Terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act, in Sec. 63.2, and in this section as follows:
Air pollution control device (APCD) means any equipment that reduces the quantity of a pollutant that is emitted to the air.
Bag leak detection system means an instrument that is capable of monitoring PM loadings in the exhaust of a fabric filter in order to detect bag failures. A bag leak detection system includes, but is not limited to, an instrument that operates on triboelectric, light-scattering, light-transmittance, or other effects to monitor relative PM loadings.
Brick and structural clay products (BSCP) manufacturing facility means a plant site that manufactures brick (including, but not limited to, face brick, structural brick, and brick pavers); clay pipe; roof tile; extruded floor and wall tile; and/or other extruded, dimensional clay products. Brick and structural clay products manufacturing facilities typically process raw clay and shale, form the processed materials into bricks or shapes, and dry and fire the bricks or shapes.
Deviation means any instance in which an affected source subject to this subpart, or an owner or operator of such a source:
(1) Fails to meet any requirement or obligation established by this subpart including, but not limited to, any emission limitation (including any operating limit) or work practice standard;
(2) Fails to meet any term or condition that is adopted to implement an applicable requirement in this subpart for any affected source required to obtain such a permit; or
(3) Fails to meet any emission limitation (including any operating limit) or work practice standard in this subpart during startup, shutdown, or malfunction, regardless of whether or not such failure is permitted by this subpart.
Dry lime injection fabric filter (DIFF) means an APCD that includes continuous injection of hydrated lime or other sorbent into a duct or reaction chamber followed by a fabric filter.
Dry lime scrubber/fabric filter (DLS/FF) means an APCD that includes continuous injection of humidified hydrated lime or other sorbent into a reaction chamber followed by a fabric filter. These systems typically include recirculation of some of the sorbent.
Dry limestone adsorber (DLA) means an APCD that includes a limestone storage bin, a reaction chamber that is essentially a packed tower filled with limestone, and may or may not include a peeling drum that mechanically scrapes reacted limestone to regenerate the stone for reuse.
Emission limitation means any emission limit or operating limit.
Fabric filter means an APCD used to capture PM by filtering a gas stream through filter media; also known as a baghouse.
Initial startup means:
(1) For a new or reconstructed tunnel kiln controlled with a DLA, and for a tunnel kiln that would be considered reconstructed but for Sec. 63.8390(i)(1) or Sec. 63.8390(i)(2), the time at which the temperature in the kiln first reaches 260 C (500 F) and the kiln contains product; or
(2) For a new or reconstructed tunnel kiln controlled with a DIFF, DLS/FF, or WS, the time at which the kiln first reaches a level of production that is equal to 75 percent of the kiln design capacity or 12 months after the affected source begins firing BSCP, whichever is earlier.
Kiln exhaust process stream means the portion of the exhaust from a tunnel kiln that exhausts directly to the atmosphere (or to an APCD), rather than to a sawdust dryer.
Large tunnel kiln means a tunnel kiln (existing, new, or reconstructed) with a design capacity equal to or greater than 9.07 Mg/hr (10 tph) of fired product.
Particulate matter (PM) means, for purposes of this subpart, emissions of PM that serve as a measure of total particulate emissions, as measured by Method 5 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A), and as a surrogate for metal HAP contained in the particulates including, but not limited to, antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, and selenium.
Plant site means all contiguous or adjoining property that is under common control, including properties that are separated only by a road or other public right-of-way. Common control includes properties that are owned, leased, or operated by the same entity, parent entity, subsidiary, or any combination thereof.
Research and development kiln means any kiln whose purpose is to conduct research and development for new processes and products and is not engaged in the manufacture of products for commercial sale, except in a de minimis manner.
Responsible official means responsible official as defined in 40 CFR 70.2.
Small tunnel kiln means a tunnel kiln (existing, new, or reconstructed) with a design capacity less than 9.07 Mg/hr (10 tph) of fired product.
Startup means the setting in operation of an affected source and starting the production process.
Tunnel kiln means any continuous kiln that is used to fire BSCP. Some tunnel kilns have two process streams, including a process stream that exhausts directly to the atmosphere or to an APCD, and a process stream in which the kiln exhaust is ducted to a sawdust dryer where it is used to dry sawdust before being emitted to the atmosphere.
Tunnel kiln design capacity means the maximum amount of brick, in Mg (tons), that a kiln is designed to produce in one year divided by the number of hours in a year (8,760 hours). If a kiln is modified to increase the capacity, the design capacity is considered to be the capacity following modifications.
Wet scrubber (WS) means an APCD that uses water, which may include caustic additives or other chemicals, as the sorbent. Wet scrubbers may use any of various design mechanisms to increase the contact between exhaust gases and the sorbent.
Sec. Table 1 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Emission Limits
As stated in Sec. 63.8405, you must meet each emission limit in the following table that applies to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You must meet the Or you must comply
For each . . . following emission with the following
limits . . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Existing large tunnel kiln a. HF emissions Reduce
(design capacity =10 must not exceed uncontrolled HF
tph of fired product), 0.029 kilograms emissions by at
excluding any process stream per megagram (kg/ least 90 percent.
that is ducted to a sawdust Mg) (0.057 pounds ..................
dryer prior to July 22, 2002; per ton (lb/ton)) Reduce
or including any process stream of fired product. uncontrolled HCl
that exhausts directly to the b. HCl emissions emissions by at
atmosphere or to an APCD and must not exceed least 30 percent.
any process stream that is 0.13 kg/Mg (0.26 Not applicable.
first ducted to a sawdust on or lb/ton) of fired
after July 22, 2002; each new product.
or reconstructed small tunnel c. PM emissions
kiln (design capacity <10 tph must not exceed
of fired product), including 0.21 kg/Mg (0.42
all process streams; each lb/ton) of fired
tunnel kiln that would be product.
considered reconstructed but
for Sec. 63.8390(i)(1),
including all process streams;
and each large tunnel kiln
previously equipped with a DLA
that would be considered
reconstructed but for Sec.
63.8390(i)(2), including all
process streams.2. New or reconstructed large a. HF emissions Reduce
tunnel kiln, including all must not exceed uncontrolled HF
process streams. 0.029 kg/Mg emissions by at
(0.057 lb/ton) of least 90 percent.
fired product.
b. HCl emissions Reduce
must not exceed uncontrolled HCl
0.028 kg/Mg emissions by at
(0.056 lb/ton) of least 85 percent.
fired product.
c. PM emissions Not applicable.
must not exceed
0.060 kg/Mg (0.12
lb/ton) of fired
Sec. Table 2 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Operating Limits
As stated in Sec. 63.8405, you must meet each operating limit in the following table that applies to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
For each . . . You must . . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Kiln equipped with a DLA....... a. Maintain the average pressure
drop across the DLA for each 3-hour
block period at or above the
average pressure drop established
during the performance test; and
b. Maintain an adequate amount of
limestone in the limestone hopper,
storage bin (located at the top of
the DLA), and DLA at all times;
maintain the limestone feeder
setting at or above the level
established during the performance
test; and
c. Use the same grade of limestone
from the same source as was used
during the performance test;
maintain records of the source and
grade of limestone; and
d. Maintain no VE from the DLA
stack.2. Kiln equipped with a DIFF or a. If you use a bag leak detection
DLS/FF. system, initiate corrective action
within 1 hour of a bag leak
detection system alarm and complete
corrective actions in accordance
with your OM&M; plan; operate and
maintain the fabric filter such
that the alarm is not engaged for
more than 5 percent of the total
operating time in a 6-month block
reporting period; or maintain no VE
from the DIFF or DLS/FF stack; and
b. Maintain free-flowing lime in the
feed hopper or silo and to the APCD
at all times for continuous
injection systems; maintain the
feeder setting at or above the
level established during the
performance test for continuous
injection systems.3. Kiln equipped with a WS........ a. Maintain the average scrubber
pressure drop for each 3-hour block
period at or above the average
pressure drop established during
the performance test; and
b. Maintain the average scrubber
liquid pH for each 3-hour block
period at or above the average
scrubber liquid pH established
during the performance test; and
c. Maintain the average scrubber
liquid flow rate for each 3-hour
block period at or above the
average scrubber liquid flow rate
established during the performance
test; and
d. If chemicals are added to the
scrubber water, maintain the
average scrubber chemical feed rate
for each 3-hour block period at or
above the average scrubber chemical
feed rate established during the
performance test.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 3 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Requirements for Performance
As stated in Sec. 63.8445, you must conduct each performance test in the following table that applies to you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
According to the
For each . . . You must . . . Using . . . following requirements
. . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Kiln.............................. a. Select locations of Method 1 or 1A of 40 Sampling sites must be
sampling ports and the CFR part 60, appendix located at the outlet
number of traverse A. of the APCD and prior
points. to any releases to the
atmosphere for all
affected sources. If
you choose to meet the
percent emission
reduction requirements
for HF or HCl, a
sampling site must
also be located at the
APCD inlet.
b. Determine velocities Method 2 of 40 CFR part You may use Method 2A,
and volumetric flow 60, appendix A. 2C, 2D, 2F, or 2G of
rate. 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A, as
appropriate, as an
alternative to using
Method 2 of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A.
c. Conduct gas Method 3 of 40 CFR part You may use Method 3A
molecular weight 60, appendix A. or 3B of 40 CFR part
analysis. 60, appendix A, as
appropriate, as an
alternative to using
Method 3 of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A.
d. Measure moisture Method 4 of 40 CFR part .......................
content of the stack 60, appendix A.
e. Measure HF and HCl Method 26A of 40 CFR Conduct the test while
emissions. part 60, appendix A; operating at the
or maximum production
level. You may use
Method 26 of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A,
as an alternative to
using Method 26A of 40
CFR part 60, appendix
A, when no acid PM
(e.g., HF or HCl
dissolved in water
droplets emitted by
sources controlled by
a WS) is present.
Method 320 of 40 CFR Conduct the test while
part 63, appendix A. operating at the
maximum production
level. When using
Method 320 of 40 CFR
part 63, appendix A,
you must follow the
analyte spiking
procedures of section
13 of Method 320 of 40
CFR part 63, appendix
A, unless you can
demonstrate that the
complete spiking
procedure has been
conducted at a similar
f. Measure PM Method 5 of 40 CFR part Conduct the test while
emissions. 60, appendix A. operating at the
maximum production
level.2. Kiln that is complying with Determine the Production data You must measure and
production-based emission limits. production rate during collected during the record the production
each test run in order performance tests rate, on a fired-
to determine (e.g., no. of pushes product basis, of the
compliance with per hour, no. of affected source for
production-based bricks per kiln car, each of the three test
emission limits. weight of a typical runs.
fired brick).3. Kiln equipped with a DLA.......... a. Establish the Data from the pressure You must continuously
operating limit for drop measurement measure the pressure
the average pressure device during the drop across the DLA,
drop across the DLA. performance test. determine and record
the block average
pressure drop values
for the three test
runs, and determine
and record the 3-hour
block average of the
recorded pressure drop
measurements for the
three test runs.
b. Establish the Data from the limestone You must ensure that
operating limit for feeder during the you maintain an
the limestone feeder performance test. adequate amount of
setting. limestone in the
limestone hopper,
storage bin (located
at the top of the
DLA), and DLA at all
times during the
performance test. You
must establish your
limestone feeder
setting one week prior
to the performance
test and maintain the
feeder setting for the
one-week period that
precedes the
performance test and
during the performance
c. Document the source Records of limestone
and grade of limestone purchase.
4. Kiln equipped with a DIFF or DLS/ Establish the operating Data from the lime For continuous lime
FF. limit for the lime feeder during the injection systems, you
feeder setting. performance test. must ensure that lime
in the feed hopper or
silo and to the APCD
is free-flowing at all
times during the
performance test and
record the feeder
setting for the three
test runs. If the feed
rate setting varies
during the three test
runs, determine and
record the average
feed rate from the
three test runs.5. Kiln equipped with a WS........... a. Establish the Data from the pressure You must continuously
operating limit for drop measurement measure the scrubber
the average scrubber device during the pressure drop,
pressure drop. performance test. determine and record
the block average
pressure drop values
for the three test
runs, and determine
and record the 3-hour
block average of the
recorded pressure drop
measurements for the
three test runs.
b. Establish the Data from the pH You must continuously
operating limit for measurement device measure the scrubber
the average scrubber during the performace liquid pH, determine
liquid pH. test. and record the block
average pH values for
the three test runs,
and determine and
record the 3-hour
block average of the
recorded pH
measurements for the
three test runs.
c. Establish the Data from the flow rate You must continuously
operating limit for measurement device measure the scrubber
the average scrubber during the performance liquid flow rate,
liquid flow rate. test. determine and record
the block average flow
rate values for the
three test runs, and
determine and record
the 3-hour block
average of the
recorded flow rate
measurements for the
three test runs.6. Kiln equipped with a WS that Establish the operating Data from the chemical You must continuously
includes chemical addition to the limit for the average feed rate measurement measure the scrubber
water. scrubber chemical feed device during the chemical feed rate,
rate. performance test. determine and record
the block average
chemical feed rate
values for the three
test runs, and
determine and record
the 3-hour block
average of the
recorded chemical feed
rate measurements for
the three test runs.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 4 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Initial Compliance With
Emission Limitations
As stated in Sec. 63.8455, you must demonstrate initial compliance with each emission limitation that applies to you according to the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You have
For the following demonstrated
For each . . . emission initial compliance
limitation . . . if . . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Existing large tunnel kiln a. HF emissions i. The HF
(design capacity =10 must not exceed emissions
tph of fired product), 0.029 kg/Mg measured using
excluding any process stream (0.057 lb/ton) of Method 26A of 40
that is ducted to a sawdust fired product; or CFR part 60,
dryer prior to July 22, 2002; uncontrolled HF appendix A or
or including any process stream emissions must be Method 320 of 40
that exhausts directly to the reduced by at CFR part 63,
atmosphere or to an APCD and least 90 percent; appendix A over
any process stream that is and the period of the
first ducted to a sawdust dryer initial
on or after July 22, 2002; each performance test,
new or reconstructed small according to the
tunnel kiln (design capacity calculations in
<10 tph of fired product), Sec.
including all process streams; 63.8445(g)(1), do
each tunnel kiln that would be not exceed 0.029
considered reconstructed but kg/Mg (0.057 lb/
for Sec. 63.8390(i)(1), ton); or
including all process streams; uncontrolled HF
and each large tunnel kiln emissions
previously equipped with a DLA measured using
that would be considered Method 26A of 40
reconstructed but for Sec. CFR part 60,
63.8390(i)(2), including all appendix A or
process streams. Method 320 of 40
CFR part 63,
appendix A over
the period of the
performance test
are reduced by at
least 90 percent,
according to the
calculations in
ii. You establish
and have a record
of the operating
limits listed in
Table 2 to this
subpart over the
performance test
during which HF
emissions did not
exceed 0.029 kg/
Mg (0.057 lb/ton)
or uncontrolled
HF emissions were
reduced by at
least 90 percent.
b. HCl emissions i. The HCl
must not exceed emissions
0.13 kg/Mg (0.26 measured using
lb/ton) of fired Method 26A of 40
product; or CFR part 60,
uncontrolled HCl appendix A or
emissions must be Method 320 of 40
reduced by at CFR part 63,
least 30 percent; appendix A over
and the period of the
performance test,
according to the
calculations in
63.8445(g)(1), do
not exceed 0.13
kg/Mg (0.26 lb/
ton); or
uncontrolled HCl
measured using
Method 26A of 40
CFR part 60,
appendix A or
Method 320 of 40
CFR part 63,
appendix A over
the period of the
performance test
are reduced by at
least 30 percent,
according to the
calculations in
ii. You establish
and have a record
of the operating
limits listed in
Table 2 to this
subpart over the
performance test
during which HCl
emissions did not
exceed 0.13 kg/Mg
(0.26 lb/ton) or
uncontrolled HCl
emissions were
reduced by at
least 30 percent.
c. PM emissions i. The PM
must not exceed emissions
0.21 kg/Mg (0.42 measured using
lb/ton) of fired Method 5 of 40
product. CFR part 60,
appendix A, over
the period of the
performance test,
according to the
calculations in
63.8445(g)(1), do
not exceed 0.21
kg/Mg (0.42 lb/
ton); and
ii. You establish
and have a record
of the operating
limits listed in
Table 2 to this
subpart over the
performance test
during which PM
emissions did not
exceed 0.21 kg/Mg
(0.42 lb/ton).
2. New or reconstructed large a. HF emissions i. The HF
tunnel kiln, including all must not exceed emissions
process streams. 0.029 kg/Mg measured using
(0.057 lb/ton) of Method 26A of 40
fired product; or CFR part 60,
uncontrolled HF appendix A or
emissions must be Method 320 of 40
reduced by at CFR part 63,
least 90 percent; appendix A over
and the period of the
performance test,
according to the
calculations in
63.8445(g)(1), do
not exceed 0.029
kg/Mg (0.057 lb/
ton); or
uncontrolled HF
measured using
Method 26A of 40
CFR part 60,
appendix A or
Method 320 of 40
CFR part 63,
appendix A over
the period of the
performance test
are reduced by at
least 90 percent,
according to the
calculations in
ii. You establish
and have a record
of the operating
limits listed in
Table 2 to this
subpart over the
performance test
during which HF
emissions did not
exceed 0.029 kg/
Mg (0.057 lb/ton)
or uncontrolled
HF emissions were
reduced by at
least 90 percent.
b. HCl emissions i. The HCl
must not exceed emissions
0.028 kg/Mg measured using
(0.056 lb/ton) of Method 26A of 40
fired product; or CFR part 60,
uncontrolled HCl appendix A or
emissions must be Method 320 of 40
reduced by at CFR part 63,
least 85 percent; appendix A over
and the period of the
performance test,
according to the
calculations in
63.8445(g)(1), do
not exceed 0.028
kg/Mg (0.056 lb/
ton); or
uncontrolled HCl
measured using
Method 26A of 40
CFR part 60,
appendix A or
Method 320 of 40
CFR part 63,
appendix A over
the period of the
performance test
are reduced by at
least 85 percent,
according to the
calculations in
ii. You establish
and have a record
of the operating
limits listed in
Table 2 to this
subpart over the
performance test
during which HCl
emissions did not
exceed 0.028 kg/
Mg (0.056 lb/ton)
or uncontrolled
HCl emissions
were reduced by
at least 85
c. PM emissions i. The PM
must not exceed emissions
0.060 kg/Mg (0.12 measured using
lb/ton) of fired Method 5 of 40
product. CFR part 60,
appendix A, over
the period of the
performance test,
according to the
calculations in
63.8445(g)(1), do
not exceed 0.060
kg/Mg (0.12 lb/
ton); and
ii. You establish
and have a record
of the operating
limits listed in
Table 2 to this
subpart over the
performance test
during which PM
emissions did not
exceed 0.060 kg/
Mg (0.12 lb/ton).------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 5 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Continuous Compliance With
Emission Limits and Operating Limits
As stated in Sec. 63.8470, you must demonstrate continuous compliance with each emission limit and operating limit that applies to you according to the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
For the following
emission limits You must demonstrate
For each . . . and operating continuous compliance
limits . . . by . . .
------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Kiln equipped with a DLA... Each emission i. Collecting the DLA
limit in Table 1 pressure drop data
to this subpart according to Sec.
and each 63.8450(a); reducing
operating limit the DLA pressure
in Item 1 of drop data to 3-hour
Table 2 to this block averages
subpart for according to Sec.
kilns equipped 63.8450(a);
with a DLA. maintaining the
average pressure
drop across the DLA
for each 3-hour
block period at or
above the average
pressure drop
established during
the performance
test; and
ii. Verifying that
the limestone hopper
and storage bin
(located at the top
of the DLA) contain
adequate limestone
by performing a
daily visual check;
iii. Recording the
limestone feeder
setting daily to
verify that the
feeder setting is
being maintained at
or above the level
established during
the performance
test; and
iv. Using the same
grade of limestone
from the same source
as was used during
the performance
test; maintaining
records of the
source and type of
limestone; and
v. Performing VE
observations of the
DLA stack at the
frequency specified
in Sec. 63.8470(g)
using Method 22 of
40 CFR part 60,
appendix A;
maintaining no VE
from the DLA stack.2. Kiln equipped with a DIFF Each emission i. If you use a bag
or DLS/FF. limit in Table 1 leak detection
to this subpart system, initiating
and each corrective action
operating limit within 1 hour of a
in Item 2 of bag leak detection
Table 2 to this system alarm and
subpart for completing
kilns equipped corrective actions
with DIFF or DLS/ in accordance with
FF. your OM&M; plan;
operating and
maintaining the
fabric filter such
that the alarm is
not engaged for more
than 5 percent of
the total operating
time in a 6-month
block reporting
period; in
calculating this
operating time
fraction, if
inspection of the
fabric filter
demonstrates that no
corrective action is
required, no alarm
time is counted; if
corrective action is
required, each alarm
is counted as a
minimum of 1 hour;
if you take longer
than 1 hour to
initiate corrective
action, the alarm
time is counted as
the actual amount of
time taken by you to
initiate corrective
action; or
performing VE
observations of the
DIFF or DLS/FF stack
at the frequency
specified in Sec.
63.8470(g) using
Method 22 of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A;
maintaining no VE
from the DIFF or DLS/
FF stack; and
ii. Verifying that
lime is free-flowing
via a load cell,
carrier gas/lime
flow indicator,
carrier gas pressure
drop measurement
system, or other
system; recording
all monitor or
sensor output, and
if lime is found not
to be free flowing,
promptly initiating
and completing
corrective actions
in accordance with
your OM&M; plan;
recording the feeder
setting once during
each shift of
operation to verify
that the feeder
setting is being
maintained at or
above the level
established during
the performance
test.3. Kiln equipped with a WS.... Each emission i. Collecting the
limit in Table 1 scrubber pressure
to this subpart drop data according
and each to Sec.
operating limit 63.8450(a); reducing
in Item 3 of the scrubber
Table 2 to this pressure drop data
subpart for to 3-hour block
kilns equipped averages according
with WS. to Sec.
maintaining the
average scrubber
pressure drop for
each 3-hour block
period at or above
the average pressure
drop established
during the
performance test;
ii. Collecting the
scrubber liquid pH
data according to
Sec. 63.8450(a);
reducing the
scrubber liquid pH
data to 3-hour block
averages according
to Sec.
maintaining the
average scrubber
liquid pH for each 3-
hour block period at
or above the average
scrubber liquid pH
established during
the performance
test; and
iii. Collecting the
scrubber liquid flow
rate data according
to Sec.
63.8450(a); reducing
the scrubber liquid
flow rate data to 3-
hour block averages
according to Sec.
maintaining the
average scrubber
liquid flow rate for
each 3-hour block
period at or above
the average scrubber
liquid flow rate
established during
the performance
test; and
iv. If chemicals are
added to the
scrubber water,
collecting the
scrubber chemical
feed rate data
according to Sec.
63.8450(a); reducing
the scrubber
chemical feed rate
data to 3-hour block
averages according
to Sec.
maintaining the
average scrubber
chemical feed rate
for each 3-hour
block period at or
above the average
scrubber chemical
feed rate
established during
the performance
Sec. Table 6 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Requirements for Reports
As stated in Sec. 63.8485, you must submit each report that applies to you according to the following table: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You must submit the report
You must submit . . . The report must contain . . . . . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. A compliance report.................. a. If there are no deviations from any Semiannually according to
emission limitations (emission limits, the requirements in Sec.
operating limits) that apply to you, a 63.8485(b).
statement that there were no deviations
from the emission limitations during the
reporting period. If there were no
periods during which the CMS was out-of-
control as specified in your OM&M; plan, a
statement that there were no periods
during which the CMS was out- of-control
during the reporting period.
b. If you have a deviation from any Semiannually according to
emission limitation (emission limit, the requirements in Sec.
operating limit) during the reporting 63.8485(b).
period, the report must contain the
information in Sec. 63.8485(d) or (e).
If there were periods during which the
CMS was out-of-control, as specified in
your OM&M; plan, the report must contain
the information in Sec. 63.8485(e).
c. If you had a startup, shutdown or Semiannually according to
malfunction during the reporting period the requirements in Sec.
and you took actions consistent with your 63.8485(b).
SSMP, the compliance report must include
the information in Sec. 63.10(d)(5)(i).2. An immediate startup, shutdown, and a. Actions taken for the event according By fax or telephone within
malfunction report if you took actions to the requirements in Sec. 2 working days after
during a startup, shutdown, or 63.10(d)(5)(ii). starting actions
malfunction during the reporting period inconsistent with the
that are not consistent with your SSMP. plan.
b. The information in Sec. By letter within 7 working
63.10(d)(5)(ii). days after the end of the
event unless you have
made alternative
arrangements with the
permitting authority.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 7 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Applicability of General
Provisions to Subpart JJJJJ
As stated in Sec. 63.8505, you must comply with the General Provisions in Sec. Sec. 63.1 through 63.15 that apply to you according to the following table: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Applies to subpart
Citation Subject Brief description JJJJJ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. 63.1....................... Applicability......... Initial applicability Yes.
determination; applicability
after standard established;
permit requirements;
extensions, notifications.Sec. 63.2....................... Definitions........... Definitions for part 63 Yes.
standards.Sec. 63.3....................... Units and Units and abbreviations for Yes.
Abbreviations. part 63 standards.Sec. 63.4....................... Prohibited Activities. Compliance date; Yes.
circumvention; severability.Sec. 63.5....................... Construction/ Applicability; applications; Yes.
Reconstruction. approvals.
Sec. 63.6(a).................... Applicability......... General Provisions (GP) apply Yes.
unless compliance extension;
GP apply to area sources that
become major.Sec. 63.6(b)(1)-(4)............. Compliance Dates for Standards apply at effective Yes.
New and Reconstructed date; 3 years after effective
sources. date; upon startup; 10 years
after construction or
reconstruction commences for
section 112(f).Sec. 63.6(b)(5)................. Notification.......... Must notify if commenced Yes.
construction or
reconstructionafter proposal.Sec. 63.6(b)(6)................. [Reserved].Sec. 63.6(b)(7)................. Compliance Dates for Area sources that become major Yes.
New and Reconstructed must comply with major source
area Sources That standards immediately upon
Become Major. becoming major, regardless of
whether required to comply
when they were area sources.Sec. 63.6(c)(1)-(2)............. Compliance Dates for Comply according to date in Yes.
Existing Sources. subpart, which must be no
later than 3 years after
effective date; for section
112(f) standards, comply
within 90 days of effective
date unless compliance
extension.Sec. 63.6(c)(3)-(4)............. [Reserved]............Sec. 63.6(c)(5)................. Compliance Dates for Area sources that become major Yes.
Existing area Sources must comply with major source
That Become Major. standards by date indicated
in subpart or by equivalent
time period (for example, 3
years).Sec. 63.6(d).................... [Reserved].Sec. 63.6(e)(1)-(2)............. Operation & Operate to minimize emissions Yes.
Maintenance. at all times; correct
malfunctions as soon as
practicable; requirements
independently enforceable;
information Administrator
will use to determine if
operation and maintenance
requirements were met.Sec. 63.6(e)(3)................. Startup, Shutdown, and Requirement for startup, Yes.
Malfunction Plan shutdown, and malfunction
(SSMP). (SSM) and SSMP; content of
SSMP.Sec. 63.6(f)(1)................. Compliance Except You must comply with emission Yes.
During SSM. standards at all times except
during SSM.Sec. 63.6(f)(2)-(3)............. Methods for Compliance based on Yes.
Determining performance test, operation
Compliance. and maintenance plans,
records, inspection.Sec. 63.6(g).................... Alternative Standard.. Procedures for getting an Yes.
alternative standard.Sec. 63.6(h).................... Opacity/VE Standards.. Requirements for opacity and No, not applicable.
VE standards.Sec. 63.6(i).................... Compliance Extension.. Procedures and criteria for Yes.
Administrator to grant
compliance extension.Sec. 63.6(j).................... Presidential President may exempt source Yes.
Compliance Exemption. category.Sec. 63.7(a)(1)-(2)............. Performance Test Dates Dates for conducting initial Yes.
performance testing and other
compliance demonstrations;
must conduct 180 days after
first subject to rule.Sec. 63.7(a)(3)................. Section 114 Authority. Administrator may require a Yes.
performance test under CAA
section 114 at any time.Sec. 63.7(b)(1)................. Notification of Must notify Administrator 60 Yes.
Performance Test. days before the test.Sec. 63.7(b)(2)................. Notification of Must notify Administrator 5 Yes.
Rescheduling. days before scheduled date of
rescheduled date.Sec. 63.7(c).................... Quality Assurance(QA)/ Requirements; test plan Yes.
Test Plan. approval procedures;
performance audit
requirements; internal and
external QA procedures for
testing.Sec. 63.7(d).................... Testing Facilities.... Requirements for testing Yes.
facilities.Sec. 63.7(e)(1)................. Conditions for Performance tests must be No, Sec. 63.8445
Conducting conducted under specifies
Performance Tests. representative conditions. requirements.
Cannot conduct performance Yes.
tests during SSM; not a
violation to exceed standard
during SSM.Sec. 63.7(e)(2)-(3)............. Conditions for Must conduct according to Yes.
Conducting subpart and EPA test methods
Performance Tests. unless Administrator approves
alternative; must have at
least three test runs of at
least 1 hour each; compliance
is based on arithmetic mean
of three runs; conditions
when data from an additional
test run can be used.Sec. 63.7(f).................... Alternative Test Procedures by which Yes.
Method. Administrator can grant
approval to use an
alternative test method.
Sec. 63.7(g).................... Performance Test Data Must include raw data in Yes.
Analysis. performance test report; must
submit performance test data
60 days after end of test
with the notification of
compliance status.Sec. 63.7(h).................... Waiver of Tests....... Procedures for Administrator Yes.
to waive performance test.Sec. 63.8(a)(1)................. Applicability of Subject to all monitoring Yes.
Monitoring requirements in subpart.
Requirements.Sec. 63.8(a)(2)................. Performance Performance Specifications in Yes.
Specifications. appendix B of 40 CFR part 60
apply.Sec. 63.8(a)(3)................. [Reserved]............Sec. 63.8(a)(4)................. Monitoring with Flares Requirements for flares in No, not applicable.
Sec. 63.11 apply.Sec. 63.8(b)(1)................. Monitoring............ Must conduct monitoring Yes.
according to standard unless
Administrator approves
alternative.Sec. 63.8(b)(2)-(3)............. Multiple Effluents and Specific requirements for Yes.
Multiple Monitoring installing and reporting on
Systems. monitoring systems.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)................. Monitoring System Maintenance consistent with Yes.
Operation and good air pollution control
Maintenance. practices.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(i).............. Routine and Reporting requirements for SSM Yes.
Predictable SSM. when action is described in
SSMP.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(ii)............. SSM not in SSMP....... Reporting requirements for SSM Yes.
when action is not described
in SSMP.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(iii)............ Compliance with How Administrator determines Yes.
Operation and if source complying with
Maintenance operation and maintenance
Requirements. requirements.Sec. 63.8(c)(2)-(3)............. Monitoring System Must install to get Yes.
Installation. representative emission and
parameter measurements.Sec. 63.8(c)(4)................. CMS Requirements...... Requirements for CMS.......... No, Sec. Sec.
63.8425 and 63.8465
requirements.Sec. 63.8(c)(5)................. Continuous Opacity COMS minimum procedures....... No, not applicable.
Monitoring System
(COMS) Minimum
Procedures.Sec. 63.8(c)(6)................. CMS Requirements...... Zero and high level No, Sec. 63.8425
calibration check specifies
requirements. requirements.Sec. 63.8(c)(7)-(8)............. CMS Requirements...... Out-of-control periods........ No, Sec. 63.8425
requirements.Sec. 63.8(d).................... CMS Quality Control... Requirements for CMS quality No, Sec. 63.8425
control. specifies
requirements.Sec. 63.8(e).................... CMS Performance Requirements for CMS No, Sec. 63.8425
Evaluation. performance evaluation. specifies
requirements.Sec. 63.8(f)(1)-(5)............. Alternative Monitoring Procedures for Administrator Yes.
Method. to approve alternative
monitoring.Sec. 63.8(f)(6)................. Alternative to Procedures for Administrator No, not applicable.
Relative Accuracy to approve alternative
Test. relative accuracy test for
continuous emissions
monitoring systems (CEMS).Sec. 63.8(g).................... Data Reduction........ COMS and CEMS data reduction No, not applicable.
requirements.Sec. 63.9(a).................... Notification Applicability; State Yes.
Requirements. delegation.Sec. 63.9(b).................... Initial Notifications. Requirements for initial Yes.
notifications.Sec. 63.9(c).................... Request for Compliance Can request if cannot comply Yes.
Extension. by date or if installed BACT/
LAER.Sec. 63.9(d).................... Notification of For sources that commence Yes.
Special Compliance construction between proposal
Requirements for New and promulgation and want to
Source. comply 3 years after
effective date.Sec. 63.9(e).................... Notification of Notify Administrator 60 days Yes.
Performance Test. prior.Sec. 63.9(f).................... Notification of VE/ Notify Administrator 30 days No, not applicable.
Opacity Test. prior.Sec. 63.9(g)(1)................. Additional Notification of performance Yes.
Notifications When evaluation.
Using CMS.Sec. 63.9(g)(2)-(3)............. Additional Notification of COMS data use; No, not applicable.
Notifications When notification that relative
Using CMS. accuracy alternative
criterion were exceeded.Sec. 63.9(h).................... Notification of Contents; submittal Yes.
Compliance Status. requirements.Sec. 63.9(i).................... Adjustment of Procedures for Administrator Yes.
Submittal Deadlines. to approve change in when
notifications must be
submitted.Sec. 63.9(j).................... Change in Previous Must submit within 15 days Yes.
Information. after the change.Sec. 63.10(a)................... Recordkeeping/ Applicability; general Yes.
Reporting. information.
Sec. 63.10(b)(1)................ General Recordkeeping General requirements.......... Yes.
Requirements.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(i)-(v)......... Records Related to SSM Requirements for SSM records.. Yes.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(vi)-(xii) and CMS Records........... Records when CMS is Yes.
(xiv). malfunctioning, inoperative
or out-of-control.Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(xiii).......... Records............... Records when using alternative No, not applicable.
to relative accuracy test.Sec. 63.10(b)(3)................ Records............... Applicability Determinations.. Yes.Sec. 63.10(c)(1)-(15)........... Records............... Additional records for CMS.... No, Sec. Sec.
63.8425 and 63.8490
requirements.Sec. 63.10(d)(1) and (2)........ General Reporting Requirements for and Yes.
Requirements. reporting; performance test
results reporting.Sec. 63.10(d)(3)................ Reporting Opacity or Requirements for reporting No, not applicable.
VE Observations. opacity and VE.Sec. 63.10(d)(4)................ Progress Reports...... Must submit progress reports Yes.
on schedule if under
compliance extension.Sec. 63.10(d)(5)................ SSM Reports........... Contents and submission....... Yes.Sec. 63.10(e)(1)-(3)............ Additional CMS Reports Requirements for CMS reporting No, Sec. Sec.
63.8425 and 63.8485
requirements.Sec. 63.10(e)(4)................ Reporting COMS data... Requirements for reporting No, not applicable.
COMS data with performance
test data.Sec. 63.10(f)................... Waiver for Procedures for Administrator Yes.
Recordkeeping/ to waive.
Reporting.Sec. 63.11...................... Flares................ Requirement for flares........ No, not applicable.Sec. 63.12...................... Delegation............ State authority to enforce Yes.
standards.Sec. 63.13...................... Addresses............. Addresses for reports, Yes.
notifications, requests.Sec. 63.14...................... Incorporation by Materials incorporated by Yes.
Reference. reference.Sec. 63.15...................... Availability of Information availability; Yes.
Information. confidential information.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subpart KKKKK_National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
Source: 68 FR 26738, May 16, 2003, unless otherwise noted.
What This Subpart Covers