(a) For each by-product coke oven battery with vertical flues subject to the work practice standards for fugitive pushing emissions in Sec. 63.7291(a), you have demonstrated initial compliance if you certify in your notification of compliance status that you will meet each of the work practice requirements beginning no later than the compliance date that is specified in Sec. 63.7283.
(b) For each by-product coke oven battery with horizontal flues subject to the work practice standards for fugitive pushing emissions in Sec. 63.7292(a), you have demonstrated initial compliance if you have met the requirements of paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section:
(1) You have prepared and submitted a written plan and supporting documentation establishing appropriate minimum flue temperatures for different coking times and the lowest acceptable temperature to the Administrator (or delegated authority) for review and approval; and
(2) You certify in your notification of compliance status that you will meet each of the work practice requirements beginning no later than the compliance date that is specified in Sec. 63.7283.
(c) For each non-recovery coke oven battery subject to the work practice standards for fugitive pushing emissions in Sec. 63.7293(a), you have demonstrated initial compliance if you certify in your notification of compliance status that you will meet each of the work practice requirements beginning no later than the compliance date that is specified in Sec. 63.7283.
(d) For each by-product coke oven battery subject to the work practice standards for soaking in Sec. 63.7294, you have demonstrated initial compliance if you have met the requirements of paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section:
(1) You have prepared and submitted a written work practice plan in accordance with Sec. 63.7294(a); and
(2) You certify in your notification of compliance status that you will meet each of the work practice requirements beginning no later than the compliance date that is specified in Sec. 63.7283.
(e) For each coke oven battery, you have demonstrated initial compliance with the work practice standards for quenching in Sec. 63.7295(b) if you certify in your notification of compliance status that you have met the requirements of paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) of this section:
(1) You have installed the required equipment in each quench tower; and
(2) You will meet each of the work practice requirements beginning no later than the compliance date that is specified in Sec. 63.7283.
(f) For each work practice standard that applies to you, you must submit a notification of compliance status according to the requirements in Sec. 63.7340(e)(1).