(a) For each control device subject to an operating limit in Sec. 63.9590(b), you must demonstrate continuous compliance with the operation and maintenance requirements in Sec. 63.9600(b) by completing the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section.
(1) Performing preventative maintenance for each control device in accordance with Sec. 63.9600(b)(1) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements;
(2) Initiating and completing corrective action for a bag leak detection system alarm in accordance with Sec. 63.9600(b)(2) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements;
(3) Initiating and completing corrective action for a CPMS when you exceed an established operating limit for an air pollution control device except for a baghouse in accordance with Sec. 63.9600(b)(3) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements; and
(4) Implementing and maintaining site-specific good combustion practices for each indurating furnace in accordance with Sec. 63.9600(b)(4) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements.
(b) You must maintain a current copy of the operation and maintenance plan required in Sec. 63.9600(b) onsite, and it must be available for inspection upon request. You must keep the plan for the life of the affected source or until the affected source is no longer subject to the requirements of this subpart.