(a) This subpart applies to each existing, new, or reconstructed affected source at a BSCP manufacturing facility.
(b) The existing affected source is an existing tunnel kiln with a design capacity equal to or greater than 9.07 megagrams per hour (Mg/hr) (10 tons per hour (tph)) of fired product according to paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section. For the remainder of this subpart, a tunnel kiln with a design capacity equal to or greater than 9.07 Mg/hr (10 tph) of fired product will be called a large tunnel kiln, and a tunnel kiln with a design capacity less than 9.07 Mg/hr (10 tph) of fired product will be called a small tunnel kiln.
(1) For existing tunnel kilns that do not have sawdust dryers, the kiln exhaust process stream (i.e., the only process stream) is subject to the requirements of this subpart.
(2) For existing tunnel kilns that ducted exhaust to sawdust dryers prior to July 22, 2002, only the kiln exhaust process stream (i.e., the process stream that exhausts directly to the atmosphere or to an air pollution control device (APCD)) is subject to the requirements of this subpart. As such, any process stream that is ducted to a sawdust dryer is not subject to these requirements.
(3) For existing tunnel kilns that first ducted exhaust to sawdust dryers on or after July 22, 2002, all of the exhaust (i.e., all process streams) is subject to the requirements of this subpart.
(c) An existing small tunnel kiln whose design capacity is increased such that it is equal to or greater than 9.07 Mg/hr (10 tph) of fired product is subject to the requirements of this subpart.
(d) An existing tunnel kiln with a federally enforceable permit condition that restricts kiln operation to less than 9.07 Mg/hr (10 tph) of fired product on a 12-month rolling average basis is not subject to the requirements of this subpart.
(e) Each new or reconstructed tunnel kiln is an affected source regardless of design capacity. All process streams from each new or reconstructed tunnel kiln are subject to the requirements of this subpart.
(f) Kilns that are used exclusively for research and development (R&D;) and are not used to manufacture products for commercial sale, except in a de minimis manner, are not subject to the requirements of this subpart.
(g) Kilns that are used exclusively for setting glazes on previously fired products are not subject to the requirements of this subpart.
(h) A source is a new affected source if construction of the affected source began after July 22, 2002, and you met the applicability criteria at the time you began construction.
(i) An affected source is reconstructed if you meet the criteria as defined in Sec. 63.2, except as provided in paragraphs (i)(1) and (i)(2) of this section.
(1) It is not technologically and economically feasible for an existing small tunnel kiln whose design capacity is increased such that it is equal to or greater than 9.07 Mg/hr (10 tph) of fired product to meet the relevant standards (i.e., new source maximum achievable control technology (MACT)) by retrofitting with a dry lime injection fabric filter (DIFF), dry lime scrubber/fabric filter (DLS/FF), or wet scrubber (WS).
(2) It is not technologically and economically feasible for an existing large dry limestone adsorber (DLA)-controlled kiln to meet the relevant standards by retrofitting with a DIFF, DLS/FF, or WS.
(j) An affected source is existing if it is not new or reconstructed.