Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 40  /  Part 63  /  Sec. 63.861 Definitions.

All terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act, in subpart A of this part, or in this section. For the purposes of this subpart, if the same term is defined in subpart A or any other subpart of this part and in this section, it must have the meaning given in this section.

Bag leak detection system means an instrument that is capable of monitoring PM loadings in the exhaust of a fabric filter in order to detect bag failures. A bag leak detection system includes, but is not limited to, an instrument that operates on triboelectric, light scattering, light transmittance, or other principle to monitor relative PM loadings.

Black liquor means spent cooking liquor that has been separated from the pulp produced by the kraft, soda, or semichemical pulping process.

Black liquor gasification means the thermochemical conversion of black liquor into a combustible gaseous product.

Black liquor oxidation (BLO) system means the vessels used to oxidize the black liquor, with air or oxygen, and the associated storage tank(s).

Black liquor solids (BLS) means the dry weight of the solids in the black liquor that enters the recovery furnace or semichemical combustion unit.

Black liquor solids firing rate means the rate at which black liquor solids are fed to the recovery furnace or the semichemical combustion unit.

Chemical recovery combustion source means any source in the chemical recovery area of a kraft, soda, sulfite or stand-alone semichemical pulp mill that is an NDCE recovery furnace, a DCE recovery furnace system, a smelt dissolving tank, a lime kiln, a sulfite combustion unit, or a semichemical combustion unit.

Chemical recovery system means all existing DCE and NDCE recovery furnaces, smelt dissolving tanks, and lime kilns at a kraft or soda pulp mill. Each existing recovery furnace, smelt dissolving tank, or lime kiln is considered a process unit within a chemical recovery system.

Direct contact evaporator (DCE) recovery furnace means a kraft or soda recovery furnace equipped with a direct contact evaporator that concentrates strong black liquor by direct contact between the hot recovery furnace exhaust gases and the strong black liquor.

Direct contact evaporator (DCE) recovery furnace system means a direct contact evaporator recovery furnace and any black liquor oxidation system, if present, at the pulp mill.

Dry electrostatic precipitator (ESP) system means an electrostatic precipitator with a dry bottom (i.e., no black liquor, water, or other fluid is used in the ESP bottom) and a dry particulate matter return system (i.e., no black liquor, water, or other fluid is used to transport the collected PM to the mix tank).

Fabric filter means an air pollution control device used to capture PM by filtering a gas stream through filter media; also known as a baghouse.

Hazardous air pollutants (HAP) metals means the sum of all emissions of antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, and selenium as measured by EPA Method 29 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A) and with all nondetect data treated as one-half of the method detection limit.

Hog fuel dryer means the equipment that combusts fine particles of wood waste (hog fuel) in a fluidized bed and directs the heated exhaust stream to a rotary dryer containing wet hog fuel to be dried prior to combustion in the hog fuel boiler at Weyerhaeuser Paper Company's Cosmopolis, Washington facility. The hog fuel dryer at Weyerhaeuser Paper Company's Cosmopolis, Washington facility is Emission Unit no. HD-14.

Kraft pulp mill means any stationary source that produces pulp from wood by cooking (digesting) wood chips in a solution of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide. The recovery process used to regenerate cooking chemicals is also considered part of the kraft pulp mill.

Kraft recovery furnace means a recovery furnace that is used to burn black liquor produced by the kraft pulping process, as well as any recovery furnace that burns black liquor produced from both the kraft and semichemical pulping processes, and includes the direct contact evaporator, if applicable. Includes black liquor gasification.

Lime kiln means the combustion unit (e.g., rotary lime kiln or fluidized-bed calciner) used at a kraft or soda pulp mill to calcine lime mud, which consists primarily of calcium carbonate, into quicklime, which is calcium oxide (CaO).

Lime production rate means the rate at which dry lime, measured as CaO, is produced in the lime kiln.

Method detection limit means the minimum concentration of an analyte that can be determined with 99 percent confidence that the true value is greater than zero.

Modification means, for the purposes of Sec. 63.862(a)(1)(ii)(E)(1), any physical change (excluding any routine part replacement or maintenance) or operational change (excluding any operational change that occurs during a start-up, shutdown, or malfunction) that is made to the air pollution control device that could result in an increase in PM emissions.

Nondetect data means, for the purposes of this subpart, any value that is below the method detection limit.

Nondirect contact evaporator (NDCE) recovery furnace means a kraft or soda recovery furnace that burns black liquor that has been concentrated by indirect contact with steam.

Particulate matter (PM) means total particulate matter as measured by EPA Method 5, EPA Method 17 (Sec. 63.865(b)(1)), or EPA Method 29 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A).

Process unit means an existing DCE or NDCE recovery furnace, smelt dissolving tank, or lime kiln in a chemical recovery system at a kraft or soda mill.

Recovery furnace means an enclosed combustion device where concentrated black liquor produced by the kraft or soda pulping process is burned to recover pulping chemicals and produce steam. Includes black liquor gasification.

Regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) means a thermal oxidizer that transfers heat from the exhaust gas stream to the inlet gas stream by passing the exhaust stream through a bed of ceramic stoneware or other heat-absorbing medium before releasing it to the atmosphere, then reversing the gas flow so the inlet gas stream passes through the heated bed, raising the temperature of the inlet stream close to or at its ignition temperature.

Semichemical combustion unit means any equipment used to combust or pyrolyze black liquor at stand-alone semichemical pulp mills for the purpose of chemical recovery. Includes black liquor gasification.

Similar process units means all existing DCE and NDCE recovery furnaces, smelt dissolving tanks, or lime kilns at a kraft or soda pulp mill.

Smelt dissolving tanks (SDT) means vessels used for dissolving the smelt collected from a kraft or soda recovery furnace.

Soda pulp mill means any stationary source that produces pulp from wood by cooking (digesting) wood chips in a sodium hydroxide solution. The recovery process used to regenerate cooking chemicals is also considered part of the soda pulp mill.

Soda recovery furnace means a recovery furnace used to burn black liquor produced by the soda pulping process and includes the direct contact evaporator, if applicable. Includes black liquor gasification.

Stand-alone semichemical pulp mill means any stationary source that produces pulp from wood by partially digesting wood chips in a chemical solution followed by mechanical defibrating (grinding), and has an onsite chemical recovery process that is not integrated with a kraft pulp mill.

Startup means, for the chemical recovery system employing black liquor gasification at Georgia-Pacific's facility in Big Island, Virginia only, the end of the gasification system commissioning phase. Commissioning is that period of time in which each part of the new gasification system will be checked and operated on its own to make sure it is installed and functions properly. Commissioning will conclude with the successful completion of the gasification technology supplier's performance warranty demonstration, which proves the technology and equipment are performing to warranted levels and the system is ready to be placed in active service. For all other affected sources under this subpart, startup has the meaning given in Sec. 63.2.

Sulfite combustion unit means a combustion device, such as a recovery furnace or fluidized-bed reactor, where spent liquor from the sulfite pulping process (i.e., red liquor) is burned to recover pulping chemicals.

Sulfite pulp mill means any stationary source that produces pulp from wood by cooking (digesting) wood chips in a solution of sulfurous acid and bisulfite ions. The recovery process used to regenerate cooking chemicals is also considered part of the sulfite pulp mill.

Total hydrocarbons (THC) means the sum of organic compounds measured as carbon using EPA Method 25A (40 CFR part 60, appendix A). [66 FR 3193, Jan. 12, 2001, as amended at 66 FR 16408, Mar. 26, 2001; 68 FR 7713, Feb. 18, 2003]