(a) Regional applicability. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, a batch RIN must be generated by a renewable fuel producer or importer for every batch of renewable fuel produced by a facility located in the contiguous 48 states of the United States, or imported into the contiguous 48 states.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, a batch RIN must be generated by a renewable fuel producer or importer for every batch of renewable fuel produced by a facility located in the contiguous 48 states of the United States, or imported into the contiguous 48 states.
(2) If the Administrator approves a petition of Alaska, Hawaii, or a United States territory to opt-in to the renewable fuel program under the provisions in Sec. 80.1143, then the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall also apply to renewable fuel produced or imported into that state or territory beginning in the next calendar year.
(b) Volume threshold. Renewable fuel producers located within the United States that produce less than 10,000 gallons of renewable fuel each year, and importers that import less than 10,000 gallons of renewable fuel each year, are not required to generate and assign RINs to batches of renewable fuel. Such producers and importers are also exempt from the registration, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements of Sec. Sec. 80.1150-80.1152, and the attest engagement requirements of Sec. 80.1164. However, for such producers and importers that voluntarily generate and assign RINs, all the requirements of this subpart apply.
(c) Definition of batch. For the purposes of this section and Sec. 80.1125, a ``batch of renewable fuel'' is a volume of renewable fuel that has been assigned a unique RIN code BBBBB within a calendar year by the producer or importer of the renewable fuel in accordance with the provisions of this section and Sec. 80.1125.
(1) The number of gallon-RINs generated for a batch of renewable fuel may not exceed 99,999,999.
(2) A batch of renewable fuel cannot represent renewable fuel produced or imported in excess of one calendar month.
(d) Generation of RINs. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the producer or importer of a batch of renewable fuel must generate a batch-RIN for that batch, including any renewable fuel contained in imported gasoline.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the producer or importer of a batch of renewable fuel must generate a batch-RIN for that batch, including any renewable fuel contained in imported gasoline.
(2) A producer or importer of renewable fuel may generate RINs for volumes of renewable fuel that it owns on September 1, 2007.
(3) A party generating a RIN shall specify the appropriate numerical values for each component of the RIN in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 80.1125 and this paragraph (d).
(4) Except as provided in paragraph (d)(6) of this section, the number of gallon-RINs that shall be generated for a given batch of renewable fuel shall be equal to a volume calculated according to the following formula: VRIN = EV * Vs Where: VRIN = RIN volume, in gallons, for use determining the number
of gallon-RINs that shall be generated.EV = Equivalence value for the renewable fuel per Sec. 80.1115.Vs = Standardized volume of the batch of renewable fuel at 60
[deg]F, in gallons, calculated in accordance with paragraph
(d)(7) of this section.
(7) of this section.
(5) Multiple gallon-RINs generated to represent a given volume of renewable fuel can be represented by a single batch-RIN through the appropriate designation of the RIN volume codes SSSSSSSS and EEEEEEEE.
(i) The value of SSSSSSSS in the batch-RIN shall be 00000001 to represent the first gallon-RIN associated with the volume of renewable fuel.
(ii) The value of EEEEEEEE in the batch-RIN shall represent the last gallon-RIN associated with the volume of renewable fuel, based on the RIN volume determined pursuant to paragraph (d)(4) of this section.
(6) (i) For renewable crude-based renewable fuels produced in a facility or unit that coprocesses renewable crudes and fossil fuels, the number of gallon-RINs that shall be generated for a given batch of renewable fuel shall be equal to the gallons of renewable crude used rather than the gallons of renewable fuel produced.
(i) For renewable crude-based renewable fuels produced in a facility or unit that coprocesses renewable crudes and fossil fuels, the number of gallon-RINs that shall be generated for a given batch of renewable fuel shall be equal to the gallons of renewable crude used rather than the gallons of renewable fuel produced.
(ii) Parties that produce renewable crude-based renewable fuels in a facility or unit that coprocesses renewable crudes and fossil fuels may submit a petition to the Agency requesting the use of volumes of renewable fuel produced as the basis for the number of gallon-RINs, pursuant to paragraph (d)(4) of this section.
(7) Standardization of volumes. In determining the standardized volume of a batch of renewable fuel for purposes of generating RINs under this paragraph (d), the batch volumes shall be adjusted to a standard temperature of 60 [deg]F.
(i) For ethanol, the following formula shall be used: Vs,e = Va,e * (-0.0006301 * T + 1.0378) Where: Vs,e = Standardized volume of ethanol at 60 [deg]F, in
gallons.Va,e = Actual volume of ethanol, in gallons.T = Actual temperature of the batch, in [deg]F.
(ii) For biodiesel (mono alkyl esters), the following formula shall be used: Vs,b = Va,b * (-0.0008008 * T + 1.0480) Where: Vs,b = Standardized volume of biodiesel at 60 [deg]F, in
gallons.Va,b = Actual volume of biodiesel, in gallons.T = Actual temperature of the batch, in [deg]F.
(iii) For other renewable fuels, an appropriate formula commonly accepted by the industry shall be used to standardize the actual volume to 60 [deg]F. Formulas used must be reported to the Agency, and may be reviewed for appropriateness.
(8) (i) A party is prohibited from generating RINs for a volume of renewable fuel that it produces if:
(i) A party is prohibited from generating RINs for a volume of renewable fuel that it produces if:
(A) The renewable fuel has been produced from a chemical conversion process that uses another renewable fuel as a feedstock; and
(B) The renewable fuel used as a feedstock was produced by another party.
(ii) Any RINs that the party acquired with renewable fuel used as a feedstock shall be assigned to the new renewable fuel that was made with that feedstock.
(e) Assignment of RINs to batches. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (e)(4) of this section, the producer or importer of renewable fuel must assign all RINs generated to volumes of renewable fuel.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (e)(4) of this section, the producer or importer of renewable fuel must assign all RINs generated to volumes of renewable fuel.
(2) A RIN is assigned to a volume of renewable fuel when ownership of the RIN is transferred along with the transfer of ownership of the volume of renewable fuel, pursuant to Sec. 80.1128(a).
(3) All assigned RINs shall have a K code value of 1.
(4) RINs not assigned to batches. (i) If a party produces or imports a batch of cellulosic biomass ethanol or waste-derived ethanol having an equivalence value of 2.5, that party must assign at least one gallon-RIN to each gallon of cellulosic biomass ethanol or waste-derived ethanol, representing the first 1.0 portion of the Equivalence Value.
(i) If a party produces or imports a batch of cellulosic biomass ethanol or waste-derived ethanol having an equivalence value of 2.5, that party must assign at least one gallon-RIN to each gallon of cellulosic biomass ethanol or waste-derived ethanol, representing the first 1.0 portion of the Equivalence Value.
(ii) Any remaining gallon-RINs generated for the cellulosic biomass ethanol or waste-derived ethanol which represent the remaining 1.5 portion of the Equivalence Value may remain unassigned.
(iii) The producer or importer of cellulosic biomass ethanol or waste-derived ethanol shall designate the K code as 2 for all unassigned RINs. [72 FR 23995, May 1, 2007, as amended at 73 FR 57255, Oct. 2, 2008]