(a) General compliance requirements for storage vessels, process vents, transfer racks, and equipment leaks. An owner or operator who is referred to this subpart for controlling regulated material emissions from storage vessels, process vents, low and high throughput transfer racks, or equipment leaks by venting emissions through a closed vent system to a flare, nonflare control device or routing to a fuel gas system or process shall comply with the applicable requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section.
(1) Storage vessels. The owner or operator shall comply with the applicable provisions of paragraphs (b), (c)(1), and (d) of this section.
(2) Process vents. The owner or operator shall comply with the applicable provisions of paragraphs (b), (c)(2), and (e) of this section.
(3) Transfer racks. (i) For low throughput transfer racks, the owner or operator shall comply with the applicable provisions of paragraphs (b), (c)(1), and (d) of this section.
(i) For low throughput transfer racks, the owner or operator shall comply with the applicable provisions of paragraphs (b), (c)(1), and (d) of this section.
(ii) For high throughput transfer racks, the owner or operator shall comply with the applicable provisions of paragraphs (b), (c)(2), and (d) of this section.
(4) Equipment leaks. The owner or operator shall comply with the applicable provisions of paragraphs (b), (c)(3), and (d) of this section.
(b) Closed vent system and flare. Owners or operators that vent emissions through a closed vent system to a flare shall meet the requirements in Sec. 63.983 for closed vent systems; Sec. 63.987 for flares; Sec. 63.997 (a), (b) and (c) for provisions regarding flare compliance assessments; the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements referenced therein; and the applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements of Sec. Sec. 63.998 and 63.999. No other provisions of this subpart apply to emissions vented through a closed vent system to a flare.
(c) Closed vent system and nonflare control device. Owners or operators who control emissions through a closed vent system to a nonflare control device shall meet the requirements in Sec. 63.983 for closed vent systems, the applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements of Sec. Sec. 63.998 and 63.999, and the applicable requirements listed in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) For storage vessels and low throughput transfer racks, the owner or operator shall meet the requirements in Sec. 63.985 for nonflare control devices and the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements referenced therein. No other provisions of this subpart apply to low throughput transfer rack emissions or storage vessel emissions vented through a closed vent system to a nonflare control device unless specifically required in the monitoring plan submitted under Sec. 63.985(c).
(2) For process vents and high throughput transfer racks, the owner or operator shall meet the requirements applicable to the control devices being used in Sec. 63.988, Sec. 63.990 or Sec. 63.995; the applicable general monitoring requirements of Sec. 63.996 and the applicable performance test requirements and procedures of Sec. 63.997; and the monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements referenced therein. Owners or operators subject to halogen reduction device requirements under a referencing subpart must also comply with Sec. 63.994 and the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements referenced therein. The requirements of Sec. Sec. 63.984 through 63.986 do not apply to process vents or high throughput transfer racks.
(3) For equipment leaks, owners or operators shall meet the requirements in Sec. 63.986 for nonflare control devices used for equipment leak emissions and the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements referenced therein. No other provisions of this subpart apply to equipment leak emissions vented through a closed vent system to a nonflare control device.
(d) Route to a fuel gas system or process. Owners or operators that route emissions to a fuel gas system or to a process shall meet the requirements in Sec. 63.984, the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements referenced therein, and the applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements of Sec. Sec. 63.998 and 63.999. No other provisions of this subpart apply to emissions being routed to a fuel gas system or process.
(e) Final recovery devices. Owners or operators who use a final recovery device to maintain a TRE above a level specified in a referencing subpart shall meet the requirements in Sec. 63.993 and the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements referenced therein that are applicable to the recovery device being used; the applicable monitoring requirements in Sec. 63.996 and the recordkeeping and reporting requirements referenced therein; and the applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements of Sec. Sec. 63.998 and 63.999. No other provisions of this subpart apply to process vent emissions routed to a final recovery device.
(f) Combined emissions. When emissions from different emission types (e.g., emissions from process vents, transfer racks, and/or storage vessels) are combined, an owner or operator shall comply with the requirements of either paragraph (f)(1) or (2) of this section.
(1) Comply with the applicable requirements of this subpart for each kind of emissions in the stream (e.g., the requirements of paragraph (a)(2) of this section for process vents, and the requirements of paragraph (a)(3) of this section for transfer racks); or
(2) Comply with the first set of requirements identified in paragraphs (f)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section which applies to any individual emission stream that is included in the combined stream. Compliance with paragraphs (f)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section constitutes compliance with all other emissions requirements for other emission streams.
(i) The requirements of Sec. 63.982(a)(2) for process vents, including applicable monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting;
(ii) The requirements of Sec. 63.982(a)(3)(ii) for high throughput transfer racks, including applicable monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting;
(iii) The requirements of Sec. 63.982(a)(1) or (a)(3)(i) for control of emissions from storage vessels or low throughput transfer racks, including applicable monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting. [64 FR 34866, June 29, 1999, as amended at 64 FR 63705, Nov. 22, 1999]