Terms used in this subpart are defined in the CAA, in Sec. 63.2, and in this section. If a term is defined both in this section and in another subpart cross-referenced by this subpart, then the term will have the meaning given in this section for purposes of this subpart.
Boiler means an enclosed combustion device that extracts useful energy in the form of steam and is not an incinerator or a process heater.
Closed vent system means a system that is not open to the atmosphere and is composed of hard-piping, ductwork, connections, and, if necessary, fans, blowers, or other flow-inducing device that conveys gas or vapor from an emissions point to a control device.
Closure device means a cap, hatch, lid, plug, seal, valve, or other type of fitting that prevents or reduces air pollutant emissions to the atmosphere by blocking an opening in a cover when the device is secured in the closed position. Closure devices include devices that are detachable from the cover (e.g., a sampling port cap), manually operated (e.g., a hinged access lid or hatch), or automatically operated (e.g., a spring-loaded pressure relief valve).
Container means a portable unit used to hold material. Examples of containers include, but are not limited to drums, dumpsters, roll-off boxes, bulk cargo containers commonly known as portable tanks or totes, cargo tank trucks, dump trucks, and rail cars. For the purpose of this subpart, a front-end loader, excavator, backhoe, or other type of self-propelled excavation equipment is not a container.
Continuous record means documentation of data values measured at least once every 15 minutes and recorded at the frequency specified in this subpart.
Continuous recorder means a data recording device that either records an instantaneous data value at least once every 15 minutes or records 15-minutes or more frequent block averages.
Control device means equipment used recovering, removing, oxidizing, or destroying organic vapors. Examples of such equipment include but are not limited to carbon adsorbers, condensers, vapor incinerators, flares, boilers, and process heaters.
Cover means a device that prevents or reduces air pollutant emissions to the atmosphere by forming a continuous barrier over the remediation material managed in a unit. A cover may have openings (such as access hatches, sampling ports, gauge wells) that are necessary for operation, inspection, maintenance, and repair of the unit on which the cover is used. A cover may be a separate piece of equipment which can be detached and removed from the unit (such as a tarp) or a cover may be formed by structural features permanently integrated into the design of the unit.
Deviation means any instance in which an affected source subject to this subpart, or an owner or operator of such a source:
(1) Fails to meet any requirement or obligation established by this subpart, including but not limited to any emissions limitation (including any operating limit), or work practice standard;
(2) Fails to meet any term or condition that is adopted to implement an applicable requirement in this subpart and that is included in the operating permit for any affected source required to obtain such a permit; or
(3) Fails to meet any emissions limitation, (including any operating limit), or work practice standard in this subpart during startup, shutdown, or malfunction, regardless of whether or not such failure is permitted by this subpart.
Emissions limitation means any emissions limit, opacity limit, operating limit, or visible emissions limit.
Emissions point means an individual tank, surface impoundment, container, oil-water, organic-water separator, transfer system, vent, or enclosure.
Enclosure means a structure that surrounds a tank or container, captures organic vapors emitted from the tank or container, and vents the captured vapor through a closed vent system to a control device.
Equipment means each pump, pressure relief device, sampling connection system, valve, and connector used in remediation material service at a facility.
External floating roof means a pontoon-type or double-deck type cover that rests on the liquid surface in a tank with no fixed roof.
Facility means all contiguous or adjoining property that is under common control including properties that are separated only by a road or other public right-of-way. Common control includes properties that are owned, leased, or operated by the same entity, parent entity, subsidiary, or any combination thereof. A unit or group of units within a contiguous property that are not under common control (e.g., a wastewater treatment unit located at the facility but is owned by a different company) is a different facility.
Fixed roof means a cover that is mounted on a unit in a stationary position and does not move with fluctuations in the level of the liquid managed in the unit.
Flame zone means the portion of the combustion chamber in a boiler or process heater occupied by the flame envelope.
Floating roof means a cover consisting of a double deck, pontoon single deck, or internal floating cover which rests upon and is supported by the liquid being contained, and is equipped with a continuous seal.
Flow indicator means a device that indicates whether gas is flowing, or whether the valve position would allow gas to flow in a bypass line.
Hard-piping means pipe or tubing that is manufactured and properly installed according to relevant standards and good engineering practices.
Individual drain system means a stationary system used to convey wastewater streams or residuals to a remediation material management unit or to discharge or disposal. The term includes hard-piping, all drains and junction boxes, together with their associated sewer lines and other junction boxes (e.g., manholes, sumps, and lift stations) conveying wastewater streams or residuals. For the purpose of this subpart, an individual drain system is not a drain and collection system that is designed and operated for the sole purpose of collecting rainfall runoff (e.g., stormwater sewer system) and is segregated from all other individual drain systems.
Internal floating roof means a cover that rests or floats on the liquid surface (but not necessarily in complete contact with it inside a tank that has a fixed roof).
Maximum HAP vapor pressure means the sum of the individual HAP equilibrium partial pressure exerted by remediation material at the temperature equal to either: the monthly average temperature as reported by the National Weather Service when the remediation material is stored or treated at ambient temperature; or the highest calendar-month average temperature of the remediation material when the remediation material is stored at temperatures above the ambient temperature or when the remediation material is stored or treated at temperatures below the ambient temperature. For the purpose of this subpart, maximum HAP vapor pressure is determined using the procedures specified in Sec. 63.7944.
No detectable organic emissions means no escape of organics to the atmosphere as determined using the procedure specified in Sec. 63.694(k).
Oil-water separator means a separator as defined for this subpart that is used to separate oil from water.
Operating parameter value means a minimum or maximum value established for a control device or treatment process parameter which, if achieved by itself or in combination with one or more other operating parameter values, determines that an owner or operator has complied with an applicable emissions limitation or standard.
Organic-water separator means a separator as defined for this subpart that is used to separate organics from water.
Process heater means an enclosed combustion device that transfers heat released by burning fuel directly to process streams or to heat transfer liquids other than water.
Process vent means any open-ended pipe, stack, duct, or other opening intended to allow the passage of gases, vapors, or fumes to the atmosphere and this passage is caused by mechanical means (such as compressors, vacuum-producing systems or fans) or by process-related means (such as volatilization produced by heating). For the purposes of this subpart, a process vent is neither a safety device (as defined in this section) nor a stack, duct or other opening used to exhaust combustion products from a boiler, furnace, heater, incinerator, or other combustion device.
Radioactive mixed waste means a material that contains both hazardous waste subject to RCRA and source, special nuclear, or by-product material subject to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.
Remediation material means a material that contains one or more of the HAP listed in Table 1 of this subpart, and this material is one of the following:
(1) A material found in naturally occurring media such as soil, groundwater, surface water, sediments, or a mixture of such materials with liquids, sludges, or solids which is inseparable by simple mechanical removal processes and is made up primarily of media. This material does not include debris as defined in 40 CFR 268.2.
(2) A material found in intact or substantially intact containers, tanks, storage piles, or other storage units that requires clean up because this material poses a reasonable potential threat to contaminating media. Examples of these materials include, but are not limited to, solvents, oils, paints, and other volatile or semi-volatile organic liquids found in buried drums, cans, or other containers; gasoline, fuel oil, or other fuels in leaking underground storage tanks; and solid materials containing volatile or semi-volatile organics in unused or abandoned piles. Remediation material is not a waste or residue generated by routine equipment maintenance activities performed at a facility such as, but not limited to, tank bottoms and sludges removed during tank cleanouts; sludges and sediments removed from active wastewater treatment tanks, surface impoundments, or lagoons; spent catalyst removed from process equipment; residues removed from air pollution control equipment; and debris removed during heat exchanger and pipeline cleanouts.
Remediation material management unit means a tank, container, surface impoundment, oil-water separator, organic-water separator, or transfer system used to remove, destroy, degrade, transform, immobilize, or otherwise manage remediation material.
Remediation material service means any time when a pump, compressor, agitator, pressure relief device, sampling connection system, open-ended valve or line, valve, connector, or instrumentation system contains or contacts remediation material.
Responsible official means responsible official as defined in 40 CFR 70.2.
Safety device means a closure device such as a pressure relief valve, frangible disc, fusible plug, or any other type of device which functions to prevent physical damage or permanent deformation to equipment by venting gases or vapors during unsafe conditions resulting from an unplanned, accidental, or emergency event. For the purpose of this Subpart, a safety device is not used for routine venting of gases or vapors from the vapor headspace underneath a cover such as during filling of the unit or to adjust the pressure in this vapor headspace in response to normal daily diurnal ambient temperature fluctuations. A safety device is designed to remain in a closed position during normal operations and open only when the internal pressure, or another relevant parameter, exceeds the device threshold setting applicable to the equipment as determined by the owner or operator based on manufacturer recommendations, applicable regulations, fire protection and prevention codes, standard engineering codes and practices, or other requirements for the safe handling of flammable, combustible, explosive, reactive, or hazardous materials.
Separator means a remediation material management unit, generally a tank, used to separate oil or organics from water. A separator consists of not only the separation unit but also the forebay and other separator basins, skimmers, weirs, grit chambers, sludge hoppers, and bar screens that are located directly after the individual drain system and prior to any additional treatment units such as an air flotation unit clarifier or biological treatment unit. Examples of a separator include, but are not limited to, an API separator, parallel-plate interceptor, and corrugated-plate interceptor with the associated ancillary equipment.
Site remediation means one or more activities or processes used to remove, destroy, degrade, transform, immobilize, or otherwise manage remediation material. The monitoring or measuring of contamination levels in environmental media using wells or by sampling is not considered to be a site remediation.
Sludge means sludge as defined in Sec. 260.10 of this chapter.
Soil means unconsolidated earth material composing the superficial geologic strata (material overlying bedrock), consisting of clay, silt, sand, or gravel size particles (sizes as classified by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service), or a mixture of such materials with liquids, sludges, or solids which is inseparable by simple mechanical removal processes and is made up primarily of soil.
Stabilization process means any physical or chemical process used to either reduce the mobility of contaminants in media or eliminate free liquids as determined by Test Method 9095--Paint Filter Liquids Test in ``Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,'' EPA Publication No. SW-846, Third Edition, September 1986, as amended by Update I, November 15, 1992. (As an alternative, you may use any more recent, updated version of Method 9095 approved by the EPA). A stabilization process includes mixing remediation material with binders or other materials, and curing the resulting remediation material and binder mixture. Other synonymous terms used to refer to this process are fixation or solidification. A stabilization process does not include the adding of absorbent materials to the surface of remediation material, without mixing, agitation, or subsequent curing, to absorb free liquid.
Surface impoundment means a unit that is a natural topographical depression, man-made excavation, or diked area formed primarily of earthen materials (although it may be lined with man-made materials), which is designed to hold an accumulation of liquids. Examples of surface impoundments include holding, storage, settling, and aeration pits, ponds, and lagoons.
Tank means a stationary unit that is constructed primarily of nonearthen materials (such as wood, concrete, steel, fiberglass, or plastic) which provide structural support and is designed to hold an accumulation of liquids or other materials.
Temperature monitoring device means a piece of equipment used to monitor temperature and having an accuracy of 1 percent of the temperature being monitored expressed in degrees Celsius (( deg;C) or 1.2 degrees C, whichever value is greater.
Transfer system means a stationary system for which the predominant function is to convey liquids or solid materials from one point to another point within a waste management operation or recovery operation. For the purpose of this subpart, the conveyance of material using a container (as defined for this subpart) or a self-propelled vehicle (e.g., a front-end loader) is not a transfer system. Examples of a transfer system include but are not limited to a pipeline, an individual drain system, a gravity-operated conveyor (such as a chute), and a mechanically-powered conveyor (such as a belt or screw conveyor).
Treatment process means a process in which remediation material is physically, chemically, thermally, or biologically treated to destroy, degrade, or remove hazardous air pollutants contained in the material. A treatment process can be composed of a single unit (e.g., a steam stripper) or a series of units (e.g., a wastewater treatment system). A treatment process can be used to treat one or more remediation material streams at the same time.
Volatile organic hazardous air pollutant (VOHAP) concentration means the fraction by weight of the HAP listed in Table 1 of this subpart that are contained in the remediation material as measured using Method 305, 40 CFR part 63, appendix A and expressed in terms of parts per million (ppm). As an alternative to using Method 305, 40 CFR part 63, appendix A, you may determine the HAP concentration of the remediation material using any one of the other test methods specified in Sec. 63.694(b)(2)(ii). When a test method specified in Sec. 63.694(b)(2)(ii) other than Method 305 in 40 CFR part 63, appendix A is used to determine the speciated HAP concentration of the contaminated material, the individual compound concentration may be adjusted by the corresponding fm305 listed in Table 1 of this subpart to determine a VOHAP concentration.
Work practice standard means any design, equipment, work practice, or operational standard, or combination thereof, that is promulgated pursuant to section 112(h) of the CAA. [68 FR 58190, Oct. 8, 2003, as amended at 71 FR 69019, Nov. 29, 2006]
Sec. Table 1 to Subpart GGGGG of Part 63--List of Hazardous Air
Pollutants ------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAS No.\a\ Compound name Fm 305------------------------------------------------------------------------75070........................... Acetaldehyde............ 1.00075058........................... Acetonitrile............ 0.98998862........................... Acetophenone............ 0.31498862........................... Acetophenone............ 0.314107028.......................... Acrolein................ 1.000107131.......................... Acrylonitrile........... 0.999107051.......................... Allyl chloride.......... 1.00071432........................... Benzene (includes 1.000
benzene in gasoline).98077........................... Benzotrichloride 0.958
(isomers and mixture).100447.......................... Benzyl chloride......... 1.00092524........................... Biphenyl................ 0.864542881.......................... Bis(chloromethyl)ether 0.999
\b\.75252........................... Bromoform............... 0.998106990.......................... 1,3-Butadiene........... 1.00075150........................... Carbon disulfide........ 1.00056235........................... Carbon Tetrachloride.... 1.00043581........................... Carbonyl sulfide........ 1.000133904.......................... Chloramben.............. 0.633108907.......................... Chlorobenzene........... 1.00067663........................... Chloroform.............. 1.000107302.......................... Chloromethyl methyl 1.000
ether \b\.126998.......................... Chloroprene............. 1.00098828........................... Cumene.................. 1.00094757........................... 2,4-D, salts and esters. 0.167334883.......................... Diazomethane c.......... 0.999132649.......................... Dibenzofurans........... 0.96796128........................... B1,2-Dibromo-3- 1.000
chloropropane.106467.......................... 1,4-Dichlorobenzene(p).. 1.000107062.......................... Dichloroethane (Ethylene 1.000
dichloride).111444.......................... Dichloroethyl ether 0.757
chloroethylether).542756.......................... 1,3-Dichloropropene..... 1.00064675........................... Diethyl sulfate......... 0.002579447........................... Dimethyl carbamoyl 0.150
chloride \c\.77781........................... Dimethyl sulfate........ 0.086121697.......................... N,N-Dimethylaniline..... 0.000851285........................... 2,4-Dinitrophenol....... 0.0077
121142.......................... 2,4-Dinitrotoluene...... 0.0848123911.......................... 1,4-Dioxane (1,4- 0.869
Diethyleneoxide).106898.......................... Epichlorohydrin (1- 0.939
epoxypropane).106887.......................... 1,2-Epoxybutane......... 1.000140885.......................... Ethyl acrylate.......... 1.000100414.......................... Ethyl benzene........... 1.00075003........................... Ethyl chloride 1.000
(Chloroethane).106934.......................... Ethylene dibromide 0.999
(Dibromoethane).107062.......................... Ethylene dichloride (1,2- 1.000
Dichloroethane).151564.......................... Ethylene imine 0.867
(Aziridine).75218........................... Ethylene oxide.......... 1.00075343........................... Ethylidene dichloride 1.000
(1,1-Dichloroethane). [\e\]
Glycol ethers \d\ that
have a Henry's Law
Constant value equal to
or greater than 0.01 Y/
X(1.8 x 10-6 atm/gm-
mole/m\3\) at 25 C.118741.......................... Hexachlorobenzene....... 0.9787683........................... Hexachlorobutadiene..... 0.8867721........................... Hexachloroethane........ 0.499110543.......................... Hexane.................. 1.00078591........................... Isophorone.............. 0.50658899........................... Lindane (all isomers)... 1.00067561........................... Methanol................ 0.85574839........................... Methyl bromide 1.000
(Bromomethane).74873........................... Methyl chloride 1.000
(Choromethane).71556........................... Methyl chloroform (1,1,1- 1.000
Trichloroethane).74884........................... Methyl iodide 1.000
(Iodomethane).108101.......................... Methyl isobutyl ketone 0.979
(Hexone).624839.......................... Methyl isocyanate....... 1.00080626........................... Methyl methacrylate..... 0.9991634044......................... Methyl tert butyl ether. 1.00075092........................... Methylene chloride 1.000
(Dichloromethane).91203........................... Naphthalene............. 0.99498953........................... Nitrobenzene............ 0.39479469........................... 2-Nitropropane.......... 0.98982688........................... Pentachloronitrobenzene 0.839
(Quintobenzene).87865........................... Pentachlorophenol....... 0.089875445........................... Phosgene \c\............ 1.000123386.......................... Propionaldehyde......... 0.99978875........................... Propylene dichloride 1.000
(1,2-Dichloropropane).75569........................... Propylene oxide......... 1.00075558........................... 1,2-Propylenimine (2- 0.945
Methyl aziridine).100425.......................... Styrene................. 1.00096093........................... Styrene oxide........... 0.83079345........................... 1,1,2,2- 0.999
Tetrachloroethane.127184.......................... Tetrachloroethylene 1.000
(Perchloroethylene).108883.......................... Toluene................. 1.00095534........................... o-Toluidine............. 0.152120821.......................... 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene.. 1.00071556........................... 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.000
(Methyl chlorform).79005........................... 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.000
(Vinyltrichloride).79016........................... Trichloroethylene....... 1.00095954........................... 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol... 0.010888062........................... 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol... 0.0132121448.......................... Triethylamine........... 1.000540841.......................... 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane.. 1.000108054.......................... Vinyl acetate........... 1.000593602.......................... Vinyl bromide........... 1.00075014........................... Vinyl chloride.......... 1.00075354........................... Vinylidene chloride (1,1- 1.000
Dichloroethylene).1330207......................... Xylenes (isomers and 1.000
mixture).95476........................... o-Xylenes............... 1.000108383.......................... m-Xylenes............... 1.000106423.......................... p-Xylenes............... 1.000------------------------------------------------------------------------Notes:Fm 305 Fraction measure factor in Method 305, 40 CFR 305 part 63,
appendix A.\a\ CAS numbers refer to the Chemical Abstracts Services registry number
assigned to specific compounds, isomers, or mixtures of compounds.\b\ Denotes a HAP that hydrolyzes quickly in water, but the hydrolysis
products are also HAP chemicals.\c\ Denotes a HAP that may react violently with water.\d\ Denotes a HAP that hydrolyzes slowly in water.\e\ The Fm 305 factors for some of the more common glycol 305 ethers can
be obtained by contacting the Waste and Chemical Processes Group,
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park,
NC 27711. [71 FR 69020, Nov. 29, 2006] Sec. Table 2 to Subpart GGGGG of Part 63--Control Levels as Required by Sec. 63.7895(a) for Tanks Managing Remediation Material With a Maximum
HAP Vapor Pressure Less Than 76.6 kPa ------------------------------------------------------------------------
And the maximum HAP
vapor pressure ofIf your tank design capacity the remediation Then your tank must
is . . . material placed in use . . .
your tank is . . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Less than 38 m\3\........ Less than 76.6 kPa.. Tank Level 1
controls under Sec.
63.7895(b).2. At least 38 m\3\ but less Less than 13.1 kPa.. Tank Level 1
than 151 m\3\. controls under Sec.
63.7895(b).3. 151 m\3\ or greater...... Less than 0.7 kPa... Tank Level 1
controls under Sec.
63.7895(b).4. at least 38 m\3\ but less 13.1 kPa or greater. Tank Level 2
than 151 m\3\. controls under Sec.
63.7895(c).5. 151 m\3\ or greater...... 0.7 kPa or greater.. Tank Level 2
controls under Sec.
Sec. Table 3 to Subpart GGGGG of Part 63--Applicability of General
Provisions to Subpart GGGGG
As stated in Sec. 63.7940, you must comply with the applicable General Provisions requirements according to the following table: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Applies to subpart
Citation Subject Brief description GGGGG----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. 63.1......................... Applicability........... Initial Applicability Yes.
Applicability After
Standard Established;
Permit Requirements;
Notifications.Sec. 63.2......................... Definitions............. Definitions for part 63 Yes.
standards.Sec. 63.3......................... Units and Abbreviations. Units and abbreviations Yes.
for part 63 standards.Sec. 63.4......................... Prohibited Activities... Prohibited Activities; Yes.
Compliance date;
Severability.Sec. 63.5......................... Construction/ Applicability; Yes.
Reconstruction. applications; approvals.Sec. 63.6(a)...................... Applicability........... General Provisions (GP) Yes.
apply unless compliance
extension GP apply to
area sources that
become major.Sec. 63.6(b)(1)-(4)............... Compliance Dates for New Standards apply at Yes.
and Reconstructed effective date; 3 years
sources. after effective date;
upon startup; 10 years
after construction or
commences for 112(f).Sec. 63.6(b)(5)................... Notification............ Must notify if commenced Yes.
construction or
reconstruction after
proposal.Sec. 63.6(b)(6)................... [Reserved].............. ........................ ......................Sec. 63.6(b)(7)................... Compliance Dates for New Area sources that become Yes.
and Reconstructed Area major must comply with
Sources That Become major source standards
Major. immediately upon
becoming major,
regardless of whether
required to comply when
they were an area
source.Sec. 63.6(c)(1)-(2)............... Compliance Dates for Comply according to date Yes.
Existing Sources. in subpart, which must
be no later than 3
years after effective
date. For 112(f)
standards, comply
within 90 days of
effective date unless
compliance extension.Sec. 63.6(c)(3)-(4)............... [Reserved].............. ........................ ......................Sec. 63.6(c)(5)................... Compliance Dates for Area sources that become Yes.
Existing Area Sources major must comply with
That Become Major. major source standards
by date indicated in
subpart or by
equivalent time period
(for example, 3 years).Sec. 63.6(d)...................... [Reserved].............. ........................ ......................Sec. 63.6(e)(1)-(2)............... Operation & Maintenance. Operate to minimize Yes.
emissions at all times.
Correct malfunctions as
soon as practicable.
Operation and
Administrator will use
to determine if
operation and
requirements were met.
Sec. 63.6(e)(3)................... Startup, Shutdown, and Requirement for startup, Yes with the exception
Malfunction Plan (SSMP). shutdown and of containers using
malfunction (SSM) and either Level 1 or
SSMP. Content of SSMP. Level 2 controls.Sec. 63.6(f)(1)................... Compliance Except During You must comply with Yes.
SSM. emissions standards at
all times except during
SSM.Sec. 63.6(f)(2)-(3)............... Methods for Determining Compliance based on Yes.
Compliance. performance test,
operation and
maintenance plans,
records, inspection.Sec. 63.6(g)(1)-(3)............... Alternative Standard.... Procedures for getting Yes.
an alternative standard.Sec. 63.6(h)...................... Opacity/Visible Requirements for opacity No. No opacity
Emissions (VE) and visible emissions standards.
Standards. limits.Sec. 63.6(i)(1)-(14).............. Compliance Extension.... Procedures and criteria Yes.
for Administrator to
grant compliance
extension.Sec. 63.6(j)...................... Presidential Compliance President may exempt Yes.
Exemption. source category from
requirement to comply
with final rule.Sec. 63.7(a)(1)-(2)............... Performance Test Dates.. Dates for Conducting Yes.
Initial Performance
Testing and Other
Demonstrations. Must
conduct 180 days after
first subject to final
rule.Sec. 63.7(a)(3)................... CAA Section 114 Administrator may Yes.
Authority. require a performance
test under CAA section
114 at any time.Sec. 63.7(b)(1)................... Notification of Must notify Yes.
Performance Test. Administrator 60 days
before the test.Sec. 63.7(b)(2)................... Notification of If rescheduling a Yes.
Rescheduling. performance test is
necessary, must notify
Administrator 5 days
before scheduled date
of rescheduled date.Sec. 63.7(c)...................... Quality Assurance/Test Requirement to submit Yes.
Plan. site-specific test plan
60 days before the test
or on date
Administrator agrees
with: Test plan
approval procedures;
performance audit
requirements; internal
and external QA
procedures for testing.Sec. 63.7(d)...................... Testing Facilities...... Requirements for testing Yes.
facilities.Sec. 63.7(e)(1)................... Conditions for Performance tests must Yes.
Conducting Performance be conducted under
Tests. representative
conditions. Cannot
conduct performance
tests during SSM. Not a
violation to exceed
standard during SSM.Sec. 63.7(e)(2)................... Conditions for Must conduct according Yes.
Conducting Performance to rule and EPA test
Tests. methods unless
Administrator approves
alternative.Sec. 63.7(e)(3)................... Test Run Duration....... Must have three test Yes.
runs of at least one
hour each. Compliance
is based on arithmetic
mean of three runs.
Conditions when data
from an additional test
run can be used.Sec. 63.7(f)...................... Alternative Test Method. Procedures by which Yes.
Administrator can grant
approval to use an
alternative test method.Sec. 63.7(g)...................... Performance Test Data Must include raw data in Yes.
Analysis. performance test
report. Must submit
performance test data
60 days after end of
test with the
Notification of
Compliance Status. Keep
data for 5 years.Sec. 63.7(h)...................... Waiver of Tests......... Procedures for Yes.
Administrator to waive
performance test.Sec. 63.8(a)(1)................... Applicability of Subject to all Yes.
Monitoring Requirements. monitoring requirements
in standard.Sec. 63.8(a)(2)................... Performance Performance Yes.
Specifications. Specifications in
appendix B of part 60
apply.Sec. 63.8(a)(3)................... [Reserved]..............Sec. 63.8(a)(4)................... Monitoring with Flares.. Unless your rule says Yes.
otherwise, the
requirements for flares
in 63.11 apply.Sec. 63.8(b)(1)................... Monitoring.............. Must conduct monitoring Yes.
according to standard
unless Administrator
approves alternative.
Sec. 63.8(b)(2)-(3)............... Multiple Effluents and Specific requirements Yes.
Multiple Monitoring for installing
Systems. monitoring systems.
Must install on each
effluent before it is
combined and before it
is released to the
atmosphere unless
Administrator approves
otherwise. If more than
one monitoring system
on an emissions point,
must report all
monitoring system
results, unless one
monitoring system is a
backup.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)................... Monitoring System Maintain monitoring Yes.
Operation and system in a manner
Maintenance. consistent with good
air pollution control
practices.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(i)................ Routine and Predictable Keep parts for routine Yes.
SSM. repairs available;
reporting requirements
for SSM when action is
described in SSM plan.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(ii)............... SSM not in SSMP......... Reporting requirements Yes.
for SSM when action is
not described in SSM
plan.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(iii).............. Compliance with How Administrator Yes.
Operation and determines if source
Maintenance (O&M;) complying with
Requirements. operation and
requirements. Review of
source O&M; procedures,
records, Manufacturer's
recommendations, and
inspection of
monitoring system.Sec. 63.8(c)(2)-(3)............... Monitoring System Must install to get Yes.
Installation. representative
emissions and parameter
measurements. Must
verify operational
status before or at
performance test.Sec. 63.8(c)(4)................... Continuous Monitoring CMS must be operating No.
System (CMS) except during
Requirements. breakdown, out-of-
control, repair,
maintenance, and high-
level calibration
drifts.Sec. 63.8(c)(4)(i)-(ii)........... Continuous Monitoring COMS must have a minimum Yes. However, COMS are
System (CMS) of one cycle of not applicable.
Requirements. sampling and analysis Requirements for CPMS
for each successive 10- are listed in Sec.
second period and one Sec. 63.7900 and
cycle of data recording 63.7913.
for each successive 6-
minute period. CEMS
must have a minimum of
one cycle of operation
for each successive 15-
minute period.Sec. 63.8(c)(5)................... COMS Minimum Procedures. COMS minimum procedures. No.Sec. 63.8(c)(6)................... CMS Requirements........ Zero and High level Yes.
calibration check However requirements
requirements. for CPMS are
addressed in Sec.
63.7927.Sec. 63.8(c)(7)-(8)............... CMS Requirements........ Out-of-control periods, Yes.
including reporting.Sec. 63.8(d)...................... CMS Quality Control..... Requirements for CMS Yes.
quality control,
including calibration,
etc. Must keep quality
control plan on record
for 5 years. Keep old
versions for 5 years
after revisions.Sec. 63.8(e)...................... CMS Performance Notification, Yes.
Evaluation. performance evaluation
test plan, reports.Sec. 63.8(f)(1)-(5)............... Alternative Monitoring Procedures for Yes.
Method. Administrator to
approve alternative
monitoring.Sec. 63.8(f)(6)................... Alternative to Relative Procedures for No.
Accuracy Test. Administrator to
approve alternative
relative accuracy tests
for CEMS.Sec. 63.8(g)(1)-(4)............... Data Reduction.......... COMS 6-minute averages Yes. However, COMS are
calculated over at not applicable.
least 36 evenly spaced Requirements for CPMS
data points. CEMS 1- are addressed in Sec.
hour averages computed Sec. 63.7900 and
over at least four 63.7913.
equally spaced data
points.Sec. 63.8(g)(5)................... Data Reduction.......... Data that cannot be used No.
in computing averages
for CEMS and COMS.Sec. 63.9(a)...................... Notification Applicability and State Yes.
Requirements. Delegation.
Sec. 63.9(b)(1)-(5)............... Initial Notifications... Submit notification 120 Yes.
days after effective
date. Notification of
intent to construct/
Notification of
commencement of
Notification of
startup. Contents of
each.Sec. 63.9(c)...................... Request for Compliance Can request if cannot Yes.
Extension. comply by date or if
installed BACT/LAER.Sec. 63.9(d)...................... Notification of Special For sources that Yes.
Compliance Requirements commence construction
for New Source. between proposal and
promulgation and want
to comply 3 years after
effective date.Sec. 63.9(e)...................... Notification of Notify Administrator 60 Yes.
Performance Test. days prior.Sec. 63.9(f)...................... Notification of VE/ Notify Administrator 30 No.
Opacity Test. days prior.Sec. 63.9(g)...................... Additional Notifications Notification of Yes. However, there
When Using CMS. performance evaluation. are no opacity
Notification using COMS standards.
data. Notification that
exceeded criterion for
relative accuracy.Sec. 63.9(h)(1)-(6)............... Notification of Contents. Due 60 days Yes.
Compliance Status. after end of
performance test or
other compliance
demonstration, except
for opacity/VE, which
are due 30 days after.
When to submit to
Federal vs. State
authority.Sec. 63.9(i)...................... Adjustment of Submittal Procedures for Yes.
Deadlines. Administrator to
approve change in when
notifications must be
submitted.Sec. 63.9(j)...................... Change in Previous Must submit within 15 Yes.
Information. days after the change.Sec. 63.10(a)..................... Recordkeeping/Reporting. Applies to all, unless Yes.
compliance extension.
When to submit to
Federal vs. State
authority. Procedures
for owners of more than
1 source.Sec. 63.10(b)(1).................. Recordkeeping/Reporting. General Requirements. Yes.
Keep all records
readily available. Keep
for 5 years.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(i)-(iv).......... Records related to SSM.. Occurrence of each of Yes.
operation (process
equipment). Occurrence
of each malfunction of
air pollution
equipment. Maintenance
on air pollution
control equipment.
Actions during startup,
shutdown, and
malfunction.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(vi) and (x-xi)... CMS Records............. Malfunctions, Yes.
inoperative, out-of-
control. Calibration
checks. Adjustments,
maintenance.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(vii)-(ix)........ Records................. Measurements to Yes.
demonstrate compliance
with emissions
Performance test,
performance evaluation,
and visible emissions
observation results.
Measurements to
determine conditions of
performance tests and
performance evaluations.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(xii)............. Records................. Records when under Yes.
waiver.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(xiii)............ Records................. Records when using No.
alternative to relative
accuracy test.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(xiv)............. Records................. All documentation Yes.
supporting Initial
Notification and
Notification of
Compliance Status.Sec. 63.10(b)(3).................. Records................. Applicability Yes.
Determinations.Sec. 63.10(c)..................... Records................. Additional Records for No.
CMS.Sec. 63.10(d)(1).................. General Reporting Requirement to report... Yes.
Requirements.Sec. 63.10(d)(2).................. Report of Performance When to submit to Yes.
Test Results. Federal or State
authority.Sec. 63.10(d)(3).................. Reporting Opacity or VE What to report and when. No.
Observations.Sec. 63.10(d)(4).................. Progress Reports........ Must submit progress Yes.
reports on schedule if
under compliance
extension.Sec. 63.10(d)(5).................. Startup, Shutdown, and Contents and submission. Yes.
Malfunction Reports.Sec. 63.10(e)(1)-(2).............. Additional CMS Reports.. Must report results for Yes. However, COMS are
each CEM on a unit not applicable.
Written copy of
performance evaluation
Three copies of COMS
performance evaluation.Sec. 63.10(e)(3).................. Reports................. Excess Emissions Reports No.
Sec. 63.10(e)(3)(i-iii)........... Reports................. Schedule for reporting No.
excess emissions and
parameter monitor
exceedance (now defined
as deviations).Sec. 63.10(e)(3)(iv-v)............ Excess Emissions Reports Requirement to revert to No.
quarterly submission if
there is an excess
emissions and parameter
monitor exceedance (now
defined as deviations).
Provision to request
semiannual reporting
after compliance for
one year. Submit report
by 30th day following
end of quarter or
calendar half. If there
has not been an
exceedance or excess
emissions (now defined
as deviations), report
contents is a statement
that there have been no
deviations.Sec. 63.10(e)(3)(iv-v)............ Excess Emissions Reports Must submit report No.
containing all of the
information in Sec.
Sec. 63.10(c)(5-13)
and 63.8(c)(7-8).Sec. 63.10(e)(3)(vi-viii)......... Excess Emissions Report Requirements for No.
and Summary Report. reporting excess
emissions for CMSs (now
called deviations).
Requires all of the
information in Sec.
Sec. 63.10(c)(5-13)
and 63.8(c)(7-8).Sec. 63.10(e)(4).................. Reporting COMS data..... Must submit COMS data No.
with performance test
data.Sec. 63.10(f)..................... Waiver for Recordkeeping/ Procedures for Yes.
Reporting. Administrator to waive.Sec. 63.11........................ Control and work Requirements for flares Yes.
practice requirements. and alternative work
practice for equipment
leaks.Sec. 63.12........................ Delegation.............. State authority to Yes.
enforce standards.Sec. 63.13........................ Addresses............... Addresses where reports, Yes.
notifications, and
requests are sent.Sec. 63.14........................ Incorporation by Test methods Yes.
Reference. incorporated by
reference.Sec. 63.15........................ Availability of Public and confidential Yes
Information. information.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [68 FR 58190, Oct. 8, 2003, as amended at 71 FR 20468, Apr. 20, 2006; 71 FR 69021, Nov. 29, 2006; 73 FR 78216, Dec. 22, 2008] Subpart HHHHH_National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants:
Miscellaneous Coating Manufacturing
Source: 68 FR 69185, Dec. 11, 2003, unless otherwise noted.
What This Subpart Covers