Terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act, in Sec. 63.2 (the General Provisions), and in this section as follows:
10-day rolling average means the arithmetic mean of the previous 240 hours of valid operating data. Valid data excludes hours during startup and shutdown, data collected during periods when the monitoring system is out of control as specified in your site-specific monitoring plan, while conducting repairs associated with periods when the monitoring system is out of control, or while conducting required monitoring system quality assurance or quality control activities, and periods when this unit is not operating. The 240 hours should be consecutive, but not necessarily continuous if operations were intermittent.
30-day rolling average means the arithmetic mean of the previous 720 hours of valid operating data. Valid data excludes hours during startup and shutdown, data collected during periods when the monitoring system is out of control as specified in your site-specific monitoring plan, while conducting repairs associated with periods when the monitoring system is out of control, or while conducting required monitoring system quality assurance or quality control activities, and periods when this unit is not operating. The 720 hours should be consecutive, but not necessarily continuous if operations were intermittent.
Affirmative defense means, in the context of an enforcement proceeding, a response or defense put forward by a defendant, regarding which the defendant has the burden of proof, and the merits of which are independently and objectively evaluated in a judicial or administrative proceeding.
Annual capacity factor means the ratio between the actual heat input to a boiler or process heater from the fuels burned during a calendar year and the potential heat input to the boiler or process heater had it been operated for 8,760 hours during a year at the maximum steady state design heat input capacity.
Annual heat input means the heat input for the 12 months preceding the compliance demonstration.
Average annual heat input rate means total heat input divided by the hours of operation for the 12 months preceding the compliance demonstration.
Bag leak detection system means a group of instruments that are capable of monitoring particulate matter loadings in the exhaust of a fabric filter (i.e., baghouse) in order to detect bag failures. A bag leak detection system includes, but is not limited to, an instrument that operates on electrodynamic, triboelectric, light scattering, light transmittance, or other principle to monitor relative particulate matter loadings.
Benchmark means the fuel heat input for a boiler or process heater for the one-year period before the date that an energy demand reduction occurs, unless it can be demonstrated that a different time period is more representative of historical operations.
Biodiesel means a mono-alkyl ester derived from biomass and conforming to ASTM D6751-11b, Standard Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock (B100) for Middle Distillate Fuels (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14).
Biomass or bio-based solid fuel means any biomass-based solid fuel that is not a solid waste. This includes, but is not limited to, wood residue; wood products (e.g., trees, tree stumps, tree limbs, bark, lumber, sawdust, sander dust, chips, scraps, slabs, millings, and shavings); animal manure, including litter and other bedding materials; vegetative agricultural and silvicultural materials, such as logging residues (slash), nut and grain hulls and chaff (e.g., almond, walnut, peanut, rice, and wheat), bagasse, orchard prunings, corn stalks, coffee bean hulls and grounds. This definition of biomass is not intended to suggest that these materials are or are not solid waste.
Blast furnace gas fuel-fired boiler or process heater means an industrial/commercial/institutional boiler or process heater that receives 90 percent or more of its total annual gas volume from blast furnace gas.
Boiler means an enclosed device using controlled flame combustion and having the primary purpose of recovering thermal energy in the form of steam or hot water. Controlled flame combustion refers to a steady-state, or near steady-state, process wherein fuel and/or oxidizer feed rates are controlled. A device combusting solid waste, as defined in Sec. 241.3 of this chapter, is not a boiler unless the device is exempt from the definition of a solid waste incineration unit as provided in section 129(g)(1) of the Clean Air Act. Waste heat boilers are excluded from this definition.
Boiler system means the boiler and associated components, such as, the feed water system, the combustion air system, the fuel system (including burners), blowdown system, combustion control systems, steam systems, and condensate return systems.
Calendar year means the period between January 1 and December 31, inclusive, for a given year.
Coal means all solid fuels classifiable as anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous, or lignite by ASTM D388 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14), coal refuse, and petroleum coke. For the purposes of this subpart, this definition of ``coal'' includes synthetic fuels derived from coal, including but not limited to, solvent-refined coal, coal-oil mixtures, and coal-water mixtures. Coal derived gases are excluded from this definition.
Coal refuse means any by-product of coal mining or coal cleaning operations with an ash content greater than 50 percent (by weight) and a heating value less than 13,900 kilojoules per kilogram (6,000 Btu per pound) on a dry basis.
Commercial/institutional boiler means a boiler used in commercial establishments or institutional establishments such as medical centers, nursing homes, research centers, institutions of higher education, elementary and secondary schools, libraries, religious establishments, governmental buildings, hotels, restaurants, and laundries to provide electricity, steam, and/or hot water.
Common stack means the exhaust of emissions from two or more affected units through a single flue. Affected units with a common stack may each have separate air pollution control systems located before the common stack, or may have a single air pollution control system located after the exhausts come together in a single flue.
Cost-effective energy conservation measure means a measure that is implemented to improve the energy efficiency of the boiler or facility that has a payback (return of investment) period of 2 years or less.
Daily block average means the arithmetic mean of all valid emission concentrations or parameter levels recorded when a unit is operating measured over the 24-hour period from 12 a.m. (midnight) to 12 a.m. (midnight), except for periods of startup and shutdown or downtime.
(1) Deviation means any instance in which an affected source subject to this subpart, or an owner or operator of such a source:
(i) Fails to meet any applicable requirement or obligation established by this subpart including, but not limited to, any emission limit, operating limit, or work practice standard; or
(ii) Fails to meet any term or condition that is adopted to implement an applicable requirement in this subpart and that is included in the operating permit for any affected source required to obtain such a permit.
(2) A deviation is not always a violation.
Dioxins/furans means tetra- through octa-chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans.
Distillate oil means fuel oils that contain 0.05 weight percent nitrogen or less and comply with the specifications for fuel oil numbers 1 and 2, as defined by the American Society of Testing and Materials in ASTM D396 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14) or diesel fuel oil numbers 1 and 2, as defined by the American Society for Testing and Materials in ASTM D975 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14), kerosene, and biodiesel as defined by the American Society of Testing and Materials in ASTM D6751-11b (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 60.14).
Dry scrubber means an add-on air pollution control system that injects dry alkaline sorbent (dry injection) or sprays an alkaline sorbent (spray dryer) to react with and neutralize acid gas in the exhaust stream forming a dry powder material. Sorbent injection systems used as control devices in fluidized bed boilers and process heaters are included in this definition. A dry scrubber is a dry control system.
Dutch oven means a unit having a refractory-walled cell connected to a conventional boiler setting. Fuel materials are introduced through an opening in the roof of the dutch oven and burn in a pile on its floor. Fluidized bed boilers are not part of the dutch oven design category.
Efficiency credit means emission reductions above those required by this subpart. Efficiency credits generated may be used to comply with the emissions limits. Credits may come from pollution prevention projects that result in reduced fuel use by affected units. Boilers that are shut down cannot be used to generate credits unless the facility provides documentation linking the permanent shutdown to implementation of the energy conservation measures identified in the energy assessment.
Electric utility steam generating unit (EGU) means a fossil fuel-fired combustion unit of more than 25 megawatts electric (MWe) that serves a generator that produces electricity for sale. A fossil fuel-fired unit that cogenerates steam and electricity and supplies more than one-third of its potential electric output capacity and more than 25 MWe output to any utility power distribution system for sale is considered an electric utility steam generating unit. To be ``capable of combusting'' fossil fuels, an EGU would need to have these fuels allowed in their operating permits and have the appropriate fuel handling facilities on-site or otherwise available (e.g., coal handling equipment, including coal storage area, belts and conveyers, pulverizers, etc.; oil storage facilities). In addition, fossil fuel-fired EGU means any EGU that fired fossil fuel for more than 10.0 percent of the average annual heat input in any 3 consecutive calendar years or for more than 15.0 percent of the annual heat input during any one calendar year after April 16, 2012.
Electrostatic precipitator (ESP) means an add-on air pollution control device used to capture particulate matter by charging the particles using an electrostatic field, collecting the particles using a grounded collecting surface, and transporting the particles into a hopper. An electrostatic precipitator is usually a dry control system.
Energy assessment means the following for the emission units covered by this subpart:
(1) The energy assessment for facilities with affected boilers and process heaters with a combined heat input capacity of less than 0.3 trillion Btu (TBtu) per year will be 8 on-site technical labor hours in length maximum, but may be longer at the discretion of the owner or operator of the affected source. The boiler system(s) and any on-site energy use system(s) accounting for at least 50 percent of the affected boiler(s) energy (e.g., steam, hot water, process heat, or electricity) production, as applicable, will be evaluated to identify energy savings opportunities, within the limit of performing an 8-hour on-site energy assessment.
(2) The energy assessment for facilities with affected boilers and process heaters with a combined heat input capacity of 0.3 to 1.0 TBtu/year will be 24 on-site technical labor hours in length maximum, but may be longer at the discretion of the owner or operator of the affected source. The boiler system(s) and any on-site energy use system(s) accounting for at least 33 percent of the energy (e.g., steam, hot water, process heat, or electricity) production, as applicable, will be evaluated to identify energy savings opportunities, within the limit of performing a 24-hour on-site energy assessment.
(3) The energy assessment for facilities with affected boilers and process heaters with a combined heat input capacity greater than 1.0 TBtu/year will be up to 24 on-site technical labor hours in length for the first TBtu/yr plus 8 on-site technical labor hours for every additional 1.0 TBtu/yr not to exceed 160 on-site technical hours, but may be longer at the discretion of the owner or operator of the affected source. The boiler system(s), process heater(s), and any on-site energy use system(s) accounting for at least 20 percent of the energy (e.g., steam, process heat, hot water, or electricity) production, as applicable, will be evaluated to identify energy savings opportunities.
(4) The on-site energy use systems serving as the basis for the percent of affected boiler(s) and process heater(s) energy production in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of this definition may be segmented by production area or energy use area as most logical and applicable to the specific facility being assessed (e.g., product X manufacturing area; product Y drying area; Building Z).
Energy management practices means the set of practices and procedures designed to manage energy use that are demonstrated by the facility's energy policies, a facility energy manager and other staffing responsibilities, energy performance measurement and tracking methods, an energy saving goal, action plans, operating procedures, internal reporting requirements, and periodic review intervals used at the facility.
Energy management program means a program that includes a set of practices and procedures designed to manage energy use that are demonstrated by the facility's energy policies, a facility energy manager and other staffing responsibilities, energy performance measurement and tracking methods, an energy saving goal, action plans, operating procedures, internal reporting requirements, and periodic review intervals used at the facility. Facilities may establish their program through energy management systems compatible with ISO 50001.
Energy use system includes the following systems located on-site that use energy (steam, hot water, or electricity) provided by the affected boiler or process heater: process heating; compressed air systems; machine drive (motors, pumps, fans); process cooling; facility heating, ventilation, and air- conditioning systems; hot water systems; building envelop; and lighting; or other systems that use steam, hot water, process heat, or electricity provided by the affected boiler or process heater. Energy use systems are only those systems using energy clearly produced by affected boilers and process heaters.
Equivalent means the following only as this term is used in Table 6 to this subpart:
(1) An equivalent sample collection procedure means a published voluntary consensus standard or practice (VCS) or EPA method that includes collection of a minimum of three composite fuel samples, with each composite consisting of a minimum of three increments collected at approximately equal intervals over the test period.
(2) An equivalent sample compositing procedure means a published VCS or EPA method to systematically mix and obtain a representative subsample (part) of the composite sample.
(3) An equivalent sample preparation procedure means a published VCS or EPA method that: Clearly states that the standard, practice or method is appropriate for the pollutant and the fuel matrix; or is cited as an appropriate sample preparation standard, practice or method for the pollutant in the chosen VCS or EPA determinative or analytical method.
(4) An equivalent procedure for determining heat content means a published VCS or EPA method to obtain gross calorific (or higher heating) value.
(5) An equivalent procedure for determining fuel moisture content means a published VCS or EPA method to obtain moisture content. If the sample analysis plan calls for determining metals (especially the mercury, selenium, or arsenic) using an aliquot of the dried sample, then the drying temperature must be modified to prevent vaporizing these metals. On the other hand, if metals analysis is done on an ``as received'' basis, a separate aliquot can be dried to determine moisture content and the metals concentration mathematically adjusted to a dry basis.
(6) An equivalent pollutant (mercury, HCl) determinative or analytical procedure means a published VCS or EPA method that clearly states that the standard, practice, or method is appropriate for the pollutant and the fuel matrix and has a published detection limit equal or lower than the methods listed in Table 6 to this subpart for the same purpose.
Fabric filter means an add-on air pollution control device used to capture particulate matter by filtering gas streams through filter media, also known as a baghouse. A fabric filter is a dry control system.
Federally enforceable means all limitations and conditions that are enforceable by the EPA Administrator, including, but not limited to, the requirements of 40 CFR parts 60, 61, 63, and 65, requirements within any applicable state implementation plan, and any permit requirements established under 40 CFR 52.21 or under 40 CFR 51.18 and 40 CFR 51.24.
Fluidized bed boiler means a boiler utilizing a fluidized bed combustion process that is not a pulverized coal boiler.
Fluidized bed boiler with an integrated fluidized bed heat exchanger means a boiler utilizing a fluidized bed combustion where the entire tube surface area is located outside of the furnace section at the exit of the cyclone section and exposed to the flue gas stream for conductive heat transfer. This design applies only to boilers in the unit designed to burn coal/solid fossil fuel subcategory that fire coal refuse.
Fluidized bed combustion means a process where a fuel is burned in a bed of granulated particles, which are maintained in a mobile suspension by the forward flow of air and combustion products.
Fuel cell means a boiler type in which the fuel is dropped onto suspended fixed grates and is fired in a pile. The refractory-lined fuel cell uses combustion air preheating and positioning of secondary and tertiary air injection ports to improve boiler efficiency. Fluidized bed, dutch oven, pile burner, hybrid suspension grate, and suspension burners are not part of the fuel cell subcategory.
Fuel type means each category of fuels that share a common name or classification. Examples include, but are not limited to, bituminous coal, sub-bituminous coal, lignite, anthracite, biomass, distillate oil, residual oil. Individual fuel types received from different suppliers are not considered new fuel types.
Gaseous fuel includes, but is not limited to, natural gas, process gas, landfill gas, coal derived gas, refinery gas, and biogas. Blast furnace gas and process gases that are regulated under another subpart of this part, or part 60, part 61, or part 65 of this chapter, are exempted from this definition.
Heat input means heat derived from combustion of fuel in a boiler or process heater and does not include the heat input from preheated combustion air, recirculated flue gases, returned condensate, or exhaust gases from other sources such as gas turbines, internal combustion engines, kilns, etc.
Heavy liquid includes residual oil and any other liquid fuel not classified as a light liquid.
Hourly average means the arithmetic average of at least four CMS data values representing the four 15-minute periods in an hour, or at least two 15-minute data values during an hour when CMS calibration, quality assurance, or maintenance activities are being performed.
Hot water heater means a closed vessel with a capacity of no more than 120 U.S. gallons in which water is heated by combustion of gaseous, liquid, or biomass/bio-based solid fuel and is withdrawn for use external to the vessel. Hot water boilers (i.e., not generating steam) combusting gaseous, liquid, or biomass fuel with a heat input capacity of less than 1.6 million Btu per hour are included in this definition. The 120 U.S. gallon capacity threshold to be considered a hot water heater is independent of the 1.6 MMBtu/hr heat input capacity threshold for hot water boilers. Hot water heater also means a tankless unit that provides on demand hot water.
Hybrid suspension grate boiler means a boiler designed with air distributors to spread the fuel material over the entire width and depth of the boiler combustion zone. The biomass fuel combusted in these units exceeds a moisture content of 40 percent on an as-fired annual heat input basis. The drying and much of the combustion of the fuel takes place in suspension, and the combustion is completed on the grate or floor of the boiler. Fluidized bed, dutch oven, and pile burner designs are not part of the hybrid suspension grate boiler design category.
Industrial boiler means a boiler used in manufacturing, processing, mining, and refining or any other industry to provide steam, hot water, and/or electricity.
Light liquid includes distillate oil, biodiesel, or vegetable oil.
Limited-use boiler or process heater means any boiler or process heater that burns any amount of solid, liquid, or gaseous fuels and has a federally enforceable average annual capacity factor of no more than 10 percent.
Liquid fuel includes, but is not limited to, light liquid, heavy liquid, any form of liquid fuel derived from petroleum, used oil, liquid biofuels, biodiesel, vegetable oil, and comparable fuels as defined under 40 CFR 261.38.
Load fraction means the actual heat input of a boiler or process heater divided by heat input during the performance test that established the minimum sorbent injection rate or minimum activated carbon injection rate, expressed as a fraction (e.g., for 50 percent load the load fraction is 0.5).
Major source for oil and natural gas production facilities, as used in this subpart, shall have the same meaning as in Sec. 63.2, except that:
(1) Emissions from any oil or gas exploration or production well (with its associated equipment, as defined in this section), and emissions from any pipeline compressor station or pump station shall not be aggregated with emissions from other similar units to determine whether such emission points or stations are major sources, even when emission points are in a contiguous area or under common control;
(2) Emissions from processes, operations, or equipment that are not part of the same facility, as defined in this section, shall not be aggregated; and
(3) For facilities that are production field facilities, only HAP emissions from glycol dehydration units and storage vessels with the potential for flash emissions shall be aggregated for a major source determination. For facilities that are not production field facilities, HAP emissions from all HAP emission units shall be aggregated for a major source determination.
Metal process furnaces are a subcategory of process heaters, as defined in this subpart, which include natural gas-fired annealing furnaces, preheat furnaces, reheat furnaces, aging furnaces, heat treat furnaces, and homogenizing furnaces.
Million Btu (MMBtu) means one million British thermal units.
Minimum activated carbon injection rate means load fraction multiplied by the lowest hourly average activated carbon injection rate measured according to Table 7 to this subpart during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limit.
Minimum oxygen level means the lowest hourly average oxygen level measured according to Table 7 to this subpart during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limit.
Minimum pressure drop means the lowest hourly average pressure drop measured according to Table 7 to this subpart during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limit.
Minimum scrubber effluent pH means the lowest hourly average sorbent liquid pH measured at the inlet to the wet scrubber according to Table 7 to this subpart during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the applicable hydrogen chloride emission limit.
Minimum scrubber liquid flow rate means the lowest hourly average liquid flow rate (e.g., to the PM scrubber or to the acid gas scrubber) measured according to Table 7 to this subpart during the most recent performance stack test demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limit.
Minimum scrubber pressure drop means the lowest hourly average scrubber pressure drop measured according to Table 7 to this subpart during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limit.
Minimum sorbent injection rate means:
(1) The load fraction multiplied by the lowest hourly average sorbent injection rate for each sorbent measured according to Table 7 to this subpart during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limits; or
(2) For fluidized bed combustion, the lowest average ratio of sorbent to sulfur measured during the most recent performance test.
Minimum total secondary electric power means the lowest hourly average total secondary electric power determined from the values of secondary voltage and secondary current to the electrostatic precipitator measured according to Table 7 to this subpart during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limits.
Natural gas means:
(1) A naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbon and nonhydrocarbon gases found in geologic formations beneath the earth's surface, of which the principal constituent is methane; or
(2) Liquefied petroleum gas, as defined in ASTM D1835 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14); or
(3) A mixture of hydrocarbons that maintains a gaseous state at ISO conditions. Additionally, natural gas must either be composed of at least 70 percent methane by volume or have a gross calorific value between 35 and 41 megajoules (MJ) per dry standard cubic meter (950 and 1,100 Btu per dry standard cubic foot); or
(4) Propane or propane derived synthetic natural gas. Propane means a colorless gas derived from petroleum and natural gas, with the molecular structure C3H8.
Opacity means the degree to which emissions reduce the transmission of light and obscure the view of an object in the background.
Operating day means a 24-hour period between 12 midnight and the following midnight during which any fuel is combusted at any time in the boiler or process heater unit. It is not necessary for fuel to be combusted for the entire 24-hour period.
Other combustor means a unit designed to burn solid fuel that is not classified as a dutch oven, fluidized bed, fuel cell, hybrid suspension grate boiler, pulverized coal boiler, stoker, sloped grate, or suspension boiler as defined in this subpart.
Other gas 1 fuel means a gaseous fuel that is not natural gas or refinery gas and does not exceed a maximum concentration of 40 micrograms/cubic meters of mercury.
Oxygen analyzer system means all equipment required to determine the oxygen content of a gas stream and used to monitor oxygen in the boiler or process heater flue gas, boiler or process heater, firebox, or other appropriate location. This definition includes oxygen trim systems. The source owner or operator must install, calibrate, maintain, and operate the oxygen analyzer system in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Oxygen trim system means a system of monitors that is used to maintain excess air at the desired level in a combustion device. A typical system consists of a flue gas oxygen and/or CO monitor that automatically provides a feedback signal to the combustion air controller.
Particulate matter (PM) means any finely divided solid or liquid material, other than uncombined water, as measured by the test methods specified under this subpart, or an approved alternative method.
Period of gas curtailment or supply interruption means a period of time during which the supply of gaseous fuel to an affected boiler or process heater is restricted or halted for reasons beyond the control of the facility. The act of entering into a contractual agreement with a supplier of natural gas established for curtailment purposes does not constitute a reason that is under the control of a facility for the purposes of this definition. An increase in the cost or unit price of natural gas due to normal market fluctuations not during periods of supplier delivery restriction does not constitute a period of natural gas curtailment or supply interruption. On-site gaseous fuel system emergencies or equipment failures qualify as periods of supply interruption when the emergency or failure is beyond the control of the facility.
Pile burner means a boiler design incorporating a design where the anticipated biomass fuel has a high relative moisture content. Grates serve to support the fuel, and underfire air flowing up through the grates provides oxygen for combustion, cools the grates, promotes turbulence in the fuel bed, and fires the fuel. The most common form of pile burning is the dutch oven.
Process heater means an enclosed device using controlled flame, and the unit's primary purpose is to transfer heat indirectly to a process material (liquid, gas, or solid) or to a heat transfer material (e.g., glycol or a mixture of glycol and water) for use in a process unit, instead of generating steam. Process heaters are devices in which the combustion gases do not come into direct contact with process materials. A device combusting solid waste, as defined in Sec. 241.3 of this chapter, is not a process heater unless the device is exempt from the definition of a solid waste incineration unit as provided in section 129(g)(1) of the Clean Air Act. Process heaters do not include units used for comfort heat or space heat, food preparation for on-site consumption, or autoclaves. Waste heat process heaters are excluded from this definition.
Pulverized coal boiler means a boiler in which pulverized coal or other solid fossil fuel is introduced into an air stream that carries the coal to the combustion chamber of the boiler where it is fired in suspension.
Qualified energy assessor means:
(1) Someone who has demonstrated capabilities to evaluate energy savings opportunities for steam generation and major energy using systems, including, but not limited to:
(i) Boiler combustion management.
(ii) Boiler thermal energy recovery, including
(A) Conventional feed water economizer,
(B) Conventional combustion air preheater, and
(C) Condensing economizer.
(iii) Boiler blowdown thermal energy recovery.
(iv) Primary energy resource selection, including
(A) Fuel (primary energy source) switching, and
(B) Applied steam energy versus direct-fired energy versus electricity.
(v) Insulation issues.
(vi) Steam trap and steam leak management.
(vi) Condensate recovery.
(viii) Steam end-use management.
(2) Capabilities and knowledge includes, but is not limited to:
(i) Background, experience, and recognized abilities to perform the assessment activities, data analysis, and report preparation.
(ii) Familiarity with operating and maintenance practices for steam or process heating systems.
(iii) Additional potential steam system improvement opportunities including improving steam turbine operations and reducing steam demand.
(iv) Additional process heating system opportunities including effective utilization of waste heat and use of proper process heating methods.
(v) Boiler-steam turbine cogeneration systems.
(vi) Industry specific steam end-use systems.
Refinery gas means any gas that is generated at a petroleum refinery and is combusted. Refinery gas includes natural gas when the natural gas is combined and combusted in any proportion with a gas generated at a refinery. Refinery gas includes gases generated from other facilities when that gas is combined and combusted in any proportion with gas generated at a refinery.
Regulated gas stream means an offgas stream that is routed to a boiler or process heater for the purpose of achieving compliance with a standard under another subpart of this part or part 60, part 61, or part 65 of this chapter.
Residential boiler means a boiler used to provide heat and/or hot water and/or as part of a residential combined heat and power system. This definition includes boilers located at an institutional facility (e.g., university campus, military base, church grounds) or commercial/industrial facility (e.g., farm) used primarily to provide heat and/or hot water for:
(1) A dwelling containing four or fewer families; or
(2) A single unit residence dwelling that has since been converted or subdivided into condominiums or apartments.
Residual oil means crude oil, fuel oil that does not comply with the specifications under the definition of distillate oil, and all fuel oil numbers 4, 5, and 6, as defined by the American Society of Testing and Materials in ASTM D396-10 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14(b)).
Responsible official means responsible official as defined in Sec. 70.2.
Secondary material means the material as defined in Sec. 241.2 of this chapter.
Shutdown means the cessation of operation of a boiler or process heater for any purpose. Shutdown begins either when none of the steam from the boiler is supplied for heating and/or producing electricity, or for any other purpose, or at the point of no fuel being fired in the boiler or process heater, whichever is earlier. Shutdown ends when there is no steam and no heat being supplied and no fuel being fired in the boiler or process heater.
Sloped grate means a unit where the solid fuel is fed to the top of the grate from where it slides downwards; while sliding the fuel first dries and then ignites and burns. The ash is deposited at the bottom of the grate. Fluidized bed, dutch oven, pile burner, hybrid suspension grate, suspension burners, and fuel cells are not considered to be a sloped grate design.
Solid fossil fuel includes, but is not limited to, coal, coke, petroleum coke, and tire derived fuel.
Solid fuel means any solid fossil fuel or biomass or bio-based solid fuel.
Startup means either the first-ever firing of fuel in a boiler or process heater for the purpose of supplying steam or heat for heating and/or producing electricity, or for any other purpose, or the firing of fuel in a boiler after a shutdown event for any purpose. Startup ends when any of the steam or heat from the boiler or process heater is supplied for heating, and/or producing electricity, or for any other purpose.
Steam output means:
(1) For a boiler that produces steam for process or heating only (no power generation), the energy content in terms of MMBtu of the boiler steam output,
(2) For a boiler that cogenerates process steam and electricity (also known as combined heat and power), the total energy output, which is the sum of the energy content of the steam exiting the turbine and sent to process in MMBtu and the energy of the electricity generated converted to MMBtu at a rate of 10,000 Btu per kilowatt-hour generated (10 MMBtu per megawatt-hour), and
(3) For a boiler that generates only electricity, the alternate output-based emission limits would be calculated using Equations 21 through 25 of this section, as appropriate:
(i) For emission limits for boilers in the unit designed to burn solid fuel subcategory use Equation 21 of this section:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR31JA13.025 Where: ELOBE = Emission limit in units of pounds per megawatt-hour.ELT = Appropriate emission limit from Table 1 or 2 of this
subpart in units of pounds per million Btu heat input.
(ii) For PM and CO emission limits for boilers in one of the subcategories of units designed to burn coal use Equation 22 of this section:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR31JA13.026 Where: ELOBE = Emission limit in units of pounds per megawatt-hour.ELT = Appropriate emission limit from Table 1 or 2 of this
subpart in units of pounds per million Btu heat input.
(iii) For PM and CO emission limits for boilers in one of the subcategories of units designed to burn biomass use Equation 23 of this section:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR31JA13.027 Where: ELOBE = Emission limit in units of pounds per megawatt-hour.ELT = Appropriate emission limit from Table 1 or 2 of this
subpart in units of pounds per million Btu heat input.
(iv) For emission limits for boilers in one of the subcategories of units designed to burn liquid fuels use Equation 24 of this section:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR31JA13.028 Where: ELOBE = Emission limit in units of pounds per megawatt-hour.ELT = Appropriate emission limit from Table 1 or 2 of this
subpart in units of pounds per million Btu heat input.
(v) For emission limits for boilers in the unit designed to burn gas 2 (other) subcategory, use Equation 25 of this section: [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR31JA13.029 Where: ELOBE = Emission limit in units of pounds per megawatt-hour.ELT = Appropriate emission limit from Table 1 or 2 of this
subpart in units of pounds per million Btu heat input.
Stoker means a unit consisting of a mechanically operated fuel feeding mechanism, a stationary or moving grate to support the burning of fuel and admit under-grate air to the fuel, an overfire air system to complete combustion, and an ash discharge system. This definition of stoker includes air swept stokers. There are two general types of stokers: Underfeed and overfeed. Overfeed stokers include mass feed and spreader stokers. Fluidized bed, dutch oven, pile burner, hybrid suspension grate, suspension burners, and fuel cells are not considered to be a stoker design.
Stoker/sloped grate/other unit designed to burn kiln dried biomass means the unit is in the units designed to burn biomass/bio-based solid subcategory that is either a stoker, sloped grate, or other combustor design and is not in the stoker/sloped grate/other units designed to burn wet biomass subcategory.
Stoker/sloped grate/other unit designed to burn wet biomass means the unit is in the units designed to burn biomass/bio-based solid subcategory that is either a stoker, sloped grate, or other combustor design and any of the biomass/bio-based solid fuel combusted in the unit exceeds 20 percent moisture on an annual heat input basis.
Suspension burner means a unit designed to fire dry biomass/biobased solid particles in suspension that are conveyed in an airstream to the furnace like pulverized coal. The combustion of the fuel material is completed on a grate or floor below. The biomass/biobased fuel combusted in the unit shall not exceed 20 percent moisture on an annual heat input basis. Fluidized bed, dutch oven, pile burner, and hybrid suspension grate units are not part of the suspension burner subcategory.
Temporary boiler means any gaseous or liquid fuel boiler that is designed to, and is capable of, being carried or moved from one location to another by means of, for example, wheels, skids, carrying handles, dollies, trailers, or platforms. A boiler is not a temporary boiler if any one of the following conditions exists:
(1) The equipment is attached to a foundation.
(2) The boiler or a replacement remains at a location within the facility and performs the same or similar function for more than 12 consecutive months, unless the regulatory agency approves an extension. An extension may be granted by the regulating agency upon petition by the owner or operator of a unit specifying the basis for such a request. Any temporary boiler that replaces a temporary boiler at a location and performs the same or similar function will be included in calculating the consecutive time period.
(3) The equipment is located at a seasonal facility and operates during the full annual operating period of the seasonal facility, remains at the facility for at least 2 years, and operates at that facility for at least 3 months each year.
(4) The equipment is moved from one location to another within the facility but continues to perform the same or similar function and serve the same electricity, steam, and/or hot water system in an attempt to circumvent the residence time requirements of this definition.
Total selected metals (TSM) means the sum of the following metallic hazardous air pollutants: arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, nickel and selenium.
Traditional fuel means the fuel as defined in Sec. 241.2 of this chapter.
Tune-up means adjustments made to a boiler or process heater in accordance with the procedures outlined in Sec. 63.7540(a)(10).
Ultra low sulfur liquid fuel means a distillate oil that has less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur.
Unit designed to burn biomass/bio-based solid subcategory includes any boiler or process heater that burns at least 10 percent biomass or bio-based solids on an annual heat input basis in combination with solid fossil fuels, liquid fuels, or gaseous fuels.
Unit designed to burn coal/solid fossil fuel subcategory includes any boiler or process heater that burns any coal or other solid fossil fuel alone or at least 10 percent coal or other solid fossil fuel on an annual heat input basis in combination with liquid fuels, gaseous fuels, or less than 10 percent biomass and bio-based solids on an annual heat input basis.
Unit designed to burn gas 1 subcategory includes any boiler or process heater that burns only natural gas, refinery gas, and/or other gas 1 fuels. Gaseous fuel boilers and process heaters that burn liquid fuel for periodic testing of liquid fuel, maintenance, or operator training, not to exceed a combined total of 48 hours during any calendar year, are included in this definition. Gaseous fuel boilers and process heaters that burn liquid fuel during periods of gas curtailment or gas supply interruptions of any duration are also included in this definition.
Unit designed to burn gas 2 (other) subcategory includes any boiler or process heater that is not in the unit designed to burn gas 1 subcategory and burns any gaseous fuels either alone or in combination with less than 10 percent coal/solid fossil fuel, and less than 10 percent biomass/bio-based solid fuel on an annual heat input basis, and no liquid fuels. Gaseous fuel boilers and process heaters that are not in the unit designed to burn gas 1 subcategory and that burn liquid fuel for periodic testing of liquid fuel, maintenance, or operator training, not to exceed a combined total of 48 hours during any calendar year, are included in this definition. Gaseous fuel boilers and process heaters that are not in the unit designed to burn gas 1 subcategory and that burn liquid fuel during periods of gas curtailment or gas supply interruption of any duration are also included in this definition.
Unit designed to burn heavy liquid subcategory means a unit in the unit designed to burn liquid subcategory where at least 10 percent of the heat input from liquid fuels on an annual heat input basis comes from heavy liquids.
Unit designed to burn light liquid subcategory means a unit in the unit designed to burn liquid subcategory that is not part of the unit designed to burn heavy liquid subcategory.
Unit designed to burn liquid subcategory includes any boiler or process heater that burns any liquid fuel, but less than 10 percent coal/solid fossil fuel and less than 10 percent biomass/bio-based solid fuel on an annual heat input basis, either alone or in combination with gaseous fuels. Units in the unit design to burn gas 1 or unit designed to burn gas 2 (other) subcategories that burn liquid fuel for periodic testing of liquid fuel, maintenance, or operator training, not to exceed a combined total of 48 hours during any calendar year are not included in this definition. Units in the unit design to burn gas 1 or unit designed to burn gas 2 (other) subcategories during periods of gas curtailment or gas supply interruption of any duration are also not included in this definition.
Unit designed to burn liquid fuel that is a non-continental unit means an industrial, commercial, or institutional boiler or process heater meeting the definition of the unit designed to burn liquid subcategory located in the State of Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the Northern Mariana Islands.
Unit designed to burn solid fuel subcategory means any boiler or process heater that burns only solid fuels or at least 10 percent solid fuel on an annual heat input basis in combination with liquid fuels or gaseous fuels.
Vegetable oil means oils extracted from vegetation.
Voluntary Consensus Standards or VCS mean technical standards (e.g., materials specifications, test methods, sampling procedures, business practices) developed or adopted by one or more voluntary consensus bodies. EPA/Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, by precedent, has only used VCS that are written in English. Examples of VCS bodies are: American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box CB700, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-B2959, (800) 262-1373, http://www.astm.org), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME ASME, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990, (800) 843-2763, http://www.asme.org), International Standards Organization (ISO 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse, Case postale 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, +41 22 749 01 11, http://www.iso.org/iso/home.htm), Standards Australia (AS Level 10, The Exchange Centre, 20 Bridge Street, Sydney, GPO Box 476, Sydney NSW 2001, + 61 2 9237 6171 http://www.stadards.org.au), British Standards Institution (BSI, 389 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4AL, United Kingdom, +44 (0)20 8996 9001, http://www.bsigroup.com), Canadian Standards Association (CSA 5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 100, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5N6, Canada, 800-463-6727, http://www.csa.ca), European Committee for Standardization (CEN CENELEC Management Centre Avenue Marnix 17 B-1000 Brussels, Belgium +32 2 550 08 11, http://www.cen.eu/cen), and German Engineering Standards (VDI VDI Guidelines Department, P.O. Box 10 11 39 40002, Duesseldorf, Germany, +49 211 6214-230, http://www.vdi.eu). The types of standards that are not considered VCS are standards developed by: The United States, e.g., California (CARB) and Texas (TCEQ); industry groups, such as American Petroleum Institute (API), Gas Processors Association (GPA), and Gas Research Institute (GRI); and other branches of the U.S. government, e.g., Department of Defense (DOD) and Department of Transportation (DOT). This does not preclude EPA from using standards developed by groups that are not VCS bodies within their rule. When this occurs, EPA has done searches and reviews for VCS equivalent to these non-EPA methods.
Waste heat boiler means a device that recovers normally unused energy (i.e., hot exhaust gas) and converts it to usable heat. Waste heat boilers are also referred to as heat recovery steam generators. Waste heat boilers are heat exchangers generating steam from incoming hot exhaust gas from an industrial (e.g., thermal oxidizer, kiln, furnace) or power (e.g., combustion turbine, engine) equipment. Duct burners are sometimes used to increase the temperature of the incoming hot exhaust gas.
Waste heat process heater means an enclosed device that recovers normally unused energy (i.e., hot exhaust gas) and converts it to usable heat. Waste heat process heaters are also referred to as recuperative process heaters. This definition includes both fired and unfired waste heat process heaters.
Wet scrubber means any add-on air pollution control device that mixes an aqueous stream or slurry with the exhaust gases from a boiler or process heater to control emissions of particulate matter or to absorb and neutralize acid gases, such as hydrogen chloride. A wet scrubber creates an aqueous stream or slurry as a byproduct of the emissions control process.
Work practice standard means any design, equipment, work practice, or operational standard, or combination thereof, that is promulgated pursuant to section 112(h) of the Clean Air Act.[78 FR 15664, Mar. 21, 2011, as amended at 78 FR 7163, Jan. 31, 2013]
Sec. Table 1 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63--Emission Limits for New or
Reconstructed Boilers and Process Heaters
As stated in Sec. 63.7500, you must comply with the following applicable emission limits:
[Units with heat input capacity of 10 million Btu per hour or greater]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Or the emissions
The emissions must must not exceed
not exceed the the following Using thisIf your boiler or process heater For the following following emission alternative output- specified sampling
is in this subcategory . . . pollutants . . . limits, except based limits, volume or test run
during startup and except during duration . . .
shutdown . . . startup and
shutdown . . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Units in all subcategories a. HCl............ 2.2E-02 lb per 2.5E-02 lb per For M26A, collect
designed to burn solid fuel. MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam a minimum of 1
input. output or 0.28 lb dscm per run; for
per MWh. M26 collect a
minimum of 120
liters per run.
b. Mercury........ 8.0E-07 \a\ lb per 8.7E-07 \a\ lb per For M29, collect a
MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam minimum of 4 dscm
input. output or 1.1E-05 per run; for M30A
\a\ lb per MWh. or M30B, collect
a minimum sample
as specified in
the method; for
ASTM D6784 \b\
collect a minimum
of 4 dscm.2. Units designed to burn coal/ a. Filterable PM 1.1E-03 lb per 1.1E-03 lb per Collect a minimum
solid fossil fuel. (or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 3 dscm per
input; or (2.3E- output or 1.4E-02 run.
05 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (2.7E-05 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 2.9E-04
lb per MWh).3. Pulverized coal boilers a. Carbon monoxide 130 ppm by volume 0.11 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
designed to burn coal/solid (CO) (or CEMS). on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
fossil fuel. corrected to 3 or 1.4 lb per
percent oxygen, 3- MWh; 3-run
run average; or average.
(320 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 30-day
rolling average).4. Stokers designed to burn coal/ a. CO (or CEMS)... 130 ppm by volume 0.12 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
solid fossil fuel. on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
corrected to 3 or 1.4 lb per
percent oxygen, 3- MWh; 3-run
run average; or average.
(340 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 30-day
rolling average).5. Fluidized bed units designed a. CO (or CEMS)... 130 ppm by volume 0.11 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
to burn coal/solid fossil fuel. on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
corrected to 3 or 1.4 lb per
percent oxygen, 3- MWh; 3-run
run average; or average.
(230 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 30-day
rolling average).6. Fluidized bed units with an a. CO (or CEMS)... 140 ppm by volume 1.2E-01 lb per 1 hr minimum
integrated heat exchanger on a dry basis MMBtu of steam sampling time.
designed to burn coal/solid corrected to 3 output or 1.5 lb
fossil fuel. percent oxygen, 3- per MWh; 3-run
run average; or average.
(150 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 30-day
rolling average).
7. Stokers/sloped grate/others a. CO (or CEMS)... 620 ppm by volume 5.8E-01 lb per 1 hr minimum
designed to burn wet biomass on a dry basis MMBtu of steam sampling time.
fuel. corrected to 3 output or 6.8 lb
percent oxygen, 3- per MWh; 3-run
run average; or average.
(390 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 30-day
rolling average).
b. Filterable PM 3.0E-02 lb per 3.5E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 2 dscm per
input; or (2.6E- output or 4.2E-01 run.
05 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (2.7E-05 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 3.7E-04
lb per MWh).8. Stokers/sloped grate/others a. CO............. 460 ppm by volume 4.2E-01 lb per 1 hr minimum
designed to burn kiln-dried on a dry basis MMBtu of steam sampling time.
biomass fuel. corrected to 3 output or 5.1 lb
percent oxygen. per MWh.
b. Filterable PM 3.0E-02 lb per 3.5E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 2 dscm per
input; or (4.0E- output or 4.2E-01 run.
03 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (4.2E-03 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 5.6E-02
lb per MWh).9. Fluidized bed units designed a. CO (or CEMS)... 230 ppm by volume 2.2E-01 lb per 1 hr minimum
to burn biomass/bio-based on a dry basis MMBtu of steam sampling time.
solids. corrected to 3 output or 2.6 lb
percent oxygen, 3- per MWh; 3-run
run average; or average.
(310 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 30-day
rolling average).
b. Filterable PM 9.8E-03 lb per 1.2E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 3 dscm per
input; or (8.3E- output or 0.14 lb run.
05 \a\ lb per per MWh; or (1.1E-
MMBtu of heat 04 \a\ lb per
input). MMBtu of steam
output or 1.2E-03
\a\ lb per MWh).10. Suspension burners designed a. CO (or CEMS)... 2,400 ppm by 1.9 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
to burn biomass/bio-based volume on a dry of steam output sampling time.
solids. basis corrected or 27 lb per MWh;
to 3 percent 3-run average.
oxygen, 3-run
average; or
(2,000 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 10-day
rolling average).
b. Filterable PM 3.0E-02 lb per 3.1E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 2 dscm per
input; or (6.5E- output or 4.2E-01 run.
03 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (6.6E-03 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 9.1E-02
lb per MWh).
11. Dutch Ovens/Pile burners a. CO (or CEMS)... 330 ppm by volume 3.5E-01 lb per 1 hr minimum
designed to burn biomass/bio- on a dry basis MMBtu of steam sampling time.
based solids. corrected to 3 output or 3.6 lb
percent oxygen, 3- per MWh; 3-run
run average; or average.
(520 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 10-day
rolling average).
b. Filterable PM 3.2E-03 lb per 4.3E-03 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 3 dscm per
input; or (3.9E- output or 4.5E-02 run.
05 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (5.2E-05 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 5.5E-04
lb per MWh).12. Fuel cell units designed to a. CO............. 910 ppm by volume 1.1 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
burn biomass/bio-based solids. on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
corrected to 3 or 1.0E+01 lb per
percent oxygen. MWh.
b. Filterable PM 2.0E-02 lb per 3.0E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 2 dscm per
input; or (2.9E- output or 2.8E-01 run.
05 \a\ lb per lb per MWh; or
MMBtu of heat (5.1E-05 lb per
input). MMBtu of steam
output or 4.1E-04
lb per MWh).13. Hybrid suspension grate a. CO (or CEMS)... 1,100 ppm by 1.4 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
boiler designed to burn biomass/ volume on a dry of steam output sampling time.
bio-based solids. basis corrected or 12 lb per MWh;
to 3 percent 3-run average.
oxygen, 3-run
average; or (900
ppm by volume on
a dry basis
corrected to 3
percent oxygen,
30-day rolling
b. Filterable PM 2.6E-02 lb per 3.3E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 3 dscm per
input; or (4.4E- output or 3.7E-01 run.
04 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (5.5E-04 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 6.2E-03
lb per MWh).14. Units designed to burn a. HCl............ 4.4E-04 lb per 4.8E-04 lb per For M26A: Collect
liquid fuel. MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam a minimum of 2
input. output or 6.1E-03 dscm per run; for
lb per MWh. M26, collect a
minimum of 240
liters per run.
b. Mercury........ 4.8E-07 \a\ lb per 5.3E-07 \a\ lb per For M29, collect a
MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam minimum of 4 dscm
input. output or 6.7E-06 per run; for M30A
\a\ lb per MWh. or M30B, collect
a minimum sample
as specified in
the method; for
ASTM D6784 \b\
collect a minimum
of 4 dscm.15. Units designed to burn heavy a. CO............. 130 ppm by volume 0.13 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
liquid fuel. on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
corrected to 3 or 1.4 lb per
percent oxygen, 3- MWh; 3-run
run average. average.
b. Filterable PM 1.3E-02 lb per 1.5E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 3 dscm per
input; or (7.5E- output or 1.8E-01 run.
05 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (8.2E-05 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 1.1E-03
lb per MWh).16. Units designed to burn light a. CO............. 130 ppm by volume 0.13 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
liquid fuel. on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
corrected to 3 or 1.4 lb per MWh.
percent oxygen.
b. Filterable PM 1.1E-03 \a\ lb per 1.2E-03 \a\ lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 3 dscm per
input; or (2.9E- output or 1.6E-02 run.
05 lb per MMBtu \a\ lb per MWh;
of heat input). or (3.2E-05 lb
per MMBtu of
steam output or
4.0E-04 lb per
MWh).17. Units designed to burn a. CO............. 130 ppm by volume 0.13 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
liquid fuel that are non- on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
continental units. corrected to 3 or 1.4 lb per
percent oxygen, 3- MWh; 3-run
run average based average.
on stack test.
b. Filterable PM 2.3E-02 lb per 2.5E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 4 dscm per
input; or (8.6E- output or 3.2E-01 run.
04 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (9.4E-04 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 1.2E-02
lb per MWh).18. Units designed to burn gas 2 a. CO............. 130 ppm by volume 0.16 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
(other) gases. on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
corrected to 3 or 1.0 lb per MWh.
percent oxygen.
b. HCl............ 1.7E-03 lb per 2.9E-03 lb per For M26A, Collect
MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam a minimum of 2
input. output or 1.8E-02 dscm per run; for
lb per MWh. M26, collect a
minimum of 240
liters per run.
c. Mercury........ 7.9E-06 lb per 1.4E-05 lb per For M29, collect a
MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam minimum of 3 dscm
input. output or 8.3E-05 per run; for M30A
lb per MWh. or M30B, collect
a minimum sample
as specified in
the method; for
ASTM D6784 \b\
collect a minimum
of 3 dscm.
d. Filterable PM 6.7E-03 lb per 1.2E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 3 dscm per
input; or (2.1E- output or 7.0E-02 run.
04 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (3.5E-04 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 2.2E-03
lb per MWh).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ If you are conducting stack tests to demonstrate compliance and your performance tests for this pollutant
for at least 2 consecutive years show that your emissions are at or below this limit, you can skip testing
according to Sec. 63.7515 if all of the other provisions of Sec. 63.7515 are met. For all other pollutants
that do not contain a footnote ``a'', your performance tests for this pollutant for at least 2 consecutive
years must show that your emissions are at or below 75 percent of this limit in order to qualify for skip
testing.\b\ Incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14.\c\ If your affected source is a new or reconstructed affected source that commenced construction or
reconstruction after June 4, 2010, and before January 31, 2013, you may comply with the emission limits in
Tables 11, 12 or 13 to this subpart until January 31, 2016. On and after January 31, 2016, you must comply
with the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart. [78 FR 7193, Jan. 31, 2013]
Sec. Table 2 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63--Emission Limits for Existing
Boilers and Process Heaters
As stated in Sec. 63.7500, you must comply with the following applicable emission limits:
[Units with heat input capacity of 10 million Btu per hour or greater]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The emissions must
The emissions must not exceed the
not exceed the following Using thisIf your boiler or process heater For the following following emission alternative output- specified sampling
is in this subcategory . . . pollutants . . . limits, except based limits, volume or test run
during startup and except during duration . . .
shutdown . . . startup and
shutdown . . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Units in all subcategories a. HCl............ 2.2E-02 lb per 2.5E-02 lb per For M26A, Collect
designed to burn solid fuel. MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam a minimum of 1
input. output or 0.27 lb dscm per run; for
per MWh. M26, collect a
minimum of 120
liters per run.
b. Mercury........ 5.7E-06 lb per 6.4E-06 lb per For M29, collect a
MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam minimum of 3 dscm
input. output or 7.3E-05 per run; for M30A
lb per MWh. or M30B, collect
a minimum sample
as specified in
the method; for
ASTM D6784 \b\
collect a minimum
of 3 dscm.2. Units design to burn coal/ a. Filterable PM 4.0E-02 lb per 4.2E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
solid fossil fuel. (or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 2 dscm per
input; or (5.3E- output or 4.9E-01 run.
05 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (5.6E-05 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 6.5E-04
lb per MWh).3. Pulverized coal boilers a. CO (or CEMS)... 130 ppm by volume 0.11 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
designed to burn coal/solid on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
fossil fuel. corrected to 3 or 1.4 lb per
percent oxygen, 3- MWh; 3-run
run average; or average.
(320 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 30-day
rolling average).4. Stokers designed to burn coal/ a. CO (or CEMS)... 160 ppm by volume 0.14 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
solid fossil fuel. on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
corrected to 3 or 1.7 lb per
percent oxygen, 3- MWh; 3-run
run average; or average.
(340 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 30-day
rolling average).5. Fluidized bed units designed a. CO (or CEMS)... 130 ppm by volume 0.12 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
to burn coal/solid fossil fuel. on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
corrected to 3 or 1.4 lb per
percent oxygen, 3- MWh; 3-run
run average; or average.
(230 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 30-day
rolling average).6. Fluidized bed units with an a. CO (or CEMS)... 140 ppm by volume 1.3E-01 lb per 1 hr minimum
integrated heat exchanger on a dry basis MMBtu of steam sampling time.
designed to burn coal/solid corrected to 3 output or 1.5 lb
fossil fuel. percent oxygen, 3- per MWh; 3-run
run average; or average.
(150 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 30-day
rolling average).
7. Stokers/sloped grate/others a. CO (or CEMS)... 1,500 ppm by 1.4 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
designed to burn wet biomass volume on a dry of steam output sampling time.
fuel. basis corrected or 17 lb per MWh;
to 3 percent 3-run average.
oxygen, 3-run
average; or (720
ppm by volume on
a dry basis
corrected to 3
percent oxygen,
30-day rolling
b. Filterable PM 3.7E-02 lb per 4.3E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 2 dscm per
input; or (2.4E- output or 5.2E-01 run.
04 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (2.8E-04 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 3.4E-04
lb per MWh).8. Stokers/sloped grate/others a. CO............. 460 ppm by volume 4.2E-01 lb per 1 hr minimum
designed to burn kiln-dried on a dry basis MMBtu of steam sampling time.
biomass fuel. corrected to 3 output or 5.1 lb
percent oxygen. per MWh.
b. Filterable PM 3.2E-01 lb per 3.7E-01 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 1 dscm per
input; or (4.0E- output or 4.5 lb run.
03 lb per MMBtu per MWh; or (4.6E-
of heat input). 03 lb per MMBtu
of steam output
or 5.6E-02 lb per
MWh).9. Fluidized bed units designed a. CO (or CEMS)... 470 ppm by volume 4.6E-01 lb per 1 hr minimum
to burn biomass/bio-based solid. on a dry basis MMBtu of steam sampling time.
corrected to 3 output or 5.2 lb
percent oxygen, 3- per MWh; 3-run
run average; or average.
(310 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 30-day
rolling average).
b. Filterable PM 1.1E-01 lb per 1.4E-01 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 1 dscm per
input; or (1.2E- output or 1.6 lb run.
03 lb per MMBtu per MWh; or (1.5E-
of heat input). 03 lb per MMBtu
of steam output
or 1.7E-02 lb per
MWh).10. Suspension burners designed a. CO (or CEMS)... 2,400 ppm by 1.9 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
to burn biomass/bio-based solid. volume on a dry of steam output sampling time.
basis corrected or 27 lb per MWh;
to 3 percent 3-run average.
oxygen, 3-run
average; or
(2,000 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 10-day
rolling average).
b. Filterable PM 5.1E-02 lb per 5.2E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 2 dscm per
input; or (6.5E- output or 7.1E-01 run.
03 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (6.6E-03 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 9.1E-02
lb per MWh).
11. Dutch Ovens/Pile burners a. CO (or CEMS)... 770 ppm by volume 8.4E-01 lb per 1 hr minimum
designed to burn biomass/bio- on a dry basis MMBtu of steam sampling time.
based solid. corrected to 3 output or 8.4 lb
percent oxygen, 3- per MWh; 3-run
run average; or average.
(520 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 10-day
rolling average).
b. Filterable PM 2.8E-01 lb per 3.9E-01 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 1 dscm per
input; or (2.0E- output or 3.9 lb run.
03 lb per MMBtu per MWh; or (2.8E-
of heat input). 03 lb per MMBtu
of steam output
or 2.8E-02 lb per
MWh).12. Fuel cell units designed to a. CO............. 1,100 ppm by 2.4 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
burn biomass/bio-based solid. volume on a dry of steam output sampling time.
basis corrected or 12 lb per MWh.
to 3 percent
b. Filterable PM 2.0E-02 lb per 5.5E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 2 dscm per
input; or (5.8E- output or 2.8E-01 run.
03 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (1.6E-02 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 8.1E-02
lb per MWh).13. Hybrid suspension grate a. CO (or CEMS)... 2,800 ppm by 2.8 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
units designed to burn biomass/ volume on a dry of steam output sampling time.
bio-based solid. basis corrected or 31 lb per MWh;
to 3 percent 3-run average.
oxygen, 3-run
average; or (900
ppm by volume on
a dry basis
corrected to 3
percent oxygen,
30-day rolling
b. Filterable PM 4.4E-01 lb per 5.5E-01 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 1 dscm per
input; or (4.5E- output or 6.2 lb run.
04 lb per MMBtu per MWh; or (5.7E-
of heat input). 04 lb per MMBtu
of steam output
or 6.3E-03 lb per
MWh).14. Units designed to burn a. HCl............ 1.1E-03 lb per 1.4E-03 lb per For M26A, collect
liquid fuel. MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam a minimum of 2
input. output or 1.6E-02 dscm per run; for
lb per MWh. M26, collect a
minimum of 240
liters per run.
b. Mercury........ 2.0E-06 lb per 2.5E-06 lb per For M29, collect a
MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam minimum of 3 dscm
input. output or 2.8E-05 per run; for M30A
lb per MWh. or M30B collect a
minimum sample as
specified in the
method, for ASTM
D6784 \b\ collect
a minimum of 2
dscm.15. Units designed to burn heavy a. CO............. 130 ppm by volume 0.13 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
liquid fuel. on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
corrected to 3 or 1.4 lb per
percent oxygen, 3- MWh; 3-run
run average. average.
b. Filterable PM 6.2E-02 lb per 7.5E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 1 dscm per
input; or (2.0E- output or 8.6E-01 run.
04 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (2.5E-04 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 2.8E-03
lb per MWh).16. Units designed to burn light a. CO............. 130 ppm by volume 0.13 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
liquid fuel. on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
corrected to 3 or 1.4 lb per MWh.
percent oxygen.
b. Filterable PM 7.9E-03 lb per 9.6E-03 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 3 dscm per
input; or (6.2E- output or 1.1E-01 run.
05 lb per MMBtu lb per MWh; or
of heat input). (7.5E-05 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 8.6E-04
lb per MWh).17. Units designed to burn a. CO............. 130 ppm by volume 0.13 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
liquid fuel that are non- on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
continental units. corrected to 3 or 1.4 lb per
percent oxygen, 3- MWh; 3-run
run average based average.
on stack test.
b. Filterable PM 2.7E-01 lb per 3.3E-01 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 2 dscm per
input; or (8.6E- output or 3.8 lb run.
04 lb per MMBtu per MWh; or (1.1E-
of heat input). 03 lb per MMBtu
of steam output
or 1.2E-02 lb per
MWh).18. Units designed to burn gas 2 a. CO............. 130 ppm by volume 0.16 lb per MMBtu 1 hr minimum
(other) gases. on a dry basis of steam output sampling time.
corrected to 3 or 1.0 lb per MWh.
percent oxygen.
b. HCl............ 1.7E-03 lb per 2.9E-03 lb per For M26A, collect
MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam a minimum of 2
input. output or 1.8E-02 dscm per run; for
lb per MWh. M26, collect a
minimum of 240
liters per run.
c. Mercury........ 7.9E-06 lb per 1.4E-05 lb per For M29, collect a
MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam minimum of 3 dscm
input. output or 8.3E-05 per run; for M30A
lb per MWh. or M30B, collect
a minimum sample
as specified in
the method; for
ASTM D6784 \b\
collect a minimum
of 2 dscm.
d. Filterable PM 6.7E-03 lb per 1.2E-02 lb per Collect a minimum
(or TSM). MMBtu of heat MMBtu of steam of 3 dscm per
input or (2.1E-04 output or 7.0E-02 run.
lb per MMBtu of lb per MWh; or
heat input). (3.5E-04 lb per
MMBtu of steam
output or 2.2E-03
lb per MWh).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ If you are conducting stack tests to demonstrate compliance and your performance tests for this pollutant
for at least 2 consecutive years show that your emissions are at or below this limit, you can skip testing
according to Sec. 63.7515 if all of the other provisions of Sec. 63.7515 are met. For all other pollutants
that do not contain a footnote a, your performance tests for this pollutant for at least 2 consecutive years
must show that your emissions are at or below 75 percent of this limit in order to qualify for skip testing.\b\ Incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14. [78 FR 7195, Jan. 31, 2013]
Sec. Table 3 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63--Work Practice Standards
As stated in Sec. 63.7500, you must comply with the following applicable work practice standards: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You must meet the following . .
If your unit is . . . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. A new or existing boiler or process Conduct a tune-up of the boiler
heater with a continuous oxygen trim or process heater every 5
system that maintains an optimum air years as specified in Sec.
to fuel ratio, or a heat input 63.7540.
capacity of less than or equal to 5
million Btu per hour in any of the
following subcategories: unit designed
to burn gas 1; unit designed to burn
gas 2 (other); or unit designed to
burn light liquid, or a limited use
boiler or process heater.2. A new or existing boiler or process Conduct a tune-up of the boiler
heater without a continuous oxygen or process heater biennially
trim system and with heat input as specified in Sec.
capacity of less than 10 million Btu 63.7540.
per hour in the unit designed to burn
heavy liquid or unit designed to burn
solid fuel subcategories; or a new or
existing boiler or process heater with
heat input capacity of less than 10
million Btu per hour, but greater than
5 million Btu per hour, in any of the
following subcategories: unit designed
to burn gas 1; unit designed to burn
gas 2 (other); or unit designed to
burn light liquid.3. A new or existing boiler or process Conduct a tune-up of the boiler
heater without a continuous oxygen or process heater annually as
trim system and with heat input specified in Sec. 63.7540.
capacity of 10 million Btu per hour or Units in either the Gas 1 or
greater. Metal Process Furnace
subcategories will conduct
this tune-up as a work
practice for all regulated
emissions under this subpart.
Units in all other
subcategories will conduct
this tune-up as a work
practice for dioxins/furans.4. An existing boiler or process heater Must have a one-time energy
located at a major source facility, assessment performed by a
not including limited use units. qualified energy assessor. An
energy assessment completed on
or after January 1, 2008, that
meets or is amended to meet
the energy assessment
requirements in this table,
satisfies the energy
assessment requirement. A
facility that operates under
an energy management program
compatible with ISO 50001 that
includes the affected units
also satisfies the energy
assessment requirement. The
energy assessment must include
the following with extent of
the evaluation for items a. to
e. appropriate for the on-site
technical hours listed in Sec.
a. A visual inspection of the
boiler or process heater
b. An evaluation of operating
characteristics of the boiler
or process heater systems,
specifications of energy using
systems, operating and
maintenance procedures, and
unusual operating constraints.
c. An inventory of major energy
use systems consuming energy
from affected boilers and
process heaters and which are
under the control of the
boiler/process heater owner/
d. A review of available
architectural and engineering
plans, facility operation and
maintenance procedures and
logs, and fuel usage.
e. A review of the facility's
energy management practices
and provide recommendations
for improvements consistent
with the definition of energy
management practices, if
f. A list of cost-effective
energy conservation measures
that are within the facility's
g. A list of the energy savings
potential of the energy
conservation measures
h. A comprehensive report
detailing the ways to improve
efficiency, the cost of
specific improvements,
benefits, and the time frame
for recouping those
investments.5. An existing or new boiler or process You must operate all CMS during
heater subject to emission limits in startup.
Table 1 or 2 or 11 through 13 to this For startup of a boiler or
subpart during startup. process heater, you must use
one or a combination of the
following clean fuels: natural
gas, synthetic natural gas,
propane, distillate oil,
syngas, ultra-low sulfur
diesel, fuel oil-soaked rags,
kerosene, hydrogen, paper,
cardboard, refinery gas, and
liquefied petroleum gas.
If you start firing coal/solid
fossil fuel, biomass/bio-based
solids, heavy liquid fuel, or
gas 2 (other) gases, you must
vent emissions to the main
stack(s) and engage all of the
applicable control devices
except limestone injection in
fluidized bed combustion (FBC)
boilers, dry scrubber, fabric
filter, selective non-
catalytic reduction (SNCR),
and selective catalytic
reduction (SCR). You must
start your limestone injection
in FBC boilers, dry scrubber,
fabric filter, SNCR, and SCR
systems as expeditiously as
possible. Startup ends when
steam or heat is supplied for
any purpose.
You must comply with all
applicable emission limits at
all times except for startup
or shutdown periods conforming
with this work practice. You
must collect monitoring data
during periods of startup, as
specified in Sec.
63.7535(b). You must keep
records during periods of
startup. You must provide
reports concerning activities
and periods of startup, as
specified in Sec. 63.7555.6. An existing or new boiler or process You must operate all CMS during
heater subject to emission limits in shutdown.
Tables 1 or 2 or 11 through 13 to this While firing coal/solid fossil
subpart during shutdown. fuel, biomass/bio-based
solids, heavy liquid fuel, or
gas 2 (other) gases during
shutdown, you must vent
emissions to the main stack(s)
and operate all applicable
control devices, except
limestone injection in FBC
boilers, dry scrubber, fabric
filter, SNCR, and SCR.
You must comply with all
applicable emissions limits at
all times except for startup
or shutdown periods conforming
with this work practice. You
must collect monitoring data
during periods of shutdown, as
specified in Sec.
63.7535(b). You must keep
records during periods of
shutdown. You must provide
reports concerning activities
and periods of shutdown, as
specified in Sec. 63.7555.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [78 FR 7198, Jan. 31, 2013]
Sec. Table 4 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63--Operating Limits for Boilers
and Process Heaters
As stated in Sec. 63.7500, you must comply with the applicable operating limits: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
When complying with a Table1, 2, 11, 12, or 13 numerical You must meet these operating limits . .
emission limit using . . . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Wet PM scrubber control on Maintain the 30-day rolling average
a boiler not using a PM CPMS. pressure drop and the 30-day rolling
average liquid flow rate at or above the
lowest one-hour average pressure drop
and the lowest one-hour average liquid
flow rate, respectively, measured during
the most recent performance test
demonstrating compliance with the PM
emission limitation according to Sec.
63.7530(b) and Table 7 to this subpart.2. Wet acid gas (HCl) Maintain the 30-day rolling average
scrubber control on a boiler effluent pH at or above the lowest one-
not using a HCl CEMS. hour average pH and the 30-day rolling
average liquid flow rate at or above the
lowest one-hour average liquid flow rate
measured during the most recent
performance test demonstrating
compliance with the HCl emission
limitation according to Sec.
63.7530(b) and Table 7 to this subpart.3. Fabric filter control on a. Maintain opacity to less than or equal
units not using a PM CPMS. to 10 percent opacity (daily block
average); or
b. Install and operate a bag leak
detection system according to Sec.
63.7525 and operate the fabric filter
such that the bag leak detection system
alert is not activated more than 5
percent of the operating time during
each 6-month period.4. Electrostatic precipitator a. This option is for boilers and process
control on units not using a heaters that operate dry control systems
PM CPMS. (i.e., an ESP without a wet scrubber).
Existing and new boilers and process
heaters must maintain opacity to less
than or equal to 10 percent opacity
(daily block average); or
b. This option is only for boilers and
process heaters not subject to PM CPMS
or continuous compliance with an opacity
limit (i.e., COMS). Maintain the 30-day
rolling average total secondary electric
power input of the electrostatic
precipitator at or above the operating
limits established during the
performance test according to Sec.
63.7530(b) and Table 7 to this subpart.5. Dry scrubber or carbon Maintain the minimum sorbent or carbon
injection control on a injection rate as defined in Sec.
boiler not using a mercury 63.7575 of this subpart.
CEMS.6. Any other add-on air This option is for boilers and process
pollution control type on heaters that operate dry control
units not using a PM CPMS. systems. Existing and new boilers and
process heaters must maintain opacity to
less than or equal to 10 percent opacity
(daily block average).
7. Fuel analysis............. Maintain the fuel type or fuel mixture
such that the applicable emission rates
calculated according to Sec.
63.7530(c)(1), (2) and/or (3) is less
than the applicable emission limits.8. Performance testing....... For boilers and process heaters that
demonstrate compliance with a
performance test, maintain the operating
load of each unit such that it does not
exceed 110 percent of the highest hourly
average operating load recorded during
the most recent performance test.9. Oxygen analyzer system.... For boilers and process heaters subject
to a CO emission limit that demonstrate
compliance with an O2 analyzer system as
specified in Sec. 63.7525(a), maintain
the 30-day rolling average oxygen
content at or above the lowest hourly
average oxygen concentration measured
during the most recent CO performance
test, as specified in Table 8. This
requirement does not apply to units that
install an oxygen trim system since
these units will set the trim system to
the level specified in Sec.
63.7525(a).10. SO2 CEMS................. For boilers or process heaters subject to
an HCl emission limit that demonstrate
compliance with an SO2 CEMS, maintain
the 30-day rolling average SO2 emission
rate at or below the highest hourly
average SO2 concentration measured
during the most recent HCl performance
test, as specified in Table 8.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [78 FR 7199, Jan. 31, 2013]
Sec. Table 5 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63--Performance Testing
As stated in Sec. 63.7520, you must comply with the following requirements for performance testing for existing, new or reconstructed affected sources: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
To conduct a performance test for
the following pollutant... You must... Using...------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Filterable PM................... a. Select Method 1 at 40
sampling ports CFR part 60,
location and the appendix A-1 of
number of this chapter.
traverse points.
b. Determine Method 2, 2F, or
velocity and 2G at 40 CFR
volumetric flow- part 60,
rate of the appendix A-1 or
stack gas. A-2 to part 60
of this
c. Determine Method 3A or 3B
oxygen or carbon at 40 CFR part
dioxide 60, appendix A-
concentration of 2 to part 60 of
the stack gas. this chapter,
PTC 19.10-
d. Measure the Method 4 at 40
moisture content CFR part 60,
of the stack gas. appendix A-3 of
this chapter.
e. Measure the PM Method 5 or 17
emission (positive
concentration. pressure fabric
filters must
use Method 5D)
at 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-
3 or A-6 of
this chapter.
f. Convert Method 19 F-
emissions factor
concentration to methodology at
lb per MMBtu 40 CFR part 60,
emission rates. appendix A-7 of
this chapter.2. TSM............................. a. Select Method 1 at 40
sampling ports CFR part 60,
location and the appendix A-1 of
number of this chapter.
traverse points.
b. Determine Method 2, 2F, or
velocity and 2G at 40 CFR
volumetric flow- part 60,
rate of the appendix A-1 or
stack gas. A-2 of this
c. Determine Method 3A or 3B
oxygen or carbon at 40 CFR part
dioxide 60, appendix A-
concentration of 1 of this
the stack gas. chapter, or
d. Measure the Method 4 at 40
moisture content CFR part 60,
of the stack gas. appendix A-3 of
this chapter.
e. Measure the Method 29 at 40
TSM emission CFR part 60,
concentration. appendix A-8 of
this chapter
f. Convert Method 19 F-
emissions factor
concentration to methodology at
lb per MMBtu 40 CFR part 60,
emission rates. appendix A-7 of
this chapter.3. Hydrogen chloride............... a. Select Method 1 at 40
sampling ports CFR part 60,
location and the appendix A-1 of
number of this chapter.
traverse points.
b. Determine Method 2, 2F, or
velocity and 2G at 40 CFR
volumetric flow- part 60,
rate of the appendix A-2 of
stack gas. this chapter.
c. Determine Method 3A or 3B
oxygen or carbon at 40 CFR part
dioxide 60, appendix A-
concentration of 2 of this
the stack gas. chapter, or
d. Measure the Method 4 at 40
moisture content CFR part 60,
of the stack gas. appendix A-3 of
this chapter.
e. Measure the Method 26 or 26A
hydrogen (M26 or M26A)
chloride at 40 CFR part
emission 60, appendix A-
concentration. 8 of this
f. Convert Method 19 F-
emissions factor
concentration to methodology at
lb per MMBtu 40 CFR part 60,
emission rates. appendix A-7 of
this chapter.4. Mercury......................... a. Select Method 1 at 40
sampling ports CFR part 60,
location and the appendix A-1 of
number of this chapter.
traverse points.
b. Determine Method 2, 2F, or
velocity and 2G at 40 CFR
volumetric flow- part 60,
rate of the appendix A-1 or
stack gas. A-2 of this
c. Determine Method 3A or 3B
oxygen or carbon at 40 CFR part
dioxide 60, appendix A-
concentration of 1 of this
the stack gas. chapter, or
d. Measure the Method 4 at 40
moisture content CFR part 60,
of the stack gas. appendix A-3 of
this chapter.
e. Measure the Method 29, 30A,
mercury emission or 30B (M29,
concentration. M30A, or M30B)
at 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-
8 of this
chapter or
Method 101A at
40 CFR part 61,
appendix B of
this chapter,
or ASTM Method
f. Convert Method 19 F-
emissions factor
concentration to methodology at
lb per MMBtu 40 CFR part 60,
emission rates. appendix A-7 of
this chapter.5. CO.............................. a. Select the Method 1 at 40
sampling ports CFR part 60,
location and the appendix A-1 of
number of this chapter.
traverse points.
b. Determine Method 3A or 3B
oxygen at 40 CFR part
concentration of 60, appendix A-
the stack gas. 3 of this
chapter, or
ASTM D6522-00
2005), or ANSI/
ASME PTC 19.10-
c. Measure the Method 4 at 40
moisture content CFR part 60,
of the stack gas. appendix A-3 of
this chapter.
d. Measure the CO Method 10 at 40
emission CFR part 60,
concentration. appendix A-4 of
this chapter.
Use a
span value of 2
times the
of the
emission limit.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [76 FR 15664, Mar. 21, 2011, as amended at 78 FR 7200, Jan. 31, 2013]
Sec. Table 6 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63--Fuel Analysis Requirements
As stated in Sec. 63.7521, you must comply with the following requirements for fuel analysis testing for existing, new or reconstructed affected sources. However, equivalent methods (as defined in Sec. 63.7575) may be used in lieu of the prescribed methods at the discretion of the source owner or operator: ------------------------------------------------------------------------To conduct a fuel analysis for
the following pollutant . . . You must . . . Using . . .
------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Mercury.................... a. Collect fuel Procedure in Sec.
samples. 63.7521(c) or ASTM
D5192 \a\, or ASTM
D7430 \a\, or ASTM
D6883 \a\, or ASTM
\a\(for coal) or
EPA 1631 or EPA
1631E or ASTM
D6323 \a\ (for
solid), or EPA 821-
R-01-013 (for
liquid or solid),
or ASTM D4177 \a\
(for liquid), or
ASTM D4057 \a\
(for liquid), or
b. Composite fuel Procedure in Sec.
samples. 63.7521(d) or
c. Prepare EPA SW-846-3050B
composited fuel \a\ (for solid
samples. samples), EPA SW-
846-3020A \a\ (for
liquid samples),
ASTM D2013/D2013M
\a\ (for coal),
ASTM D5198 \a\
(for biomass), or
EPA 3050 \a\ (for
solid fuel), or
EPA 821-R-01-013
\a\ (for liquid or
solid), or
d. Determine heat ASTM D5865 \a\ (for
content of the coal) or ASTM E711
fuel type. \a\ (for biomass),
or ASTM D5864 \a\
for liquids and
other solids, or
ASTM D240 \a\ or
e. Determine ASTM D3173 \a\,
moisture content ASTM E871 \a\, or
of the fuel type. ASTM D5864 \a\, or
ASTM D240, or ASTM
D95 \a\ (for
liquid fuels), or
ASTM D4006 \a\
(for liquid
fuels), or ASTM
D4177 \a\ (for
liquid fuels) or
ASTM D4057 \a\
(for liquid
fuels), or
f. Measure mercury ASTM D6722 \a\ (for
concentration in coal), EPA SW-846-
fuel sample. 7471B \a\ (for
solid samples), or
EPA SW-846-7470A
\a\ (for liquid
samples), or
g. Convert Equation 8 in Sec.
concentration into 63.7530.
units of pounds of
mercury per MMBtu
of heat content.
h. Calculate the Equations 10 and 12
mercury emission in Sec. 63.7530.
rate from the
boiler or process
heater in units of
pounds per million
Btu.2. HCl........................ a. Collect fuel Procedure in Sec.
samples. 63.7521(c) or ASTM
D5192 \a\, or ASTM
D7430 \a\, or ASTM
D6883 \a\, or ASTM
D2234/D2234M \a\
(for coal) or ASTM
D6323 \a\ (for
coal or biomass),
ASTM D4177 \a\
(for liquid fuels)
or ASTM D4057 \a\
(for liquid
fuels), or
b. Composite fuel Procedure in Sec.
samples. 63.7521(d) or
c. Prepare EPA SW-846-3050B
composited fuel \a\ (for solid
samples. samples), EPA SW-
846-3020A \a\ (for
liquid samples),
ASTM D2013/
D2013MSec. \a\
(for coal), or
ASTM D5198Sec.
\a\ (for biomass),
or EPA 3050 \a\ or
d. Determine heat ASTM D5865 \a\ (for
content of the coal) or ASTM E711
fuel type. \a\ (for biomass),
D240 \a\ or
e. Determine ASTM D3173 \a\ or
moisture content ASTM E871 \a\, or
of the fuel type. D5864 \a\, or ASTM
D240 \a\, or ASTM
D95\a\ (for liquid
fuels), or ASTM
D4006 \a\ (for
liquid fuels), or
ASTM D4177 \a\
(for liquid fuels)
or ASTM D4057 \a\
(for liquid fuels)
or equivalent.
f. Measure chlorine EPA SW-846-9250
concentration in \a\, ASTM D6721
fuel sample. \a\, ASTM D4208
\a\ (for coal), or
EPA SW-846-5050
\a\ or ASTM E776
\a\ (for solid
fuel), or EPA SW-
846-9056 \a\ or SW-
846-9076 \a\ (for
solids or liquids)
or equivalent.
g. Convert Equation 7 in Sec.
concentrations 63.7530.
into units of
pounds of HCl per
MMBtu of heat
h. Calculate the Equations 10 and 11
HCl emission rate in Sec. 63.7530.
from the boiler or
process heater in
units of pounds
per million Btu.3. Mercury Fuel Specification a. Measure mercury Method 30B (M30B)
for other gas 1 fuels. concentration in at 40 CFR part 60,
the fuel sample appendix A-8 of
and convert to this chapter or
units of ASTM D5954 \a\,
micrograms per ASTM D6350 \a\,
cubic meter. ISO 6978-1:2003(E)
\a\, or ISO 6978-
2:2003(E) \a\, or
EPA-1631 \a\ or
b. Measure mercury Method 29, 30A, or
concentration in 30B (M29, M30A, or
the exhaust gas M30B) at 40 CFR
when firing only part 60, appendix
the other gas 1 A-8 of this
fuel is fired in chapter or Method
the boiler or 101A or Method 102
process heater. at 40 CFR part 61,
appendix B of this
chapter, or ASTM
Method D6784 \a\
or equivalent.4. TSM for solid fuels........ a. Collect fuel Procedure in Sec.
samples. 63.7521(c) or ASTM
D5192 \a\, or ASTM
D7430 \a\, or ASTM
D6883 \a\, or ASTM
D2234/D2234M \a\
(for coal) or ASTM
D6323 \a\ (for
coal or biomass),
or ASTM D4177
\a\,(for liquid
fuels)or ASTM
D4057 \a\ (for
liquid fuels),or
b. Composite fuel Procedure in Sec.
samples. 63.7521(d) or
c. Prepare EPA SW-846-3050B
composited fuel \a\ (for solid
samples. samples), EPA SW-
846-3020A \a\ (for
liquid samples),
ASTM D2013/D2013M
\a\ (for coal),
ASTM D5198 \a\ or
TAPPI T266 \a\
(for biomass), or
EPA 3050 \a\ or
d. Determine heat ASTM D5865 \a\ (for
content of the coal) or ASTM E711
fuel type. \a\ (for biomass),
or ASTM D5864 \a\
for liquids and
other solids, or
ASTM D240 \a\ or
e. Determine ASTM D3173 \a\ or
moisture content ASTM E871 \a\, or
of the fuel type. D5864, or ASTM
D240 \a\, or ASTM
D95 \a\ (for
liquid fuels), or
ASTM D4006\a\ (for
liquid fuels), or
ASTM D4177 \a\
(for liquid fuels)
or ASTM D4057 \a\
(for liquid
fuels), or
f. Measure TSM ASTM D3683 \a\, or
concentration in ASTM D4606 \ a\,
fuel sample. or ASTM D6357 \a\
or EPA 200.8 \a\
or EPA SW-846-6020
\a\, or EPA SW-846-
6020A \a\, or EPA
SW-846-6010C \a\,
EPA 7060 \a\ or
EPA 7060A \a\ (for
arsenic only), or
EPA SW-846-7740
\a\ (for selenium
g. Convert Equation 9 in Sec.
concentrations 63.7530.
into units of
pounds of TSM per
MMBtu of heat
h. Calculate the Equations 10 and 13
TSM emission rate in Sec. 63.7530.
from the boiler or
process heater in
units of pounds
per million Btu.------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14. [78 FR 7201, Jan. 31, 2013] Sec. Table 7 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63--Establishing Operating Limits
As stated in Sec. 63.7520, you must comply with the following requirements for establishing operating limits: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
And your operating According to the
If you have an applicable limits are based You must . . . Using . . . following
emission limit for . . . on . . . requirements----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. PM, TSM, or mercury.......... a. Wet scrubber i. Establish a (1) Data from the (a) You must
operating site-specific scrubber pressure collect scrubber
parameters. minimum scrubber drop and liquid pressure drop and
pressure drop and flow rate liquid flow rate
minimum flow rate monitors and the data every 15
operating limit PM or mercury minutes during
according to Sec. performance test. the entire period
63.7530(b). of the
(b) Determine the
lowest hourly
average scrubber
pressure drop and
liquid flow rate
by computing the
hourly averages
using all of the
readings taken
during each
performance test.
b. Electrostatic i. Establish a (1) Data from the (a) You must
precipitator site-specific voltage and collect secondary
operating minimum total secondary voltage and
parameters secondary amperage monitors secondary
(option only for electric power during the PM or amperage for each
units that input according mercury ESP cell and
operate wet to Sec. performance test. calculate total
scrubbers). 63.7530(b). secondary
electric power
input data every
15 minutes during
the entire period
of the
(b) Determine the
average total
electric power
input by
computing the
hourly averages
using all of the
readings taken
during each
(1) Data from the (a) You must
operating specific minimum pressure drop, collect pH and
parameters. pressure drop, pH, and liquid liquid flow-rate
effluent pH, and flow-rate data every 15
flow rate monitors and the minutes during
operating limits HCl performance the entire period
according to Sec. test. of the
63.7530(b). performance
(b) Determine the
hourly average pH
and liquid flow
rate by computing
the hourly
averages using
all of the 15-
minute readings
taken during each
performance test.
b. Dry scrubber i. Establish a (1) Data from the (a) You must
operating site-specific sorbent injection collect sorbent
parameters. minimum sorbent rate monitors and injection rate
injection rate HCl or mercury data every 15
operating limit performance test. minutes during
according to Sec. the entire period
63.7530(b). If of the
different acid performance
gas sorbents are tests.
used during the
HCl performance
test, the average
value for each
sorbent becomes
the site-specific
operating limit
for that sorbent.
(b) Determine the
hourly average
sorbent injection
rate by computing
the hourly
averages using
all of the 15-
minute readings
taken during each
performance test.
(c) Determine the
lowest hourly
average of the
three test run
during the
performance test
as your operating
limit. When your
unit operates at
lower loads,
multiply your
sorbent injection
rate by the load
fraction (e.g.,
for 50 percent
load, multiply
the injection
rate operating
limit by 0.5) to
determine the
injection rate.
c. Alternative i. Establish a (1) Data from SO2 (a) You must
Maximum SO2 site-specific CEMS and the HCl collect the SO2
emission rate. maximum SO2 performance test. emissions data
emission rate according to Sec.
operating limit 63.7525(m)
according to Sec. during the most
63.7530(b). recent HCl
(b) The maximum
SO2 emission rate
is equal to the
lowest hourly
average SO2
emission rate
measured during
the most recent
HCl performance
tests.3. Mercury...................... a. Activated i. Establish a (1) Data from the (a) You must
carbon injection. site-specific activated carbon collect activated
minimum activated rate monitors and carbon injection
carbon injection mercury rate data every
rate operating performance test. 15 minutes during
limit according the entire period
to Sec. of the
63.7530(b). performance
(b) Determine the
hourly average
activated carbon
injection rate by
computing the
hourly averages
using all of the
readings taken
during each
performance test.
(c) Determine the
lowest hourly
during the
performance test
as your operating
limit. When your
unit operates at
lower loads,
multiply your
activated carbon
injection rate by
the load fraction
(e.g., actual
heat input
divided by heat
input during
performance test,
for 50 percent
load, multiply
the injection
rate operating
limit by 0.5) to
determine the
injection rate.4. Carbon monoxide.............. a. Oxygen......... i. Establish a (1) Data from the (a) You must
unit-specific oxygen analyzer collect oxygen
limit for minimum system specified data every 15
oxygen level in Sec. minutes during
according to Sec. 63.7525(a). the entire period
63.7520. of the
(b) Determine the
hourly average
concentration by
computing the
hourly averages
using all of the
readings taken
during each
performance test.
(c) Determine the
lowest hourly
during the
performance test
as your minimum
operating limit.5. Any pollutant for which a. Boiler or i. Establish a (1) Data from the (a) You must
compliance is demonstrated by a process heater unit specific operating load collect operating
performance test. operating load. limit for maximum monitors or from load or steam
operating load steam generation generation data
according to Sec. monitors. every 15 minutes
63.7520(c). during the entire
period of the
performance test.
(b) Determine the
average operating
load by computing
the hourly
averages using
all of the 15-
minute readings
taken during each
performance test.
(c) Determine the
average of the
three test run
averages during
the performance
test, and
multiply this by
1.1 (110 percent)
as your operating
limit.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [76 FR 15664, Mar. 21, 2011, as amended at 78 FR 7203, Jan. 31, 2013]
Sec. Table 8 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63--Demonstrating Continuous
As stated in Sec. 63.7540, you must show continuous compliance with the emission limitations for each boiler or process heater according to the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you must meet thefollowing operating limits or You must demonstrate continuouswork practice standards . . . compliance by . . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Opacity................... a. Collecting the opacity monitoring
system data according to Sec.
63.7525(c) and Sec. 63.7535; and
b. Reducing the opacity monitoring data
to 6-minute averages; and
c. Maintaining opacity to less than or
equal to 10 percent (daily block
average).2. PM CPMS................... a. Collecting the PM CPMS output data
according to Sec. 63.7525;
b. Reducing the data to 30-day rolling
averages; and
c. Maintaining the 30-day rolling average
PM CPMS output data to less than the
operating limit established during the
performance test according to Sec.
63.7530(b)(4).3. Fabric Filter Bag Leak Installing and operating a bag leak
Detection Operation. detection system according to Sec.
63.7525 and operating the fabric filter
such that the requirements in Sec.
63.7540(a)(9) are met.4. Wet Scrubber Pressure Drop a. Collecting the pressure drop and
and Liquid Flow-rate. liquid flow rate monitoring system data
according to Sec. Sec. 63.7525 and
63.7535; and
b. Reducing the data to 30-day rolling
averages; and
c. Maintaining the 30-day rolling average
pressure drop and liquid flow-rate at or
above the operating limits established
during the performance test according to
Sec. 63.7530(b).5. Wet Scrubber pH........... a. Collecting the pH monitoring system
data according to Sec. Sec. 63.7525
and 63.7535; and
b. Reducing the data to 30-day rolling
averages; and
c. Maintaining the 30-day rolling average
pH at or above the operating limit
established during the performance test
according to Sec. 63.7530(b).6. Dry Scrubber Sorbent or a. Collecting the sorbent or carbon
Carbon Injection Rate. injection rate monitoring system data
for the dry scrubber according to Sec.
Sec. 63.7525 and 63.7535; and
b. Reducing the data to 30-day rolling
averages; and
c. Maintaining the 30-day rolling average
sorbent or carbon injection rate at or
above the minimum sorbent or carbon
injection rate as defined in Sec.
63.7575.7. Electrostatic Precipitator a. Collecting the total secondary
Total Secondary Electric electric power input monitoring system
Power Input. data for the electrostatic precipitator
according to Sec. Sec. 63.7525 and
63.7535; and
b. Reducing the data to 30-day rolling
averages; and
c. Maintaining the 30-day rolling average
total secondary electric power input at
or above the operating limits
established during the performance test
according to Sec. 63.7530(b).8. Emission limits using fuel a. Conduct monthly fuel analysis for HCl
analysis. or mercury or TSM according to Table 6
to this subpart; and
b. Reduce the data to 12-month rolling
averages; and
c. Maintain the 12-month rolling average
at or below the applicable emission
limit for HCl or mercury or TSM in
Tables 1 and 2 or 11 through 13 to this
subpart.9. Oxygen content............ a. Continuously monitor the oxygen
content using an oxygen analyzer system
according to Sec. 63.7525(a). This
requirement does not apply to units that
install an oxygen trim system since
these units will set the trim system to
the level specified in Sec.
b. Reducing the data to 30-day rolling
averages; and
c. Maintain the 30-day rolling average
oxygen content at or above the lowest
hourly average oxygen level measured
during the most recent CO performance
test.10. Boiler or process heater a. Collecting operating load data or
operating load. steam generation data every 15 minutes.
b. Maintaining the operating load such
that it does not exceed 110 percent of
the highest hourly average operating
load recorded during the most recent
performance test according to Sec.
63.7520(c).11. SO2 emissions using SO2 a. Collecting the SO2 CEMS output data
CEMS. according to Sec. 63.7525;
b. Reducing the data to 30-day rolling
averages; and
c. Maintaining the 30-day rolling average
SO2 CEMS emission rate to a level at or
below the minimum hourly SO2 rate
measured during the most recent HCl
performance test according to Sec.
63.7530.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [78 FR 7204, Jan. 31, 2013]
Sec. Table 9 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63--Reporting Requirements
As stated in Sec. 63.7550, you must comply with the following requirements for reports: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You must submit the report
You must submit a(n) The report must contain . . . . . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Compliance report.................... a. Information required in Sec. Semiannually, annually,
63.7550(c)(1) through (5); and biennially, or every 5
years according to the
requirements in Sec.
b. If there are no deviations from any
emission limitation (emission limit and
operating limit) that applies to you and
there are no deviations from the
requirements for work practice standards
in Table 3 to this subpart that apply to
you, a statement that there were no
deviations from the emission limitations
and work practice standards during the
reporting period. If there were no
periods during which the CMSs, including
continuous emissions monitoring system,
continuous opacity monitoring system, and
operating parameter monitoring systems,
were out-of-control as specified in Sec.
63.8(c)(7), a statement that there were
no periods during which the CMSs were out-
of-control during the reporting period;
c. If you have a deviation from any
emission limitation (emission limit and
operating limit) where you are not using
a CMS to comply with that emission limit
or operating limit, or a deviation from a
work practice standard during the
reporting period, the report must contain
the information in Sec. 63.7550(d); and
d. If there were periods during which the
CMSs, including continuous emissions
monitoring system, continuous opacity
monitoring system, and operating
parameter monitoring systems, were out-of-
control as specified in Sec.
63.8(c)(7), or otherwise not operating,
the report must contain the information
in Sec. 63.7550(e).---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [76 FR 15664, Mar. 21, 2011, as amended at 78 FR 7205, Jan. 31, 2013]
Sec. Table 10 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63--Applicability of General
Provisions to Subpart DDDDD
As stated in Sec. 63.7565, you must comply with the applicable General Provisions according to the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Applies to
Citation Subject subpart DDDDD------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. 63.1................... Applicability......... Yes.Sec. 63.2................... Definitions........... Yes. Additional
terms defined
in Sec.
63.7575Sec. 63.3................... Units and Yes.
Abbreviations.Sec. 63.4................... Prohibited Activities Yes.
and Circumvention.Sec. 63.5................... Preconstruction Review Yes.
and Notification
Requirements.Sec. 63.6(a), (b)(1)-(b)(5), Compliance with Yes.
(b)(7), (c). Standards and
(7), (c). Standards and
Requirements.Sec. 63.6(e)(1)(i).......... General duty to No. See Sec.
minimize emissions.. 63.7500(a)(3)
for the general
requirement.Sec. 63.6(e)(1)(ii)......... Requirement to correct No.
malfunctions as soon
as practicable..Sec. 63.6(e)(3)............. Startup, shutdown, and No.
malfunction plan
requirements..Sec. 63.6(f)(1)............. Startup, shutdown, and No.
exemptions for
compliance with non-
opacity emission
standards..Sec. 63.6(f)(2) and (3)..... Compliance with non- Yes.
opacity emission
standards..Sec. 63.6(g)................ Use of alternative Yes.
standards.Sec. 63.6(h)(1)............. Startup, shutdown, and No. See Sec.
malfunction 63.7500(a).
exemptions to opacity
standards..Sec. 63.6(h)(2) to (h)(9)... Determining compliance Yes.
with opacity emission
standards.Sec. 63.6(i)................ Extension of Yes. Note:
compliance. Facilities may
also request
extensions of
compliance for
installation of
combined heat
and power,
waste heat
recovery, or
gas pipeline or
fuel feeding
as a means of
complying with
this subpart.Sec. 63.6(j)................ Presidential Yes.
exemption..Sec. 63.7(a), (b), (c), and Performance Testing Yes.
(d). Requirements.
Sec. 63.7(e)(1)............. Conditions for No. Subpart
conducting DDDDD specifies
performance tests. conditions for
tests at Sec.
63.7520(a) to
(c).Sec. 63.7(e)(2)-(e)(9), (f), Performance Testing Yes.
(g), and (h). Requirements.Sec. 63.8(a) and (b)........ Applicability and Yes.
Conduct of Monitoring.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)............. Operation and Yes.
maintenance of CMS.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(i).......... General duty to No. See Sec.
minimize emissions 63.7500(a)(3).
and CMS operation.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(ii)......... Operation and Yes.
maintenance of CMS.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(iii)........ Startup, shutdown, and No.
malfunction plans for
CMS.Sec. 63.8(c)(2) to (c)(9)... Operation and Yes.
maintenance of CMS.Sec. 63.8(d)(1) and (2)..... Monitoring Yes.
Requirements, Quality
Control Program.Sec. 63.8(d)(3)............. Written procedures for Yes, except for
CMS. the last
sentence, which
refers to a
shutdown, and
plan. Startup,
shutdown, and
plans are not
required.Sec. 63.8(e)................ Performance evaluation Yes.
of a CMS.Sec. 63.8(f)................ Use of an alternative Yes.
monitoring method..Sec. 63.8(g)................ Reduction of Yes.
monitoring data.Sec. 63.9................... Notification Yes.
Requirements.Sec. 63.10(a), (b)(1)....... Recordkeeping and Yes.
Requirements.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(i)......... Recordkeeping of Yes.
occurrence and
duration of startups
or shutdowns.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(ii)........ Recordkeeping of No. See Sec.
malfunctions. 63.7555(d)(7)
of occurrence
and duration
and Sec.
for actions
taken during
malfunctions.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(iii)....... Maintenance records... Yes.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(iv) and (v) Actions taken to No.
minimize emissions
during startup,
shutdown, or
malfunction.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(vi)........ Recordkeeping for CMS Yes.
malfunctions.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(vii) to Other CMS requirements Yes.
(xiv).Sec. 63.10(b)(3)............ Recordkeeping No.
requirements for
determinations.Sec. 63.10(c)(1) to (9)..... Recordkeeping for Yes.
sources with CMS.Sec. 63.10(c)(10) and (11).. Recording nature and No. See Sec.
cause of 63.7555(d)(7)
malfunctions, and for
corrective actions. recordkeeping
of occurrence
and duration
and Sec.
for actions
taken during
malfunctions.Sec. 63.10(c)(12) and (13).. Recordkeeping for Yes.
sources with CMS.Sec. 63.10(c)(15)........... Use of startup, No.
shutdown, and
malfunction plan.Sec. 63.10(d)(1) and (2).... General reporting Yes.
requirements.Sec. 63.10(d)(3)............ Reporting opacity or No.
visible emission
observation results.Sec. 63.10(d)(4)............ Progress reports under Yes.
an extension of
compliance.Sec. 63.10(d)(5)............ Startup, shutdown, and No. See Sec.
malfunction reports. 63.7550(c)(11)
for malfunction
requirements.Sec. 63.10(e)............... Additional reporting Yes.
requirements for
sources with CMS.Sec. 63.10(f)............... Waiver of Yes.
recordkeeping or
requirements.Sec. 63.11.................. Control Device No.
Requirements.Sec. 63.12.................. State Authority and Yes.
Delegation.Sec. 63.13-63.16............ Addresses, Yes.
Incorporation by
Availability of
Performance Track
Provisions.Sec. 63.1(a)(5),(a)(7)- Reserved.............. No.
(a)(9), (b)(2), (c)(3)-(4),
(9), (b)(2), (c)(3)-(4),
(d), 63.6(b)(6), (c)(3),
(c)(4), (d), (e)(2),
(4), (d), (e)(2),
(e)(3)(ii), (h)(3),
(3)(ii), (h)(3),
(ii), (h)(3),
(h)(5)(iv), 63.8(a)(3),
(5)(iv), 63.8(a)(3),
(iv), 63.8(a)(3),
63.9(b)(3), (h)(4),
63.10(c)(2)-(4), (c)(9)..------------------------------------------------------------------------ [76 FR 15664, Mar. 21, 2011, as amended at 78 FR 7205, Jan. 31, 2013]
Sec. Table 11 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63--Toxic Equivalency Factors
for Dioxins/Furans
Table 11 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63--Toxic Equivalency Factors for
Toxic equivalency
Dioxin/furan congener factor------------------------------------------------------------------------2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin........ 11,2,3,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin...... 11,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin..... 0.11,2,3,7,8,9-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin..... 0.11,2,3,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin..... 0.11,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin.. 0.01octachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin................. 0.00032,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzofuran............ 0.12,3,4,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzofuran.......... 0.31,2,3,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzofuran.......... 0.031,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran......... 0.11,2,3,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran......... 0.11,2,3,7,8,9-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran......... 0.12,3,4,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran......... 0.11,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorinated dibenzofuran...... 0.011,2,3,4,7,8,9-heptachlorinated dibenzofuran...... 0.01octachlorinated dibenzofuran..................... 0.0003------------------------------------------------------------------------ [76 FR 15664, Mar. 21, 2011]
Editorial Note: At 78 FR 7206, Jan. 31, 2013, Table 11 was added, effective Apr. 1, 2013. However Table 11 could not be added as a Table 11 is already in existence. Sec. Table 12 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63--Alternative Emission Limits
for New or Reconstructed Boilers and Process Heaters That Commenced
Construction or Reconstruction After June 4, 2010, and Before May 20,
2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The emissions must not
exceed the following Using this specified
If your boiler or process heater is For the following emission limits, except sampling volume or test
in this subcategory pollutants during periods of run duration
startup and shutdown----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Units in all subcategories a. Mercury............. 3.5E-06 lb per MMBtu of For M29, collect a
designed to burn solid fuel. heat input. minimum of 2 dscm per
run; for M30A or M30B,
collect a minimum
sample as specified in
the method; for ASTM
D6784 \a\ collect a
minimum of 2 dscm.2. Units in all subcategories a. Particulate Matter.. 0.008 lb per MMBtu of Collect a minimum of 1
designed to burn solid fuel that heat input (30-day dscm per run.
combust at least 10 percent biomass/ rolling average for
bio-based solids on an annual heat units 250 MMBtu/hr or
input basis and less than 10 percent greater, 3-run average
coal/solid fossil fuels on an annual for units less than
heat input basis. 250 MMBtu/hr).
b. Hydrogen Chloride... 0.004 lb per MMBtu of For M26A, collect a
heat input. minimum of 1 dscm per
run; for M26, collect
a minimum of 60 liters
per run.3. Units in all subcategories a. Particulate Matter.. 0.0011 lb per MMBtu of Collect a minimum of 3
designed to burn solid fuel that heat input (30-day dscm per run.
combust at least 10 percent coal/ rolling average for
solid fossil fuels on an annual heat units 250 MMBtu/hr or
input basis and less than 10 percent greater, 3-run average
biomass/bio-based solids on an for units less than
annual heat input basis. 250 MMBtu/hr).
b. Hydrogen Chloride... 0.0022 lb per MMBtu of For M26A, collect a
heat input. minimum of 1 dscm per
run; for M26, collect
a minimum of 60 liters
per run.4. Units designed to burn pulverized a. CO.................. 90 ppm by volume on a 1 hr minimum sampling
coal/solid fossil fuel. dry basis corrected to time.
3 percent oxygen.
b. Dioxins/Furans...... 0.003 ng/dscm (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4
corrected to 7 percent dscm per run.
oxygen.5. Stokers designed to burn coal/ a. CO.................. 7 ppm by volume on a 1 hr minimum sampling
solid fossil fuel. dry basis corrected to time.
3 percent oxygen.
b. Dioxins/Furans...... 0.003 ng/dscm (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4
corrected to 7 percent dscm per run.
oxygen.6. Fluidized bed units designed to a. CO.................. 30 ppm by volume on a 1 hr minimum sampling
burn coal/solid fossil fuel. dry basis corrected to time.
3 percent oxygen.
b. Dioxins/Furans...... 0.002 ng/dscm (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4
corrected to 7 percent dscm per run.
oxygen.7. Stokers designed to burn biomass/ a. CO.................. 560 ppm by volume on a 1 hr minimum sampling
bio-based solids. dry basis corrected to time.
3 percent oxygen.
b. Dioxins/Furans...... 0.005 ng/dscm (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4
corrected to 7 percent dscm per run.
oxygen.8. Fluidized bed units designed to a. CO.................. 260 ppm by volume on a 1 hr minimum sampling
burn biomass/bio-based solids. dry basis corrected to time.
3 percent oxygen.
b. Dioxins/Furans...... 0.02 ng/dscm (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4
corrected to 7 percent dscm per run.
oxygen.9. Suspension burners/Dutch Ovens a. CO.................. 1,010 ppm by volume on 1 hr minimum sampling
designed to burn biomass/bio-based a dry basis corrected time.
solids. to 3 percent oxygen.
b. Dioxins/Furans...... 0.2 ng/dscm (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4
corrected to 7 percent dscm per run.
oxygen.10. Fuel cells designed to burn a. CO.................. 470 ppm by volume on a 1 hr minimum sampling
biomass/bio-based solids. dry basis corrected to time.
3 percent oxygen.
b. Dioxins/Furans...... 0.003 ng/dscm (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4
corrected to 7 percent dscm per run.
oxygen.11. Hybrid suspension/grate units a. CO.................. 1,500 ppm by volume on 1 hr minimum sampling
designed to burn biomass/bio-based a dry basis corrected time.
solids. to 3 percent oxygen.
b. Dioxins/Furans...... 0.2 ng/dscm (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4
corrected to 7 percent dscm per run.
oxygen.12. Units designed to burn liquid a. Particulate Matter.. 0.002 lb per MMBtu of Collect a minimum of 2
fuel. heat input (30-day dscm per run.
rolling average for
units 250 MMBtu/hr or
greater, 3-run average
for units less than
250 MMBtu/hr).
b. Hydrogen Chloride... 0.0032 lb per MMBtu of For M26A, collect a
heat input. minimum of 1 dscm per
run; for M26, collect
a minimum of 60 liters
per run.
c. Mercury............. 3.0E-07 lb per MMBtu of For M29, collect a
heat input. minimum of 2 dscm per
run; for M30A or M30B,
collect a minimum
sample as specified in
the method; for ASTM
D6784 \a\ collect a
minimum of 2 dscm.
d. CO.................. 3 ppm by volume on a 1 hr minimum sampling
dry basis corrected to time.
3 percent oxygen.
e. Dioxins/Furans...... 0.002 ng/dscm (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4
corrected to 7 percent dscm per run.
oxygen.13. Units designed to burn liquid a. Particulate Matter.. 0.002 lb per MMBtu of Collect a minimum of 2
fuel located in non-continental heat input (30-day dscm per run.
States and territories. rolling average for
units 250 MMBtu/hr or
greater, 3-run average
for units less than
250 MMBtu/hr).
b. Hydrogen Chloride... 0.0032 lb per MMBtu of For M26A, collect a
heat input. minimum of 1 dscm per
run; for M26, collect
a minimum of 60 liters
per run.
c. Mercury............. 7.8E-07 lb per MMBtu of For M29, collect a
heat input. minimum of 1 dscm per
run; for M30A or M30B,
collect a minimum
sample as specified in
the method; for ASTM
D6784 \a\ collect a
minimum of 2 dscm.
d. CO.................. 51 ppm by volume on a 1 hr minimum sampling
dry basis corrected to time.
3 percent oxygen.
e. Dioxins/Furans...... 0.002 ng/dscm (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4
corrected to 7 percent dscm per run.
oxygen.14. Units designed to burn gas 2 a. Particulate Matter.. 0.0067 lb per MMBtu of Collect a minimum of 1
(other) gases. heat input (30-day dscm per run.
rolling average for
units 250 MMBtu/hr or
greater, 3-run average
for units less than
250 MMBtu/hr).
b. Hydrogen Chloride... 0.0017 lb per MMBtu of For M26A, collect a
heat input. minimum of 1 dscm per
run; for M26, collect
a minimum of 60 liters
per run.
c. Mercury............. 7.9E-06 lb per MMBtu of For M29, collect a
heat input. minimum of 1 dscm per
run; for M30A or M30B,
collect a minimum
sample as specified in
the method; for ASTM
D6784 \a\ collect a
minimum of 2 dscm.
d. CO.................. 3 ppm by volume on a 1 hr minimum sampling
dry basis corrected to time.
3 percent oxygen.
e. Dioxins/Furans...... 0.08 ng/dscm (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4
corrected to 7 percent dscm per run.
oxygen.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14. [76 FR 15664, Mar. 21, 2011]
Editorial Note: At 78 FR 7208, Jan. 31, 2013, Table 12 was added, effective Apr. 1, 2013. However, Table 12 could not be added as a Table 12 is already in existence.
Sec. Table 13 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63--Alternative Emission Limits
for New or Reconstructed Boilers and Process Heaters That Commenced
Construction or Reconstruction After December 23, 2011, and Before
January 31, 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The emissions must
not exceed the
following emission Using this specified
If your boiler or process heater For the following pollutants . . limits, except sampling volume or
is in this subcategory . . . . during periods of test run duration .
startup and shutdown . .
. . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Units in all subcategories a. HCl.......................... 0.022 lb per MMBtu For M26A, collect a
designed to burn solid fuel. of heat input. minimum of 1 dscm
per run; for M26
collect a minimum
of 120 liters per
b. Mercury...................... 8.6E-07 \a\ lb per For M29, collect a
MMBtu of heat input. minimum of 4 dscm
per run; for M30A
or M30B, collect a
minimum sample as
specified in the
method; for ASTM
D6784 \b\ collect a
minimum of 4 dscm.2. Pulverized coal boilers a. Carbon monoxide (CO) (or 130 ppm by volume on 1 hr minimum
designed to burn coal/solid CEMS). a dry basis sampling time.
fossil fuel. corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 3-
run average; or
(320 ppm by volume
on a dry basis
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 30-
day rolling
b. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 1.1E-03 lb per MMBtu Collect a minimum of
of heat input; or 3 dscm per run.
(2.8E-05 lb per
MMBtu of heat
input).3. Stokers designed to burn coal/ a. CO (or CEMS)................. 130 ppm by volume on 1 hr minimum
solid fossil fuel. a dry basis sampling time.
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 3-
run average; or
(340 ppm by volume
on a dry basis
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 10-
day rolling
b. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 2.8E-02 lb per MMBtu Collect a minimum of
of heat input; or 2 dscm per run.
(2.3E-05 lb per
MMBtu of heat
input).4. Fluidized bed units designed to a. CO (or CEMS)................. 130 ppm by volume on 1 hr minimum
burn coal/solid fossil fuel. a dry basis sampling time.
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 3-
run average; or
(230 ppm by volume
on a dry basis
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 30-
day rolling
b. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 1.1E-03 lb per MMBtu Collect a minimum of
of heat input; or 3 dscm per run.
(2.3E-05 lb per
MMBtu of heat
input).5. Fluidized bed units with an a. CO (or CEMS)................. 140 ppm by volume on 1 hr minimum
integrated heat exchanger a dry basis sampling time.
designed to burn coal/solid corrected to 3
fossil fuel. percent oxygen, 3-
run average; or
(150 ppm by volume
on a dry basis
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 30-
day rolling
b. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 1.1E-03 lb per MMBtu Collect a minimum of
of heat input; or 3 dscm per run.
(2.3E-05 lb per
MMBtu of heat
input).6. Stokers/sloped grate/others a. CO (or CEMS)................. 620 ppm by volume on 1 hr minimum
designed to burn wet biomass fuel. a dry basis sampling time.
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 3-
run average; or
(410 ppm by volume
on a dry basis
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 10-
day rolling
b. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 3.0E-02 lb per MMBtu Collect a minimum of
of heat input; or 2 dscm per run.
(2.6E-05 lb per
MMBtu of heat
input).7. Stokers/sloped grate/others a. CO........................... 460 ppm by volume on 1 hr minimum
designed to burn kiln-dried a dry basis sampling time.
biomass fuel. corrected to 3
percent oxygen.
b. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 3.2E-01 lb per MMBtu Collect a minimum of
of heat input; or 2 dscm per run.
(4.0E-03 lb per
MMBtu of heat
input).8. Fluidized bed units designed to a. CO (or CEMS)................. 230 ppm by volume on 1 hr minimum
burn biomass/bio-based solids. a dry basis sampling time.
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 3-
run average; or
(310 ppm by volume
on a dry basis
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 30-
day rolling
b. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 9.8E-03 lb per MMBtu Collect a minimum of
of heat input; or 3 dscm per run.
(8.3E-05 \a\ lb per
MMBtu of heat
input).9. Suspension burners designed to a. CO (or CEMS)................. 2,400 ppm by volume 1 hr minimum
burn biomass/bio-based solids. on a dry basis sampling time.
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 3-
run average; or
(2,000 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected to
3 percent oxygen,
10-day rolling
b. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 5.1E-02 lb per MMBtu Collect a minimum of
of heat input; or 2 dscm per run.
(6.5E-03 lb per
MMBtu of heat
input).10. Dutch Ovens/Pile burners a. CO (or CEMS)................. 810 ppm by volume on 1 hr minimum
designed to burn biomass/bio- a dry basis sampling time.
based solids. corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 3-
run average; or
(520 ppm by volume
on a dry basis
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 10-
day rolling
b. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 3.6E-02 lb per MMBtu Collect a minimum of
of heat input; or 2 dscm per run.
(3.9E-05 lb per
MMBtu of heat
input).11. Fuel cell units designed to a. CO........................... 910 ppm by volume on 1 hr minimum
burn biomass/bio-based solids. a dry basis sampling time.
corrected to 3
percent oxygen.
b. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 2.0E-02 lb per MMBtu Collect a minimum of
of heat input; or 2 dscm per run.
(2.9E-05 lb per
MMBtu of heat
input).12. Hybrid suspension grate boiler a. CO (or CEMS)................. 1,500 ppm by volume 1 hr minimum
designed to burn biomass/bio- on a dry basis sampling time.
based solids. corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 3-
run average; or
(900 ppm by volume
on a dry basis
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 30-
day rolling
b. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 2.6E-02 lb per MMBtu Collect a minimum of
of heat input; or 3 dscm per run.
(4.4E-04 lb per
MMBtu of heat
input).13. Units designed to burn liquid a. HCl.......................... 1.2E-03 lb per MMBtu For M26A: Collect a
fuel. of heat input. minimum of 2 dscm
per run; for M26,
collect a minimum
of 240 liters per
b. Mercury...................... 4.9E-07 \a\ lb per For M29, collect a
MMBtu of heat input. minimum of 4 dscm
per run; for M30A
or M30B, collect a
minimum sample as
specified in the
method; for ASTM
D6784 \b\ collect a
minimum of 4 dscm.14. Units designed to burn heavy a. CO (or CEMS)................. 130 ppm by volume on 1 hr minimum
liquid fuel. a dry basis sampling time.
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 3-
run average; or (18
ppm by volume on a
dry basis corrected
to 3 percent
oxygen, 10-day
rolling average).
b. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 1.3E-03 lb per MMBtu Collect a minimum of
of heat input; or 3 dscm per run.
(7.5E-05 lb per
MMBtu of heat
input).15. Units designed to burn light a. CO (or CEMS)................. 130 \a\ ppm by 1 hr minimum
liquid fuel. volume on a dry sampling time.
basis corrected to
3 percent oxygen;
or (60 ppm by
volume on a dry
basis corrected to
3 percent oxygen, 1-
day block average)..
b. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 1.1E-03 \a\ lb per Collect a minimum of
MMBtu of heat 3 dscm per run.
input; or (2.9E-05
lb per MMBtu of
heat input).16. Units designed to burn liquid a. CO........................... 130 ppm by volume on 1 hr minimum
fuel that are non-continental a dry basis sampling time.
units. corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 3-
run average based
on stack test; or
(91 ppm by volume
on a dry basis
corrected to 3
percent oxygen, 3-
hour rolling
b. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 2.3E-02 lb per MMBtu Collect a minimum of
of heat input; or 2 dscm per run.
(8.6E-04 lb per
MMBtu of heat
input).17. Units designed to burn gas 2 a. CO........................... 130 ppm by volume on 1 hr minimum
(other) gases. a dry basis sampling time.
corrected to 3
percent oxygen.
b. HCl.......................... 1.7E-03 lb per MMBtu For M26A, Collect a
of heat input. minimum of 2 dscm
per run; for M26,
collect a minimum
of 240 liters per
c. Mercury...................... 7.9E-06 lb per MMBtu For M29, collect a
of heat input. minimum of 3 dscm
per run; for M30A
or M30B, collect a
minimum sample as
specified in the
method; for ASTM
D6784 \b\ collect a
minimum of 3 dscm.
d. Filterable PM (or TSM)....... 6.7E-03 lb per MMBtu Collect a minimum of
of heat input; or 3 dscm per run.
(2.1E-04 lb per
MMBtu of heat
input).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ If you are conducting stack tests to demonstrate compliance and your performance tests for this pollutant
for at least 2 consecutive years show that your emissions are at or below this limit and you are not required
to conduct testing for CEMS or CPMS monitor certification, you can skip testing according to Sec. 63.7515 if
all of the other provision of Sec. 63.7515 are met. For all other pollutants that do not contain a footnote
``a'', your performance tests for this pollutant for at least 2 consecutive years must show that your
emissions are at or below 75 percent of this limit in order to qualify for skip testing.\b\ Incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14. [78 FR 7210, Jan. 31, 2013]
Subpart EEEEE_National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
for Iron and Steel Foundries
Source: 69 FR 21923, Apr. 22, 2004, unless otherwise noted.
What this Subpart Covers