Terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act in 40 CFR 63.2 and in this section as follows:
Caustic scrubber control device means any add-on device that mixes an aqueous stream or slurry containing a caustic substance with the exhaust gases from an HCl process vent, HCl storage tank, or HCl transfer operation to control emissions of HCl and/or Cl2.
Chlor-alkali facility means a facility where chlorine and sodium or potassium hydroxide are produced as co-products and hydrogen is produced as a by-product in an electrolytic process using either mercury cells, diaphragm cells, or membrane cells.
Continuous monitoring system, for purposes of the final rule, means liquid flow monitoring devices that meet the performance specifications given in Sec. 63.9025(a); or pH monitoring devices that meet the performance specifications given in Sec. 63.9025(a); or other control devices as mentioned in 63.9025(a) and (b) or Sec. 63.9025(a) and (c).
Control device means an add-on device used to reduce HCl and/or Cl2 emissions from an HCl process vent, HCl storage tank, or HCl transfer operation at an HCl production facility. An HCl production unit is not a control device.
Deviation means any instance in which an affected source subject to this subpart, or an owner or operator of such a source:
(1) Fails to meet any requirement or obligation established by this subpart, including but not limited to any emission limitation or work practice standard;
(2) Fails to meet any term or condition that is adopted to implement an applicable requirement in this subpart and that is included in the operating permit for any affected source required to obtain such a permit; or
(3) Fails to meet any emission limitation or work practice standard in this subpart during startup, shutdown, or malfunction, regardless of whether or not such failure is permitted by this subpart.
Emission limitation means any emission limit or operating limit.
Emission stream means a gaseous stream from an HCl process vent, an HCl storage tank, an HCl transfer operation, leaking equipment in HCl service, or HCl wastewater operations that is discharged to the atmosphere. Gaseous streams from HCl process vents, HCl storage tanks, and HCl transfer operations that are routed to another process or recycled for reaction or other use (i.e., for pH control) of the HCl and/or Cl2 are not emission streams. Gaseous streams from HCl transfer operations that are vapor balanced to an HCl storage tank subject to this subpart are not emission streams.
Equipment in HCl service means each pump, compressor, agitator, pressure relief device, sampling connection system, open-ended valve or line, valve, connector, and instrumentation system in an HCl production facility that contains 30 weight percent or greater of liquid HCl or 5 weight percent or greater of gaseous HCl at any time.
HCl process vent means the point of discharge to the atmosphere, or point of entry into a control device, of a gaseous stream that originates from an HCl production unit. The following points of discharge are not HCl process vents:
(1) A leak from equipment in HCl service subject to this subpart.
(2) An exit from a control device used to comply with this subpart.
(3) An HCl storage tank vent or HCl transfer operation vent subject to this subpart.
(4) A HCl wastewater operation vent subject to this subpart.
(5) A point of discharge from a relief valve.
(6) A point of discharge from an analyzer.
HCl production facility is defined in Sec. 63.8985(a)(1).
HCl production unit means an absorber or other vessel in which a liquid HCl product is manufactured by absorbing gaseous HCl into either water or an aqueous HCl solution.
HCl storage tank means a tank or other vessel that is used to store liquid HCl product. Tanks or vessels permanently attached to motor vehicles (such as trucks, railcars, barges, or ships) are not HCl storage tanks.
HCl transfer operation means the loading, into a tank truck, railcar, ship, or barge, of liquid HCl from a transfer (or loading) rack (as defined in this section) for which the predominant use is liquid HCl. The predominant use of a transfer (or loading) rack is the material that is loaded by the transfer (or loading) rack in the greatest amount.
HCl wastewater operation means an operation that handles and processes water containing HCl that is discarded from an HCl production facility.
Plant site means all contiguous or adjoining property that is under common control, including properties that are separated only by a road or other public right-of-way. Common control includes properties that are owned, leased, or operated by the same entity, parent entity, subsidiary, or any combination thereof.
Research and development facility means laboratory and pilot plant operations whose primary purpose is to conduct research and development into new processes and products, where the operations are under close supervision of technically trained personnel, and the operations are not engaged in the manufacture of products for commercial sale, except in a de minimis manner.
Responsible official means responsible official as defined in 40 CFR 70.2 of this chapter.
Transfer (or loading) rack means the collection of loading arms and loading hoses, at a single loading rack, that are used to fill tank trucks, railcars, ships, and/or barges. Transfer rack includes the associated pumps, meters, shutoff valves, relief valves, and other piping and valves.
Vapor balanced means connected to a piping system that is designed to collect vapors displaced from tank trucks, rail cars, ships, or barges during loading, and to route the collected vapors to the storage vessel from which the liquid being loaded originated, or to another storage vessel connected by a common header.
Vent means the point of discharge to the atmosphere or to a control device from either an HCl process vent, an HCl storage tank, or an HCl transfer operation.
Water scrubber control device means any add-on device that mixes an aqueous stream not containing a caustic substance with the exhaust gases from an HCl process vent, HCl storage tank, or HCl transfer operation to control emissions of HCl and/or Cl2. [68 FR 19090, Apr. 17, 2003, as amended at 71 FR 17746, Apr. 7, 2006]
Sec. Table 1 to Subpart NNNNN of Part 63--Emission Limits and Work
Practice Standards
As stated in Sec. 63.9000(a), you must comply with the following emission limits and work practice standards for each emission stream that is part of an affected source. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You must meet the following
For each. . . emission limit and work practice
standard------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Emission stream from an HCl a. Reduce HCl emissions by 99
process vent at an existing source. percent or greater or achieve an
outlet concentration of 20 ppm by
volume or less; and
b. Reduce Cl2 emissions by 99
percent or greater or achieve an
outlet concentration of 100 ppm by
volume or less.2. Emission stream from an HCl Reduce HCl emissions by 99 percent
storge tank at an existing source. or greater or achieve an outlet
concentration of 120 ppm by volume
or less.3. Emission stream from an HCl Reduce HCl emissions by 99 percent
transfer operation at an existing or greater or achieve an outlet
source. concentration of 120 ppm by volume
or less.4. Emission stream from leaking a. Prepare and operate at all times
equipment in HCl service at according to an equipment LDAR
existing and new sources. plan that describes in detail the
measures that will be put in place
to detect leaks and repair them in
a timely fashion; and
b. Submit the plan to the
Administrator for comment only
with your Notification of
Compliance Status; and
c. You may incorporate by reference
in such plan existing manuals that
describe the measures in place to
control leaking equipment
emissions required as part of
other federally enforceable
requirements, provided that all
manuals that are incorporated by
reference are submitted to the
Administrator.5. Emission stream from an HCl a. Reduce HCl emissions by 99.4
process vent at a new source. percent or greater or achieve an
outlet concentration of 12 ppm by
volume or less; and
b. Reduce Cl2 emissions by 99.8
percent or greater or achieve an
outlet concentration of 20 ppm by
volume or less.6. Emission stream from an HCl Reduce HCl emissions by 99.9
storage tank at a new source. percent or greater or achieve an
outlet concentration of 12 ppm by
volume or less.7. Emission stream from an HCl Reduce HCl emissions by 99 percent
transfer operation at a new source. or greater or achieve an outlet
concentration of 120 ppm by volume
or less.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [68 FR 19090, Apr. 17, 2003, as amended at 71 FR 17746, Apr. 7, 2006]
Sec. Table 2 to Subpart NNNNN of Part 63--Operating Limits
As stated in Sec. 63.9000(b), you must comply with the following operating limits for each emission stream that is part of an affected source that is vented to a control device. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
For each. . . You must. . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Caustic scrubber or water scrubber/ a. Maintain the daily average
absorber. scrubber inlet liquid or
recirculating liquid flow
rate, as appropriate, above
the operating limit; and
b. Maintain the daily average
scrubber effluent pH within
the operating limits; or
c. Instead of a. and b.,
maintain your operating
parameter(s) within the
operating limits established
according to your monitoring
plan established under Sec.
63.8(f).------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Other type of control device to Maintain your operating
which HCl emissions are ducted. parameter(s) within the limits
established during the
performance test and according
to your monitoring plan.------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sec. Table 3 to Subpart NNNNN of Part 63--Performance Test Requirements
for HCl Production Affected Sources
As stated in Sec. 63.9020, you must comply with the following requirements for performance tests for HCl production for each affected source. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
For each HCl process vent and
each HCl storage tank and HCl
transfer operation for which Additional
you are conducting a Using. . . Information. . .
performance test, you must. .
.------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Select sampling port a. Method 1 or 1A i. If complying with
location(s) and the number of in appendix A to a percent reduction
traverse points. 40 CFR part 60 emission limitation,
of this chapter. sampling sites must
located at the inlet
and outlet of the
control device prior
to any releases to
the atmosphere (or,
if a series of
control devices are
used, at the inlet
of the first control
device and at the
outlet of the final
control device prior
to any releases to
the atmosphere); or
ii. If complying with
an outlet
emission limitation,
the sampling site
must be located at
the outlet of the
final control device
and prior to any
releases to the
atmosphere or, if no
control device is
used, prior to any
releases to the
atmosphere.2. Determine velocity and Method 2, 2A, 2C,
volumetric flow rate. 2D, 2F, or 2G in
appendix A to 40
CFR part 60 of
this chapter.3. Determine gas molecular a. Not applicable i. Assume a molecular
weight. weight of 29 (after
moisture correction)
for calculation
purposes.4. Measure moisture content of Method 4 in
the stack gas. appendix A to 40
CFR part 60 of
this chapter.5. Measure HCl concentration a. Method 26A in i. An owner or
and Cl2 concentration from appendix A to 40 operator may be
HCl process vents. CFR part 60 of exempted from
this chapter. measuring the Cl2
concentration from
an HCl process vent
provided that a
demonstration that
Cl2 is not likely to
be present in the
stream is submitted
as part of the site-
specific test plan
required by Sec.
63.9020(a)(2). This
demonstration may be
based on process
judgment, or
previous test
results.6. Establish operating limits
with which you will
demonstrate continuous
compliance with the emission
limits in Table 1 to this
subpart, in accordance with
Sec. 63.9020(e)(1) or (2).------------------------------------------------------------------------ [68 FR 19090, Apr. 17, 2003, as amended at 71 FR 17747, Apr. 7, 2006]
Sec. Table 4 to Subpart NNNNN of Part 63--Initial Compliance With
Emission Limitations and Work Practice Standards
As stated in Sec. 63.9030, you must comply with the following requirements to demonstrate initial compliance with the applicable emission limits for each affected source vented to a control device and each work practice standard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
For the following
emission limit or You have
For each. . . work practice demonstrated initial
standard. . . compliance if. . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. HCl process vent and each a. In Table 1 to i. The average
HCl storage tank and HCl this subpart. percent reduction
transfer operation for of HCl and Cl2 (if
which you are conducting a applicable),
performance test. measured over the
period of the
performance test
conducted according
to Table 3 of this
subpart and
determined in
accordance with
Sec. 63.9020(b),
is greater than or
equal to the
applicable percent
reduction emission
specified in Table
1 of this subpart;
ii. The average HCl
and Cl2 (if
measured over the
period of the
performance test
conducted according
to Table 3 of this
subpart, is less
than or equal to
the applicable
emission limitation
specified in Table
1 of this subpart.------------------------------------------------------------------------2. HCl storage tank and HCl a. In Table 1 to i. The percent
transfer operation for this subpart. reduction of HCl,
which you are preparing a demonstrated by a
design evaluation in lieu design evaluation
of conducting a performance prepared in
test. accordance with
Sec. 63.9020(c),
is greater than or
equal to the
applicable percent
reduction emission
specified in Table
1 of this subpart;
ii. The HCl
demonstrated by a
design evaluation
prepared in
accordance with
Sec. 63.9020(c),
is less than or
equal to the
emission limitation
specified in Table
1 of this subpart.------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Leaking equipment........ a. In Table 1 to i. You certify in
this subpart. your Notification
of Compliance
Status that you
have developed and
implemented your
LDAR plan and
submitted it to the
Administrator for
comment only.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 5 to Subpart NNNNN of Part 63--Continuous Compliance With
Emission Limitations and Work Practice Standards
As stated in Sec. 63.9040, you must comply with the following requirements to demonstrate continuous compliance with the applicable emission limitations for each affected source vented to a control device and each work practice standard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
For the following
limitation and You must demonstrate
For each. . . work practice continuous compliance
standard. . . by. . .
------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Affected source using a a. In Tables 1 i. Collecting the
caustic scrubber or water and 2 to this scrubber inlet
scrubber/adsorber. subpart. liquid or
recirculating liquid
flow rate, as
appropriate, and
effluent pH
monitoring data
according to Sec.
63.9025, consistent
with your monitoring
plan; and
ii. Reducing the data
to 1-hour and daily
block averages
according to the
requirements in Sec.
63.9025; and
iii. Maintaining the
daily average
scrubber inlet
liquid or
recirculating liquid
flow rate, as
appropriate, above
the operating limit;
iv. Maintaining the
daily average
scrubber effluent pH
within the operating
limits.2. Affected source using any a. In Tables 1 i. Conducting
other control device. and 2 to this monitoring according
subpart. to your monitoring
plan established
under Sec. 63.8(f)
in accordance with
Sec. 63.9025(c);
ii. Collecting the
parameter data
according to your
monitoring plan
established under
Sec. 63.8(f); and
iii. Reducing the
data to 1-hour and
daily block averages
according to the
requirements in Sec.
63.9025; and
iv. Maintaining the
daily average
parameter values
within the operating
limits established
according to your
monitoring plan
established under
Sec. 63.8(f).3. Affected source using no a. In Tables 1 i. Verifying that you
control device. and 2 to this have not made any
subpart.. process changes that
could reasonably be
expected to change
the outlet
concentration since
your most recent
performance test for
an emission point.4. Leaking equipment affected a. In Table 1 to i. Verifying that you
source. this subpart. continue to use a
LDAR plan; and
ii. Reporting any
instances where you
deviated from the
plan and the
corrective actions
taken.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [68 FR 19090, Apr. 17, 2003, as amended at 71 FR 17747, Apr. 7, 2006]
Sec. Table 6 to Subpart NNNNN of Part 63--Requirements for Reports
As stated in Sec. 63.9050(a), you must submit a compliance report that includes the information in Sec. 63.9050(c) through (e) as well as the information in the following table. You must also submit startup, shutdown, and malfunction (SSM) reports according to the requirements in Sec. 63.9050(f) and the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Then you must submit a report
If. . . or statement that:------------------------------------------------------------------------1. There are no deviations from any There were no deviations from
emission limitations that apply to you. any emission limitations that
apply to you during the
reporting period.------------------------------------------------------------------------2. There were no periods during which There were no periods during
the operating parameter monitoring which the CMS were out-of-
systems were out-of-control in control during the reporting
accordance with the monitoring plan. period.------------------------------------------------------------------------3. There was a deviation from any Contains the information in
emission limitation during the Sec. 63.9050(d).
reporting period.------------------------------------------------------------------------4. There were periods during which the Contains the information in
operating parameter monitoring systems Sec. 63.9050(d).
were out-of-control in accordance with
the monitoring plan.------------------------------------------------------------------------5. There was a SSM during the reporting Contains the information in
period that is not consistent with Sec. 63.9050(f).
your SSM plan.------------------------------------------------------------------------6. There were periods when the Contains the information in
procedures in the LDAR plan were not Sec. 63.9050(c)(7).
Sec. Table 7 to Subpart NNNNN of Part 63--Applicability of General
Provisions to Subpart NNNNN
As stated in Sec. 63.9065, you must comply with the applicable General Provisions requirements according to the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Applies to
Citation Requirement subpart NNNNN Explanation------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. 63.1....... Initial applicability Yes.
applicability after
established; permit
notifications.Sec. 63.2....... Definitions.......... Yes.......... Additional
are found in
Sec. 63.9075.Sec. 63.3....... Units and Yes.
abbreviations.Sec. 63.4....... Prohibited Yes.
compliance date;
severability.Sec. 63.5....... Construction/ Yes.
approvals.Sec. 63.6(a).... Compliance with Yes.
standards and
applicability.Sec. 63.6(b)(1)- Compliance dates for Yes.......... Sec. 63.8995
(4). new or reconstructed specifies
sources. compliance
dates.Sec. 63.6(b)(5). Notification if Yes.
construction or
reconstruction after
proposal.Sec. 63.6(b)(6). [Reserved]........... Yes.Sec. 63.6(b)(7). Compliance dates for Yes.......... Sec. 63.8995
new or reconstructed specifies
area sources that compliance
become major. dates.Sec. 63.6(c)(1)- Compliance dates for Yes.......... Sec. 63.8995
(2). existing sources. specifies
dates.Sec. 63.6(c)(3)- [Reserved]........... Yes.
(4).Sec. 63.6(c)(5). Compliance dates for Yes.......... Sec. 63.8995
existing area specifies
sources that become compliance
major. dates.Sec. 63.6(d).... [Reserved]........... Yes.Sec. 63.6(e)(1)- Operation and Yes.
(2). maintenance
requirements.Sec. 63.6(e)(3). SSM plans............ Yes.Sec. 63.6(f)(1). Compliance except Yes.
during SSM.Sec. 63.6(f)(2)- Methods for Yes.
(3). determining
compliance.Sec. 63.6(g).... Use of an alternative Yes.
non-opacity emission
standard.Sec. 63.6(h).... Compliance with No........... Subpart NNNNN
opacity/visible does not
emission standards. specify
opacity or
standards.Sec. 63.6(i).... Extension of Yes.
compliance with
emission standards.Sec. 63.6(j).... Presidential Yes.
compliance exemption.Sec. 63.7(a)(1)- Performance test Yes.......... Except for
(2). dates. existing
sources as
specified in
Sec. 63.9010(
b).Sec. 63.7(a)(3). Administrator's Clean Yes.
Air Act section 114
authority to require
a performance test.Sec. 63.7(b).... Notification of Yes.
performance test and
rescheduling.Sec. 63.7(c).... Quality assurance Yes.
program and site-
specific test plans.Sec. 63.7(d).... Performance testing Yes.
facilities.Sec. 63.7(e)(1). Conditions for Yes.
performance tests.
Sec. 63.7(f).... Use of an alternative Yes.
test method.Sec. 63.7(g).... Performance test data Yes.
recordkeeping, and
reporting.Sec. 63.7(h).... Waiver of performance Yes.
tests.Sec. 63.8(a)(1)- Applicability of Yes.......... Additional
(3). monitoring monitoring
requirements. requirements
are found in
Sec. 63.9005(
d) and
63.9035.63.8(a)(4)....... Monitoring with No........... Subpart NNNNN
flares. does not refer
directly or
indirectly to
Sec. 63.11.Sec. 63.8(b).... Conduct of monitoring Yes.
and procedures when
there are multiple
effluents and
multiple monitoring
systems.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)- Continuous monitoring Yes.......... Applies as
(3). system O&M.; modified by
Sec. 63.9005(
d).Sec. 63.8(c)(4). Continuous monitoring Yes.......... Applies as
system requirements modified by
during breakdown, Sec. 63.9005(
out-of-control, d).
repair, maintenance,
and high-level
calibration drifts.Sec. 63.8(c)(5). Continuous opacity No........... Subpart NNNNN
monitoring system does not have
(COMS) minimum opacity or
procedures. visible
standards.Sec. 63.8(c)(6). Zero and high level Yes.......... Applies as
calibration checks. modified by
Sec. 63.9005(
d).Sec. 63.8(c)(7)- Out-of-control Yes.
(8). periods, including
reporting.Sec. 63.8(d)-(e) Quality control No........... Applies as
program and CMS modified by
performance Sec. 63.9005(
evaluation. d).Sec. 63.8(f)(1)- Use of an alternative Yes.
(5). monitoring method.Sec. 63.8(f)(6). Alternative to No........... Only applies to
relative accuracy sources that
test. use continuous
(CEMS).Sec. 63.8(g).... Data reduction....... Yes.......... Applies as
modified by
Sec. 63.9005(
d).Sec. 63.9(a).... Notification Yes.
ability.Sec. 63.9(b).... Initial notifications Yes.......... Except Sec.
requires new
sources to
submit the
required by
Sec. 63.9(b)(
1)(iii) in
lieu of the
notification.Sec. 63.9(c).... Request for Yes.
compliance extension.Sec. 63.9(d).... Notification that a Yes.
new source is
subject to special
requirements.Sec. 63.9(e).... Notification of Yes.
performance test.Sec. 63.9(f).... Notification of No........... Subpart NNNNN
visible emissions/ does not have
opacity test. opacity or
standards.Sec. 63.9(g)(1). Additional CMS Yes.
of CMS performance
evaluation.Sec. 63.9(g)(2). Use of COMS data..... No........... Subpart NNNNN
does not
require the
use of COMS.Sec. 63.9(g)(3). Alternative to No........... Applies only to
relative accuracy sources with
testing. CEMS.Sec. 63.9(h).... Notification of Yes.......... Except the
compliance status. submission
date specified
in Sec.
is superseded
by the date
specified in
Sec. 63.9045(
f).Sec. 63.9(i).... Adjustment of Yes.
submittal deadlines.Sec. 63.9(j).... Change in previous Yes.
information.Sec. 63.10(a)... Recordkeeping/ Yes.
applicability.Sec. 63.10(b)(1) General recordkeeping Yes.......... Secs. 63.9055
requirements. and 63.9060
requirements.Sec. 63.10(b)(2) Records related to Yes.
(i)-(xi). SSM periods and CMS.Sec. 63.10(b)(2) Records when under Yes.
(xii). waiver.Sec. 63.10(b)(2) Records when using No........... Applies only to
(xiii). alternative to sources with
relative accuracy CEMS.
test.Sec. 63.10(b)(2) All documentation Yes.
(xiv). supporting initial
notification and
notification of
compliance status.Sec. 63.10(b)(3) Recordkeeping Yes. ...............
requirements for
Sec. 63.10(c)... Additional Yes.......... Applies as
recordkeeping modified by
requirements for Sec. 63.9005
sources with CMS. (d).Sec. 63.10(d)(1) General reporting Yes.......... Sec. 63.9050
requirements. specifies
requirements.Sec. 63.10(d)(2) Performance test Yes.......... Sec. 63.9045(f
results. ) specifies
date.Sec. 63.10(d)(3) Opacity or visible No........... Subpart NNNNN
emissions does not
observations. specify
opacity or
standards.Sec. 63.10(d)(4) Progress reports for Yes.
sources with
extensions.Sec. 63.10(d)(5) SSM reports.......... Yes.Sec. 63.10(e)(1) Additional CMS Yes.......... Applies as
reports--general. modified by
Sec. 63.9005(
d).Sec. 63.10(e)(2) Results of CMS Yes.......... Applies as
(i). performance modified by
evaluations. Sec. 63.9005(
d).Sec. 63.10(e)(2) Results of COMS No........... Subpart NNNNN
performance does not
evaluations. require the
use of COMS.Sec. 63.10(e)(3) Excess emissions/CMS Yes.
performance reports.Sec. 63.10(e)(4) Continuous opacity No........... Subpart NNNNN
monitoring system does not
data reports. require the
use of COMS.Sec. 63.10(f)... Recordkeeping/ Yes.
reporting waiver.Sec. 63.11...... Control device No........... Facilities
requirements--applic subject to
ability. subpart NNNNN
do not use
flares as
devices.Sec. 63.12...... State authority and Yes.......... Sec. 63.9070
delegations. lists those
sections of
subparts NNNNN
and A that are
not delegated.Sec. 63.13...... Addresses............ Yes.Sec. 63.14...... Incorporation by Yes.......... Subpart NNNNN
reference. does not
any material
by reference.Sec. 63.15...... Availability of Yes.
confidentiality.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [68 FR 19090, Apr. 17, 2003, as amended at 71 FR 17748, Apr. 7, 2006] Subpart OOOOO [Reserved]
Subpart PPPPP_National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
for Engine Test Cells/Stands
Source: 68 FR 28785, May 27, 2003, unless otherwise noted.
What This Subpart Covers