Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 40  /  Part 80  /  Sec. 80.1469 Requirements for Quality Assurance Plans.

This section specifies the requirements for Quality Assurance Plans (QAPs).

(a) Option A QAP Requirements, for Option A QAPs that were performed during the interim period.

(1) Feedstock-related components. (i) Components requiring ongoing monitoring:

(i) Components requiring ongoing monitoring:

(A) Feedstocks are renewable biomass as defined in Sec. 80.1401.

(B) Feedstocks are being separated according to a separation plan, if applicable under Sec. 80.1426(f)(5)(ii).

(C) Crop and crop residue feedstocks meet land use restrictions, or alternatively the aggregate compliance provisions of Sec. 80.1454(g).

(D) If applicable, verify that feedstocks with additional recordkeeping requirements meet requirements of Sec. 80.1454(d).

(E) Feedstocks are valid for the D code being used, and are consistent with information recorded in EMTS.

(F) Feedstock is consistent with production process and D code being used as permitted under Table 1 to Sec. 80.1426 or a petition approved through Sec. 80.1416.

(G) Feedstock is not renewable fuel for which RINs were previously generated.

(ii) Components requiring quarterly monitoring:

(A) Separated food waste or separated yard waste plan is accepted and up to date, if applicable under Sec. 80.1426(f)(5)(ii).

(B) Separated municipal solid waste plan is approved and up to date, if applicable under Sec. 80.1426(f)(5)(ii).

(C) Contracts or agreements for feedstock acquisition are sufficient for facility production.

(D) Feedstock processing and storage equipment are sufficient and are consistent with the most recent engineering review under Sec. 80.1450(b)(2).

(E) If applicable, accuracy of feedstock energy FE calculation factors related to feedstocks, including average moisture content m and feedstock energy content E.

(2) Production process-related components. (i) Components requiring ongoing monitoring:

(i) Components requiring ongoing monitoring:

(A) Production process is consistent with that reported in EMTS.

(B) Production process is consistent with D code being used as permitted under Table 1 to Sec. 80.1426 or a petition approved through Sec. 80.1416.

(C) Certificates of analysis verifying fuel type and quality, as applicable.

(ii) Components requiring quarterly monitoring:

(A) Mass and energy balances are appropriate for type and size of facility.

(B) Workforce size is appropriate for type and size of facility, and sufficient workers are on site for facility operations.

(C) If applicable, process-related factors used in feedstock energy FE calculation are accurate, in particular the converted fraction CF.

(D) Verify existence of quality process controls designed to ensure that fuel continues to meet applicable property and quality specifications.

(E) Volume production is consistent with that reported to the EPA and EIA, as well as other federal or state reporting.

(F) Volume production is consistent with storage and distribution capacity.

(G) Volume production capacity is consistent with RFS registration.

(3) RIN generation-related components. (i) Components requiring ongoing monitoring:

(i) Components requiring ongoing monitoring:

(A) Standardization of volumes pursuant to Sec. 80.1426(f)(8) are accurate.

(B) Renewable fuel type matches the D code being used.

(C) RIN generation is consistent with wet gallons produced or imported.

(D) Fuel shipments are consistent with production volumes.

(E) If applicable, renewable content R is accurate pursuant to Sec. 80.1426(f)(9).

(F) Equivalence value EV is accurate and appropriate.

(G) Renewable fuel was intended and sold for qualifying uses as transportation fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel.

(H) Verify that appropriate RIN generation calculations are being followed under Sec. 80.1426(f)(3), (f)(4), or (f)(5), as applicable.

(ii) Components requiring quarterly monitoring:

(A) Registration, reporting and recordkeeping components.

(B) [Reserved]

(4) RIN separation-related components. (i) Components requiring ongoing monitoring:

(i) Components requiring ongoing monitoring:

(A) If applicable, verify that RIN separation is appropriate under Sec. 80.1429(b)(4).

(B) If applicable, verify that RINs were retired for any fuel that the producer produced and exported.

(ii) Components requiring quarterly monitoring:

(A) Verify that annual attestation report is accurate.

(B) [Reserved]

(b) Option B QAP Requirements, for Option B QAPs that were performed during the interim period. All components specified in this paragraph (b) require quarterly monitoring, except for paragraph (b)(4)(iii) of this section, which must be done annually.

(1) Feedstock-related components. (i) Feedstocks are renewable biomass as defined in Sec. 80.1401.

(i) Feedstocks are renewable biomass as defined in Sec. 80.1401.

(ii) If applicable, separated food waste or separated yard waste plan under Sec. 80.1426(f)(5)(ii) is accepted and up to date.

(iii) If applicable, separated municipal solid waste plan under Sec. 80.1426(f)(5)(ii) is approved and current.

(iv) Feedstocks are being separated according to a separation plan, if applicable under Sec. 80.1426(f)(5)(ii).

(v) Crop and crop residue feedstocks meet land use restrictions, or alternatively the aggregate compliance provisions of Sec. 80.1454(g).

(vi) Feedstock is consistent with production process and D code being used as permitted under Table 1 to Sec. 80.1426 or a petition approved through Sec. 80.1416, and is consistent with information recorded in EMTS.

(vii) Feedstock is not renewable fuel for which RINs were previously generated.

(viii) If applicable, accuracy of feedstock energy FE calculation factors related to feedstocks, including average moisture content m and feedstock energy content E.

(2) Production process-related components. (i) Production process is consistent with that reported in EMTS.

(i) Production process is consistent with that reported in EMTS.

(ii) Production process is consistent with D code being used as permitted under Table 1 to Sec. 80.1426 or a petition approved through Sec. 80.1416.

(iii) Mass and energy balances are appropriate for type and size of facility.

(iv) If applicable, process-related factors used in feedstock energy FE calculation are accurate, in particular the converted fraction CF.

(3) RIN generation-related components. (i) Renewable fuel was intended and sold for qualifying uses as transportation fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel.

(i) Renewable fuel was intended and sold for qualifying uses as transportation fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel.

(ii) Certificates of analysis verifying fuel type and quality, as applicable.

(iii) Renewable fuel type matches the D code being used.

(iv) If applicable, renewable content R is accurate pursuant to Sec. 80.1426(f)(9).

(v) Equivalence value EV is accurate and appropriate.

(vi) Volume production capacity is consistent with RFS registration.

(vii) Verify that appropriate RIN generation calculations are being followed under Sec. 80.1426(f)(3), (f)(4), or (f)(5), as applicable.

(4) RIN separation-related components. (i) If applicable, verify that RIN separation is appropriate under Sec. 80.1429(b)(4).

(i) If applicable, verify that RIN separation is appropriate under Sec. 80.1429(b)(4).

(ii) Verify that fuel that is exported was not used to generate RINs, or alternatively that were generated but retired.

(iii) Verify that annual attestation report is accurate.

(c) QAP Requirements. All components specified in this paragraph (c) require quarterly monitoring, except for paragraph (c)(4)(iii) of this section which must be done annually.

(1) Feedstock-related components. (i) Feedstocks are renewable biomass as defined in Sec. 80.1401.

(i) Feedstocks are renewable biomass as defined in Sec. 80.1401.

(ii) If applicable, separated food waste or separated yard waste plan under Sec. 80.1426(f)(5)(ii) is accepted and up to date.

(iii) If applicable, separated municipal solid waste plan under Sec. 80.1426(f)(5) is approved and current.

(iv) Feedstocks are being separated according to a separation plan, if applicable under Sec. 80.1426(f)(5).

(v) Crop and crop residue feedstocks meet land use restrictions, or alternatively the aggregate compliance provisions of Sec. 80.1454(g).

(vi) Feedstock is consistent with production process and D code being used as permitted under Table 1 to Sec. 80.1426 or a petition approved through Sec. 80.1416, and is consistent with information recorded in EMTS.

(vii) Feedstock is not renewable fuel for which RINs were previously generated.

(viii) If applicable, accuracy of feedstock energy FE calculation factors related to feedstocks, including average moisture content m and feedstock energy content E.

(2) Production process-related components. (i) Production process is consistent with that reported in EMTS.

(i) Production process is consistent with that reported in EMTS.

(ii) Mass and energy balances are appropriate for type and size of facility.

(iii) If applicable, process-related factors used in feedstock energy FE calculation are accurate, in particular the converted fraction CF, pursuant to Sec. 80.1426(f)(3).

(3) RIN generation-related components. (i) Renewable fuel was designated for qualifying uses as transportation fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel in the 48 contiguous states or Hawaii pursuant to Sec. 80.1453.

(i) Renewable fuel was designated for qualifying uses as transportation fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel in the 48 contiguous states or Hawaii pursuant to Sec. 80.1453.

(ii) Certificates of analysis verifying fuel type and quality, as applicable.

(iii) Renewable fuel type matches the D code being used.

(iv) If applicable, renewable content R is accurate pursuant to Sec. 80.1426(f)(9).

(v) Equivalence value EV is accurate and appropriate.

(vi) Volume production capacity is consistent with RFS registration.

(vii) Verify that appropriate RIN generation calculations are being followed under Sec. 80.1426(f)(3), (f)(4), or (f)(5), as applicable.

(viii) RIN generation is consistent with wet gallons produced or imported.

(4) RIN separation-related components. (i) If applicable, verify that RIN separation is appropriate under Sec. 80.1429(b)(4).

(i) If applicable, verify that RIN separation is appropriate under Sec. 80.1429(b)(4).

(ii) Verify that fuel that is exported was not used to generate RINs, or alternatively that were generated but retired pursuant to Sec. 80.1430.

(iii) Verify that annual attestation report is accurate.

(5) Representative sampling. Independent third-party auditors may use a representative sample of batches of renewable fuel in accordance with the procedures described in Sec. 80.127 for all components of this paragraph (c) except for paragraphs (c)(1)(ii), (c)(1)(iii), (c)(2)(ii), (c)(3)(vi), (c)(4)(ii), and (c)(4)(iii) of this section.

(d) In addition to a general QAP encompassing elements common to all pathways, for each QAP there shall be at least one pathway-specific plan for a RIN-generating pathway as provided in Table 1 to Sec. 80.1426 or as approved by the Administrator pursuant to Sec. 80.1416, and shall contain elements specific to particular feedstocks, production processes, and fuel types as applicable.

(e) Submission and approval of a QAP. (1) Each independent third-party auditor shall annually submit a general and at least one pathway-specific QAP to the EPA which demonstrates adherence to the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (d), (b) and (d), or (c) and (d) of this section, as applicable, and request approval on forms and using procedures specified by the Administrator.

(1) Each independent third-party auditor shall annually submit a general and at least one pathway-specific QAP to the EPA which demonstrates adherence to the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (d), (b) and (d), or (c) and (d) of this section, as applicable, and request approval on forms and using procedures specified by the Administrator.

(2) No third-party independent auditor may present a QAP as approved by the EPA without having received written approval from the EPA.

(3) A QAP is approved on the date that the EPA notifies the third-party independent auditor of such approval.

(4) The EPA may revoke its approval of a QAP for cause, including, but not limited to, an EPA determination that the approved QAP has proven to be inadequate in practice.

(5) The EPA may void ab initio its approval of a QAP upon the EPA's determination that the approval was based on false information, misleading information, or incomplete information, or if there was a failure to fulfill, or cause to be fulfilled, any of the requirements of the QAP.

(f) Conditions for revisions of a QAP. (1) A new QAP shall be submitted to the EPA according to paragraph (e) of this section whenever any of the following changes occur at a production facility audited by a third-party independent auditor and the auditor does not possess an appropriate pathway-specific QAP that encompasses the changes:

(1) A new QAP shall be submitted to the EPA according to paragraph (e) of this section whenever any of the following changes occur at a production facility audited by a third-party independent auditor and the auditor does not possess an appropriate pathway-specific QAP that encompasses the changes:

(i) Change in feedstock.

(ii) Change in type of fuel produced.

(iii) Change in facility operations or equipment that may impact the capability of the QAP to verify that RINs are validly generated.

(2) A QAP ceases to be valid as the basis for verifying RINs under a new pathway until a new pathway-specific QAP, submitted to the EPA under this paragraph (f), is approved pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section. [79 FR 42119, July 18, 2014]