(a) Definition of terms. For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply: Target fuel = The fuel which is being evaluated for its emissions performance using the complex modelOXY = Oxygen content of the target fuel in terms of weight percentSUL = Sulfur content of the target fuel in terms of parts per million by weightRVP = Reid Vapor Pressure of the target fuel in terms of pounds per square inchE200 = 200 [deg]F distillation fraction of the target fuel in terms of volume percentE300 = 300 [deg]F distillation fraction of the target fuel in terms of volume percentARO = Aromatics content of the target fuel in terms of volume percentBEN = Benzene content of the target fuel in terms of volume percentOLE = Olefins content of the target fuel in terms of volume percentMTB = Methyl tertiary butyl ether content of the target fuel in terms of weight percent oxygenETB = Ethyl tertiary butyl ether content of the target fuel in terms of weight percent oxygenTAM = Tertiary amyl methyl ether content of the target fuel in terms of weight percent oxygenETH = Ethanol content of the target fuel in terms of weight percent oxygenexp = The function that raises the number e (the base of the natural logarithm) to the power in its domainPhase I = The years 1995-1999Phase II = Year 2000 and beyond
(b) Weightings and baselines for the complex model. (1) The weightings for normal and higher emitters (w1 and w2, respectively) given in table 1 shall be used to calculate the exhaust emission performance of any fuel for the appropriate pollutant and Phase:
Table 1--Normal and Higher Emitter Weightings for Exhaust Emissions------------------------------------------------------------------------
Phase I Phase II
toxics NOX toxics NOX------------------------------------------------------------------------Normal Emitters (w1)................ 0.52 0.82 0.444 0.738Higher Emitters (w2)................ 0.48 0.18 0.556 0.262------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2) The following properties of the baseline fuels shall be used when determining baseline mass emissions of the various pollutants:
Table 2--Summer and Winter Baseline Fuel Properties------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fuel property Summer Winter------------------------------------------------------------------------Oxygen (wt %)..................................... 0.0 0.0Sulfur (ppm)...................................... 339 338RVP (psi)......................................... 8.7 11.5E200 (%).......................................... 41.0 50.0E300 (%).......................................... 83.0 83.0Aromatics (vol %)................................. 32.0 26.4Olefins (vol %)................................... 9.2 11.9Benzene (vol %)................................... 1.53 1.64------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3) The baseline mass emissions for VOC, NOX and toxics given in tables 3, 4 and 5 of this paragraph (b)(3) shall be used in conjunction with the complex model during the appropriate Phase and season:
Table 3--Baseline Exhaust Emissions------------------------------------------------------------------------
Phase I Phase II
Exhaust pollutant Summer Winter Summer Winter
(mg/ (mg/ (mg/ (mg/
mile) mile) mile) mile)------------------------------------------------------------------------VOC................................. 446.0 660.0 907.0 1341.0NOX................................. 660.0 750.0 1340.0 1540.0Benzene............................. 26.10 37.57 53.54 77.62Acetaldehyde........................ 2.19 3.57 4.44 7.25Formaldehyde........................ 4.85 7.73 9.70 15.341,3-Butadiene....................... 4.31 7.27 9.38 15.84POM................................. 1.50 2.21 3.04 4.50------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 4--Baseline Non-Exhaust Emissions (Summer Only)------------------------------------------------------------------------
Phase I Phase II
Non-exhaust pollutant Region Region Region Region
1 (mg/ 2 (mg/ 1 (mg/ 2 (mg/
mile) mile) mile) mile)------------------------------------------------------------------------VOC................................. 860.48 769.10 559.31 492.07Benzene............................. 9.66 8.63 6.24 5.50------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 5--Total Baseline VOC, NOX and Toxics Emissions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Summer (mg/mile) Winter (mg/mile)
Pollutant Phase I Phase II Phase I Phase II
Region 1 Region 2 Region 1 Region 2 Region 1 Region 2 Region 1 Region 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOX..................................................... 660.0 660.0 1340.0 1340.0 750.0 750.0 1540.0 1540.0VOC..................................................... 1306.5 1215.1 1466.3 1399.1 660.0 660.0 1341.0 1341.0Toxics.................................................. 48.61 47.58 86.34 85.61 58.36 58.36 120.55 120.55--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c) VOC performance. (1) The exhaust VOC emissions performance of gasolines shall be given by the following equations: VOCE = VOC(b)+(VOC(b)xYvoc(t)/100)Yvoc(t) = [lsqbb](w1xNv)+(w2xHv)-1[rsqbb]x100 where VOCE = Exhaust VOC emissions in milligrams/mileYvoc(t) = Exhaust VOC performance of the target fuel in terms
of percentage change from baselineVOC(b) = Baseline exhaust VOC emissions as defined in paragraph (b)(2)
of this section for the appropriate Phase and seasonNv = [exp v1(t)]/[exp v1(b)]Hv = [exp v2(t)]/[exp v2(b)]w1 = Weighting factor for normal emitters as defined in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section for the appropriate Phasew2 = Weighting factor for higher emitters as defined in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section for the appropriate Phasev1(t) = Normal emitter VOC equation as defined in paragraph
(c)(1)(i) of this section, evaluated using the target fuel's
(1)(i) of this section, evaluated using the target fuel's
(i) of this section, evaluated using the target fuel's
properties subject to paragraphs (c)(1) (iii) and (iv) of this
sectionv2(t) = Higher emitter VOC equation as defined in paragraph
(c)(1)(ii) of this section, evaluated using the target fuel's
(1)(ii) of this section, evaluated using the target fuel's
(ii) of this section, evaluated using the target fuel's
properties subject to paragraphs (c)(1) (iii) and (iv) of this
sectionv1(b) = Normal emitter VOC equation as defined in paragraph
(c)(1)(i) of this section, evaluated using the base fuel's
(1)(i) of this section, evaluated using the base fuel's
(i) of this section, evaluated using the base fuel's
propertiesv2(b) = Higher emitter VOC equation as defined in paragraph
(c)(1)(ii) of this section, evaluated using the base fuel's
(1)(ii) of this section, evaluated using the base fuel's
(ii) of this section, evaluated using the base fuel's
(i) Consolidated VOC equation for normal emitters. v1 = (-0.003641 x OXY) + (0.0005219 x SUL) + (0.0289749 x RVP) + (-0.014470 x E200) + (-0.068624 x E300) + (0.0323712 x ARO) + (-0.002858 x OLE) + (0.0001072 x E2002) + (0.0004087 x E3002) + (-0.0003481 x ARO x E300)
(ii) VOC equation for higher emitters. v2 = (-0.003626 x OXY) + (-5.40x10-5 x SUL) + (0.043295 x RVP) + (-0.013504 x E200) + (-0.062327 x E300) + (0.0282042 x ARO) + (-0.002858 x OLE) + (0.000106 x E200\2\) + (0.000408 x E300\2\) + (-0.000287 x ARO x E300)
(iii) Flat line extrapolations. (A) During Phase I, fuels with E200 values greater than 65.83 percent shall be evaluated with the E200 fuel parameter set equal to 65.83 percent when calculating Yvoc(t) and VOCE using the equations described in paragraphs (c)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section. Fuels with E300 values greater than E300* (calculated using the equation E300* = 80.32+[0.390xARO]) shall be evaluated with the E300 parameter set equal to E300* when calculating VOCE using the equations described in paragraphs (c)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section. For E300* values greater than 94, the linearly extrapolated model presented in paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this section shall be used.
(A) During Phase I, fuels with E200 values greater than 65.83 percent shall be evaluated with the E200 fuel parameter set equal to 65.83 percent when calculating Yvoc(t) and VOCE using the equations described in paragraphs (c)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section. Fuels with E300 values greater than E300* (calculated using the equation E300* = 80.32+[0.390xARO]) shall be evaluated with the E300 parameter set equal to E300* when calculating VOCE using the equations described in paragraphs (c)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section. For E300* values greater than 94, the linearly extrapolated model presented in paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this section shall be used.
(B) During Phase II, fuels with E200 values greater than 65.52 percent shall be evaluated with the E200 fuel parameter set equal to 65.52 percent when calculating VOCE using the equations described in paragraphs (c)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section. Fuels with E300 values greater than E300* (calculated using the equation E300* = 79.75+[0.385 x ARO]) shall be evaluated with the E300 parameter set equal to E300* when calculating VOCE using the equations described in paragraphs (c)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section. For E300* values greater than 94, the linearly extrapolated model presented in paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this section shall be used.
(C) During Phase II, fuels with an oxygen concentration greater than 4.0 weight percent and not more than 5.8 weight percent shall be evaluated with the OXY fuel parameter set equal to 4.0 percent by weight when calculating VOCE using the equations described in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) and (c)(1)(ii) of this section.
(iv) Linear extrapolations. (A) The equations in paragraphs (c)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section shall be used within the allowable range of E300, E200, and ARO for the appropriate Phase, as defined in table 6:
Table 6--Allowable Ranges of E200, E300, and ARO for the Exhaust VOC Equations in Paragraphs (c)(1)(i) and (ii)
of This Section----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Phase I Phase II
Fuel parameter Lower Lower
limit Higher limit limit Higher limit----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E200.................................... 33.00 65.83.................... 33.00 65.52E300.................................... 72.00 Variable \1\............. 72.00 Variable \2\ARO..................................... 18.00 46.00.................... 18.00 46.00----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Higher E300 limit = lower of 94.0 or 80.32+[0.390x(ARO)].\2\ Higher E300 limit = lower of 94.0 or 79.75+[0.385x(ARO)].
(B) For fuels with E200, E300 and/or ARO levels outside the ranges defined in table 6, YVOC(t) shall be defined:
(1) For Phase I: YVOC(t) = 100% x 0.52 x [exp(v1(et)) / exp(v1(b)) - 1] + 100% x 0.48 x [exp(v2(et)) / exp(v2(b)) - 1] + {100% x 0.52 x [exp(v\1\(et)) / exp(v1(b))] x [{[(0.0002144 x E200et) - 0.014470] x [Delta]E200{time} + {[(0.0008174 x E300et) - 0.068624 - (0.000348 x AROet)] x [Delta]E300{time} + {[(-0.000348 x E300et) + .0323712] x [Delta]ARO{time} ]{time} + {100% x 0.48 x [exp(v1(et)) / exp(v2(b)){time} ] x [{[(0.000212 x E200et) - 0.01350] x [Delta]E200{time} + {[(0.000816 x E300et) - 0.06233 - (0.00029 x AROet)] x [Delta]E300{time} + {[(-0.00029 x E300{time} ) + 0.028204] x [Delta]ARO{time} ]{time}
(2) For Phase II: YVOC(t) = 100% x 0.444 x [exp(v1(et)) / exp(v1(b)) - 1] + 100% x 0.556 x [exp(v2(et)) / exp(v2(b)) - 1] + {100% x 0.444 x [exp(v1(et)) / exp(v1(b))] x [{[(0.0002144 x E200et) - 0.014470] x [Delta]E200{time} + {[(0.0008174 x E300et) - 0.068624 - (0.000348 x AROet)] x [Delta]E300{time} + {[(-0.000348 x E300et) + 0.0323712] x [Delta]ARO{time} ]{time} + {100% x 0.556 x [exp(v2(et)) / exp(v2(b))] x [{[(0.000212 x E200et) - 0.01350] x [Delta]E200{time} + {[(0.000816 x E300et) - 0.06233 - (0.00029 x AROet)] x [Delta]E300{time} + {[(-0.00029 x E300et) + 0.028204] x [Delta]ARO{time} ]{time}
(C) During Phase I, the ``edge target'' fuel shall be identical to the target fuel for all fuel parameters, with the following exceptions:
(1) If the E200 level of the target fuel is less than 33 volume percent, then the E200 value for the ``edge target'' fuel shall be set equal to 33 volume percent.
(2) If the aromatics level of the target fuel is less than 18 volume percent, then the ARO value for the ``edge target'' fuel shall be set equal to 18 volume percent.
(3) If the aromatics level of the target fuel is greater than 46 volume percent, then the ARO value for the ``edge target'' fuel shall be set equal to 46 volume percent.
(4) If the E300 level of the target fuel is less than 72 volume percent, then the E300 value for the ``edge target'' fuel shall be set equal to 72 volume percent.
(5) If the E300 level of the target fuel is greater than 95 volume percent, then the E300 value of the target fuel shall be set equal to 95 volume percent for the purposes of calculating VOC emissions with the Phase I equation given in paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(B) of this section.
(6) If [80.32 + (0.390 x ARO)] exceeds 94 for the target fuel, and the target fuel value for E300 exceeds 94, then the E300 value for the ``edge target'' fuel shall be set equal to 94 volume percent.
(7) If the E200 level of the target fuel is less than 33 volume percent, then [Delta]E200 shall be set equal to (E200-33 volume percent).
(8) If the E200 level of the target fuel equals or exceeds 33 volume percent, then [Delta]E200 shall be set equal to zero.
(9) If the aromatics level of the target fuel is less than 18 volume percent, then [Delta]ARO shall be set equal to (ARO-18 volume percent). If the aromatics level of the target fuel is less than 10 volume percent, then [Delta]ARO shall be set equal to -8 volume percent.
(10) If the aromatics level of the target fuel is greater than 46 volume percent, then [Delta]ARO shall be set equal to (ARO-46 volume percent).
(11) If neither of the conditions established in paragraphs (c)(1)(iv)(C)(9) and (10) of this section are met, then [Delta]ARO shall be set equal to zero.
(12) If the E300 level of the target fuel is less than 72 percent, then [Delta]E300 shall be set equal to (E300-72 percent).
(13) If the E300 level of the target fuel is greater than 94 volume percent and [80.32+(0.390xARO)] also is greater than 94, then [Delta]E300 shall be set equal to (E300-94 volume percent). If the E300 level of the target fuel is greater than 95 volume percent and [80.32+(0.390xARO)] also is greater than 94, then [Delta]E300 shall be set equal to 1 volume percent.
(14) If neither of the conditions established in paragraphs (c)(1)(iv)(C)(12) and (13) of this section are met, then [Delta]E300 shall be set equal to zero.
(D) During Phase II, the ``edge target'' fuel is identical to the target fuel for all fuel parameters, with the following exceptions:
(1) If the E200 level of the target fuel is less than 33 volume percent, then the E200 value for the ``edge target'' fuel shall be set equal to 33 volume percent.
(2) If the aromatics level of the target fuel is less than 18 volume percent, then the ARO value for the ``edge target'' fuel shall be set equal to 18 volume percent.
(3) If the aromatics level of the target fuel is greater than 46 volume percent, then the ARO value for the ``edge target'' fuel shall be set equal to 46 volume percent.
(4) If the E300 level of the target fuel is less than 72 volume percent, then the E300 value for the ``edge target'' fuel shall be set equal to 72 volume percent.
(5) If the E300 level of the target fuel is greater than 95 volume percent, then the E300 value of the target fuel shall be set equal to 95 volume percent for the purposes of calculating VOC emissions with the Phase II equation given in paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(B) of this section.
(6) If [79.75 + (0.385 x ARO)] exceeds 94 for the target fuel, and the target fuel value for E300 exceeds 94, then the E300 value for the ``edge target'' fuel shall be set equal to 94 volume percent.
(7) If the E200 level of the target fuel is less than 33 volume percent, then [Delta]E200 shall be set equal to (E200-33 volume percent).
(8) If the E200 level of the target fuel equals or exceeds 33 volume percent, then [Delta]E200 shall be set equal to zero.
(9) If the aromatics level of the target fuel is less than 18 volume percent and greater than or equal to 10 volume percent, then [Delta]ARO shall be set equal to (ARO-18 volume percent). If the aromatics level of the target fuel is less than 10 volume percent, then [Delta]ARO shall be set equal to -8 volume percent.
(10) If the aromatics level of the target fuel is greater than 46 volume percent, then [Delta]ARO shall be set equal to (ARO - 46 volume percent).
(11) If neither of the conditions established in paragraphs (c)(1)(iv)(D)(9) and (10) of this section are met, then [Delta]ARO shall be set equal to zero.
(12) If the E300 level of the target fuel is less than 72 percent, then [Delta]E300 shall be set equal to (E300 - 72 percent).
(13) If the E300 level of the target fuel is greater than 94 volume percent and (79.75 + (0.385 x ARO)) also is greater than 94, then [Delta]E300 shall be set equal to (E300 - 94 volume percent). If the E300 level of the target fuel is greater than 95 volume percent and (79.75 + (0.385 x ARO)) also is greater than 94, then ``E300 shall be set equal to 1 volume percent.
(2) The winter exhaust VOC emissions performance of gasolines shall be given by the equations presented in paragraph (c)(1) of this section with the RVP value set to 8.7 psi for both the baseline and target fuels.
(3) The nonexhaust VOC emissions performance of gasolines in VOC Control Region 1 shall be given by the following equations, where: VOCNE1 = Total nonexhaust emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
Control Region 1 in grams per mileVOCDI1 = Diurnal emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
Region 1 in grams per mileVOCHS1 = Hot soak emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
Region 1 in grams per mileVOCRL1 = Running loss emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
Control Region 1 in grams per mileVOCRF1 = Refueling emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
Control Region 1 in grams per mile
(i) During Phase I: VOCNE1 = VOCDI1 + VOCHS1 + VOCRL1 + VOCRF1VOCDI1 = [0.00736 x (RVP\2\)] - [0.0790 x RVP] + 0.2553VOCHS1 = [0.01557 x (RVP\2\)] - [0.1671 x RVP] + 0.5399VOCRL1 = [0.00279 x (RVP\2\)] + [0.1096 x RVP] - 0.7340VOCRF1 = [0.006668 x RVP] - 0.0180
(ii) During Phase II: VOCNE1 = VOCDI1 + VOCHS1 + VOCRL1 + VOCRF1VOCDI1 = [0.007385 x (RVP\2\)] - [0.08981 x RVP] + 0.3158VOCHS1 = [0.006654 x (RVP\2\)] - [0.08094 x RVP] + 0.2846VOCRL1 = [0.017768 x (RVP\2\)] - [0.18746 x RVP] + 0.6146VOCRF1 = [0.004767 x RVP] + 0.011859
(4) The nonexhaust VOC emissions performance of gasolines in VOC Control Region 2 shall be given by the following equations, where: VOCNE2 = Total nonexhaust emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
Control Region 2 in grams per mileVOCDI2 = Diurnal emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
Region 2 in grams per mileVOCHS2 = Hot soak emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
Region 2 in grams per mileVOCRL2 = Running loss emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
Control Region 2 in grams per mileVOCRF2 = Refueling emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
Control Region 2 in grams per mile
(i) During Phase I: VOCNE2 = VOCDI2 + VOCHS2 + VOCRL2 + VOCRF2VOCDI2 = [0.006818 x (RVP\2\)] - [0.07682 x RVP] + 0.2610VOCHS2 = [0.014421 x (RVP\2\)] - [0.16248 x RVP] + 0.5520VOCRL2 = [0.016255 x (RVP\2\)] - [0.1306 x RVP] + 0.2963VOCRF2 = [0.006668 x RVP] - 0.0180
(ii) During Phase II: VOCNE2 = VOCDI2 + VOCHS2 + VOCRL2 + VOCRF2VOCDI2 = [0.004775 x (RVP\2\)] - [0.05872 x RVP] + 0.21306VOCHS2 = [0.006078 x (RVP\2\)] - [0.07474 x RVP] + 0.27117VOCRL2 = [0.016169 x (RVP\2\)] - [0.17206 x RVP] + 0.56724VOCRF2 = [0.004767 x RVP] + 0.011859
(5) Winter VOC emissions shall be given by VOCE, as defined in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, using the appropriate baseline emissions given in paragraph (b)(3) of this section. Total nonexhaust VOC emissions shall be set equal to zero under winter conditions.
(6) Total VOC emissions. (i) Total summer VOC emissions shall be given by the following equations: VOCS1 = (VOCE / 1000) + VOCNE1VOCS2 = (VOCE / 1000) + VOCNE2VOCS1 = Total summer VOC emissions in VOC Control Region 1 in terms of
grams per mileVOCS2 = Total summer VOC emissions in VOC Control Region 2 in terms of
grams per mile
(ii) Total winter VOC emissions shall be given by the following equations: VOCW = (VOCE/1000)VOCW = Total winter VOC emissions in terms of grams per mile
(7) Phase I total VOC emissions performance. (i) The total summer VOC emissions performance of the target fuel in percentage terms from baseline levels shall be given by the following equations during Phase I: VOCS1% = [100% x (VOCS1-1.306 g/mi)]/(1.306 g/mi)VOCS2% = [100% x (VOCS2-1.215 g/mi)]/(1.215 g/mi)VOC1% = Percentage change in VOC emissions from baseline levels in VOC Control Region 1VOC2% = Percentage change in VOC emissions from baseline levels in VOC Control Region 2
(i) The total summer VOC emissions performance of the target fuel in percentage terms from baseline levels shall be given by the following equations during Phase I: VOCS1% = [100% x (VOCS1-1.306 g/mi)]/(1.306 g/mi)VOCS2% = [100% x (VOCS2-1.215 g/mi)]/(1.215 g/mi)VOC1% = Percentage change in VOC emissions from baseline levels in VOC Control Region 1VOC2% = Percentage change in VOC emissions from baseline levels in VOC Control Region 2
(ii) The total winter VOC emissions performance of the target fuel in percentage terms from baseline levels shall be given by the following equations during Phase I: VOCW% = [100% x (VOCW-0.660 g/mi)]/(0.660 g/mi)VOCW% = Percentage change in winter VOC emissions from baseline levels
(8) Phase II total VOC emissions performance. (i) The total summer VOC emissions performance of the target fuel in percentage terms from baseline levels shall be given by the following equations during Phase II: VOCS1% = [100% x (VOCS1-1.4663 g/mi)]/(1.4663 g/mi)VOCS2% = [100% x (VOCS2-1.3991 g/mi)]/(1.3991 g/mi)
(i) The total summer VOC emissions performance of the target fuel in percentage terms from baseline levels shall be given by the following equations during Phase II: VOCS1% = [100% x (VOCS1-1.4663 g/mi)]/(1.4663 g/mi)VOCS2% = [100% x (VOCS2-1.3991 g/mi)]/(1.3991 g/mi)
(ii) The total winter VOC emissions performance of the target fuel in percentage terms from baseline levels shall be given by the following equation during Phase II: VOCW% = [100% x (VOC -1.341 g/mi)] / (1.341 g/mi)
(d) NOX performance. (1) The summer NOX emissions performance of gasolines shall be given by the following equations: NOX = NOX(b)+[NOX(b) x Y(t)/100]YNOX(t) = [lsqbb](w1 x Nn)+(w2 x Hn)-1[rsqbb] x 100 where NOX = NOX emissions in milligrams/mileYNOx(t) = NOX performance of target fuel in terms
of percentage change from baselineNOX(b) = Baseline NOX emissions as defined in
paragraph (b)(2) of this section for the appropriate phase and
seasonNn = exp n1(t)/exp n1(b)Hn = exp n2(t)/exp n2(b)w1 = Weighting factor for normal emitters as defined in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section for the appropriate Phasew2 = Weighting factor for higher emitters as defined in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section for the appropriate Phasen1(t) = Normal emitter NOX equation as defined in
paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section, evaluated using the
target fuel's properties subject to paragraphs (d)(1)(iii) and
(iv) of this sectionn2(t) = Higher emitter NOX equation as defined in
paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section, evaluated using the
target fuel's properties subject to paragraphs (d)(1)(iii) and
(iv) of this sectionn1(b) = Normal emitter NOX equation as defined in
paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section, evaluated using the base
fuel's propertiesn2(b) = Higher emitter NOX equation as defined in
paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section, evaluated using the base
fuel's properties
(i) Consolidated equation for normal emitters. n1 = (0.0018571 x OXY) + (0.0006921 x SUL) + (0.0090744 x RVP) + (0.0009310 x E200)+ (0.0008460 x E300)+ (0.0083632 x ARO) + (-0.002774 x OLE) + (-6.63x10-7 x SUL\2\) + (-0.000119 x ARO\2\) + (0.0003665 x OLE\2\)
(ii) Equation for higher emitters. n2 = (-0.00913 x OXY) + (0.000252 x SUL) + (-0.01397 x RVP) + (0.000931 x E200) + (-0.00401 x E300) + (0.007097 x ARO) + (-0.00276 x OLE) + (0.0003665 x OLE\2\) + (-7.995x10-5 x ARO\2\)
(iii) Flat line extrapolations. (A) During Phase I, fuels with olefin levels less than 3.77 volume percent shall be evaluated with the OLE fuel parameter set equal to 3.77 volume percent when calculating NOX performance using the equations described in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section. Fuels with aromatics levels greater than 36.2 volume percent shall be evaluated with the ARO fuel parameter set equal to 36.2 volume percent when calculating NOX performance using the equations described in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(A) During Phase I, fuels with olefin levels less than 3.77 volume percent shall be evaluated with the OLE fuel parameter set equal to 3.77 volume percent when calculating NOX performance using the equations described in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section. Fuels with aromatics levels greater than 36.2 volume percent shall be evaluated with the ARO fuel parameter set equal to 36.2 volume percent when calculating NOX performance using the equations described in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(B) During Phase II, fuels with olefin levels less than 3.77 volume percent shall be evaluated with the OLE fuel parameter set equal to 3.77 volume percent when calculating NOX performance using the equations described in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section. Fuels with aromatics levels greater than 36.8 volume percent shall be evaluated with the ARO fuel parameter set equal to 36.8 volume percent when calculating NOX performance using the equations described in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(iv) Linear extrapolations. (A) The equations in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section shall be used within the allowable range of SUL, OLE, and ARO for the appropriate Phase, as defined in the following table 7:
Table 7--Allowable Ranges of SUL, OLE, and ARO for the NOX Equations in
Paragraphs/(d)(1)(i) and (ii) of This Section------------------------------------------------------------------------
Phase I Phase II
Fuel parameter High High
Low end end Low end end------------------------------------------------------------------------SUL............................... 10.0 450.0 10.0 450.0OLE............................... 3.77 19.0 3.77 19.0ARO............................... 18.0 36.2 18.0 36.8------------------------------------------------------------------------
(B) For fuels with SUL, OLE, and/or ARO levels outside the ranges defined in Table 7 of paragraph (d)(1)(iv)(A) of this section, YNOx(t) shall be defined as: (1) For Phase I: YNOx(t) = 100% x 0.82 x [exp(n1(et))/exp(n1(b)) - 1]+ 100% x 0.18 x [exp(n2(et))/exp(n2(b)) - 1] + {100% x 0.82 x [exp(n1(et))/exp(n1(b))] x [{[(-0.00000133 x SULet) + 0.000692] x [Delta]SUL{time} + {[(-0.000238 x AROet) + 0.0083632] x [Delta]ARO{time} + {[(0.000733 x OLEet) - 0.002774] x [Delta]OLE{time} ]{time} + {100% x 0.18 x [exp(n2(et))/exp(n2(b))]x [{0.000252 x [Delta]SUL{time} ++ {[(-0.0001599 x AROet) + 0.007097] x [Delta]ARO{time} + {[(0.000732 x OLEet) - 0.00276] x [Delta]OLE{time} ]{time}
(2) For Phase II: YNOX(t) = 100% x 0.738 x [exp(n1(et))/exp(n1(b)) - 1]+ 100% x 0.262 x [exp(n2(et)/exp(n2(b)) - 1]+ [100% x 0.738 x [exp(n1(et))/exp(n1(b))]x [{[(-0.00000133 x SULet) + 0.000692] x [Delta]SUL{time} + {[(-0.000238 x AROet) + 0.0083632] x [Delta]ARO{time} + {[(0.000733 x OLEet) - 0.002774] x [Delta]OLE{time} ]{time} + {100% x 0.262 x [exp(n2(et))/exp(n2(b))]x [{0.000252 x [Delta]SUL{time} +x [{(-0.0001599 x AROet) + 0.007097] x [Delta]ARO{time} + {[(0.000732 x OLEet) - 0.00276] x [Delta]OLE{time} ]{time} Where: n1, n2 = The equations defined in paragraphs (d)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section.et = Collection of fuel parameters for the ``edge target'' fuel. These parameters are defined in paragraphs (d)(1)(iv) (C) and (D) of this section.n1(et) = The function n1 evaluated with ``edge target'' fuel parameters, which are defined in paragraph (d)(1)(iv)(C) of this section.n2(et) = The function n2 evaluated with ``edge target'' fuel parameters, which are defined in paragraph (d)(1)(iv)(C) of this section.n1(b) = The function n1 evaluated with the appropriate baseline fuel parameters defined in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.n2(b) = The function n2 evaluated with the appropriate baseline fuel parameters defined in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.SULet = The value of SUL for the ``edge target'' fuel, as defined in paragraph (d)(1)(iv)(C) of this section.AROet = The value of ARO for the ``edge target'' fuel, as defined in paragraph (d)(1)(iv)(C) of this section.OLEet = The value of OLE for the ``edge target'' fuel, as defined in paragraph (d)(1)(iv)(C) of this section.
(C) For both Phase I and Phase II, the ``edge target'' fuel is identical to the target fuel for all fuel parameters, with the following exceptions:
(1) If the sulfur level of the target fuel is less than 10 parts per million, then the value of SUL for the ``edge target'' fuel shall be set equal to 10 parts per million.
(2) If the sulfur level of the target fuel is greater than 450 parts per million, then the value of SUL for the ``edge target'' fuel shall be set equal to 450 parts per million.
(3) If the aromatics level of the target fuel is less than 18 volume percent, then the value of ARO for the ``edge target'' fuel shall be set equal to 18 volume percent.
(4) If the olefins level of the target fuel is greater than 19 volume percent, then the value of OLE for the ``edge target'' fuel shall be set equal to 19 volume percent.
(5) If the E300 level of the target fuel is greater than 95 volume percent, then the E300 value of the target fuel shall be set equal to 95 volume percent for the purposes of calculating NOX emissions with the equations given in paragraph (d)(1)(iv)(B) of this section.
(6) If the sulfur level of the target fuel is less than 10 parts per million, then [Delta]SUL shall be set equal to (SUL-10 parts per million).
(7) If the sulfur level of the target fuel is greater than 450 parts per million, then [Delta]SUL shall be set equal to (SUL-450 parts per million).
(8) If the sulfur level of the target fuel is neither less than 10 parts per million nor greater than 450 parts per million, [Delta]SUL shall be set equal to zero.
(9) If the aromatics level of the target fuel is less than 18 volume percent and greater than 10 volume percent, then [Delta]ARO shall be set equal to (ARO-18 volume percent). If the aromatics level of the target fuel is less than 10 volume percent, then [Delta]ARO shall be set equal to -8 volume percent.
(10) If the aromatics level of the target fuel is greater than or equal to 18 volume percent, then [Delta]ARO shall be set equal to zero.
(11) If the olefins level of the target fuel is greater than 19 volume percent, then [Delta]OLE shall be set equal to (OLE-19 volume percent).
(12) If the olefins level of the target fuel is less than or equal to 19 volume percent, then [Delta]OLE shall be set equal to zero.
(2) The winter NOX emissions performance of gasolines shall be given by the equations presented in paragraph (d)(1) of this section with the RVP value set to 8.7 psi.
(3) The NOX emissions performance of the target fuel in percentage terms from baseline levels shall be given by the following equations: For Phase I: Summer NOX% = [100% x (NOX-0.660 g/mi)]/(0.660 g/mi)Winter NOX% = [100% x (NOX-0.750 g/mi)]/(0.750 g/mi) For Phase II: Summer NOX% = [100% x (NOX-1.340 g/mi)]/(1.340 g/mi)Winter NOX% = [100% x (NOX-1.540 g/mi)]/(1.540 g/mi)Summer NOX% = Percentage change in NOX emissions from summer baseline levelsWinter NOX% = Percentage change in NOX emissions from winter baseline levels
(e) Toxics performance--(1) Summer toxics performance. (i) Summer toxic emissions performance of gasolines in VOC Control Regions 1 and 2 shall be given by the following equations: TOXICS1 = EXHBZ + FORM + ACET + BUTA + POM + NEBZ1TOXICS2 = EXHBZ + FORM + ACET + BUTA + POM + NEBZ2 where TOXICS1 = Summer toxics performance in VOC Control Region 1 in terms of
milligrams per mile.TOXICS2 = Summer toxics performance in VOC Control Region 2 in terms of
milligrams per mile.EXHBZ = Exhaust emissions of benzene in terms of milligrams per mile, as
determined in paragraph (e)(4) of this section.FORM = Emissions of formaldehyde in terms of milligrams per mile, as
determined in paragraph (e)(5) of this section.ACET = Emissions of acetaldehyde in terms of milligrams per mile, as
determined in paragraph (e)(6) of this section.BUTA = Emissions of 1,3-butadiene in terms of milligrams per mile, as
determined in paragraph (e)(7) of this section.POM = Polycyclic organic matter emissions in terms of milligrams per
mile, as determined in paragraph (e)(8) of this section.NEBZ1 = Nonexhaust emissions of benzene in VOC Control Region 1 in
milligrams per mile, as determined in paragraph (e)(9) of this
section.NEBZ2 = Nonexhaust emissions of benzene in VOC Control Region 2 in
milligrams per mile, as determined in paragraph (e)(10) of
this section.
(ii) The percentage change in summer toxics performance in VOC Control Regions 1 and 2 shall be given by the following equations: For Phase I: TOXICS1% = [100% x (TOXICS1 -48.61 mg/mi)]/(48.61 mg/mi)TOXICS2% = [100% x (TOXICS2 - 47.58 mg/mi)] / (47.58 mg/mi) For Phase II: TOXICS1% = [100% x (TOXICS1 - 86.34 mg/mi)] / (86.34 mg/mi)TOXICS2% = [100% x (TOXICS2 - 85.61 mg/mi)]/(85.61 mg/mi) where TOXICS1% = Percentage change in summer toxics emissions in VOC Control
Region 1 from baseline levels.TOXICS2% = Percentage change in summer toxics emissions in VOC Control
Region 2 from baseline levels.
(2) Winter toxics performance. (i) Winter toxic emissions performance of gasolines in VOC Control Regions 1 and 2 shall be given by the following equation, evaluated with the RVP set at 8.7 psi: TOXICW = [EXHBZ + FORM + ACET + BUTA + POM] where TOXICW = Winter toxics performance in VOC Control Regions 1 and 2 in
terms of milligrams per mile.EXHBZ = Exhaust emissions of benzene in terms of milligrams per mile, as
determined in paragraph (e)(4) of this section.FORM = Emissions of formaldehyde in terms of milligrams per mile, as
determined in paragraph (e)(5) of this section. ACET = Emissions of acetaldehyde in terms of milligrams per mile, as
determined in paragraph (e)(6) of this section.BUTA = Emissions of 1,3-butadiene in terms of milligrams per mile, as
determined in paragraph (e)(7) of this section.POM = Polycyclic organic matter emissions in terms of milligrams per
mile, as determined in paragraph (e)(8) of this section.
(ii) The percentage change in winter toxics performance in VOC Control Regions 1 and 2 shall be given by the following equation: For Phase I: TOXICW% = [100%x(TOXICW-58.36 mg/mi)] / (58.36 mg/mi) For Phase II: TOXICW% = [100%x(TOXICW-120.55 mg/mi)] / (120.55 mg/mi) where TOXICW% = Percentage change in winter toxics emissions in VOC Control
Regions 1 and 2 from baseline levels.
(3) The year-round toxics performance in VOC Control Regions 1 and 2 shall be derived from volume-weighted performances of individual batches of fuel as described in Sec. 80.67(g).
(4) Exhaust benzene emissions shall be given by the following equation, subject to paragragh (e)(4)(iii) of this section: EXHBZ = BENZ(b) + (BENZ(b) x YBEN(t)/100)YBEN(t) = [lsqbb](w1 x Nb) + (w2 x Hb) - 1[rsqbb] x 100 where EXHBZ = Exhaust benzene emissions in milligrams/mileYBEN(t) = Benzene performance of target fuel in terms of
percentage change from baseline.BENZ(b) = Baseline benzene emissions as defined in paragraph (b)(2) of
this section for the appropriate phase and season.Nb = exp b1(t)/exp b1(b)Hb = exp b2(t)/exp b2(b)w1 = Weighting factor for normal emitters as defined in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section for the appropriate Phase.w2 = Weighting factor for higher emitters as defined in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section for the appropriate Phase.b1(t) = Normal emitter benzene equation, as defined in
paragraph (e)(4)(i) of this section, evaluated using the
target fuel's properties subject to paragraph (e)(4)(iii) of
this section.b2(t) = Higher emitter benzene equation as defined in
paragraph (e)(4)(ii) of this section, evaluated using the
target fuel's properties subject to paragraph (e)(4)(iii) of
this section.b1(b) = Normal emitter benzene equation as defined in
paragraph (e)(4)(i) of this section, evaluated for the base
fuel's properties.b2(b) = Higher emitter benzene equation, as defined in
paragraph (e)(4)(ii) of this section, evaluated for the base
fuel's properties.
(i) Consolidated equation for normal emitters. b1 = (0.0006197 x SUL) + (-0.003376 x E200) + (0.0265500 x ARO) + (0.2223900 x BEN)
(ii) Equation for higher emitters. b2 = (-0.096047 x OXY) + (0.0003370 x SUL) + (0.0112510 x E300) + (0.0118820 x ARO) + (0.2223180 x BEN)
(iii) If the aromatics value of the target fuel is less than 10 volume percent, then an aromatics value of 10 volume percent shall be used when evaluating the equations given in paragraphs (e)(4) (i) and (ii) of this section. If the E300 value of the target fuel is greater than 95 volume percent, then an E300 value of 95 volume percent shall be used when evaluating the equations in paragraphs (e)(4)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(5) Formaldehyde mass emissions shall be given by the following equation, subject to paragraphs (e)(5) (iii) and (iv) of this section: FORM = FORM(b) + (FORM(b) x YFORM(t) / 100)YFORM(t) = [(w1 x Nf) + (w2 x Hf) - 1] x 100 where FORM = Exhaust formaldehyde emissions in terms of milligrams/mile.YFORM(t) = Formaldehyde performance of target fuel in terms
of percentage change from baseline.FORM(b) = Baseline formaldehyde emissions as defined in paragraph (b)(2)
of this section for the appropriate Phase and season.Nf = exp f1(t)/exp f1(b)Hf = exp f2(t)/exp f2(b)w1 = Weighting factor for normal emitters as defined in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section for the appropriate Phase.w2 = Weighting factor for higher emitters as defined in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section for the appropriate Phase. f1(t) = Normal emitter formaldehyde equation as defined in
paragraph (e)(5)(i) of this section, evaluated using the
target fuel's properties subject to paragraphs (e)(5) (iii)
and (iv) of this section.f2(t) = Higher emitter formaldehyde equation as defined in
paragraph (e)(5)(ii) of this section, evaluated using the
target fuel's properties subject to paragraphs (e)(5) (iii)
and (iv) of this section.f1(b) = Normal emitter formaldehyde equation as defined in
paragraph (e)(5)(i) of this section, evaluated for the base
fuel's properties.f2(b) = Higher emitter formaldehyde equation as defined in
paragraph (e)(5)(ii) of this section, evaluated for the base
fuel's properties.
(i) Consolidated equation for normal emitters. f1 = (-0.010226 x E300) + (-0.007166 x ARO) + (0.0462131 x MTB)
(ii) Equation for higher emitters. f2 = (-0.010226 x E300) + (-0.007166 x ARO) + (-0.031352 x OLE) + (0.0462131 x MTB)
(iii) If the aromatics value of the target fuel is less than 10 volume percent, then an aromatics value of 10 volume percent shall be used when evaluating the equations given in paragraphs (e)(5) (i) and (ii) of this section. If the E300 value of the target fuel is greater than 95 volume percent, then an E300 value of 95 volume percent shall be used when evaluating the equations given in paragraphs (e)(5) (i) and (ii) of this section.
(iv) When calculating formaldehyde emissions and emissions performance, oxygen in the form of alcohols which are more complex or have higher molecular weights than ethanol shall be evaluated as if it were in the form of ethanol. Oxygen in the form of methyl ethers other than TAME and MTBE shall be evaluated as if it were in the form of MTBE. Oxygen in the form of ethyl ethers other than ETBE shall be evaluated as if it were in the form of ETBE. Oxygen in the form of non-methyl, non-ethyl ethers shall be evaluated as if it were in the form of ETBE. Oxygen in the form of methanol or non-alcohol, non-ether oxygenates shall not be evaluated with the Complex Model, but instead must be evaluated through vehicle testing per Sec. 80.48.
(6) Acetaldehyde mass emissions shall be given by the following equation, subject to paragraphs (e)(6) (iii) and (iv) of this section: ACET = ACET(b) + (ACET(b)xYACET(t)/100)YACET(t) = [(w1xNa) + (w2xHa)-1]x100 where ACET = Exhaust acetaldehyde emissions in terms of milligrams/mileYACET(t) = Acetaldehyde performance of target fuel in terms
of percentage change from baselineACET(b) = Baseline acetaldehyde emissions as defined in paragraph (b)(2)
of this section for the appropriate phase and seasonNa = exp a1(t)/exp a1(b)Ha = exp a2(t)/exp a2(b)w1 = Weighting factor for normal emitters as defined in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section for the appropriate phasew2 = Weighting factor for higher emitters as defined in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section for the appropriate phasea1(t) = Normal emitter acetaldehyde equation as defined in
paragraph (e)(6)(i) of this section, evaluated using the
target fuel's properties, subject to paragraphs (e)(6) (iii)
and (iv) of this sectiona2(t) = Higher emitter acetaldehyde equation as defined in
paragraph (e)(6)(ii) of this section, evaluated using the
target fuel's properties, subject to paragraphs (e)(6) (iii)
and (iv) of this sectiona1(b) = Normal emitter acetaldehyde equation as defined in
paragraph (e)(6)(i) of this section, evaluated for the base
fuel's propertiesf2(b) = Higher emitter acetaldehyde equation as defined in
paragraph (e)(6)(ii) of this section, evaluated for the base
fuel's properties
(i) Consolidated equation for normal emitters. a1 = (0.0002631xSUL)+ (0.0397860xRVP) + (-0.012172xE300) + (-0.005525xARO) + (-0.009594xMTB) + (0.3165800xETB) + (0.2492500xETH)
(ii) Equation for higher emitters. a2 = (0.0002627xSUL)+ (-0.012157xE300) + (-0.005548xARO) + (-0.055980xMTB) + (0.3164665xETB) + (0.2493259xETH)
(iii) If the aromatics value of the target fuel is less than 10 volume percent, then an aromatics value of 10 volume percent shall be used when evaluating the equations given in paragraphs (e)(6) (i) and (ii) of this section. If the E300 value of the target fuel is greater than 95 volume percent, then an E300 value of 95 volume percent shall be used when evaluating the equations given in paragraphs (e)(6) (i) and (ii) of this section.
(iv) When calculating acetaldehyde emissions and emissions performance, oxygen in the form of alcohols which are more complex or have higher molecular weights than ethanol shall be evaluated as if it were in the form of ethanol. Oxygen in the form of methyl ethers other than TAME and MTBE shall be evaluated as if it were in the form of MTBE. Oxygen in the form of ethyl ethers other than ETBE shall be evaluated as if it were in the form of ETBE. Oxygen in the form of non-methyl, non-ethyl ethers shall be evaluated as if it were in the form of ETBE. Oxygen in the form of methanol or non-alcohol, non-ether oxygenates shall not be evaluated with the Complex Model, but instead must be evaluated through vehicle testing per Sec. 80.48.
(7) 1,3-butadiene mass emissions shall be given by the following equations, subject to paragraph (e)(7)(iii) of this section: BUTA = BUTA(b) + (BUTA(b)xYBUTA(t)/100)YBUTA(t) = [(w1xNd) + (w2xHd)-1]x100 where BUTA = Exhaust 1,3-butadiene emissions in terms of milligrams/mileYBUTA(t) = 1,3-butadiene performance of target fuel in terms
of percentage change from baselineBUTA(b) = Baseline 1,3-butadiene emissions as defined in paragraph
(b)(2) of this section for the appropriate phase and seasonNd = exp d1(t)/exp d1(b)Hd = exp d2(t)/exp d2(b)w1 = eighting factor for normal emitters as defined in
(2) of this section for the appropriate phase and seasonNd = exp d1(t)/exp d1(b)Hd = exp d2(t)/exp d2(b)w1 = eighting factor for normal emitters as defined in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section for the appropriate phasew2 = Weighting factor for higher emitters as defined in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section for the appropriate Phase.d1(t) = Normal emitter 1,3-butadiene equation as defined in
paragraph (e)(7)(i) of this section, evaluated using the
target fuel's properties, subject to paragraph (e)(7)(iii) of
this section.d2(t) = Higher emitter 1,3-butadiene equation as defined in
paragraph (e)(7)(ii) of this section, evaluated using the
target fuel's properties, subject to paragraph (e)(7)(iii) of
this section.d1(b) = Normal emitter 1,3-butadiene equation as defined in
paragraph (e)(7)(i) of this section, evaluated for the base
fuel's properties.d2(b) = Higher emitter 1,3-butadiene equation as defined in
paragraph (e)(7)(ii) of this section, evaluated for the base
fuel's properties.
(i) Consolidated equation for normal emitters. d1 = (0.0001552xSUL)+ (-0.007253xE200) + (-0.014866xE300) + (-0.004005xARO) + (0.0282350xOLE)
(ii) Equation for higher emitters. d2 = (-0.060771xOXY)+ (-0.007311xE200) + (-0.008058xE300) + (-0.004005xARO) + (0.0436960xOLE)
(iii) If the aromatics value of the target fuel is less than 10 volume percent, then an aromatics value of 10 volume percent shall be used when evaluating the equations given in paragraphs (e)(7) (i) and (ii) of this section. If the E300 value of the target fuel is greater than 95 volume percent, then an E300 value of 95 volume percent shall be used when evaluating the equations given in paragraphs (e)(7) (i) and (ii) of this section.
(8) Polycyclic organic matter mass emissions shall be given by the following equation: POM=0.003355xVOCEPOM = Polycyclic organic matter emissions in terms of milligrams per mileVOCE = Non-methane, non-ethane exhaust emissions of volatile organic compounds in grams per mile.
(9) Nonexhaust benzene emissions in VOC Control Region 1 shall be given by the following equations for both Phase I and Phase II: NEBZ1 = DIBZ1 + HSBZ1 + RLBZ1 + RFBZ1HSBZ1 = 10 x BEN x VOCHS1 x [(-0.0342 x MTB) + (-0.080274 x RVP) + 1.4448]DIBZ1 = 10 x BEN x VOCD11 x [(-0.0290 x MTB) + (-0.080274 x RVP) + 1.3758]RLBZ1 = 10 x BEN x VOCRL1 x [(-0.0342 x MTB) + (-0.080274 x RVP) + 1.4448]RFBZ1 = 10 x BEN x VOCRF1 x [(-0.0296 x MTB) + (-0.081507 x RVP) + 1.3972 where NEBZ1 = Nonexhaust emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
Control Region 1 in milligrams per mile.DIBZ1 = Diurnal emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
Region 1 in milligrams per mile. HSBZ1 = Hot soak emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
Region 1 in milligrams per mile.RLBZ1 = Running loss emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
Control Region 1 in milligrams per mile.RFBZ1 = Refueling emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
Region 1 in grams per mile.VOCDI1 = Diurnal emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
Region 1 in milligrams per mile, as determined in paragraph
(c)(3) of this section.VOCHS1 = Hot soak emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
(3) of this section.VOCHS1 = Hot soak emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
Region 1 in milligrams per mile, as determined in paragraph
(c)(3) of this section.VOCRL1 = Running loss emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
(3) of this section.VOCRL1 = Running loss emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
Control Region 1 in milligrams per mile, as determined in
paragraph (c)(3) of this section.VOCRF1 = Refueling emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
Control Region 1 in milligrams per mile, as determined in
paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
(10) Nonexhaust benzene emissions in VOC Control Region 2 shall be given by the following equations for both Phase I and Phase II: NEBZ2 = DIBZ2 + HSBZ2 + RLBZ2 + RFBZ2HSBZ2 = 10 x BEN x VOCHS2 x [(-0.0342 x MTB) + (-0.080274 x RVP) + 1.4448]DIBZ2 = 10 x BEN x VOCD12 x [(-0.0290 x MTB) + (-0.080274 x RVP) + 1.3758]RLBZ2 = 10 x BEN x VOCRL2 x [(-0.0342 x MTB) + (-0.080274 x RVP) + 1.4448]RFBZ2 = 10 x BEN x VOCRF2 x [(-0.0296 x MTB) + (-0.081507 x RVP) + 1.3972 where NEBZ2 = Nonexhaust emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
Control Region 2 in milligrams per mile.DIBZ2 = Diurnal emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
Region 2 in milligrams per mile.HSBZ2 = Hot soak emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
Region 2 in milligrams per mile.RLBZ2 = Running loss emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
Control Region 2 in milligrams per mile.RFBZ2 = Refueling emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
Region 2 in grams per mile.VOCDI2 = Diurnal emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
Region 2 in milligrams per mile, as determined in paragraph
(c)(4) of this section.VOCHS2 = Hot soak emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
(4) of this section.VOCHS2 = Hot soak emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC Control
Region 2 in milligrams per mile, as determined in paragraph
(c)(4) of this section.VOCRL2 = Running loss emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
(4) of this section.VOCRL2 = Running loss emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
Control Region 2 in milligrams per mile, as determined in
paragraph (c)(4) of this section.VOCRF2 = Refueling emissions of volatile organic compounds in VOC
Control Region 2 in milligrams per mile, as determined in
paragraph (c)(4) of this section.
(f) Limits of the model. (1) The equations described in paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section shall be valid only for fuels with fuel properties that fall in the following ranges for reformulated gasolines and conventional gasolines:
(1) The equations described in paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section shall be valid only for fuels with fuel properties that fall in the following ranges for reformulated gasolines and conventional gasolines:
(i) For reformulated gasolines: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fuel property Acceptable range------------------------------------------------------------------------Oxygen.................................... 0.0-5.8 weight percent.Sulfur.................................... 0.0-500.0 parts per million
by weight.RVP....................................... 6.4-10.0 pounds per square
inch.E200...................................... 30.0-70.0 percent
evaporated.E300...................................... 70.0-100.0 percent
evaporated.Aromatics................................. 0.0-50.0 volume percent.Olefins................................... 0.0-25.0 volume percent.Benzene................................... 0.0-2.0 volume percent.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ii) For conventional gasoline: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fuel property Acceptable range------------------------------------------------------------------------Oxygen.................................... 0.0-5.8 weight percent.Sulfur.................................... 0.0-1000.0 parts per million
by weight.RVP....................................... 6.4-11.0 pounds per square
inch.E200...................................... 30.0-70.0 evaporated
percent.E300...................................... 70.0-100.0 evaporated
percent.Aromatics................................. 0.0-55.0 volume percent.Olefins................................... 0.0-30.0 volume percent.Benzene................................... 0.0-4.9 volume percent.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2) Fuels with one or more properties that do not fall within the ranges described in above shall not be certified or evaluated for their emissions performance using the complex emissions model described in paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section. [59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59 FR 36959, July 20, 1994; 62 FR 68206, Dec. 31, 1997; 71 FR 74566, Dec. 15, 2005; 76 FR 44443, July 25, 2011]