The following table lists substances and mixtures that have been the subjects of section 4 testing actions and for which the testing reimbursement period has terminated (sunset). The Federal Register citation in the table is for the final rule/consent order that includes the particular substance for which the sunset date listed in the table below applies. Section 12(b) export notification is no longer required for these substances and mixtures. Substances that are the subjects of two or more section 4 testing actions may have section 4 reimbursement or section 12(b) export notification requirements that have not sunset; see subparts B, C, and D of this part to determine if certain other section 4 testing requirements apply. Additionally, section 12(b) export notification may also be triggered by proposed or final action under TSCA section 5, 6, or 7 (in addition to final actions under section 4); see 40 CFR part 707, subpart D for further information regarding the TSCA section 12(b) export notification requirements. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAS No. Chemical Name FR cite Sunset dates----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C-9 Aromatic Hydrocarbon 50 FR 20662, 5/17/85 Aug 13, 1994
Fraction \1\62-53-3.......................... Aniline 53 FR 31804, 8/19/88 July 27, 199471-55-6.......................... 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 49 FR 39810, 10/10/84 June 29, 199275-56-9.......................... Propylene oxide 50 FR 48762, 11/27/85 Dec,21, 199278-87-5.......................... 1,2-Dichloropropane 52 FR 37138, 10/5/87 April 17, 199579-94-7.......................... Tetrabromobisphenol-A 52 FR 25219, 7/6/87 Aug 24, 199480-05-7.......................... Bisphenol A 51 FR 33047, 9/18/86 April 6, 199384-65-1.......................... Anthraquinone 52 FR 21018, 6/4/87 Aug 21, 199487-61-6.......................... 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene 51 FR 11728,4/7/86 Nov 13, 199388-74-4.......................... 2-nitroaniline 53 FR 31804, 8/19/88 Sept 19, 199492-52-4.......................... 1,1-Biphenyl 50 FR 37182, 9/12/85 March 15, 199495-48-7.......................... Ortho-cresols AKA 2-methylphenol 51 FR 15771, 4/28/86 Dec. 6, 199495-50-1.......................... 1,2-dichlorobenzene 51 FR 24657, 7/8/86 April 27, 199495-51-2.......................... 2-chloroaniline 53 FR 31804, 8/19/88 Sept 6, 199495-76-1.......................... 3,4-dichloroaniline 53 FR 31804, 8/19/88 Oct 2, 199495-94-3.......................... 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene 51 FR 24657,7/8/86 April 27, 199497-02-9.......................... 2,4-dinitroaniline 53 FR 31804, 8/19/88 Oct 19, 199398-82-8.......................... Cumene 53 FR 28195, 7/27/88 March 11, 199599-30-9.......................... 2,6-dichloro-4-nitroaniline 53 FR 31804, 8/19/88 Aug 6, 1994100-01-6......................... 4-nitroaniline 53 FR 31804, 8/19/88 Sept 19, 1994106-44-5......................... Para-cresols AKA 4-methylphenol 51 FR 15771, 4/28/86 Dec. 6, 1994106-46-7......................... 1,4-dichlorobenzene 51 FR 24657, 7/8/86 Jan 22, 1994106-47-8......................... 4-chloroaniline 53 FR 31804, 8/19/88 Oct 19, 1993108-39-4......................... Meta-cresols AKA 3-methylphenol 51 FR 15771, 4/28/86 Dec. 6, 1994108-90-7......................... Monochlorobenzene 51 FR 24657, 7/8/86 Nov 13, 1991112-90-3......................... Oleylamine 52 FR 31962, 8/24/87 Nov 28, 1994116-14-3......................... Tetrafluoroethene 52 FR 21516, 6/8/87 May 19, 1993116-15-4......................... Hexafluoropropene 52 FR 21516, 6/8/87 Jan 22, 1994123-31-9......................... Hydroquinone 50 FR 53145, 12/30/85 Dec. 11, 1994149-57-5......................... 2-Ethylhexanoic Acid 51 FR 40318, 11/6/86 June 19, 1993328-84-7......................... 3,4-Dichlorobenzotrifluoride 52 FR 23547, 6/23/87 Dec. 5, 1993
25550-98-5....................... Diisodecyl Phenyl Phosphite 54 FR 8112, 2/24/89 May 21, 1995----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Only substances obtained from the reforming of crude petroleum. [60 FR 31923, June 19, 1995]