(a) Chemical substances and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substances identified in Table 1 of this paragraph are subject to reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in Table 1 of this paragraph.
Table 1--Ethylene Glycol Ethers and Significant New Uses Subject to Reporting----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chemical name Chemical Abstracts index Service Significant new use(s)
name Registry
No. (CASRN)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether or Ethane, 1,2,-dimethoxy-... 110-71-4 Any use in a consumer product.
monoglyme.Diethylene glycol dimethyl ether or Ethane, 1,1[min]-oxybis[2- 111-96-6 Any use in a consumer product.
diglyme. methoxy-.Diethylene glycol diethyl ether or Ethane, 1,1[min]-oxybis[2- 112-36-7 Any use in a consumer product
ethyldiglyme. ethoxy-. except as a component of
inks, coatings and adhesives,
and as a component of paint/
graffiti removers.Triethylene glycol dimethyl ether or 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxadodecane. 112-49-2 Any use in a consumer product,
triglyme. except as a solvent in
consumer adhesives, in brake
fluid, as a component of
consumer paint/graffiti
removers, and in consumer
paints.Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether or Butane, 1,1[min]- 112-73-2 Any use in a consumer product
butyldiglyme. [oxybis(2,1- except as a solvent in
ethanediyloxy)]bis-. consumer inks, coatings and
adhesives, and as a component
in soldering compounds.Ethylene glycol diethyl ether or Ethane, 1,2-diethoxy...... 629-14-1 Any use in a consumer product.
ethylglyme.Triethylene glycol dibutyl ether or 5,8,11,14- 63512-36-7 Any use.
butyltriglyme. Tetraoxaoctadecane.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2) [Reserved]
(b) [Reserved] [79 FR 74646, Dec. 16, 2014]