(a) Any obligated party described in Sec. 80.1106 or exporter of renewable fuel described in Sec. 80.1130 must submit to EPA reports according to the schedule, and containing the information, that is set forth in this paragraph (a).
(1) An annual compliance demonstration report for the previous compliance period shall be submitted every February 28, except as noted in paragraph (a)(1)(x) of this section, and shall include all of the following information:
(i) The obligated party's name.
(ii) The EPA company registration number.
(iii) Whether the party is complying on a corporate (aggregate) or facility-by-facility basis.
(iv) The EPA facility registration number, if complying on a facility-by-facility basis.
(v) The production volume of all of the products listed in Sec. 80.1107(c) for the reporting year.
(vi) The renewable volume obligation (RVO), as defined in Sec. 80.1127(a) for obligated parties and Sec. 80.1130(b) for exporters of renewable fuel, for the reporting year.
(vii) Any deficit RVO carried over from the previous year.
(viii) The total current-year gallon-RINs used for compliance.
(ix) The total prior-years gallon-RINs used for compliance.
(x) A list of all RINs used for compliance in the reporting year. For compliance demonstrations covering calendar year 2007 only, this list shall be reported by May 31, 2008. In all subsequent years, this list shall be submitted by February 28.
(xi) Any deficit RVO carried into the subsequent year.
(xii) Any additional information that the Administrator may require.
(2) The quarterly RIN transaction reports required under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(3) The quarterly gallon-RIN activity reports required under paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
(4) Reports required under this paragraph (a) must be signed and certified as meeting all the applicable requirements of this subpart by the owner or a responsible corporate officer of the obligated party.
(b) Any producer or importer of a renewable fuel must, beginning November 30, 2007, submit to EPA reports according to the schedule, and containing the information, that is set forth in this paragraph (b).
(1) A quarterly RIN-generation report for each facility owned by the renewable fuel producer, and each importer, shall be submitted according to the schedule specified in paragraph (d) of this section, and shall include for the reporting period all of the following information for each batch of renewable fuel produced or imported, where ``batch'' means a discreet quantity of renewable fuel produced or imported and assigned a unique RIN:
(i) The renewable fuel producer's or importer's name.
(ii) The EPA company registration number.
(iii) The EPA facility registration number.
(iv) The applicable quarterly reporting period.
(v) The RINs generated for each batch according to Sec. 80.1126.
(vi) The production date of each batch.
(vii) The type of renewable fuel of each batch, as defined in Sec. 80.1101(d).
(viii) Information related to the volume of denaturant and applicable equivalence value of each batch.
(ix) The volume of each batch produced or imported.
(x) Any additional information the Administrator may require.
(2) The RIN transaction reports required under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(3) The quarterly gallon-RIN activity report required under paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
(4) Reports required under this paragraph (b) must be signed and certified as meeting all the applicable requirements of this subpart by the owner or a responsible corporate officer of the renewable fuel producer.
(c) Any party, including any party specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, that owns RINs during a reporting period must, beginning November 30, 2007, submit reports to EPA according to the schedule, and containing the information, that is set forth in this paragraph (c).
(1) A RIN transaction report for each RIN transaction shall be submitted by the end of the quarter in which the transaction occurred, according to the schedule specified in paragraph (d) of this section. Each report shall include all of the following:
(i) The submitting party's name.
(ii) The party's EPA company registration number.
(iii) [Reserved]
(iv) The applicable quarterly reporting period.
(v) Transaction type (RIN purchase, RIN sale, retired RIN).
(vi) Transaction date.
(vii) For a RIN purchase or sale, the trading partner's name.
(viii) For a RIN purchase or sale, the trading partner's EPA company registration number. For all other transactions, the submitting party's EPA company registration number.
(ix) RIN subject to the transaction.
(x) For a retired RIN, the reason for retiring the RIN (e.g., reportable spill under Sec. 80.1132, import volume correction under Sec. 80.1166(k), renewable fuel used in boiler or heater under Sec. 80.1129(e), enforcement obligation).
(xi) Any additional information that the Administrator may require.
(2) A quarterly gallon-RIN activity report shall be submitted to EPA according to the schedule specified in paragraph (d) of this section. Each report shall summarize gallon-RIN activities for the reporting period, separately for RINs assigned to a renewable fuel volume and RINs separated from a renewable fuel volume. The quarterly gallon-RIN activity report shall include all of the following information:
(i) The submitting party's name.
(ii) The party's EPA company registration number.
(iii) The number of current-year gallon-RINs owned at the start of the quarter.
(iv) The number of prior-year gallon-RINs owned at the start of the quarter.
(v) The total current-year gallon-RINs purchased.
(vi) The total prior-year gallon-RINs purchased.
(vii) The total current-year gallon-RINs sold.
(viii) The total prior-year gallon-RINs sold.
(ix) The total current-year gallon-RINs retired.
(x) The total prior-year gallon-RINs retired.
(xi) The number of current-year gallon-RINs owned at the end of the quarter.
(xii) The number of prior-year gallon-RINs owned at the end of the quarter.
(xiii) For parties reporting gallon-RIN activity under this paragraph for RINs assigned to a volume of renewable fuel, the total volume of renewable fuel (in gallons) owned at the end of the quarter.
(xiv) Any additional information that the Administrator may require.
(3) All reports required under this paragraph (c) must be signed and certified as meeting all the applicable requirements of this subpart by the RIN owner or a responsible corporate officer of the RIN owner.
(d) Quarterly reports shall be submitted to EPA by: May 31st for the first calendar quarter of January through March; August 31st for the second calendar quarter of April through June; November 30th for the third calendar quarter of July through September; and February 28th for the fourth calendar quarter of October through December. For 2007, quarterly reports shall commence on November 30, 2007.
(e) Reports required under this section shall be submitted on forms and following procedures as prescribed by EPA. [72 FR 24000, May 1, 2007, as amended at 73 FR 57256, Oct. 2, 2008]