(a) This subpart applies to each new and existing affected source at your taconite iron ore processing plant.
(b) The affected sources are each new or existing ore crushing and handling operation, ore dryer, indurating furnace, and finished pellet handling operation at your taconite iron ore processing plant, as defined in Sec. 63.9652.
(c) This subpart covers emissions from ore crushing and handling emission units, ore dryer stacks, indurating furnace stacks, finished pellet handling emission units, and fugitive dust emissions.
(d) An ore crushing and handling operation, ore dryer, indurating furnace, or finished pellet handling operation at your taconite iron ore processing plant is existing if you commenced construction or reconstruction of the affected source before December 18, 2002.
(e) An ore crushing and handling operation, ore dryer, indurating furnace, or finished pellet handling operation at your taconite iron ore processing plant is new if you commence construction or reconstruction of the affected source on or after December 18, 2002. An affected source is reconstructed if it meets the definition of reconstruction in Sec. 63.2.