The definitions of Sec. 80.2 and of this section apply for the purposes of this Subpart M. The definitions of this section do not apply to other subparts unless otherwise noted. Note that many terms defined here are common terms that have specific meanings under this subpart M. The definitions follow:
A-RIN means a RIN verified during the interim period by a registered independent third-party auditor using a QAP that has been approved under Sec. 80.1469(a) following the audit process described in Sec. 80.1472.
Actual peak capacity means 105% of the maximum annual volume of renewable fuels produced from a specific renewable fuel production facility on a calendar year basis.
(1) For facilities that commenced construction prior to December 19, 2007, the actual peak capacity is based on the last five calendar years prior to 2008, unless no such production exists, in which case actual peak capacity is based on any calendar year after startup during the first three years of operation.
(2) For facilities that commenced construction after December 19, 2007 and before January 1, 2010 that are fired with natural gas, biomass, or a combination thereof, the actual peak capacity is based on any calendar year after startup during the first three years of operation.
(3) For all other facilities not included above, the actual peak capacity is based on the last five calendar years prior to the year in which the owner or operator registers the facility under the provisions of Sec. 80.1450, unless no such production exists, in which case actual peak capacity is based on any calendar year after startup during the first three years of operation.
Adjusted cellulosic content means the percent of organic material that is cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin.
Advanced biofuel means renewable fuel, other than ethanol derived from cornstarch, that has lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions that are at least 50 percent less than baseline lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions.
Agricultural digester means an anaerobic digester that processes predominantly cellulosic materials, including animal manure, crop residues, and/or separated yard waste.
Annual cover crop means an annual crop, planted as a rotation between primary planted crops, or between trees and vines in orchards and vineyards, typically to protect soil from erosion and to improve the soil between periods of regular crops. An annual cover crop has no existing market to which it can be sold except for its use as feedstock for the production of renewable fuel.
Areas at risk of wildfire are those areas in the ``wildland-urban interface'', where humans and their development meet or intermix with wildland fuel. Note that, for guidance, the SILVIS laboratory at the University of Wisconsin maintains a Web site that provides a detailed map of areas meeting this criteria at: The SILVIS laboratory is located at 1630 Linden Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 and can be contacted at (608) 263-4349.
B-RIN means a RIN verified during the interim period by a registered independent third-party auditor using a QAP that has been approved under Sec. 80.1469(b) following the audit process described in Sec. 80.1472.
Baseline lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions means the average lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions for gasoline or diesel (whichever is being replaced by the renewable fuel) sold or distributed as transportation fuel in 2005.
Baseline volume means the permitted capacity or, if permitted capacity cannot be determined, the actual peak capacity of a specific renewable fuel production facility on a calendar year basis.
Biodiesel means a mono-alkyl ester that meets ASTM D 6751 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 80.1468).
Biogas means a mixture of hydrocarbons that is a gas at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and 1 atmosphere of pressure that is produced through the anaerobic digestion of organic matter.
Biomass-based diesel means a renewable fuel that has lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions that are at least 50 percent less than baseline lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions and meets all of the requirements of paragraph (1) of this definition:
(1)(i) Is a transportation fuel, transportation fuel additive, heating oil, or jet fuel.
(i) Is a transportation fuel, transportation fuel additive, heating oil, or jet fuel.
(ii) Meets the definition of either biodiesel or non-ester renewable diesel.
(iii) Is registered as a motor vehicle fuel or fuel additive under 40 CFR part 79, if the fuel or fuel additive is intended for use in a motor vehicle.
(2) Renewable fuel that is co-processed with petroleum is not biomass-based diesel.
Cellulosic biofuel means renewable fuel derived from any cellulose, hemi-cellulose, or lignin that has lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions that are at least 60 percent less than the baseline lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions.
Cellulosic diesel is any renewable fuel which meets both the definitions of cellulosic biofuel and biomass-based diesel, as defined in this section 80.1401. Cellulosic diesel includes heating oil and jet fuel made from cellulosic feedstocks.
Combined heat and power (CHP), also known as cogeneration, refers to industrial processes in which waste heat from the production of electricity is used for process energy in the renewable fuel production facility.
Co-processed means that renewable biomass was simultaneously processed with fossil fuels or other non-renewable feedstock in the same unit or units to produce a fuel that is partially derived from renewable biomass.
Corn oil extraction means the recovery of corn oil from the thin stillage and/or the distillers grains and solubles produced by a dry mill corn ethanol plant, most often by mechanical separation.
Corn oil fractionation means a process whereby seeds are divided in various components and oils are removed prior to fermentation for the production of ethanol.
Crop residue means biomass left over from the harvesting or processing of planted crops from existing agricultural land and any biomass removed from existing agricultural land that facilitates crop management (including biomass removed from such lands in relation to invasive species control or fire management), whether or not the biomass includes any portion of a crop or crop plant. Biomass is considered crop residue only if the use of that biomass for the production of renewable fuel has no significant impact on demand for the feedstock crop, products produced from that feedstock crop, and all substitutes for the crop and its products, nor any other impact that would result in a significant increase in direct or indirect GHG emissions.
Cropland is land used for production of crops for harvest and includes cultivated cropland, such as for row crops or close-grown crops, and non-cultivated cropland, such as for horticultural or aquatic crops.
Diesel, for the purposes of this subpart, refers to any and all of the products specified at Sec. 80.1407(e).
Ecologically sensitive forestland means forestland that meets either of the following criteria:
(1) An ecological community with a global or state ranking of critically imperiled, imperiled or rare pursuant to a State Natural Heritage Program. For examples of such ecological communities, see ``Listing of Forest Ecological Communities Pursuant to 40 CFR 80.1401; S1-S3 communities,'' which is number EPA-HQ-OAR-2005-0161-1034.1 in the public docket, and ``Listing of Forest Ecological Communities Pursuant to 40 CFR 80.1401; G1-G2 communities,'' which is number EPA-HQ-OAR-2005-0161-2906.1 in the public docket. This material is available for inspection at the EPA Docket Center, EPA/DC, EPA West, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington DC. The telephone number for the Air Docket is (202) 566-1742.
(2) Old growth or late successional, characterized by trees at least 200 years in age.
Energy cane means a complex hybrid in the Saccharum genus that has been bred to maximize cellulosic rather than sugar content. For the purposes of this subpart:
(1) Energy cane excludes the species Saccharum spontaneum, but may include hybrids derived from S. spontaneum that have been developed and publicly released by USDA; and
(2) Energy cane only includes cultivars that have, on average, at least 75% adjusted cellulosic content on a dry mass basis.
EPA Moderated Transaction System, or EMTS, means a closed, EPA moderated system that provides a mechanism for screening and tracking Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) as per Sec. 80.1452.
Existing agricultural land is cropland, pastureland, and land enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farm Service Agency) that was cleared or cultivated prior to December 19, 2007, and that, on December 19, 2007, was:
(1) Nonforested; and
(2) Actively managed as agricultural land or fallow, as evidenced by records which must be traceable to the land in question, which must include one of the following:
(i) Records of sales of planted crops, crop residue, or livestock, or records of purchases for land treatments such as fertilizer, weed control, or seeding.
(ii) A written management plan for agricultural purposes.
(iii) Documented participation in an agricultural management program administered by a Federal, state, or local government agency.
(iv) Documented management in accordance with a certification program for agricultural products.
Exporter of renewable fuel means:
(1) A person that transfers any renewable fuel from a location within the contiguous 48 states or Hawaii to a location outside the contiguous 48 states and Hawaii; and
(2) A person that transfers any renewable fuel from a location in the contiguous 48 states or Hawaii to Alaska or a United States territory, unless that state or territory has received an approval from the Administrator to opt-in to the renewable fuel program pursuant to Sec. 80.1443.
Facility means all of the activities and equipment associated with the production of renewable fuel starting from the point of delivery of feedstock material to the point of final storage of the end product, which are located on one property, and are under the control of the same person (or persons under common control).
Fallow means cropland, pastureland, or land enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farm Service Agency) that is intentionally left idle to regenerate for future agricultural purposes with no seeding or planting, harvesting, mowing, or treatment during the fallow period.
Foreign ethanol producer means a person from a foreign country or from an area that has not opted into the program requirements of this subpart who produces ethanol for use in transportation fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel but who does not add denaturant to their product as described in paragraph (2) of the definition of renewable fuel in this section.
Forestland is generally undeveloped land covering a minimum area of 1 acre upon which the primary vegetative species are trees, including land that formerly had such tree cover and that will be regenerated and tree plantations. Tree-covered areas in intensive agricultural crop production settings, such as fruit orchards, or tree-covered areas in urban settings, such as city parks, are not considered forestland.
Fuel for use in an ocean-going vessel means, for this subpart only:
(1) Any marine residual fuel (whether burned in ocean waters, Great Lakes, or other internal waters);
(2) Emission Control Area (ECA) marine fuel, pursuant to Sec. Sec. 80.2(ttt) and 80.510(k) (whether burned in ocean waters, Great Lakes, or other internal waters); and
(3) Any other fuel intended for use only in ocean-going vessels.
Gasoline, for the purposes of this subpart, refers to any and all of the products specified at Sec. 80.1407(c).
Heating oil means:
(1) A fuel meeting the definition of heating oil set forth in Sec. 80.2(ccc); or
(2) A fuel oil that is used to heat interior spaces of homes or buildings to control ambient climate for human comfort. The fuel oil must be liquid at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and 1 atmosphere of pressure, and contain no more than 2.5% mass solids.
Importers. For the purposes of this subpart, an importer of transportation fuel or renewable fuel is any U.S. domestic person who:
(1) Brings transportation fuel or renewable fuel into the 48 contiguous states of the United States or Hawaii, from a foreign country or from an area that has not opted in to the program requirements of this subpart pursuant to Sec. 80.1443; or
(2) Brings transportation fuel or renewable fuel into an area that has opted in to the program requirements of this subpart pursuant to Sec. 80.1443 from a foreign country or from an area that has not opted in to the program requirements of this subpart.
Independent third-party auditor means a party meeting the requirements of Sec. 80.1471(b) that conducts QAP audits and verifies RINs.
Interim period means the period between February 21, 2013 and December 31, 2014.
Membrane separation means the process of dehydrating ethanol to fuel grade (99.5% purity) using a hydrophilic membrane.
Motor vehicle has the meaning given in Section 216(2) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7550(2)).
Nameplate capacity means the peak design capacity of a facility for the purposes of registration of a facility under Sec. 80.1450(b)(1)(v)(C).
Naphtha means a blendstock or fuel blending component falling within the boiling range of gasoline which is composed of only hydrocarbons, is commonly or commercially known as naphtha and is used to produce gasoline through blending.
Neat renewable fuel is a renewable fuel to which 1% or less of gasoline (as defined in this section) or diesel fuel has been added.
Non-ester renewable diesel, also known as renewable diesel, means renewable fuel that is not a mono-alkyl ester and that is either:
(1) A fuel or fuel additive that meets the ASTM D 975-13a (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 80.1468) Grade No. 1-D or No. 2-D specifications and can be used in an engine designed to operate on conventional diesel fuel; or
(2) A fuel or fuel additive that is registered under 40 CFR part 79 and can be used in an engine designed to operate using conventional diesel fuel.
Nonforested land means land that is not forestland.
Non-qualifying fuel use means a use of renewable fuel in an application other than transportation fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel.
Nonroad vehicle has the meaning given in Section 216(11) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7550(11)).
Q-RIN means a RIN verified by a registered independent third-party auditor using a QAP that has been approved under Sec. 80.1469(c) following the audit process described in Sec. 80.1472.
Quality assurance audit means an audit of a renewable fuel production facility conducted by an independent third-party auditor in accordance with a QAP that meets the requirements of Sec. 80.1469 and requirements of Sec. 80.1472.
Quality assurance plan, or QAP, means the list of elements that an independent third-party auditor will check to verify that the RINs generated by a renewable fuel producer or importer are valid. A QAP includes both general and pathway specific elements.
Pastureland is land managed for the production of select indigenous or introduced forage plants for livestock grazing or hay production, and to prevent succession to other plant types.
Permitted capacity means 105% of the maximum permissible volume output of renewable fuel that is allowed under operating conditions specified in the most restrictive of all applicable preconstruction, construction and operating permits issued by regulatory authorities (including local, regional, state or a foreign equivalent of a state, and federal permits, or permits issued by foreign governmental agencies) that govern the construction and/or operation of the renewable fuel facility, based on an annual volume output on a calendar year basis. If the permit specifies maximum rated volume output on an hourly basis, then annual volume output is determined by multiplying the hourly output by 8,322 hours per year.
(1) For facilities that commenced construction prior to December 19, 2007, the permitted capacity is based on permits issued or revised no later than December 19, 2007.
(2) For facilities that commenced construction after December 19, 2007 and before January 1, 2010 that are fired with natural gas, biomass, or a combination thereof, the permitted capacity is based on permits issued or revised no later than December 31, 2009.
(3) For facilities other than those described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this definition, permitted capacity is based on the most recent applicable permits.
Planted crops are all annual or perennial agricultural crops from existing agricultural land that may be used as feedstocks for renewable fuel, such as grains, oilseeds, sugarcane, switchgrass, prairie grass, duckweed, and other species (but not including algae species or planted trees), providing that they were intentionally applied by humans to the ground, a growth medium, a pond or tank, either by direct application as seed or plant, or through intentional natural seeding or vegetative propagation by mature plants introduced or left undisturbed for that purpose.
Planted trees are trees harvested from a tree plantation.
Pre-commercial thinnings are trees, including unhealthy or diseased trees, removed to reduce stocking to concentrate growth on more desirable, healthy trees, or other vegetative material that is removed to promote tree growth.
Raw starch hydrolysis means the process of hydrolyzing corn starch into simple sugars at low temperatures, generally not exceeding 100 [deg]F (38 [deg]C), using enzymes designed to be effective under these conditions.
Renewable biomass means each of the following (including any incidental, de minimis contaminants that are impractical to remove and are related to customary feedstock production and transport):
(1) Planted crops and crop residue harvested from existing agricultural land cleared or cultivated prior to December 19, 2007 and that was nonforested and either actively managed or fallow on December 19, 2007.
(2) Planted trees and tree residue from a tree plantation located on non-federal land (including land belonging to an Indian tribe or an Indian individual that is held in trust by the U.S. or subject to a restriction against alienation imposed by the U.S.) that was cleared at any time prior to December 19, 2007 and actively managed on December 19, 2007.
(3) Animal waste material and animal byproducts.
(4) Slash and pre-commercial thinnings from non-federal forestland (including forestland belonging to an Indian tribe or an Indian individual, that are held in trust by the United States or subject to a restriction against alienation imposed by the United States) that is not ecologically sensitive forestland.
(5) Biomass (organic matter that is available on a renewable or recurring basis) obtained from within 200 feet of buildings and other areas regularly occupied by people, or of public infrastructure, in an area at risk of wildfire.
(6) Algae.
(7) Separated yard waste or food waste, including recycled cooking and trap grease, and materials described in Sec. 80.1426(f)(5)(i).
Renewable compressed natural gas (CNG) means biogas or biogas-derived pipeline quality gas that is compressed for use as transportation fuel and meets the definition of renewable fuel.
Renewable electricity means electricity that meets the definition of renewable fuel.
Renewable fuel means a fuel which meets all of the requirements of paragraph (1) of this definition:
(1)(i) Fuel that is produced from renewable biomass.
(i) Fuel that is produced from renewable biomass.
(ii) Fuel that is used to replace or reduce the quantity of fossil fuel present in a transportation fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel.
(iii) Has lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions that are at least 20 percent less than baseline lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions, unless the fuel is exempt from this requirement pursuant to Sec. 80.1403.
(2) Ethanol covered by this definition shall be denatured as required and defined in 27 CFR parts 19 through 21. Any volume of denaturant added to the undenatured ethanol by a producer or importer in excess of 2 volume percent shall not be included in the volume of ethanol for purposes of determining compliance with the requirements under this subpart.
Renewable gasoline means renewable fuel made from renewable biomass that is composed of only hydrocarbons and which meets the definition of gasoline in Sec. 80.2(c).
Renewable gasoline blendstock means a blendstock made from renewable biomass that is composed of only hydrocarbons and which meets the definition of gasoline blendstock in Sec. 80.2(s).
Renewable Identification Number (RIN), is a unique number generated to represent a volume of renewable fuel pursuant to Sec. Sec. 80.1425 and 80.1426.
(1) Gallon-RIN is a RIN that represents an individual gallon of renewable fuel used for compliance purposes pursuant to Sec. 80.1427 to satisfy a renewable volume obligation.
(2) Batch-RIN is a RIN that represents multiple gallon-RINs.
Renewable liquefied natural gas (LNG) means biogas or biogas-derived pipeline quality gas that goes through the process of liquefaction in which it is cooled below its boiling point, and which meets the definition of renewable fuel.
Slash is the residue, including treetops, branches, and bark, left on the ground after logging or accumulating as a result of a storm, fire, delimbing, or other similar disturbance.
Small refinery means a refinery for which the average aggregate daily crude oil throughput (as determined by dividing the aggregate throughput for the calendar year by the number of days in the calendar year) does not exceed 75,000 barrels.
Transportation fuel means fuel for use in motor vehicles, motor vehicle engines, nonroad vehicles, or nonroad engines (except fuel for use in ocean-going vessels).
Tree plantation is a stand of no less than 1 acre composed primarily of trees established by hand- or machine-planting of a seed or sapling, or by coppice growth from the stump or root of a tree that was hand- or machine-planted. Tree plantations must have been cleared prior to December 19, 2007 and must have been actively managed on December 19, 2007, as evidenced by records which must be traceable to the land in question, which must include:
(1) Sales records for planted trees or tree residue together with other written documentation connecting the land in question to these purchases;
(2) Purchasing records for seeds, seedlings, or other nursery stock together with other written documentation connecting the land in question to these purchases;
(3) A written management plan for silvicultural purposes;
(4) Documentation of participation in a silvicultural program sponsored by a Federal, state or local government agency;
(5) Documentation of land management in accordance with an agricultural or silvicultural product certification program;
(6) An agreement for land management consultation with a professional forester that identifies the land in question; or
(7) Evidence of the existence and ongoing maintenance of a road system or other physical infrastructure designed and maintained for logging use, together with one of the above-mentioned documents.
Tree residue is slash and any woody residue generated during the processing of planted trees from tree plantations for use in lumber, paper, furniture or other applications, provided that such woody residue is not mixed with similar residue from trees that do not originate in tree plantations.
Verified RIN means a RIN generated by a renewable fuel producer that was subject to a QAP audit executed by an independent third-party auditor, and determined by the independent third-party auditor to be valid. Verified RINs includes A-RINs, B-RINs, and Q-RINs. [75 FR 14863, Mar. 26, 2010, as amended at 75 FR 26035, May 10, 2010, and 75 FR 37733, June 30, 2010; 75 FR 79976, Dec. 21, 2010; 77 FR 1354, Jan. 9, 2012; 78 FR 14215, Mar. 5, 2013; 78 FR 62470, Oct. 22, 2013; 79 FR 42159, July 18, 2014; 79 FR 42113, July 18, 2014] Sec. 80.1402 [Reserved]