(a) Obligated parties and exporters. Any obligated party described in Sec. 80.1406 or exporter of renewable fuel described in Sec. 80.1430 must submit to EPA reports according to the schedule, and containing all the information, that is set forth in this paragraph (a).
(1) Annual compliance reports for the previous compliance period shall be submitted by March 31 of each year, except as provided in paragraph (a)(1)(xiv) of this section, and shall include all the following information:
(i) The obligated party's or exporter's name.
(ii) The EPA company registration number.
(iii) Whether the domestic refiner, as defined in Sec. 80.1406, is complying on a corporate (aggregate) or facility-by-facility basis.
(iv) The EPA facility registration number, if complying on a facility-by-facility basis.
(v) The production volume and import volume of all of the products listed in Sec. 80.1407(c) and (e) for the reporting year.
(vi) The RVOs, as defined in Sec. 80.1427(a) for obligated parties and Sec. 80.1430(b) for exporters of renewable fuel, for the reporting year.
(vii) Any deficit RVOs carried over from the previous year.
(viii) The total current-year RINs by category of renewable fuel, as those fuels are defined in Sec. 80.1401 (i.e., cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel, renewable fuel, and cellulosic diesel), retired for compliance.
(ix) The total prior-year RINs by renewable fuel category, as those fuels are defined in Sec. 80.1401, retired for compliance.
(x) The total cellulosic biofuel waiver credits used to meet the party's cellulosic biofuel RVO.
(xi) A list of all RINs generated prior to July 1, 2010 that were retired for compliance in the reporting period.
(xii) Any deficit RVO(s) carried into the subsequent year.
(xiii) Any additional information that the Administrator may require.
(xiv) For the 2013 compliance year, annual compliance reports shall be submitted within 30 days after publication in the Federal Register of the final rule establishing the 2014 renewable fuel percentage standards for cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel and total renewable fuel.
(xv) [Reserved]
(xvi) The total current-year RINs by category of renewable fuel, as those fuels are defined in Sec. 80.1401 (i.e., cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel, renewable fuel, and cellulosic diesel), retired for compliance that are invalid as defined in Sec. 80.1431(a).
(xvii) The total prior-year RINs by renewable fuel category, as those fuels are defined in Sec. 80.1401, retired for compliance that are invalid as defined in Sec. 80.1431(a).
(xviii) A list of all RINs that were retired for compliance in the reporting period and are invalid as defined in Sec. 80.1431(a).
(2) The RIN transaction reports required under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(3) The quarterly RIN activity reports required under paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
(4) Reports required under this paragraph (a) must be signed and certified as meeting all the applicable requirements of this subpart by the owner or a responsible corporate officer of the obligated party or exporter.
(b) Renewable fuel producers (domestic and foreign) and importers. Any domestic producer or importer of renewable fuel who generates RINs, or foreign renewable fuel producer who generates RINs, must submit to EPA reports according to the schedule, and containing all the information, that is set forth in this paragraph (b).
(1)(i) For RINs generated beginning on July 1, 2010, RIN generation reports for each facility owned by the renewable fuel producer or importer shall be submitted according to the schedule specified in paragraph (f)(2) of this section.
(i) For RINs generated beginning on July 1, 2010, RIN generation reports for each facility owned by the renewable fuel producer or importer shall be submitted according to the schedule specified in paragraph (f)(2) of this section.
(ii) The RIN generation reports shall include all the following information for each batch of renewable fuel produced or imported, where ``batch'' means a discrete quantity of renewable fuel produced or imported and assigned a unique batch-RIN per Sec. 80.1426(d):
(A) The RIN generator's name.
(B) The RIN generator's EPA company registration number.
(C) The renewable fuel producer EPA facility registration number.
(D) The importer EPA facility registration number and foreign renewable producer company registration number, if applicable.
(E) The applicable reporting period.
(F) The quantity of RINs generated for each batch according to Sec. 80.1426.
(G) The production date of each batch.
(H) The fuel type of each batch.
(I) The volume of denaturant and applicable equivalence value of each batch.
(J) The volume of each batch produced.
(K) The types and quantities of feedstocks used.
(L) The process(es) and feedstock(s) used and proportion of renewable volume attributable to each process and feedstock.
(M) The type of co-products produced with each batch.
(N) The quantity of co-products produced in each quarter.
(O) A list of the RINs generated and an affirmation that the feedstock(s) used for each batch meets the definition of renewable biomass as defined in Sec. 80.1401.
(P) Producers of renewable electricity and producers or importers of biogas used for transportation as described in Sec. 80.1426(f)(10) and (11), shall report all of the following:
(1) The total energy produced and supplied for use as a transportation fuel, in units of energy (for example, MMBtu or MW) based on metering of gas volume or electricity.
(2) The name and location of where the fuel is sold for use as a transportation fuel.
(Q) Producers or importers of renewable fuel produced at facilities that use biogas for process heat as described in Sec. 80.1426(f)(12), shall report the total energy supplied to the renewable fuel facility, in MMBtu based on metering of gas volume.
(R) Producers or importers of renewable fuel made from separated municipal solid waste as described in Sec. 80.1426(f)(5)(i)(C), shall report the amount of paper, cardboard, plastics, rubber, textiles, metals, and glass separated from municipal solid waste for recycling. Reporting shall be in units of weight (in tons).
(S) Producers of advanced biofuel using grain sorghum shall report all of the following:
(1) The total amount of electricity that is purchased from the grid and used at the site, based on metering, in kWh.
(2) Total amount of ethanol produced.
(3) Calculation of the amount of grid electricity used at the site per gallon of ethanol produced in each batch.
(4) Each batch number as specified in Sec. 80.1452(b).
(5) Reference ID for documents required by Sec. 80.1454(k)(2)(D).
(T) Producers or importers of any renewable fuel other than ethanol, biodiesel, renewable gasoline, renewable diesel that meets ASTM D 975-13a Grade No. 1-D or No. 2-D specifications (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 80.1468), biogas or renewable electricity, shall report, on a quarterly basis, all the following for each volume of fuel:
(1) Total volume of renewable fuel produced or imported, total volume of renewable fuel blended into gasoline and diesel fuel by the producer or importer, and the percentage of renewable fuel in each batch of finished fuel.
(2) If the renewable fuel producer or importer enters into a written contract for the sale of a specific quantity of the renewable fuel to a party who blends the fuel into gasoline or diesel fuel to produce a transportation fuel, heating oil or jet fuel, or who uses the neat fuel for a qualifying fuel use, the name, location and contact information for each purchasing party, and one or more affidavits from that party including all the following information:
(i) Quantity of renewable fuel received from the producer or importer.
(ii) Date the renewable fuel was received from producer.
(iii) A description of the fuel that the renewable fuel was blended into and the blend ratios for each batch, if applicable.
(iv) A description of the finished fuel, and a statement that the fuel meets all applicable standards and was sold for use as a transportation fuel, heating oil or jet fuel.
(v) Quantity of assigned RINs received with the renewable fuel, if applicable.
(vi) Quantity of assigned RINs that the end user separated from the renewable fuel, if applicable.
(U) Producers generating D code 3 or D code 7 RINs for fuel derived from feedstocks other than biogas (including through pathways listed in rows K, L, M, and N of Table 1 to Sec. 80.1426), and that was produced from two or more feedstocks converted simultaneously, at least one of which has less than 75% average adjusted cellulosic content, and using a combination of processes or a process other than a thermochemical process or a combination of processes shall report all of the following:
(1) The cellulosic converted fraction as determined by collecting new representative process data and performing the same chemical analysis method accepted at registration. Producers shall calculate this information on an annual basis or within 10 business days of generating every 500,000 gallons of cellulosic biofuel, whichever is more frequent, and report quarterly. Reports shall include all values used to calculate feedstock energy according to Sec. 80.1426(f)(3)(vi). If new data shows that the cellulosic Converted Fraction is different than previously calculated, the formula used to generate RINs under Sec. 80.1426(f)(3) must be updated as soon as practical but no later than 5 business days after the producer receives the updated data. If new testing data results in a change to the cellulosic Converted Fraction, only RINs generated after the new testing data were received, subject to the 5-day allowance, would be affected.
(2) If the cellulosic Converted Fraction deviates from the previously calculated cellulosic Converted Fraction by 10% or more then the producer must notify EPA within 5 business days of receiving the new data and must adjust the formula used to generate RINs under Sec. 80.1426(f)(3) for all fuel generated as soon as practical but no later than 5 business days after the producer receives the new data. If new testing data results in a change to the cellulosic Converted Fraction, only RINs generated after the new testing data were received, subject to the 5-day allowance, would be affected.
(V) Producers of renewable fuel using crop residue as a feedstock shall report all of the following according to the schedule specified in paragraph (f)(2) of this section:
(1) The specific feedstock(s) utilized to produce renewable fuel under a pathway allowing the use of crop residue as feedstock.
(2) The total quantity of each specific feedstock used to produce renewable fuel.
(3) The total amount of qualifying renewable fuel produced under the crop residue pathway(s) in that quarter.
(W) Any additional information the Administrator may require.
(2) The RIN transaction reports required under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(3) The RIN activity reports required under paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
(4) Reports required under this paragraph (b) must be signed and certified as meeting all the applicable requirements of this subpart by the owner or a responsible corporate officer of the renewable fuel producer or importer.
(c) All RIN-owning parties. Any party, including any party specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, that owns RINs during a reporting period, must submit reports to EPA according to the schedule, and containing all the information, that is set forth in this paragraph (c).
(1)(i) For RIN transactions beginning on July 1, 2010, RIN transaction reports listing each RIN transaction shall be submitted according to the schedule in paragraph (f)(2) of this section.
(i) For RIN transactions beginning on July 1, 2010, RIN transaction reports listing each RIN transaction shall be submitted according to the schedule in paragraph (f)(2) of this section.
(ii) As per Sec. 80.1452, RIN transaction information listing each RIN transaction shall be submitted to the EMTS.
(iii) Each report required by paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section shall include all of the following information:
(A) The submitting party's name.
(B) The submitting party's EPA company registration number.
(C) The applicable reporting period.
(D) Transaction type (i.e., RIN buy, RIN sell, RIN separation, RIN retire, reinstated 2009 or 2010 RINs).
(E) Transaction date.
(F) For a RIN purchase or sale, the trading partner's name.
(G) For a RIN purchase or sale, the trading partner's EPA company registration number. For all other transactions, the submitting party's EPA company registration number.
(H) RIN subject to the transaction.
(I) For a RIN purchase or sale, the per gallon RIN price and/or the per gallon price of renewable fuel price with RINs included.
(J) The reason code for retiring RINs, separating RINs, buying RINs, or selling RINs.
(K) Any additional information that the Administrator may require.
(2) RIN activity reports shall be submitted to EPA according to the schedule specified in paragraph (f)(2) of this section. Each report shall summarize RIN activities for the reporting period, separately for RINs separated from a renewable fuel volume and RINs assigned to a renewable fuel volume. The quarterly RIN activity reports shall include all of the following information:
(i) The submitting party's name.
(ii) The submitting party's EPA company registration number.
(iii) The number of current-year RINs owned at the start of the quarter.
(iv) The number of prior-year RINs owned at the start of the quarter.
(v) The total current-year RINs purchased.
(vi) The total prior-year RINs purchased.
(vii) The total current-year RINs sold.
(viii) The total prior-year RINs sold.
(ix) The total current-year RINs retired.
(x) The total current-year RINs retired that are invalid as defined in Sec. 80.1431(a).
(xi) The total prior-year RINs retired.
(xii) The total prior-year RINs retired that are invalid as defined in Sec. 80.1431(a).
(xiii) The number of current-year RINs owned at the end of the quarter.
(xiv) The number of prior-year RINs owned at the end of the quarter.
(xv) The number of RINs generated.
(xvi) The volume of renewable fuel (in gallons) owned at the end of the quarter.
(xvii) The total 2009 and 2010 retired RINs reinstated.
(xviii) Any additional information that the Administrator may require.
(3) All reports required under this paragraph (c) must be signed and certified as meeting all the applicable requirements of this subpart by the RIN owner or a responsible corporate officer of the RIN owner.
(d) Except for those producers using feedstocks subject to the aggregate compliance approach described in Sec. 80.1454(g), producers and RIN-generating importers of renewable fuel made from feedstocks that are planted crops and crop residue from existing foreign agricultural land, planted trees or tree residue from actively managed tree plantations, slash and pre-commercial thinnings from forestlands or biomass obtained from areas at risk of wildfire must submit quarterly reports according to the schedule in paragraph (f)(2) of this section that include all of the following:
(1) A summary of the types and quantities of feedstocks used in that quarter.
(2) Electronic data identifying the land by coordinates of the points defining the boundaries from which each type of feedstock listed per paragraph (d)(1) of this section was harvested.
(3) If electronic data identifying a plot of land have been submitted previously, producers and RIN-generating importers may submit a cross-reference to that electronic data.
(e) If EPA finds that the 2007 baseline amount of agricultural land has been exceeded in any year beginning in 2010, beginning on the first day of July of the following calendar year any producers or importers of renewable fuel as defined in Sec. 80.1401 who use planted crops and/or crop residue from existing U.S. agricultural lands as feedstock must submit quarterly reports according to the schedule in paragraph (f)(2) of this section that include all of the following:
(1) A summary of the types and quantities of feedstocks used in that quarter.
(2) Electronic data identifying the land by coordinates of the points defining the boundaries from which each type of feedstock listed per paragraph (d)(1) of this section was harvested.
(3) If electronic data identifying a plot of land have been submitted previously, producers and RIN-generating importers may submit a cross-reference to that electronic data.
(f) Quarterly report submission deadlines. The submission deadlines for quarterly reports shall be as follows:
(1) [Reserved]
(2) Quarterly reports shall be submitted by the required deadline as shown in Table 1 of this section. Any reports generated by EMTS must be reviewed, supplemented, and/or corrected if not complete and accurate, and verified by the owner or responsible corporate officer prior to submittal. Table 1 follows:
Table 1 to Sec. 80.1451--Quarterly Reporting Deadlines----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Calendar quarter Time period covered Quarterly report deadline----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quarter 1............................... January 1-March 31................... June 1.Quarter 2............................... April 1-June 30...................... September 1.Quarter 3............................... July 1-September 30.................. December 1.Quarter 4............................... October 1-December 31................ March 31.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3) Reports required must be signed and certified as meeting all the applicable requirements of this subpart by the owner or a responsible corporate officer of the submitter.
(g) All independent third-party auditors. Any party that is an independent third-party auditor that verifies RINs must submit to the EPA reports according to the schedule, and containing all the information, that is set forth in this paragraph (g).
(1)(i) For RINs verified beginning on September 16, 2014, RIN verification reports for each facility audited by the independent third-party auditor shall be submitted according to the schedule specified in paragraph (f)(2) of this section.
(i) For RINs verified beginning on September 16, 2014, RIN verification reports for each facility audited by the independent third-party auditor shall be submitted according to the schedule specified in paragraph (f)(2) of this section.
(ii) The RIN verification reports shall include all the following information for each batch of renewable fuel produced or imported verified per Sec. 80.1469(c), where ``batch'' means a discrete quantity of renewable fuel produced or imported and assigned a unique batch-RIN per Sec. 80.1426(d):
(A) The RIN generator's name.
(B) The RIN generator's EPA company registration number.
(C) The renewable fuel producer EPA facility registration number.
(D) The importer EPA facility registration number and foreign renewable producer company registration number, if applicable.
(E) The applicable reporting period.
(F) The quantity of RINs generated for each verified batch according to Sec. 80.1426.
(G) The production date of each verified batch.
(H) The D-code of each verified batch.
(I) The volume of denaturant and applicable equivalence value of each verified batch.
(J) The volume of each verified batch produced.
(K) The volume and type of each feedstock used to produce the verified batch.
(L) Whether the feedstocks used to produce each verified batch met the definition of renewable biomass.
(M) Whether appropriate RIN generation calculations were followed per Sec. 80.1426(f)(3), (4), or (5) for each verified batch, as applicable.
(N) The quantity and type of co-products produced.
(O) Invoice document identification numbers associated with each verified batch, if applicable.
(P) Laboratory sample identification numbers for each verified batch associated with the generation of any certificates of analysis used to verify fuel type and quality, if applicable.
(Q) Any additional information the Administrator may require.
(2) Aggregate RIN verification reports shall be submitted to the EPA according to the schedule specified in paragraph (f)(2) of this section. Each report shall summarize RIN verification activities for the reporting period. The quarterly aggregate RIN verification reports shall include all of the following information:
(i) The submitting party's name.
(ii) The submitting party's EPA company registration number.
(iii) The number of current-year RINs verified at the start of the quarter.
(iv) The number of prior-year RINs verified at the start of the quarter.
(v) The total current-year RINs verified.
(vi) The number of current-year RINs verified at the end of the quarter.
(vii) A list of all facilities including the EPA's company and facility registration numbers audited under an approved quality assurance plan under Sec. 80.1469 along with the date the independent third-party auditor conducted the on-site visit and audit.
(viii) Mass and energy balances calculated for each facility audited under an approved quality assurance plan under Sec. 80.1469.
(ix) A list of all RINs that were identified as Potentially Invalid RINs (PIRs) pursuant to Sec. 80.1474, along with a narrative description of why the RINs were not verified or were identified as PIRs.
(x) Any additional information that the Administrator may require.
(3) All reports required under this paragraph (g) must be signed and certified as meeting all the applicable requirements of this subpart by the independent third-party auditor or a responsible corporate officer of the independent third-party auditor.
(h) Producers or importers of renewable fuel made from Arundo donax or Pennisetum purpureum per Sec. 80.1426(f)(14) must report all the following:
(1) Any detected growth of Arundo donax or Pennisetum purpureum outside the intended planting areas, both surrounding the field of production and feedstock storage sites, along the transportation route, and around the biofuel production facility, within 5 business days after detection and in accordance with the Risk Mitigation Plan, if applicable.
(2) As available, any updated information related to the Risk Mitigation Plan, as applicable. An updated Risk Mitigation Plan must be approved by the Administrator in consultation with USDA and as appropriate other federal agencies prior to its implementation.
(3) On an annual basis, a description of and maps or electronic data showing the average and total size and prior use of lands planted with Arundo donax or Pennisetum purpureum, the average and total size and prior use of lands set aside to control the invasive spread of these crops, and a description and explanation of any change in land use from the previous year.
(4) On an annual basis, the report from an independent third party auditor evaluating monitoring and reporting activities conducted in accordance with the Risk Mitigation Plan, as applicable subject to approval of a different frequency by the EPA.
(5) Information submitted pursuant to paragraphs (h)(3) and (h)(4) of this section must be submitted as part of the producer or importer's fourth quarterly report, which covers the reporting period October-December, according to the schedule in paragraph (f)(2) of this section.
(i) All reports required under this section shall be submitted on forms and following procedures prescribed by the Administrator.
(j) English language reports. Any document submitted to EPA under this section must be submitted in English, or shall include an English translation. [75 FR 14863, Mar. 26, 2010, as amended at 75 FR 26044, May 10, 2010; 75 FR 79978, Dec. 21, 2010; 77 FR 1356, Jan. 9, 2012; 77 FR 74606, Dec. 17, 2012; 78 FR 41715, July 11, 2013; 78 FR 49830, Aug. 15, 2013; 78 FR 62471, Oct. 21, 2013; 79 FR 34244, June 16, 2014; 79 FR 23655, Apr. 28, 2014; 79 FR 42164, July 18, 2014; 79 FR 42116, July 18, 2014; 79 FR 46356, Aug. 8, 2014]