Terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act, in Sec. Sec. 63.2 and 63.981, the General Provisions of this part (40 CFR part 63, subpart A), and in this section as follows:
Combined HAP process vent means a process vent that emits both inorganic and organic HAP to the atmosphere.
Control device means a combustion device, recovery device, recapture device, or any combination of these devices used for the primary purpose of reducing emissions to comply with this subpart. Devices that are inherent to a process or are integral to the operation of a process are not considered control devices for the purposes of this subpart, even though these devices may have the secondary effect of reducing emissions.
Inorganic HAP process vent means a process vent that emits only inorganic HAP to the atmosphere.
Organic HAP process vent means a process vent that emits only organic HAP to the atmosphere.
Process vent means the point at which HAP emissions are released to the atmosphere from a semiconductor manufacturing process unit or storage tank by means of a stack, chimney, vent, or other functionally equivalent opening. The HAP emission points originating from wastewater treatment equipment, other than storage tanks, are not considered to be a process vent, unless the wastewater treatment equipment emission points are connected to a common vent or exhaust plenum with other process vents.
Semiconductor manufacturing means the collection of semiconductor manufacturing process units used to manufacture p-type and n-type semiconductors or active solid state devices from a wafer substrate, including processing from crystal growth through wafer fabrication, and testing and assembly. Examples of semiconductor or related solid state devices include semiconductor diodes, semiconductor stacks, rectifiers, integrated circuits, and transistors.
Semiconductor manufacturing process unit means the collection of equipment used to carry out a discrete operation in the semiconductor manufacturing process. These operations include, but are not limited to, crystal growing; solvent stations used to prepare and clean materials for subsequent processing or for parts cleaning; wet chemical stations used for cleaning (other than solvent cleaning); photoresist application, developing, and stripping; etching; gaseous operation stations used for stripping, cleaning, doping, etching, and layering; separation; encapsulation; and testing. Research and development operations associated with semiconductor manufacturing and conducted at a semiconductor manufacturing facility are considered to be semiconductor manufacturing process units.
Storage tank means a stationary unit that is constructed primarily from nonearthen materials (such as wood, concrete, steel, fiberglass, or plastic) which provides structural support and is designed to hold an accumulation of liquids or other materials used in or generated by a semiconductor manufacturing process unit. The following are not storage tanks for the purposes of this subpart:
(1) Tanks permanently attached to motor vehicles such as trucks, railcars, barges, or ships;
(2) Flow-through tanks where wastewater undergoes treatment (such as pH adjustment) before discharge, and are not used to accumulate wastewater;
(3) Bottoms receiver tanks; and
(4) Surge control tanks. [68 FR 27925, May 22, 2003, as amended at 73 FR 42532, 73 FR 42532, July 22, 2008]
Sec. Table 1 to Subpart BBBBB of Part 63--Requirements for Performance
As stated in Sec. 63.7187, you must comply with the requirements for performance tests in the following table: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
According to the
For . . . You must . . . Using . . . following requirements
. . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Process or storage tank vent a. Select sampling Method 1 or 1A of 40 Sampling sites must be
streams. port's location and CFR part 60, appendix located at the inlet
the number of traverse A. (if emission reduction
ports. or destruction
efficiency testing is
required) and outlet
of the control device
and prior to any
releases to the
b. Determine velocity Method 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, For HAP reduction
and volumetric flow 2F, or 2G of 40 CFR efficiency testing
rate. part 60, appendix A. only; not necessary
for determining
compliance with a ppmv
concentration limit.
c. Conduct gas i. Method 3, 3A, or 3B For flow rate
molecular weight of 40 CFR part 60, determination only.
analysis. appendix A.
ii. ASME PTC 19.10-1981- You may use ASME PTC
Part 10. 19.10-1981-Part 10
(available for
purchase from Three
Park Avenue, New York,
NY 10016-5990) as an
alternative to EPA
Method 3B.
d. Measure moisture Method 4 of 40 CFR part For flow rate
content of the stack 60, appendix A. determination and
gas. correction to dry
basis, if necessary.2. Process vent stream............... a. Measure organic and i. Method 18, 25, or (1) To determine
inorganic HAP 25A of 40 CFR part 60, compliance with the
concentration (two appendix A, AND percent by weight
method option). ii. Method 26 or 26A of emission reduction
40 CFR part 60, limit, conduct
appendix A. simultaneous sampling
at inlet and outlet of
control device and
analyze for same
organic and inorganic
HAP at both inlet and
outlet; and
(2) If you use Method
25A to determine the
TOC concentration for
compliance with the 20
ppmv emission
limitation, the
instrument must be
calibrated on methane
or the predominant
HAP. If you calibrate
on the predominant
HAP, you must comply
with each of the
--The organic HAP used
as the calibration gas
must be the single
organic HAP
representing the
largest percent of
emissions by volume.
--The results are
acceptable if the
response from the high
level calibration gas
is at least 20 times
the standard deviation
of the response from
the zero calibration
gas when the
instrument is zeroed
on its most sensitive
--The span value of the
analyzer must be less
than 100 ppmv.
To determine compliance
with 98 percent
reduction limit,
conduct simultaneous
sampling at inlet and
outlet of control
device and analyze for
same organic and
inorganic HAP at both
inlet and outlet.
c. Measure organic and Method 320 of 40 CFR To determine compliance
inorganic HAP part 63, appendix A. with the percent by
simultaneously (one weight emission
method option). reduction limit,
conduct simultaneous
sampling at inlet and
outlet of control
device and analyze for
same organic and
inorganic HAP at both
inlet and outlet.3. Storage tank vent stream.......... Measure inorganic HAP Method 26 or 26A of 40 To determine compliance
concentration. CFR part 60, appendix with percent by weight
A, or Method 320 of 40 emission reduction
CFR part 63, appendix limit, conduct
A. simultaneous sampling
at inlet and outlet of
control device and
analyze for same
inorganic HAP at both
inlet and outlet.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 2 to Subpart BBBBB of Part 63--Applicability of General
Provisions to Subpart BBBBB
As stated in Sec. 63.7193, you must comply with the applicable General Provisions requirements according to the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Applicable to
Citation Subject Subpart BBBBB?------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. 63.1................. Applicability....... Yes.Sec. 63.2................. Definitions......... Yes.Sec. 63.3................. Units and Yes.
Abbreviations.Sec. 63.4................. Prohibited Yes.
Activities and
Circumvention.Sec. 63.5................. Construction and Yes.
Reconstruction.Sec. 63.6................. Compliance with Yes.
Standards and
Maintenance.Sec. 63.7................. Performance Testing Yes, with the
Requirements. exception of Sec.
63.7(e)(1). The
requirements of
Sec. 63.7(e)(1)
do not apply.
Performance testing
requirements that
apply are specified
in this subpart,
and in Sec.
63.982(a)(1) and
(2).Sec. 63.8................. Monitoring Monitoring
Requirements. requirements are
specified in this
subpart and in Sec.
63.982(a)(1) and
(2). The closed
vent system
requirements of
Sec. 63.983(c),
as referenced by
Sec. 63.982(a)(1)
and (2), do not
apply.Sec. 63.9................. Notification Yes.
Requirements.Sec. 63.10................ Recordkeeping and Yes, with the
Reporting exception of Sec.
Requirements. 63.10(e). The
requirements of
Sec. 63.10(e) do
not apply. In
addition, the
recordkeeping and
specified in this
subpart apply.Sec. 63.11................ Flares.............. Yes.Sec. 63.12................ Delegation.......... Yes.Sec. 63.13................ Addresses........... Yes.Sec. 63.14................ Incorporation by Yes.
Reference.Sec. 63.15................ Availability of Yes.
Subpart CCCCC_National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
for Coke Ovens: Pushing, Quenching, and Battery Stacks
Source: 68 FR 18025, Apr. 14, 2003, unless otherwise noted.
What This Subpart Covers