(a) The requirements of this subpart apply to the owner or operator of each kraft, soda, sulfite, or stand-alone semichemical pulp mill that is a major source of hazardous air pollutants (HAP) emissions as defined in Sec. 63.2.
(b) Affected sources. The requirements of this subpart apply to each new or existing affected source listed in paragraphs (b)(1) through (7) of this section:
(1) Each existing chemical recovery system (as defined in Sec. 63.861) located at a kraft or soda pulp mill.
(2) Each new nondirect contact evaporator (NDCE) recovery furnace and associated smelt dissolving tank(s) located at a kraft or soda pulp mill.
(3) Each new direct contact evaporator (DCE) recovery furnace system (as defined in Sec. 63.861) and associated smelt dissolving tank(s) located at a kraft or soda pulp mill.
(4) Each new lime kiln located at a kraft or soda pulp mill.
(5) Each new or existing sulfite combustion unit located at a sulfite pulp mill, except such existing units at Weyerhaeuser Paper Company's Cosmopolis, Washington facility (Emission Unit no. AP-10).
(6) Each new or existing semichemical combustion unit located at a stand-alone semichemical pulp mill.
(7) The requirements of the alternative standard in Sec. 63.862(d) apply to the hog fuel dryer at Weyerhaeuser Paper Company's Cosmopolis, Washington facility (Emission Unit no. HD-14).
(c) The requirements of the General Provisions in subpart A of this part that apply to the owner or operator subject to the requirements of this subpart are identified in Table 1 to this subpart. [66 FR 3193, Jan. 12, 2001, as amended at 68 FR 7713, Feb. 18, 2003]