Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 40  /  Part 63  /  Sec. 63.850 Notification, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements.

(a) Notifications. The owner or operator shall submit the following written notifications:

(1) Notification for an area source that subsequently increases its emissions such that the source is a major source subject to the standard;

(2) Notification that a source is subject to the standard, where the initial startup is before the effective date of the standard;

(3) Notification that a source is subject to the standard, where the source is new or has been reconstructed, the initial startup is after the effective date of the standard, and for which an application for approval of construction or reconstruction is not required;

(4) Notification of intention to construct a new major source or reconstruct a major source; of the date construction or reconstruction commenced; of the anticipated date of startup; of the actual date of startup, where the initial startup of a new or reconstructed source occurs after the effective date of the standard, and for which an application for approval of construction or reconstruction is required [see Sec. Sec. 63.9(b)(4) and (b)(5)];

(5) Notification of initial performance test;

(6) Notification of initial compliance status;

(7) One-time notification for each affected source of the intent to use an HF continuous emission monitor;

(8) Notification of compliance approach. The owner or operator shall develop and submit to the applicable regulatory authority, if requested, an engineering plan that describes the techniques that will be used to address the capture efficiency of the reduction cells for gaseous hazardous air pollutants in compliance with the emission limits in Sec. Sec. 63.843, 63.844, and 63.846; and

(9) One-time notification of startup of an existing potline or potroom group, anode bake furnace, or paste production plant that was shut down for a long period and subsequently restarted. The owner or operator must provide written notice to the Administrator at least 30 days before the startup.

(b) Performance test reports. The owner or operator shall report the results of the initial performance test as part of the notification of compliance status required in paragraph (a)(6) of this section. Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, the owner or operator shall submit a summary of all subsequent performance tests to the applicable regulatory authority on an annual basis.

(c) Startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan and reports. The owner or operator shall develop a written plan as described in Sec. 63.6(e)(3) that contains specific procedures to be followed for operating the source and maintaining the source during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction and a program of corrective action for malfunctioning process and control systems used to comply with the standards. The plan does not have to be submitted with the permit application or included in the operating permit. The permitting authority may review the plan upon request. In addition to the information required in Sec. 63.6(e)(3), the plan shall include:

(1) Procedures, including corrective actions, to be followed if a monitoring device measures an operating parameter outside the limit(s) established under Sec. 63.847(h), if visible emissions from an exhaust stack indicating abnormal operation of a control device are observed by the owner or operator during the daily inspection required in Sec. 63.848(g), or if a problem is detected during the daily inspection of a wet roof scrubber for potline secondary emission control required in Sec. 63.848(f)(5)(ii); and

(2) The owner or operator shall also keep records of each event as required by Sec. 63.10(b) and record and report if an action taken during a startup, shutdown, or malfunction is not consistent with the procedures in the plan as described in Sec. 63.6(e)(3)(iv).

(d) Excess emissions report. As required by Sec. 63.10(e)(3), the owner or operator shall submit a report (or a summary report) if measured emissions are in excess of the applicable standard. The report shall contain the information specified in Sec. 63.10(e)(3)(v) and be submitted semiannually unless quarterly reports are required as a result of excess emissions.

(e) Recordkeeping. The owner or operator shall maintain files of all information (including all reports and notifications) required by Sec. 63.10(b) and by this subpart.

(1) The owner or operator must retain each record for at least 5 years following the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action, report, or record. The most recent 2 years of records must be retained at the facility. The remaining 3 years of records may be retained offsite;

(2) The owner or operator may retain records on microfilm, on a computer, on computer disks, on magnetic tape, or on microfiche;

(3) The owner or operator may report required information on paper or on a labeled computer disc using commonly available and compatible computer software; and

(4) In addition to the general records required by Sec. 63.10(b), the owner or operator shall maintain records of the following information:

(i) Daily production rate of aluminum;

(ii) Daily production rate of green anode material placed in the anode bake furnace;

(iii) A copy of the startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan;

(iv) Records of design information for paste production plant capture systems;

(v) Records of design information for an alternative emission control device for a paste production plant;

(vi) Records supporting the monitoring of similar potlines demonstrating that the performance of similar potlines is the same as or better than that of potlines sampled by manual methods;

(vii) Records supporting a request for reduced sampling of potlines;

(viii) Records supporting the correlation of emissions measured by a continuous emission monitoring system to emissions measured by manual methods and the derivation of the alternative emission limit derived from the measurements;

(ix) The current implementation plan for emission averaging and any subsequent amendments;

(x) Records, such as a checklist or the equivalent, demonstrating that the daily inspection of a potline with wet roof scrubbers for secondary emission control has been performed as required in Sec. 63.848(f)(5)(ii), including the results of each inspection;

(xi) Records, such as a checklist or the equivalent, demonstrating that the daily visual inspection of the exhaust stack for each control device has been performed as required in Sec. 63.848(g), including the results of each inspection;

(xii) For a potline equipped with an HF continuous emission monitor, records of information and data required by Sec. 63.10(c);

(xiii) Records documenting the corrective actions taken when the limit(s) for an operating parameter established under Sec. 63.847(h) were exceeded, when visible emissions indicating abnormal operation were observed from a control device stack during a daily inspection required under Sec. 63.848(g), or when a problem was detected during the daily inspection of a wet roof scrubber for potline secondary control required in Sec. 63.848(f)(5)(ii);

(xiv) Records documenting any POM data that are invalidated due to the installation and startup of a cathode; and

(xv) Records documenting the portion of TF that is measured as particulate matter and the portion that is measured as gaseous when the particulate and gaseous fractions are quantified separately using an approved test method. [62 FR 52407, Oct. 7, 1997, as amended at 70 FR 66285, Nov. 2, 2005; 71 FR 20458, Apr. 20, 2006]