Each RIN is a 38 character numeric code of the following form:
(a) K is a number identifying the type of RIN as follows:
(1) K has the value of 1 when the RIN is assigned to a volume of renewable fuel pursuant to Sec. Sec. 80.1126(e) and 80.1128(a).
(2) K has the value of 2 when the RIN has been separated from a volume of renewable fuel pursuant to Sec. 80.1126(e)(4) or Sec. 80.1129.
(b) YYYY is the calendar year in which the batch of renewable fuel was produced or imported. YYYY also represents the year in which the RIN was originally generated.
(c) CCCC is the registration number assigned according to Sec. 80.1150 to the producer or importer of the batch of renewable fuel.
(d) FFFFF is the registration number assigned according to Sec. 80.1150 to the facility at which the batch of renewable fuel was produced or imported.
(e) BBBBB is a serial number assigned to the batch which is chosen by the producer or importer of the batch such that no two batches have the same value in a given calendar year.
(f) RR is a number representing the equivalence value of the renewable fuel as specified in Sec. 80.1115 and multiplied by 10 to produce the value for RR.
(g) D is a number identifying the type of renewable fuel, as follows:
(1) D has the value of 1 if the renewable fuel can be categorized as cellulosic biomass ethanol as defined in Sec. 80.1101(a).
(2) D has the value of 2 if the renewable fuel cannot be categorized as cellulosic biomass ethanol as defined in Sec. 80.1101(a).
(h) SSSSSSSS is a number representing the first gallon-RIN associated with a batch of renewable fuel.
(i) EEEEEEEE is a number representing the last gallon-RIN associated with a batch of renewable fuel. EEEEEEEE will be identical to SSSSSSSS if the batch-RIN represents a single gallon-RIN. Assign the value of EEEEEEEE as described in Sec. 80.1126. [72 FR 23995, May 1, 2007]