(a) Potlines. The owner or operator shall not discharge or cause to be discharged into the atmosphere any emissions of TF or POM in excess of the applicable limits in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section.
(1) TF limits. Emissions of TF shall not exceed:
(i) 0.95 kg/Mg (1.9 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each CWPB1 potline;
(ii) 1.5 kg/Mg (3.0 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each CWPB2 potline;
(iii) 1.25 kg/Mg (2.5 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each CWPB3 potline;
(iv) 0.8 kg/Mg (1.6 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each SWPB potline;
(v) 1.1 kg/Mg (2.2 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each VSS1 potline;
(vi) 1.35 kg/Mg (2.7 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each VSS2 potline; and
(vii) 1.35 kg/Mg (2.7 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each HSS potline.
(2) POM limits. Emissions of POM shall not exceed:
(i) 2.35 kg/Mg (4.7 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each HSS potline;
(ii) 1.2 kg/Mg (2.4 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each VSS1 potline; and
(iii) 2.85 kg/Mg (5.7 lb/ton) of aluminum produced for each VSS2 potline.
(3) Change in subcategory. Any potline, other than a reconstructed potline, that is changed such that its applicable subcategory also changes shall meet the applicable emission limit in this subpart for the original subcategory or the new subcategory, whichever is more stringent.
(b) Paste production plants. The owner or operator shall install, operate, and maintain equipment to capture and control POM emissions from each paste production plant.
(1) The emission capture system shall be installed and operated to meet the generally accepted engineering standards for minimum exhaust rates as published by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists in Chapters 3 and 5 of ``Industrial Ventilation: A Handbook of Recommended Practice'' (incorporated by reference in Sec. 63.841 of this part); and
(2) Captured emissions shall be routed through a closed system to a dry coke scrubber; or
(3) The owner or operator may submit a written request for use of an alternative control device to the applicable regulatory authority for review and approval. The request shall contain information and data demonstrating that the alternative control device achieves POM emissions less than 0.011 lb/ton of paste for plants with continuous mixers or POM emissions less than 0.024 lb/ton of paste for plants with batch mixers. The POM emission rate shall be determined by sampling using Method 315 in appendix A to this part.
(c) Anode bake furnaces. The owner or operator shall not discharge or cause to be discharged into the atmosphere any emissions of TF or POM in excess of the limits in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section.
(1) TF limit. Emissions of TF shall not exceed 0.10 kg/Mg (0.20 lb/ton) of green anode; and
(2) POM limit. Emissions of POM shall not exceed 0.09 kg/Mg (0.18 lb/ton) of green anode. [62 FR 52407, Oct. 7, 1997, as amended at 70 FR 66284, Nov. 2, 2005]