The definitions in this section and the definitions in TSCA section 3 apply to this part. In addition, the definitions in 40 CFR 704.3 also apply to this part, except the definitions manufacture and manufacturer in 40 CFR 704.3.
CDX or Central Data Exchange means EPA's centralized electronic document receiving system, or its successors.
Commercial use means the use of a chemical substance or a mixture containing a chemical substance (including as part of an article) in a commercial enterprise providing saleable goods or services.
Consumer use means the use of a chemical substance or a mixture containing a chemical substance (including as part of an article) when sold to or made available to consumers for their use.
e-CDRweb means the electronic, web-based tool provided by EPA for the completion and submission of the CDR data.
Industrial function means the intended physical or chemical characteristic for which a chemical substance or mixture is consumed as a reactant; incorporated into a formulation, mixture, reaction product, or article; repackaged; or used.
Industrial use means use at a site at which one or more chemical substances or mixtures are manufactured (including imported) or processed.
Intended for use by children means the chemical substance or mixture is used in or on a product that is specifically intended for use by children age 14 or younger. A chemical substance or mixture is intended for use by children when the submitter answers ``yes'' to at least one of the following questions for the product into which the submitter's chemical substance or mixture is incorporated:
(1) Is the product commonly recognized (i.e., by a reasonable person) as being intended for children age 14 or younger?
(2) Does the manufacturer of the product state through product labeling or other written materials that the product is intended for or will be used by children age 14 or younger?
(3) Is the advertising, promotion, or marketing of the product aimed at children age 14 or younger?
Manufacture means to manufacture, produce, or import, for commercial purposes. Manufacture includes the extraction, for commercial purposes, of a component chemical substance from a previously existing chemical substance or complex combination of chemical substances. When a chemical substance, manufactured other than by import, is:
(1) Produced exclusively for another person who contracts for such production, and
(2) That other person specifies the identity of the chemical substance and controls the total amount produced and the basic technology for the plant process, then that chemical substance is co-manufactured by the producing manufacturer and the person contracting for such production.
Manufacturer means a person who manufactures a chemical substance.
Master Inventory File means EPA's comprehensive list of chemical substances which constitutes the TSCA Inventory compiled under TSCA section 8(b). It includes chemical substances reported under 40 CFR part 710 and substances reported under 40 CFR part 720 for which a Notice of Commencement of Manufacture or Import has been received under 40 CFR 720.120.
Principal reporting year means the latest complete calendar year preceding the submission period.
Reasonably likely to be exposed means an exposure to a chemical substance which, under foreseeable conditions of manufacture (including import), processing, distribution in commerce, or use of the chemical substance, is more likely to occur than not to occur. Such exposures would normally include, but would not be limited to, activities such as charging reactor vessels, drumming, bulk loading, cleaning equipment, maintenance operations, materials handling and transfers, and analytical operations. Covered exposures include exposures through any route of entry (inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, absorption, etc.), but excludes accidental or theoretical exposures.
Repackaging means the physical transfer of a chemical substance or mixture, as is, from one container to another container or containers in preparation for distribution of the chemical substance or mixture in commerce.
Reportable chemical substance means a chemical substance described in Sec. 711.5.
Site means a contiguous property unit. Property divided only by a public right-of-way shall be considered one site. More than one manufacturing plant may be located on a single site.
(1) For chemical substances manufactured under contract, i.e., by a toll manufacturer, the site is the location where the chemical substance is physically manufactured.
(2) The site for an importer who imports a chemical substance described in Sec. 711.5 is the U.S. site of the operating unit within the person's organization that is directly responsible for importing the chemical substance. The import site, in some cases, may be the organization's headquarters in the United States. If there is no such operating unit or headquarters in the United States, the site address for the importer is the U.S. address of an agent acting on behalf of the importer who is authorized to accept service of process for the importer.
(3) For portable manufacturing units sent to different locations from a single distribution center, the distribution center shall be considered the site.
Site-limited means a chemical substance is manufactured and processed only within a site and is not distributed for commercial purposes as a chemical substance or as part of a mixture or article outside the site. Imported chemical substances are never site-limited. Although a site-limited chemical substance is not distributed for commercial purposes outside the site at which it is manufactured and processed, the chemical substance is considered to have been manufactured and processed for commercial purposes.
Submission period means the period in which the manufacturing, processing, and use data are submitted to EPA.
U.S. parent company means the highest level company, located in the United States, that directly owns at least 50% of the voting stock of the manufacturer.
Use means any utilization of a chemical substance or mixture that is not otherwise covered by the terms manufacture or process. Relabeling or redistributing a container holding a chemical substance or mixture where no repackaging of the chemical substance or mixture occurs does not constitute use or processing of the chemical substance or mixture.