(a) Compliance schedule. The owner or operator shall comply with this section no later than the implementation date specified in Sec. 65.1(f).
(b) Compliance standard. (1) Owners or operators of closed vent systems and nonflare control devices used to comply with provisions of this subpart shall design and operate the closed vent systems and nonflare control devices to reduce emissions of regulated material with an efficiency of 95 percent or greater, or to reduce emissions of regulated material to a concentration of 20 parts per million by volume or, for an enclosed combustion device, to provide a minimum residence time of 0.50 second at a minimum of 760 [deg]C (1400 [deg]F). Owners and operators of closed vent systems and nonflare control devices used to comply with this part shall comply with the provisions of Sec. 65.142(d), except as provided in Sec. 65.102(b). Note that this includes the startup, shutdown, and malfunction provisions of Sec. 65.6.
(1) Owners or operators of closed vent systems and nonflare control devices used to comply with provisions of this subpart shall design and operate the closed vent systems and nonflare control devices to reduce emissions of regulated material with an efficiency of 95 percent or greater, or to reduce emissions of regulated material to a concentration of 20 parts per million by volume or, for an enclosed combustion device, to provide a minimum residence time of 0.50 second at a minimum of 760 [deg]C (1400 [deg]F). Owners and operators of closed vent systems and nonflare control devices used to comply with this part shall comply with the provisions of Sec. 65.142(d), except as provided in Sec. 65.102(b). Note that this includes the startup, shutdown, and malfunction provisions of Sec. 65.6.
(2) Owners or operators of closed vent systems and flares used to comply with the provisions of this subpart shall design and operate the flare as specified in Sec. 65.142(d), except as provided in Sec. 65.102(b). Note that this includes the startup, shutdown, and malfunction provisions of Sec. 65.6.
(3) Owners or operators routing emissions from equipment leaks to a fuel gas system or process shall comply with the provisions of Sec. 65.142(d), except as provided in Sec. 65.102(b). [65 FR 78285, Dec. 14, 2000, as amended at 71 FR 20472, Apr. 20, 2006]