(a) Fuel manufacturers. (1) For each calendar quarter (January through March, April through June, July through September, October through December) commencing after the date prescribed for a particular fuel in subpart D of this part, fuel manufacturers shall submit to the Administrator a report for each registered fuel showing the range of concentration of each additive reported under Sec. 79.11(a) and the volume of such fuel produced in the quarter. Reports shall be submitted by the required deadline as shown in the following table:
Table 1 to Sec. 79.5--Quarterly Reporting Deadlines----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Calendar quarter Time period covered Quartely report deadline----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quarter 1........................... January 1-March 31.............. June 1.Quarter 2........................... April 1-June 30................. September 1.Quarter 3........................... July 1-September 30............. December 1.Quarter 4........................... October 1-December 31........... March 31.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2) Fuel manufacturers shall submit to the Administrator a report annually for each registered fuel providing additional data and information as specified in Sec. Sec. 79.32(c) and (d) and 79.33(c) and (d) in the designation of the fuel in subpart D of this part. Reports shall be submitted by March 31 for the preceding year, or part thereof, on forms supplied by the Administrator upon request. If the date prescribed for a particular fuel in subpart D of this part, or the later registration of a fuel is between October 1 and December 31, no report will be required for the period to the end of that year.
(b) Additive manufacturers. Additive manufacturers shall submit to the Administrator a report annually for each registered additive providing additional data and information as specified in Sec. 79.31(c) and (d) in the designation of the additive in subpart D of this part. Additive manufacturers shall also report annually the volume of each additive produced. Reports shall be submitted by March 31 for the preceding year, or part thereof, on forms supplied by the Administrator upon request. If the date prescribed for a particular additive in subpart D of this part, or the later registration of an additive is between October 1 and December 31, no report will be required for the period to the end of that year. These periodic reports shall not, however, be required for any additive that is:
(1) An additive registered under another name,
(2) A blend or mixture of two or more registered additives, or
(3) A blend or mixture of one or more registered additives with one or more substances containing only carbon and/or hydrogen. [40 FR 52011, Nov. 7, 1975, as amended at 79 FR 23630, Apr. 28, 2014