted average PM emissions
their associated coolers at your LMP, calculated according to Eq. 2
and you choose to average PM in Sec. 63.7112 must not
emissions, except that any kiln that exceed 0.12 lb/tsf (if you are
is allowed to meet the 0.60 lb/tsf PM averaging only existing kilns)
emission limit is ineligible for or 0.10 lb/tsf (if you are
averaging. averaging only new kilns). If
you are averaging existing and
new kilns, your weighted
average PM emissions must not
exceed the weighted average
emission limit calculated
according to Eq. 3 in Sec.
63.7112, except that no new
kiln and its associated cooler
considered alone may exceed an
average PM emissions limit of
0.10 lb/tsf.5. Stack emissions from all PSH PM emissions must not exceed
operations at a new or existing 0.05 grams per dry standard
affected source. cubic meter (g/dscm).6. Stack emissions from all PSH Emissions must not exceed 7
operations at a new or existing percent opacity.
affected source, unless the stack
emissions are discharged through a wet
scrubber control device.7. Fugitive emissions from all PSH Emissions must not exceed 10
operations at a new or existing percent opacity.
affected source, except as provided by
item 8 of this Table 1.8. All PSH operations at a new or All of the individually
existing affected source enclosed in a affected PSH operations must
building. comply with the applicable PM
and opacity emission
limitations in items 5 through
7 of this Table 1, or the
building must comply with the
following: There must be no VE
from the building, except from
a vent; and vent emissions
must not exceed the stack
emissions limitations in items
5 and 6 of this Table 1.9. Each FF that controls emissions from Emissions must not exceed 7
only an individual, enclosed storage percent opacity.
bin.10. Each set of multiple storage bins You must comply with the
at a new or existing affected source, emission limits in items 5 and
with combined stack emissions. 6 of this Table 1.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 2 to Subpart AAAAA of Part 63--Operating Limits
As required in Sec. 63.7090(b), you must meet each operating limit in the following table that applies to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
For . . . You must . . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Each lime kiln and each lime cooler Maintain and operate the FF
(if there is a separate exhaust to the such that the BLDS or PM
atmosphere from the associated lime detector alarm condition does
cooler) equipped with an FF. not exist for more than 5
percent of the total operating
time in a 6-month period; and
comply with the requirements
in Sec. 63.7113(d) through
(f) and Table 5 to this
subpart. In lieu of a BLDS or
PM detector maintain the FF
such that the 6-minute average
opacity for any 6-minute block
period does not exceed 15
percent; and comply with the
requirements in Sec.
63.7113(f) and (g) and Table 5
to this subpart.2. Each lime kiln equipped with a wet Maintain the 3-hour block
scrubber. exhaust gas stream pressure
drop across the wet scrubber
greater than or equal to the
pressure drop operating limit
established during the most
recent PM performance test;
and maintain the 3-hour block
scrubbing liquid flow rate
greater than the flow rate
operating limit established
during the most recent
performance test.3. Each lime kiln equipped with an Install a PM detector and
electrostatic precipitator. maintain and operate the ESP
such that the PM detector
alarm is not activated and
alarm condition does not exist
for more than 5 percent of the
total operating time in a 6-
month period, and comply with
Sec. 63.7113(e); or,
maintain the ESP such that the
6-minute average opacity for
any 6-minute block period does
not exceed 15 percent, and
comply with the requirements
in Sec. 63.7113(g); and
comply with the requirements
in Sec. 63.7113(f) and Table
5 to this subpart.4. Each PSH operation subject to a PM Maintain the 3-hour block
limit which uses a wet scrubber. average exhaust gas stream
pressure drop across the wet
scrubber greater than or equal
to the pressure drop operating
limit established during the
PM performance test; and
maintain the 3-hour block
average scrubbing liquid flow
rate greater than or equal to
the flow rate operating limit
established during the
performance test.5. All affected sources................ Prepare a written OM&M; plan;
the plan must include the
items listed in Sec.
63.7100(d) and the corrective
actions to be taken when
required in Table 5 to this
subpart.6. Each emission unit equipped with an a. Vent captured emissions
add-on air pollution control device. through a closed system,
except that dilution air may
be added to emission streams
for the purpose of controlling
temperature at the inlet to an
FF; and
b. Operate each capture/
collection system according to
the procedures and
requirements in the OM&M; plan.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 3 to Subpart AAAAA of Part 63--Initial Compliance With
Emission Limits
As required in Sec. 63.7114, you must demonstrate initial compliance with each emission limitation that applies to you, according to the following table. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You have
For the following compliance, if
For . . . emission limit . . after following
. the requirements
in Sec. 63.7112
. . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. All new or existing lime PM emissions must The kiln outlet PM
kilns and their associated lime not exceed 0.12 emissions (and if
coolers (kilns/coolers). lb/tsf for all applicable,
existing kilns/ summed with the
coolers with dry separate cooler
controls, 0.60 lb/ PM emissions),
tsf for existing based on the PM
kilns/coolers emissions
with wet measured using
scrubbers, 0.10 Method 5 in
lb/tsf for all appendix A to
new kilns/ part 60 of this
coolers, or a chapter and the
weighted average stone feed rate
calculated measurement over
according to Eq. the period of
3 in Sec. initial
63.7112. performance test,
do not exceed the
emission limit;
if the lime kiln
is controlled by
an FF or ESP and
you are opting to
monitor PM
emissions with a
detector, you
have installed
and are operating
the monitoring
device according
to the
requirements in
Sec. 63.7113(d)
or (e),
respectively; and
if the lime kiln
is controlled by
an FF or ESP and
you are opting to
monitor PM
emissions using a
COMS, you have
installed and are
operating the
COMS according to
the requirements
in Sec.
63.7113(g).2. Stack emissions from all PHS PM emissions must The outlet PM
operations at a new or existing not exceed 0.05 g/ emissions, based
affected source. dscm. on Method 5 or
Method 17 in
appendix A to
part 60 of this
chapter, over the
period of the
performance test
do not exceed
0.05 g/dscm; and
if the emission
unit is
controlled with a
wet scrubber, you
have a record of
the scrubber's
pressure drop and
liquid flow rate
parameters over
the 3-hour
performance test
during which
emissions did not
exceed the
limitation.3. Stack emissions from all PSH Emissions must not Each of the thirty
operations at a new or existing exceed 7 percent 6-minute opacity
affected source, unless the opacity. averages during
stack emissions are discharged the initial
through a wet scrubber control compliance
device. period, using
Method 9 in
appendix A to
part 60 of this
chapter, does not
exceed the 7
percent opacity
limit. At least
thirty 6-minute
averages must be
obtained.4. Fugitive emissions from all Emissions must not Each of the 6-
PSH operations at a new or exceed 10 percent minute opacity
existing affected source. opacity. averages during
the initial
period, using
Method 9 in
appendix A to
part 60 of this
chapter, does not
exceed the 10
percent opacity
limit.5. All PSH operations at a new All of the All the PSH
or existing affected source, individually operations
enclosed in building. affected PSH enclosed in the
operations must building have
comply with the demonstrated
applicable PM and initial
opacity emission compliance
limitations for according to the
items 2 through 4 applicable
of this Table 3, requirements for
or the building items 2 through 4
must comply with of this Table 3;
the following: or if you are
There must be no complying with
VE from the the building
building, except emission
from a vent, and limitations,
vent emissions there are no VE
must not exceed from the building
the emission according to item
limitations in 18 of Table 4 to
items 2 and 3 of this subpart and
this Table 3. Sec.
63.7112(k), and
you demonstrate
compliance with
building vent
according to the
requirements in
items 2 and 3 of
this Table 3.6. Each FF that controls Emissions must not Each of the ten 6-
emissions from only an exceed 7 percent minute averages
individual storage bin. opacity. during the 1-hour
period, using
Method 9 in
appendix A to
part 60 of this
chapter, does not
exceed the 7
percent opacity
7. Each set of multiple storage You must comply You demonstrate
bins with combined stack with emission initial
emissions. limitations in compliance
items 2 and 3 of according to the
this Table 3. requirements in
items 2 and 3 of
this Table 3.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 4 to Subpart AAAAA of Part 63--Requirements for Performance
As required in Sec. 63.7112, you must conduct each performance test in the following table that applies to you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
According to the
For . . . You must . . . Using . . . following requirements
. . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Each lime kiln and each associated Select the location of Method 1 or 1A of Sampling sites must be
lime cooler, if there is a separate the sampling port and appendix A to part 60 located at the outlet
exhaust to the atmosphere from the the number of traverse of this chapter; and of the control
associated lime cooler. ports. Sec. 63.6(d)(1)(i). device(s) and prior to
any releases to the
atmosphere.2. Each lime kiln and each associated Determine velocity and Method 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, Not applicable.
lime cooler, if there is a separate volumetric flow rate. 2F, or 2G in appendix
exhaust to the atmosphere from the A to part 60 of this
associated lime cooler. chapter.3. Each lime kiln and each associated Conduct gas molecular Method 3, 3A, or 3B in Not applicable.
lime cooler, if there is a separate weight analysis. appendix A to part 60
exhaust to the atmosphere from the of this chapter.
associated lime cooler.4. Each lime kiln and each associated Measure moisture Method 4 in appendix A Not applicable.
lime cooler, if there is a separate content of the stack to part 60 of this
exhaust to the atmosphere from the gas. chapter.
associated lime cooler.5. Each lime kiln and each associated Measure PM emissions... Method 5 in appendix A Conduct the test(s)
lime cooler, if there is a separate to part 60 of this when the source is
exhaust to the atmosphere from the chapter. operating at
associated lime cooler, and which representative
uses a negative pressure PM control operating conditions
device. in accordance with
Sec. 63.7(e); the
minimum sampling
volume must be 0.85
dry standard cubic
meter (dscm) (30 dry
standard cubic foot
(dscf)); if there is a
separate lime cooler
exhaust to the
atmosphere, you must
conduct the Method 5
test of the cooler
exhaust concurrently
with the kiln exhaust
test.6. Each lime kiln and each associated Measure PM emissions... Method 5D in appendix A Conduct the test(s)
lime cooler, if there is a separate to part 60 of this when the source is
exhaust to the atmosphere from the chapter. operating at
associated lime cooler, and which representative
uses a positive pressure FF or ESP. operating conditions
in accordance with
Sec. 63.7(e); if
there is a separate
lime cooler exhaust to
the atmosphere, you
must conduct the
Method 5 test of the
separate cooler
exhaust concurrently
with the kiln exhaust
test.7. Each lime kiln.................... Determine the mass rate Any suitable device.... Calibrate and maintain
of stone feed to the the device according
kiln during the kiln to manufacturer's
PM emissions test. instructions; the
measuring device used
must be accurate to
within 5 percent of
the mass rate of stone
feed over its
operating range.
8. Each lime kiln equipped with a wet Establish the operating Data for the gas stream The continuous pressure
scrubber. limit for the average pressure drop drop measurement
gas stream pressure measurement device device must be
drop across the wet during the kiln PM accurate within plus
scrubber. performance test. or minus 1 percent;
you must collect the
pressure drop data
during the period of
the performance test
and determine the
operating limit
according to Sec.
63.7112(j).9. Each lime kiln equipped with a wet Establish the operating Data from the liquid The continuous
scrubber. limit for the average flow rate measurement scrubbing liquid flow
liquid flow rate to device during the kiln rate measuring device
the scrubber. PM performance test. must be accurate
within plus or minus 1
percent; you must
collect the flow rate
data during the period
of the performance
test and determine the
operating limit
according to Sec.
63.7112(j).10. Each lime kiln equipped with a FF Have installed and have Standard operating According to the
or ESP that is monitored with a PM operating the BLDS or procedures requirements in Sec.
detector. PM detector prior to incorporated into the 63.7113(d) or (e),
the performance test. OM&M; plan. respectively.11. Each lime kiln equipped with a FF Have installed and have Standard operating According to the
or ESP that is monitored with a COMS. operating the COMS procedures requirements in Sec.
prior to the incorporated into the 63.7113(g).
performance test. OM&M; plan and as
required by 40 CFR
part 63, subpart A,
General Provisions and
according to PS-1 of
appendix B to part 60
of this chapter,
except as specified in
Sec. 63.7113(g)(2).12. Each stack emission from a PSH Measure PM emissions... Method 5 or Method 17 The sample volume must
operation, vent from a building in appendix A to part be at least 1.70 dscm
enclosing a PSH operation, or set of 60 of this chapter. (60 dscf); for Method
multiple storage bins with combined 5, if the gas stream
stack emissions, which is subject to being sampled is at
a PM emission limit. ambient temperature,
the sampling probe and
filter may be operated
without heaters; and
if the gas stream is
above ambient
temperature, the
sampling probe and
filter may be operated
at a temperature high
enough, but no higher
than 121 C (250 F), to
prevent water
condensation on the
filter (Method 17 may
be used only with
exhaust gas
temperatures of not
more than 250 F).13. Each stack emission from a PSH Conduct opacity Method 9 in appendix A The test duration must
operation, vent from a building observations. to part 60 of this be for at least 3
enclosing a PSH operation, or set of chapter. hours and you must
multiple storage bins with combined obtain at least
stack emissions, which is subject to thirty, 6-minute
an opacity limit. averages.14. Each stack emissions source from Establish the average Data for the gas stream The pressure drop
a PSH operation subject to a PM or gas stream pressure pressure drop measurement device
opacity limit, which uses a wet drop across the wet measurement device must be accurate
scrubber. scrubber. during the PSH within plus or minus 1
operation stack PM percent; you must
performance test. collect the pressure
drop data during the
period of the
performance test and
determine the
operating limit
according to Sec.
15. Each stack emissions source from Establish the operating Data from the liquid The continuous
a PSH operation subject to a PM or limit for the average flow rate measurement scrubbing liquid flow
opacity limit, which uses a wet liquid flow rate to device during the PSH rate measuring device
scrubber. the scrubber. operation stack PM must be accurate
performance test. within plus or minus 1
percent; you must
collect the flow rate
data during the period
of the performance
test and determine the
operating limit
according to Sec.
63.7112(j).16. Each FF that controls emissions Conduct opacity Method 9 in appendix A The test duration must
from only an individual, enclosed, observations. to part 60 of this be for at least 1 hour
new or existing storage bin. chapter. and you must obtain
ten 6-minute averages.17. Fugitive emissions from any PSH Conduct opacity Method 9 in appendix A The test duration must
operation subject to an opacity observations. to part 60 of this be for at least 3
limit. chapter. hours, but the 3-hour
test may be reduced to
1 hour if, during the
first 1-hour period,
there are no
individual readings
greater than 10
percent opacity and
there are no more than
three readings of 10
percent during the
first 1-hour period.18. Each building enclosing any PSH Conduct VE check....... The specifications in The performance test
operation, that is subject to a VE Sec. 63.7112(k). must be conducted
limit. while all affected PSH
operations within the
building are
operating; the
performance test for
each affected building
must be at least 75
minutes, with each
side of the building
and roof being
observed for at least
15 minutes.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 5 to Subpart AAAAA of Part 63--Continuous Compliance With
Operating Limits
As required in Sec. 63.7121, you must demonstrate continuous compliance with each operating limit that applies to you, according to the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You must
For the following demonstrate
For . . . operating limit . continuous
. . compliance by . .
.------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Each lime kiln controlled by Maintain the 3- Collecting the wet
a wet scrubber. hour block scrubber
average exhaust operating data
gas stream according to all
pressure drop applicable
across the wet requirements in
scrubber greater Sec. 63.7113
than or equal to and reducing the
the pressure drop data according to
operating limit Sec.
established 63.7113(a);
during the PM maintaining the 3-
performance test; hour block
and maintain the average exhaust
3-hour block gas stream
average scrubbing pressure drop
liquid flow rate across the wet
greater than or scrubber greater
equal to the flow than or equal to
rate operating the pressure drop
limit established operating limit
during the established
performance test. during the PM
performance test;
and maintaining
the 3-hour block
average scrubbing
liquid flow rate
greater than or
equal to the flow
rate operating
limit established
during the
performance test
(the continuous
scrubbing liquid
flow rate
measuring device
must be accurate
within plus or
minus 1% and the
pressure drop
device must be
accurate within
plus or minus
2. Each lime kiln or lime cooler a. Maintain and (i) Operating the
equipped with a FF and using a operate the FF or FF or ESP so that
BLDS, and each lime kiln ESP such that the the alarm on the
equipped with an ESP or FF bag leak or PM bag leak or PM
using a PM detector. detector alarm, detection system
is not activated is not activated
and alarm and an alarm
condition does condition does
not exist for not exist for
more than 5 more than 5
percent of the percent of the
total operating total operating
time in each 6- time in each 6-
month period. month reporting
period; and
recording the
output from the
detection system;
(ii) Each time the
alarm sounds and
the owner or
actions within 1
hour of the
alarm, 1 hour of
alarm time will
be counted (if
the owner or
operator takes
longer than 1
hour to initiate
actions, alarm
time will be
counted as the
actual amount of
time taken by the
owner or operator
to initiate
actions); if
inspection of the
FF or ESP system
demonstrates that
no corrective
actions are
necessary, no
alarm time will
be counted.3. Each stack emissions source Maintain the 3- Collecting the wet
from a PSH operation subject to hour block scrubber
an opacity limit, which is average exhaust operating data
controlled by a wet scrubber. gas stream according to all
pressure drop applicable
across the wet requirements in
scrubber greater Sec. 63.7113
than or equal to and reducing the
the pressure drop data according to
operating limit Sec.
established 63.7113(a);
during the PM maintaining the 3-
performance test; hour block
and maintain the average exhaust
3-hour block gas stream
average scrubbing pressure drop
liquid flow rate across the wet
greater than or scrubber greater
equal to the flow than or equal to
rate operating the pressure drop
limit established operating limit
during the established
performance test. during the PM
performance test;
and maintaining
the 3-hour block
average scrubbing
liquid flow rate
greater than or
equal to the flow
rate operating
limit established
during the
performance test
(the continuous
scrubbing liquid
flow rate
measuring device
must be accurate
within 1
% and the
pressure drop
device must be
accurate within
1%).4. For each lime kiln or lime a. Maintain and i. Installing,
cooler equipped with a FF or an operate the FF or maintaining,
ESP that uses a COMS as the ESP such that the calibrating and
monitoring device. average opacity operating a COMS
for any 6-minute as required by 40
block period does CFR part 63,
not exceed 15 subpart A,
percent. General
Provisions and
according to PS-1
of appendix B to
part 60 of this
chapter, except
as specified in
ii. Collecting the
COMS data at a
frequency of at
least once every
15 seconds,
determining block
averages for each
6-minute period
and demonstrating
for each 6-minute
block period the
average opacity
does not exceed
15 percent.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 6 to Subpart AAAAA of Part 63--Periodic Monitoring for
Compliance With Opacity and Visible Emissions Limits
As required in Sec. 63.7121 you must periodically demonstrate compliance with each opacity and VE limit that applies to you, according to the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You must
For the following demonstrate
For . . . emission ongoing compliance
limitation . . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Each PSH operation subject to a. 7-10 percent (i) Conducting a
an opacity limitation as opacity, monthly 1-minute
required in Table 1 to this depending on the VE check of each
subpart, or any vents from PSH operation, as emission unit in
buildings subject to an opacity required in Table accordance with
limitation. 1 to this subpart. Sec.
63.7121(e); the
check must be
conducted while
the affected
source is in
(ii) If no VE are
observed in 6
monthly checks
for any emission
unit, you may
decrease the
frequency of VE
checking from
monthly to semi-
annually for that
emission unit; if
VE are observed
during any
semiannual check,
you must resume
VE checking of
that emission
unit on a monthly
basis and
maintain that
schedule until no
VE are observed
in 6 consecutive
monthly checks;
(iii) If no VE are
observed during
the semiannual
check for any
emission unit,
you may decrease
the frequency of
VE checking from
semi-annually to
annually for that
emission unit; if
VE are observed
during any annual
check, you must
resume VE
checking of that
emission unit on
a monthly basis
and maintain that
schedule until no
VE are observed
in 6 consecutive
monthly checks;
(iv) If VE are
observed during
any VE check, you
must conduct a 6-
minute test of
opacity in
accordance with
Method 9 of
appendix A to
part 60 of this
chapter; you must
begin the Method
9 test within 1
hour of any
observation of VE
and the 6-minute
opacity reading
must not exceed
the applicable
(i) Conducting a
limit, according to item 8 of monthly VE check
Table 1 to this subpart. of the building,
in accordance
with the
specifications in
63.7112(k); the
check must be
conducted while
all the enclosed
PSH operations
are operating;
(ii) The check for
each affected
building must be
at least 5
minutes, with
each side of the
building and roof
being observed
for at least 1
(iii) If no VE are
observed in 6
monthly checks of
the building, you
may decrease the
frequency of
checking from
monthly to semi-
annually for that
affected source;
if VE are
observed during
any semi-annual
check, you must
resume checking
on a monthly
basis and
maintain that
schedule until no
VE are observed
in 6 consecutive
monthly checks;
(iv) If no VE are
observed during
the semi-annual
check, you may
decrease the
frequency of
checking from
semi-annually to
annually for that
affected source;
and if VE are
observed during
any annual check,
you must resume
checking of that
emission unit on
a monthly basis
and maintain that
schedule until no
VE are observed
in 6 consecutive
monthly checks
(the source is in
compliance if no
VE are observed
during any of
these checks).------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 7 to Subpart AAAAA of Part 63--Requirements for Reports
As required in Sec. 63.7131, you must submit each report in this table that applies to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The report must You must submit
You must submit a . . . contain . . . the report . . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Compliance report............ a. If there are no Semiannually
deviations from according to the
any emission requirements in
limitations Sec.
(emission limit, 63.7131(b).
operating limit,
opacity limit,
and VE limit)
that applies to
you, a statement
that there were
no deviations
from the emission
during the
reporting period;
b. If there were Semiannually
no periods during according to the
which the CMS, requirements in
including any Sec.
operating 63.7131(b).
system, was out-
of-control as
specified in Sec.
63.8(c)(7), a
statement that
there were no
periods during
which the CMS was
during the
reporting period;
c. If you have a Semiannually
deviation from according to the
any emission requirements in
limitation Sec.
(emission limit, 63.7131(b).
operating limit,
opacity limit,
and VE limit)
during the
reporting period,
the report must
contain the
information in
d. If there were Semiannually
periods during according to the
which the CMS, requirements in
including any Sec.
operating 63.7131(b).
system, was out-
of-control, as
specified in Sec.
63.8(c)(7), the
report must
contain the
information in
63.7131(e); and
e. If you had a Semiannually
startup, shutdown according to the
or malfunction requirements in
during the Sec.
reporting period 63.7131(b).
and you took
consistent with
your SSMP, the
compliance report
must include the
information in
63.10(d)(5)(i).2. An immediate startup, Actions taken for By fax or
shutdown, and malfunction the event. telephone within
report if you had a startup, 2 working days
shutdown, or malfunction during after starting
the reporting period that is actions
not consistent with your SSMP. inconsistent with
the SSMP.3. An immediate startup, The information in By letter within 7
shutdown, and malfunction Sec. working days
report if you had a startup, 63.10(d)(5)(ii). after the end of
shutdown, or malfunction during the event unless
the reporting period that is you have made
not consistent with your SSMP. alternative
arrangements with
the permitting
authority. See
Sec. Table 8 to Subpart AAAAA of Part 63--Applicability of General
Provisions to Subpart AAAAA
As required in Sec. 63.7140, you must comply with the applicable General Provisions requirements according to the following table: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Summary of Am I subject to this
Citation requirement requirement? Explanations----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. 63.1(a)(1)-(4)............. Applicability Yes.............................Sec. 63.1(a)(5)................. .................... No..............................Sec. 63.1(a)(6)................. Applicability Yes.............................Sec. 63.1(a)(7)-(a)(9).......... .................... No..............................Sec. 63.1(a)(10)-(a)(14)........ Applicability....... Yes.............................Sec. 63.1(b)(1)................. Initial Yes............................. Sec. Sec. 63.7081
Applicability and 63.7142 specify
Determination. additional
requirements.Sec. 63.1(b)(2)................. .................... No..............................Sec. 63.1(b)(3)................. Initial Yes.............................
Determination.Sec. 63.1(c)(1)................. Applicability After Yes.............................
Established.Sec. 63.1(c)(2)................. Permit Requirements. No.............................. Area sources not
subject to subpart
AAAAA, except all
sources must make
determination.Sec. 63.1(c)(3)................. .................... No..............................Sec. 63.1(c)(4)-(5)............. Extensions, Yes.............................
Notifications.Sec. 63.1(d).................... .................... No..............................Sec. 63.1(e).................... Applicability of Yes.............................
Permit Program.Sec. 63.2....................... Definitions......... ................................ Additional
definitions in Sec.
63.7143.Sec. 63.3(a)-(c)................ Units and Yes.............................
Abbreviations.Sec. 63.4(a)(1)-(a)(2).......... Prohibited Yes.............................
Activities.Sec. 3.4(a)(3)-(a)(5)........... .................... No..............................Sec. 63.4(b)-(c)................ Circumvention, Yes.............................
Severability.Sec. 63.5(a)(1)-(2)............. Construction/ Yes.............................
Reconstruction.Sec. 63.5(b)(1)................. Compliance Dates.... Yes.............................Sec. 63.5(b)(2)................. .................... No..............................Sec. 63.5(b)(3)-(4)............. Construction Yes.............................
Applicability.Sec. 63.5(b)(5)................. .................... No..............................Sec. 63.5(b)(6)................. Applicability....... Yes.............................Sec. 63.5(c).................... .................... No..............................Sec. 63.5(d)(1)-(4)............. Approval of Yes.............................
Reconstruction.Sec. 63.5(e).................... Approval of Yes.............................
Reconstruction.Sec. 63.5(f)(1)-(2)............. Approval of Yes.............................
Reconstruction.Sec. 63.6(a).................... Compliance for Yes.............................
Standards and
Maintenance.Sec. 63.6(b)(1)-(5)............. Compliance Dates.... Yes.............................Sec. 63.6(b)(6)................. .................... No..............................Sec. 63.6(b)(7)................. Compliance Dates.... Yes.............................Sec. 63.6(c)(1)-(2)............. Compliance Dates.... Yes.............................Sec. 63.6(c)(3)-(c)(4).......... .................... No..............................Sec. 63.6(c)(5)................. Compliance Dates.... Yes.............................Sec. 63.6(d).................... .................... No..............................Sec. 63.6(e)(1)................. Operation & Yes............................. See Sec. 63.7100
Maintenance. for OM&M;
requirements.Sec. 63.6(e)(2)................. .................... No..............................Sec. 63.6(e)(3)................. Startup, Shutdown Yes.............................
Malfunction Plan.Sec. 63.6(f)(1)-(3)............. Compliance with Yes.............................
Emission Standards.Sec. 63.6(g)(1)-(g)(3).......... Alternative Standard Yes.............................
Sec. 63.6(h)(1)-(2)............. Opacity/VE Standards Yes.............................
Sec. 63.6(h)(3)................. .................... No..............................
Sec. 63.6(h)(4)-(h)(5)(i)....... Opacity/VE Standards Yes............................. This requirement
only applies to
opacity and VE
performance checks
required in Table 4
to subpart AAAAA.
Sec. 63.6(h)(5) (ii)-(iii)...... Opacity/VE Standards No.............................. Test durations are
specified in
subpart AAAAA;
subpart AAAAA takes
precedence.Sec. 63.6(h)(5)(iv)............. Opacity/VE Standards No..............................Sec. 63.6(h)(5)(v).............. Opacity/VE Standards Yes.............................Sec. 63.6(h)(6)................. Opacity/VE Standards Yes.............................Sec. 63.6(h)(7)................. COM Use............. Yes.............................Sec. 63.6(h)(8)................. Compliance with Yes.............................
Opacity and VE.Sec. 63.6(h)(9)................. Adjustment of Yes.............................
Opacity Limit.Sec. 63.6(i)(1)-(i)(14)......... Extension of Yes.............................
Compliance.Sec. 63.6(i)(15)................ .................... No..............................Sec. 63.6(i)(16)................ Extension of Yes.............................
Compliance.Sec. 63.6(j).................... Exemption from Yes.............................
Compliance.Sec. 63.7(a)(1)-(a)(3).......... Performance Testing Yes............................. Sec. 63.7110
Requirements. specifies
deadlines; Sec.
63.7112 has
additional specific
requirements.Sec. 63.7(b).................... Notification........ Yes.............................Sec. 63.7(c).................... Quality Assurance/ Yes.............................
Test Plan.Sec. 63.7(d).................... Testing Facilities.. Yes.............................Sec. 63.7(e)(1)-(4)............. Conduct of Tests.... Yes.............................Sec. 63.7(f).................... Alternative Test Yes.............................
Method.Sec. 63.7(g).................... Data Analysis....... Yes.............................Sec. 63.7(h).................... Waiver of Tests..... Yes.............................Sec. 63.8(a)(1)................. Monitoring Yes............................. See Sec. 63.7113.
Requirements.Sec. 63.8(a)(2)................. Monitoring.......... Yes.............................Sec. 63.8(a)(3)................. .................... No..............................Sec. 63.8(a)(4)................. Monitoring.......... No.............................. Flares not
applicable.Sec. 63.8(b)(1)-(3)............. Conduct of Yes.............................
Monitoring.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)-(3)............. CMS Operation/ Yes.............................
Maintenance.Sec. 63.8(c)(4)................. CMS Requirements.... No.............................. See Sec. 63.7121.Sec. 63.8(c)(4)(i)-(ii)......... Cycle Time for COM Yes............................. No CEMS are required
and CEMS. under subpart
AAAAA; see Sec.
63.7113 for CPMS
requirements.Sec. 63.8(c)(5)................. Minimum COM Yes............................. COM not required.
procedures.Sec. 63.8(c)(6)................. CMS Requirements.... No.............................. See Sec. 63.7113.Sec. 63.8(c)(7)-(8)............. CMS Requirements.... Yes.............................Sec. 63.8(d).................... Quality Control..... No.............................. See Sec. 63.7113.Sec. 63.8(e).................... Performance No..............................
Evaluation for CMS.Sec. 63.8(f)(1)-(f)(5).......... Alternative Yes.............................
Monitoring Method.Sec. 63.8(f)(6)................. Alternative to No..............................
Relative Accuracy
test.Sec. 63.8(g)(1)-(g)(5).......... Data Reduction; Data No.............................. See data reduction
That Cannot Be Used. requirements in
Sec. Sec.
63.7120 and
63.7121.Sec. 63.9(a).................... Notification Yes............................. See Sec. 63.7130.
Requirements.Sec. 63.9(b).................... Initial Yes.............................
Notifications.Sec. 63.9(c).................... Request for Yes.............................
Extension.Sec. 63.9(d).................... New Source Yes.............................
Notification for
Special Compliance
Requirements.Sec. 63.9(e).................... Notification of Yes.............................
Performance Test.Sec. 63.9(f).................... Notification of VE/ Yes............................. This requirement
Opacity Test. only applies to
opacity and VE
performance tests
required in Table 4
to subpart AAAAA.
Notification not
required for VE/
opacity test under
Table 6 to subpart
AAAAA.Sec. 63.9(g).................... Additional CMS No.............................. Not required for
Notifications. operating parameter
monitoring.Sec. 63.9(h)(1)-(h)(3).......... Notification of Yes.............................
Compliance Status.Sec. 63.9(h)(4)................. .................... No..............................Sec. 63.9(h)(5)-(h)(6).......... Notification of Yes.............................
Compliance Status.Sec. 63.9(i).................... Adjustment of Yes.............................
Deadlines.Sec. 63.9(j).................... Change in Previous Yes.............................
Sec. 63.10(a)................... Recordkeeping/ Yes............................. See Sec. Sec.
Reporting General 63.7131 through
Requirements. 63.7133.Sec. 63.10(b)(1)-(b)(2)(xii).... Records............. Yes.............................Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(xiii).......... Records for Relative No..............................
Accuracy Test.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(xiv)........... Records for Yes.............................
Notification.Sec. 63.10(b)(3)................ Applicability Yes.............................
Determinations.Sec. 63.10(c)................... Additional CMS No.............................. See Sec. 63.7132.
Recordkeeping.Sec. 63.10(d)(1)................ General Reporting Yes.............................
Requirements.Sec. 63.10(d)(2)................ Performance Test Yes.............................
Results.Sec. 63.10(d)(3)................ Opacity or VE Yes............................. For the periodic
Observations. monitoring
requirements in
Table 6 to subpart
AAAAA, report
according to Sec.
63.10(d)(3) only if
VE observed and
subsequent visual
opacity test is
required.Sec. 63.10(d)(4)................ Progress Reports.... Yes.............................Sec. 63.10(d)(5)................ Startup, Shutdown, Yes.............................
Malfunction Reports.Sec. 63.10(e)................... Additional CMS No.............................. See specific
Reports. requirements in
subpart AAAAA, see
Sec. 63.7131.Sec. 63.10(f)................... Waiver for Yes.............................
Reporting.Sec. 63.11(a)-(b)............... Control Device No.............................. Flares not
Requirements. applicable.Sec. 63.12(a)-(c)............... State Authority and Yes.............................
Delegations.Sec. 63.13(a)-(c)............... State/Regional Yes.............................
Addresses.Sec. 63.14(a)-(b)............... Incorporation by No..............................
Reference.Sec. 63.15(a)-(b)............... Availability of Yes.............................
Subpart BBBBB_National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
for Semiconductor Manufacturing
Source: 68 FR 27925, May 22, 2003, unless otherwise noted.
What This Subpart Covers