Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 40  /  Part 80  /  Sec. 80.1105 What is the Renewable Fuel Standard?

(a) The annual value of the renewable fuel standard for 2007 shall be 4.02 percent.

(b) Beginning with the 2008 compliance period, EPA will calculate the value of the annual standard and publish this value in the Federal Register by November 30 of the year preceding the compliance period.

(c) EPA will base the calculation of the standard on information provided by the Energy Information Administration regarding projected gasoline volumes and projected volumes of renewable fuel expected to be used in gasoline blending for the upcoming year.

(d) EPA will calculate the annual renewable fuel standard using the following equation:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR01MY07.059 Where: RFStdi = Renewable Fuel Standard, in year i, in percent.RFVi = Nationwide annual volume of renewable fuels required

by section 211(o)(2)(B) of the Act (42 U.S.C. 7545), for year

i, in gallons.Gi = Amount of gasoline projected to be used in the 48

contiguous states, in year i, in gallons.Ri = Amount of renewable fuel blended into gasoline that is

projected to be used in the 48 contiguous states, in year i,

in gallons.GSi = Amount of gasoline projected to be used in

noncontiguous states or territories (if the state or territory

opts-in), in year i, in gallons.RSi = Amount of renewable fuel blended into gasoline that is

projected to be used in noncontiguous states or territories

(if the state or territory opts-in), in year i, in gallons.GEi = Amount of gasoline projected to be produced by exempt

small refineries and small refiners, in year i, in gallons

(through 2010 only, except to the extent that a small refinery

exemption is extended pursuant to Sec. 80.1141(e)).Celli = Beginning in 2013, the amount of renewable fuel that

is required to come from cellulosic sources, in year i, in


(e) Beginning with the 2013 compliance period, EPA will calculate the value of the annual cellulosic standard and publish this value in the Federal Register by November 30 of the year preceding the compliance period.

(f) EPA will calculate the annual cellulosic standard using the following equation:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR01MY07.060 Where: RFCelli = Renewable Fuel Cellulosic Standard in year i, in

percent.Gi = Amount of gasoline projected to be used in the 48

contiguous states, in year i, in gallons.Ri = Amount of renewable fuel blended into gasoline that is

projected to be used in the 48 contiguous states, in year i,

in gallons.GSi = Amount of gasoline projected to be used in

noncontiguous states or territories (if the state or territory

opts-in), in year i, in gallons.RSi = Amount of renewable fuel blended into gasoline that is

projected to be used in noncontiguous states or territories

(if the state or territory opts-in), in year i, in gallons.Celli = Amount of renewable fuel that is required to come

from cellulosic sources, in year i, in gallons. [72 FR 23993, May 1, 2007]