(a) For each affected source subject to an emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart, you must demonstrate initial compliance by meeting the emission limit requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section.
(1) For ore crushing and handling, the flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter, determined according to the procedures in Secs. 63.9620(a) and 63.9621(b), must not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart.
(2) For indurating furnaces, the flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter, determined according to the procedures in Secs. 63.9620(b) and 63.9621(c), must not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart.
(3) For finished pellet handling, the flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter, determined according to the procedures in Secs. 63.9620(c) and 63.9621(b), must not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart.
(4) For ore dryers, the flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter, determined according to the procedures in Secs. 63.9620(d) and 63.9621(c), must not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart.
(b) For each affected source subject to an emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart, you must demonstrate initial compliance by meeting the operating limit requirements in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section.
(1) For each wet scrubber subject to performance testing in Sec. 63.9620 and operating limits for pressure drop and scrubber water flow rate in Sec. 63.9590(b)(1), you have established appropriate site-specific operating limits and have a record of the pressure drop and scrubber water flow rate measured during the performance test in accordance with Sec. 63.9622(a).
(2) For each dynamic wet scrubber subject to performance testing in Sec. 63.9620 and operating limits for scrubber water flow rate and either fan amperage or pressure drop in Sec. 63.9590(b)(2), you have established appropriate site-specific operating limits and have a record of the scrubber water flow rate and either the fan amperage or pressure drop value, measured during the performance test in accordance with Sec. 63.9622(b).
(3) For each dry electrostatic precipitator subject to performance testing in Sec. 63.9620 and one of the operating limits in Sec. 63.9590(b)(3), you must meet the requirements in paragraph (b)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section.
(i) If you are subject to the operating limit for opacity in Sec. 63.9590(b)(3)(i), you have established appropriate site-specific operating limits and have a record of the opacity measured during the performance test in accordance with Sec. 63.9622(c)(1).
(ii) If you are subject to the operating limit for secondary voltage and secondary current in Sec. 63.9590(b)(3)(ii), you have established appropriate site-specific operating limits and have a record of the secondary voltage and secondary current measured during the performance test in accordance with Sec. 63.9622(c)(2).
(4) For each wet electrostatic precipitator subject to performance testing in Sec. 63.9620 and operating limits for secondary voltage, water flow rate, and stack outlet temperature in Sec. 63.9590(b)(4), you have established appropriate site-specific operating limits and have a record of the secondary voltage, water flow rate, and stack outlet temperature measured during the performance test in accordance with Sec. 63.9622(d).
(5) For other air pollution control devices subject to performance testing in Sec. 63.9620 and operating limits in accordance with Sec. 63.9590(b)(5), you have submitted a site-specific monitoring plan in accordance with Sec. 63.9631(f) and have a record of the site-specific operating limits as measured during the performance test in accordance with Sec. 63.9622(e).
(c) For each emission limitation and operating limit that applies to you, you must submit a notification of compliance status according to Sec. 63.9640(e).