(a) Initial Compliance Status Report. Unless the information specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of this section has previously been submitted under the referencing subpart, each owner or operator shall submit an Initial Compliance Status Report according to the procedures in Sec. 65.5(d). The notification shall include the information listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of this section, as applicable.
(1) The notification shall provide the following information for each process unit subject to the requirements of this subpart:
(i) Process unit identification;
(ii) Number of each equipment type (for example, valves, pumps) excluding equipment in vacuum service; and
(iii) Method of compliance with the standard (for example, ``monthly leak detection and repair'' or ``equipped with dual mechanical seals'').
(2) The notification shall provide the following information for each process unit subject to the requirements of Sec. 65.117(b):
(i) Batch products or product codes subject to the provisions of this subpart; and
(ii) Planned schedule for pressure testing when equipment is configured for production of products subject to the provisions of this subpart.
(3) The notification shall provide the following information for each process unit subject to the requirements in Sec. 65.118:
(i) Process unit identification;
(ii) A description of the system used to create a negative pressure in the enclosure, and the control device used to comply with the requirements of subpart G of this part.
(b) Periodic reports. The owner or operator shall report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (9) of this section, as applicable, in the periodic report specified in Sec. 65.5(e).
(1) For the equipment specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (v) of this section, report in a summary format by equipment type the number of components for which leaks were detected, and for valves, pumps, and connectors show the percent leakers and the total number of components monitored. Also include the number of leaking components that were not repaired as required by Sec. 65.105(a), and for valves identify the number of components that are determined by Sec. 65.106(c)(3) to be nonrepairable.
(i) Valves in gas/vapor service and in light liquid service pursuant to Sec. 65.106(b) and (c).
(ii) Pumps in light liquid service pursuant to Sec. 65.107(b) and (c).
(iii) Connectors in gas/vapor service and in light liquid service pursuant to Sec. 65.108(b) and (c).
(iv) Agitators in gas/vapor service and in light liquid service pursuant to Sec. 65.109(b).
(v) Compressors pursuant to Sec. 65.112(d).
(2) Where any delay of repair is utilized pursuant to Sec. 65.105(d), report that delay of repair has occurred and report the number of instances of delay of repair.
(3) If applicable, report the valve subgrouping information specified in Sec. 65.106(b)(4)(iv).
(4) For pressure relief devices in gas/vapor service pursuant to Sec. 65.111(b) and for compressors pursuant to Sec. 65.112(f) that are to be operated at a leak detection instrument reading of less than 500 parts per million, report the results of all monitoring to show compliance conducted within the semiannual reporting period.
(5) Report, if applicable, the initiation of a monthly monitoring program for valves pursuant to Sec. 65.106(b)(3)(i).
(6) Report, if applicable, the initiation of a quality improvement program for pumps pursuant to Sec. 65.116.
(7) [Reserved]
(8) Where the alternative means of emissions limitation for batch processes is utilized, report the information listed in Sec. 65.117(f).
(9) Report the information listed in paragraph (a) of this section for the Initial Compliance Status Report for process units with later compliance dates. Report any revisions to items reported in an earlier Initial Compliance Status Report if the method of compliance has changed since the last report. Sec. Sec. 65.121-65.139 [Reserved]
Sec. Table 1 to Subpart F of Part 65--Batch Processes Monitoring
Frequency for Equipment Other Than Connectors ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equivalent continuous process monitoring frequency time in use
Operating time (percent of year) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Monthly Quarterly Semiannually----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 to <25............................. Quarterly.............. Annually............... Annually.25 to <50............................ Quarterly.............. Semiannually........... Annually.50 to <75............................ Bimonthly.............. Three times............ Semiannually.75 to 100............................ Monthly................ Quarterly.............. Semiannually.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------