The owner or operator shall meet all of the applicable recordkeeping requirements of this section.
(a) Recordkeeping requirements for affected sources. The owner or operator of any affected source subject to the requirements of this part shall maintain for each affected unit a file of all measurements, data, reports, and other information required by this part at the source in a form suitable for inspection for at least three (3) years from the date of each record. Unless otherwise provided, throughout this subpart the phrase ``for each affected unit'' also applies to each group of affected or nonaffected units utilizing a common stack and common monitoring systems, pursuant to Sec. Sec. 75.16 through 75.18, or utilizing a common pipe header and common fuel flowmeter, pursuant to section 2.1.2 of appendix D to this part. The file shall contain the following information:
(1) The data and information required in paragraphs (b) through (h) of this section, beginning with the earlier of the date of provisional certification or the deadline in Sec. 75.4(a), (b), or (c);
(2) The supporting data and information used to calculate values required in paragraphs (b) through (g) of this section, excluding the subhourly data points used to compute hourly averages under Sec. 75.10(d), beginning with the earlier of the date of provisional certification or the deadline in Sec. 75.4(a), (b), or (c);
(3) The data and information required in Sec. 75.58 for specific situations, beginning with the earlier of the date of provisional certification or the deadline in Sec. 75.4(a), (b), or (c);
(4) The certification test data and information required in Sec. 75.59 for tests required under Sec. 75.20, beginning with the date of the first certification test performed, the quality assurance and quality control data and information required in Sec. 75.59 for tests, and the quality assurance/quality control plan required under Sec. 75.21 and appendix B to this part, beginning with the date of provisional certification;
(5) The current monitoring plan as specified in Sec. 75.53, beginning with the initial submission required by Sec. 75.62;
(6) The quality control plan as described in section 1 of appendix B to this part, beginning with the date of provisional certification; and
(7) The information required by sections 6.1.2(b) and (c) of appendix A to this part.
(b) Operating parameter record provisions. The owner or operator shall record for each hour the following information on unit operating time, heat input rate, and load, separately for each affected unit and also for each group of units utilizing a common stack and a common monitoring system or utilizing a common pipe header and common fuel flowmeter:
(1) Date and hour;
(2) Unit operating time (rounded up to the nearest fraction of an hour (in equal increments that can range from one hundredth to one quarter of an hour, at the option of the owner or operator));
(3) Hourly gross unit load (rounded to nearest MWge) (or steam load in 1000 lb/hr at stated temperature and pressure, rounded to the nearest 1000 lb/hr, or mmBtu/hr of thermal output, rounded to the nearest mmBtu/hr, if elected in the monitoring plan);
(4) Operating load range corresponding to hourly gross load of 1 to 10, except for units using a common stack or common pipe header, which may use up to 20 load ranges for stack or fuel flow, as specified in the monitoring plan;
(5) Hourly heat input rate (mmBtu/hr, rounded to the nearest tenth);
(6) Identification code for formula used for heat input, as provided in Sec. 75.53; and
(7) For CEMS units only, F-factor for heat input calculation and indication of whether the diluent cap was used for heat input calculations for the hour.
(c) SO2 emission record provisions. The owner or operator shall record for each hour the information required by this paragraph for each affected unit or group of units using a common stack and common monitoring systems, except as provided under Sec. 75.11(e) or for a gas-fired or oil-fired unit for which the owner or operator is using the optional protocol in appendix D to this part or for a low mass emissions unit for which the owner or operator is using the optional low mass emissions methodology in Sec. 75.19(c) for estimating SO2 mass emissions:
(1) For SO2 concentration during unit operation, as measured and reported from each certified primary monitor, certified back-up monitor, or other approved method of emissions determination:
(i) Component-system identification code, as provided in Sec. 75.53;
(ii) Date and hour;
(iii) Hourly average SO2 concentration (ppm, rounded to the nearest tenth);
(iv) Hourly average SO2 concentration (ppm, rounded to the nearest tenth), adjusted for bias if bias adjustment factor is required, as provided in Sec. 75.24(d);
(v) Percent monitor data availability (recorded to the nearest tenth of a percent), calculated pursuant to Sec. 75.32; and
(vi) Method of determination for hourly average SO2 concentration using Codes 1-55 in Table 4a of this section.
(2) For flow rate during unit operation, as measured and reported from each certified primary monitor, certified back-up monitor, or other approved method of emissions determination:
(i) Component-system identification code, as provided in Sec. 75.53;
(ii) Date and hour;
(iii) Hourly average volumetric flow rate (in scfh, rounded to the nearest thousand);
(iv) Hourly average volumetric flow rate (in scfh, rounded to the nearest thousand), adjusted for bias if bias adjustment factor required, as provided in Sec. 75.24(d);
(v) Percent monitor data availability (recorded to the nearest tenth of a percent) for the flow monitor, calculated pursuant to Sec. 75.32; and
(vi) Method of determination for hourly average flow rate using Codes 1-55 in Table 4a of this section.
(3) For flue gas moisture content during unit operation (where SO2 concentration is measured on a dry basis), as measured and reported from each certified primary monitor, certified back-up monitor, or other approved method of emissions determination:
(i) Component-system identification code, as provided in Sec. 75.53;
(ii) Date and hour;
(iii) Hourly average moisture content of flue gas (percent, rounded to the nearest tenth). If the continuous moisture monitoring system consists of wet- and dry-basis oxygen analyzers, also record both the wet- and dry-basis oxygen hourly averages (in percent O2, rounded to the nearest tenth);
(iv) Percent monitor data availability (recorded to the nearest tenth of a percent) for the moisture monitoring system, calculated pursuant to Sec. 75.32; and
(v) Method of determination for hourly average moisture percentage, using Codes 1-55 in Table 4a of this section.
(4) For SO2 mass emission rate during unit operation, as measured and reported from the certified primary monitoring system(s), certified redundant or non-redundant back-up monitoring system(s), or other approved method(s) of emissions determination:
(i) Date and hour;
(ii) Hourly SO2 mass emission rate (lb/hr, rounded to the nearest tenth);
(iii) Hourly SO2 mass emission rate (lb/hr, rounded to the nearest tenth), adjusted for bias if bias adjustment factor required, as provided in Sec. 75.24(d); and
(iv) Identification code for emissions formula used to derive hourly SO2 mass emission rate from SO2 concentration and flow and (if applicable) moisture data in paragraphs (c)(1), (c)(2), and (c)(3) of this section, as provided in Sec. 75.53.
Table 4a--Codes for Method of Emissions and Flow Determination------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hourly emissions/flow measurement or
Code estimation method------------------------------------------------------------------------1............................ Certified primary emission/flow
monitoring system.2............................ Certified backup emission/flow monitoring
system.3............................ Approved alternative monitoring system.4............................ Reference method:
SO2: Method 6C.
Flow: Method 2 or its allowable
alternatives under appendix A to part 60
of this chapter.
NOX: Method 7E.
CO2 or O2: Method 3A.5............................ For units with add-on SO2 and/or NOX
emission controls: SO2 concentration or
NOX emission rate estimate from Agency
preapproved parametric monitoring
method.6............................ Average of the hourly SO2 concentrations,
CO2 concentrations, O2 concentrations,
NOX concentrations, flow rates, moisture
percentages or NOX emission rates for
the hour before and the hour following a
missing data period.7............................ Initial missing data procedures used.
Either: (a) the average of the hourly
SO2 concentration, CO2 concentration, O2
concentration, or moisture percentage
for the hour before and the hour
following a missing data period; or (b)
the arithmetic average of all NOX
concentration, NOX emission rate, or
flow rate values at the corresponding
load range (or a higher load range), or
at the corresponding operational bin
(non-load-based units, only); or (c) the
arithmetic average of all previous NOX
concentration, NOX emission rate, or
flow rate values (non-load-based units,
only).8............................ 90th percentile hourly SO2 concentration,
CO2 concentration, NOX concentration,
flow rate, moisture percentage, or NOX
emission rate or 10th percentile hourly
O2 concentration or moisture percentage
in the applicable lookback period
(moisture missing data algorithm depends
on which equations are used for
emissions and heat input).9............................ 95th percentile hourly SO2 concentration,
CO2 concentration, NOX concentration,
flow rate, moisture percentage, or NOX
emission rate or 5th percentile hourly
O2 concentration or moisture percentage
in the applicable lookback period
(moisture missing data algorithm depends
on which equations are used for
emissions and heat input).10........................... Maximum hourly SO2 concentration, CO2
concentration, NOX concentration, flow
rate, moisture percentage, or NOX
emission rate or minimum hourly O2
concentration or moisture percentage in
the applicable lookback period (moisture
missing data algorithm depends on which
equations are used for emissions and
heat input).11........................... Average of hourly flow rates, NOX
concentrations or NOX emission rates in
corresponding load range, for the
applicable lookback period. For non-load-
based units, report either the average
flow rate, NOX concentration or NOX
emission rate in the applicable lookback
period, or the average flow rate or NOX
value at the corresponding operational
bin (if operational bins are used).12........................... Maximum potential concentration of SO2,
maximum potential concentration of CO2,
maximum potential concentration of NOX
maximum potential flow rate, maximum
potential NOX emission rate, maximum
potential moisture percentage, minimum
potential O2 concentration or minimum
potential moisture percentage, as
determined using Sec. 72.2 of this
chapter and section 2.1 of appendix A to
this part (moisture missing data
algorithm depends on which equations are
used for emissions and heat input).13........................... Maximum expected concentration of SO2,
maximum expected concentration of NOX,,
or maximum controlled NOX emission rate.
(See Sec. 75.34(a)(5)).14........................... Diluent cap value (if the cap is
replacing a CO2 measurement, use 5.0
percent for boilers and 1.0 percent for
turbines; if it is replacing an O2
measurement, use 14.0 percent for
boilers and 19.0 percent for turbines).15........................... 1.25 times the maximum hourly controlled
SO2 concentration, NOX concentration at
the corresponding load or operational
bin, or NOX emission rate at the
corresponding load or operational bin,
in the applicable lookback period (See
Sec. 75.34(a)(5)).16........................... SO2 concentration value of 2.0 ppm during
hours when only ``very low sulfur
fuel``, as defined in Sec. 72.2 of
this chapter, is combusted.17........................... Like-kind replacement non-redundant
backup analyzer.19........................... 200 percent of the MPC; default high
range value.20........................... 200 percent of the full-scale range
setting (full-scale exceedance of high
21........................... Negative hourly CO2 concentration, SO2
concentration, NOX concentration,
percent moisture, or NOX emission rate
replaced with zero.22........................... Hourly average SO2 or NOX concentration,
measured by a certified monitor at the
control device inlet (units with add-on
emission controls only).23........................... Maximum potential SO2 concentration, NOX
concentration, CO2 concentration, or NOX
emission rate, or minimum potential O2
concentration or moisture percentage,
for an hour in which flue gases are
discharged through an unmonitored bypass
stack.24........................... Maximum expected NOX concentration, or
maximum controlled NOX emission rate for
an hour in which flue gases are
discharged downstream of the NOX
emission controls through an unmonitored
bypass stack, and the add-on NOX
emission controls are confirmed to be
operating properly.25........................... Maximum potential NOX emission rate
(MER). (Use only when a NOX
concentration full-scale exceedance
occurs and the diluent monitor is
unavailable.)26........................... 1.0 mmBtu/hr substituted for Heat Input
Rate for an operating hour in which the
calculated Heat Input Rate is zero or
negative.40........................... Fuel specific default value (or prorated
default value) used for the hour.53........................... Other quality-assured data approved
through petition. These are treated as
available hours for percent monitor
availability calculations and are
included in missing data lookback.54........................... Other quality assured methodologies
approved through petition. These hours
are included in missing data lookback
and are treated as unavailable hours for
percent monitor availability
calculations.55........................... Other substitute data approved through
petition. These hours are not included
in missing data lookback and are treated
as unavailable hours for percent monitor
availability calculations.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(d) NOX emission record provisions. The owner or operator shall record the applicable information required by this paragraph for each affected unit for each hour or partial hour during which the unit operates, except for a gas-fired peaking unit or oil-fired peaking unit for which the owner or operator is using the optional protocol in appendix E to this part or a low mass emissions unit for which the owner or operator is using the optional low mass emissions excepted methodology in Sec. 75.19(c) for estimating NOX emission rate. For each NOX emission rate (in lb/mmBtu) measured by a NOX-diluent monitoring system, or, if applicable, for each NOX concentration (in ppm) measured by a NOX concentration monitoring system used to calculate NOX mass emissions under Sec. 75.71(a)(2), record the following data as measured and reported from the certified primary monitor, certified back-up monitor, or other approved method of emissions determination:
(1) Component-system identification code, as provided in Sec. 75.53 (including identification code for the moisture monitoring system, if applicable);
(2) Date and hour;
(3) Hourly average NOX concentration (ppm, rounded to the nearest tenth) and hourly average NOX concentration (ppm, rounded to the nearest tenth) adjusted for bias if bias adjustment factor required, as provided in Sec. 75.24(d);
(4) Hourly average diluent gas concentration (for NOX-diluent monitoring systems, only, in units of percent O2 or percent CO2, rounded to the nearest tenth);
(5) If applicable, the hourly average moisture content of the stack gas (percent H2O, rounded to the nearest tenth). If the continuous moisture monitoring system consists of wet- and dry-basis oxygen analyzers, also record both the hourly wet- and dry-basis oxygen readings (in percent O2, rounded to the nearest tenth);
(6) Hourly average NOX emission rate (for NOX-diluent monitoring systems only, in units of lb/mmBtu, rounded to the nearest thousandth);
(7) Hourly average NOX emission rate (for NOX-diluent monitoring systems only, in units of lb/mmBtu, rounded to the nearest thousandth), adjusted for bias if bias adjustment factor is required, as provided in Sec. 75.24(d). The requirement to report hourly NOX emission rates to the nearest thousandth shall not affect NOX compliance determinations under part 76 of this chapter; compliance with each applicable emission limit under part 76 shall be determined to the nearest hundredth pound per million Btu;
(8) Percent monitoring system data availability (recorded to the nearest tenth of a percent), for the NOX-diluent or NOX concentration monitoring system, and, if applicable, for the moisture monitoring system, calculated pursuant to Sec. 75.32;
(9) Method of determination for hourly average NOX emission rate or NOX concentration and (if applicable) for the hourly average moisture percentage, using Codes 1-55 in Table 4a of this section; and
(10) Identification codes for emissions formulas used to derive hourly average NOX emission rate and total NOX mass emissions, as provided in Sec. 75.53, and (if applicable) the F-factor used to convert NOX concentrations into emission rates.
(e) CO2 emission record provisions. Except for a low mass emissions unit for which the owner or operator is using the optional low mass emissions excepted methodology in Sec. 75.19(c) for estimating CO2 mass emissions, the owner or operator shall record or calculate CO2 emissions for each affected unit using one of the following methods specified in this section:
(1) If the owner or operator chooses to use a CO2 CEMS (including an O2 monitor and flow monitor, as specified in appendix F to this part), then the owner or operator shall record for each hour or partial hour during which the unit operates the following information for CO2 mass emissions, as measured and reported from the certified primary monitor, certified back-up monitor, or other approved method of emissions determination:
(i) Component-system identification code, as provided in Sec. 75.53 (including identification code for the moisture monitoring system, if applicable);
(ii) Date and hour;
(iii) Hourly average CO2 concentration (in percent, rounded to the nearest tenth);
(iv) Hourly average volumetric flow rate (scfh, rounded to the nearest thousand scfh);
(v) Hourly average moisture content of flue gas (percent, rounded to the nearest tenth), where CO2 concentration is measured on a dry basis. If the continuous moisture monitoring system consists of wet- and dry-basis oxygen analyzers, also record both the hourly wet- and dry-basis oxygen readings (in percent O2, rounded to the nearest tenth);
(vi) Hourly average CO2 mass emission rate (tons/hr, rounded to the nearest tenth);
(vii) Percent monitor data availability for both the CO2 monitoring system and, if applicable, the moisture monitoring system (recorded to the nearest tenth of a percent), calculated pursuant to Sec. 75.32;
(viii) Method of determination for hourly average CO2 mass emission rate and hourly average CO2 concentration, and, if applicable, for the hourly average moisture percentage, using Codes 1-55 in Table 4a of this section;
(ix) Identification code for emissions formula used to derive hourly average CO2 mass emission rate, as provided in Sec. 75.53; and
(x) Indication of whether the diluent cap was used for CO2 calculation for the hour.
(2) As an alternative to paragraph (e)(1) of this section, the owner or operator may use the procedures in Sec. 75.13 and in appendix G to this part, and shall record daily the following information for CO2 mass emissions:
(i) Date;
(ii) Daily combustion-formed CO2 mass emissions (tons/day, rounded to the nearest tenth);
(iii) For coal-fired units, flag indicating whether optional procedure to adjust combustion-formed CO2 mass emissions for carbon retained in flyash has been used and, if so, the adjustment;
(iv) For a unit with a wet flue gas desulfurization system or other controls generating CO2, daily sorbent-related CO2 mass emissions (tons/day, rounded to the nearest tenth); and
(v) For a unit with a wet flue gas desulfurization system or other controls generating CO2, total daily CO2 mass emissions (tons/day, rounded to the nearest tenth) as the sum of combustion-formed emissions and sorbent-related emissions.
(f) Opacity records. The owner or operator shall record opacity data as specified by the State or local air pollution control agency. If the State or local air pollution control agency does not specify recordkeeping requirements for opacity, then record the information required by paragraphs (f) (1) through (5) of this section for each affected unit, except as provided in Sec. Sec. 75.14(b), (c), and (d). The owner or operator shall also keep records of all incidents of opacity monitor downtime during unit operation, including reason(s) for the monitor outage(s) and any corrective action(s) taken for opacity, as measured and reported by the continuous opacity monitoring system:
(1) Component/system identification code;
(2) Date, hour, and minute;
(3) Average opacity of emissions for each six minute averaging period (in percent opacity);
(4) If the average opacity of emissions exceeds the applicable standard, then a code indicating such an exceedance has occurred; and
(5) Percent monitor data availability (recorded to the nearest tenth of a percent), calculated according to the requirements of the procedure recommended for State Implementation Plans in appendix M to part 51 of this chapter.
(g) Diluent record provisions. The owner or operator of a unit using a flow monitor and an O2 diluent monitor to determine heat input, in accordance with Equation F-17 or F-18 of appendix F to this part, or a unit that accounts for heat input using a flow monitor and a CO2 diluent monitor (which is used only for heat input determination and is not used as a CO2 pollutant concentration monitor) shall keep the following records for the O2 or CO2 diluent monitor:
(1) Component-system identification code, as provided in Sec. 75.53;
(2) Date and hour;
(3) Hourly average diluent gas (O2 or CO2) concentration (in percent, rounded to the nearest tenth);
(4) Percent monitor data availability for the diluent monitor (recorded to the nearest tenth of a percent), calculated pursuant to Sec. 75.32; and
(5) Method of determination code for diluent gas (O2 or CO2) concentration data using Codes 1-55, in Table 4a of this section.
(h) Missing data records. The owner or operator shall record the causes of any missing data periods and the actions taken by the owner or operator to correct such causes. [64 FR 28609, May 26, 1999; 64 FR 37582, July 12, 1999; 67 FR 40440, June 12, 2002; 70 FR 28682, May 18, 2005; 72 FR 51528, Sept. 7, 2007; 73 FR 4353, Jan. 24, 2008; 76 FR 17313, Mar. 28, 2011]