(a) The manufacturer of any motor vehicle (or motor vehicle engine) subject to the applicable emission standards (and family emission limits, as appropriate) of this subpart, shall, at the time of manufacture, affix a permanent legible label, of the type and in the manner described below, containing the information hereinafter provided, to all production models of such vehicles (or engines) available for sale to the public and covered by a Certificate of Conformity under Sec. 86.091-30(a).
(1)-(2) [Reserved]
(3) Heavy-duty engines. (i) A permanent legible label shall be affixed to the engine in a position in which it will be readily visible after installation in the vehicle.
(i) A permanent legible label shall be affixed to the engine in a position in which it will be readily visible after installation in the vehicle.
(ii) The label shall be attached to an engine part necessary for normal engine operation and not normally requiring replacement during engine life.
(iii) The label shall contain the following information lettered in the English language in block letters and numerals which shall be of a color that contrasts with the background of the label:
(A) The label heading: ``Important Engine Information.'';
(B) The full corporate name and trademark of the manufacturer; though the label may identify another company and use its trademark instead of the manufacturer's as long as the manufacturer complies with the provisions of 40 CFR 1039.640.
(C) Engine displacement (in cubic inches or liters) and engine family and model designations;
(D) Date of engine manufacture (month and year). The manufacturer may, in lieu of including the date of manufacture on the engine label, maintain a record of the engine manufacture dates. The manufacturer shall provide the date of manufacture records to the Administrator upon request;
(E) Engine specifications and adjustments as recommended by the manufacturer. These specifications should indicate the proper transmission position during tune-up and what accessories (e.g., air conditioner), if any, should be in operation;
(F) For Otto-cycle engines the label should include the idle speed, ignition timing, and the idle air-fuel mixture setting procedure and value (e.g., idle CO, idle air-fuel ratio, idle speed drop), and valve lash;
(G) For diesel engines the label should include the advertised hp at rpm, fuel rate at advertised hp in mm\3\/stroke, valve lash, initial injection timing, and idle speed;
(H) The prominent statement: ``This engine conforms to U.S. EPA regulations applicable to 19XX Model Year New Heavy-Duty Engines.'';
(I) If the manufacturer is provided with an alternate useful life period under the provisions of Sec. 86.094-21(f), the prominent statement: ``This engine has been certified to meet U.S. EPA standards for a useful-life period of XXX miles or XXX hours of operation, whichever occurs first. This engine's actual life may vary depending on its service application.'' The manufacturer may alter this statement only to express the assigned alternate useful life in terms other than miles or hours (e.g., years, or hours only);
(J) For diesel engines. The prominent statement: ``This engine has a primary intended service application as a XXX heavy-duty engine.'' (The primary intended service applications are light, medium, and heavy, as defined in Sec. 86.902-2.);
(K) For Otto-cycle engines. One of the following statements, as applicable:
(1) For engines certified to the emission standards under Sec. 86.091-10 (a)(1)(i) or (iii), the statement: ``This engine is certified for use in all heavy-duty vehicles.'';
(2) For gasoline-fueled engines certified under the provisions of Sec. 86.091-10(a)(3)(i), the statement: ``This engine is certified for use in all heavy-duty vehicles under the special provision of 40 CFR 86.091-10(a)(3)(i).'';
(3) For engines certified to the emission standards under Sec. 86.091-10(a)(1) (ii) or (iv), the statement: ``This engine is certified for use only in heavy-duty vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating above 14,000 lbs.'';
(L) For diesel engines which are included in the diesel heavy-duty particulate averaging program, the family particulate emission limit to which the engine is certified;
(M) For any heavy-duty engines which are included in the heavy-duty NOX averaging program, the family NOX emission limit to which the engine is certified;
(N) Engines granted final admission under Sec. 85.1505 of this chapter must comply with the labeling requirements contained in Sec. 85.1510 of this chapter.
(O) For engines with one or more approved AECDs for emergency vehicle applications under paragraph (4) of the definition of ``defeat device'' in Sec. 86.004-2, the statement: ``THIS ENGINE IS FOR INSTALLATION IN EMERGENCY VEHICLES ONLY.''
(iv) The label may be made up of one or more pieces: Provided, That all pieces are permanently attached to the same engine or vehicle part as applicable.
(4) Heavy-duty vehicles employing a fuel or fuels covered by evaporative emission standards. This paragraph (a)(4) applies for vehicles subject to evaporative emission standards under this subpart, as described in Sec. 86.016-1(a)(4). See 40 CFR part 1037 for provisions that apply in later model years.
(i) A permanent, legible label shall be affixed in a readily visible position in the engine compartment. If such vehicles do not have an engine compartment, the label required in this paragraph (a)(4) shall be affixed in a readily available position on the operator's enclosure or on the engine.
(ii) The label shall be affixed by the vehicle manufacturer who has been issued the Certificate of Conformity for such vehicle, in such a manner that it cannot be removed without destroying or defacing the label. The label shall not be affixed to any equipment which is easily detached from such vehicle.
(iii) The label shall contain the following information lettered in the English language in block letters and numerals, which shall be of a color that contrasts with the background of the label:
(A) The label heading: Vehicle Emission Control Information;
(B) Full corporate name and trademark of manufacturer;
(C) Evaporative family identification;
(D) The maximum nominal fuel tank capacity (in gallons), as specified in 40 CFR 1037.135; and
(E) An unconditional statement of compliance with the appropriate model year U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations which apply to XXX-fueled heavy-duty vehicles.
(F) Vehicles granted final admission under Sec. 85.1505 of this chapter must comply with the labeling requirements contained in Sec. 85.1510 of this chapter.
(b) The provisions of this section shall not prevent a manufacturer from also reciting on the label that such vehicle (or engine) conforms to any applicable state emission standards for new motor vehicles (or new motor vehicle engines) or any other information that such manufacturer deems necessary for, or useful to, the proper operation and satisfactory maintenance of the vehicle (or engine).
(c)-(g) [Reserved]
(h) Notification of nonconformance penalty. (1) Light-duty trucks and heavy-duty vehicles and engines for which nonconformance penalties are to be paid in accordance with Sec. 86.1113-87(b) shall have the following information printed on the label required in paragraph (a) of this section. The manufacturer shall begin labeling production engines or vehicles within 10 days after the completion of the PCA. This statement shall read: ``The manufacturer of this engine/vehicle will pay a nonconformance penalty to be allowed to introduce it into commerce at an emission level higher than the applicable emission standard. The compliance level (or new emission standard) for this engine/vehicle is XXX.'' (The manufacturer shall insert the applicable pollutant and compliance level calculated in accordance with Sec. 86.1112-87(a).)
(1) Light-duty trucks and heavy-duty vehicles and engines for which nonconformance penalties are to be paid in accordance with Sec. 86.1113-87(b) shall have the following information printed on the label required in paragraph (a) of this section. The manufacturer shall begin labeling production engines or vehicles within 10 days after the completion of the PCA. This statement shall read: ``The manufacturer of this engine/vehicle will pay a nonconformance penalty to be allowed to introduce it into commerce at an emission level higher than the applicable emission standard. The compliance level (or new emission standard) for this engine/vehicle is XXX.'' (The manufacturer shall insert the applicable pollutant and compliance level calculated in accordance with Sec. 86.1112-87(a).)
(2) If a manufacturer introduces an engine or vehicle into commerce prior to the compliance level determination of Sec. 86.1112-87(a), it shall provide the engine or vehicle owner with a label as described above to be affixed in a location in proximity to the label required in paragraph (a) of this section within 30 days of the completion of the PCA.
(i) All light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks shall comply with SAE Recommended Practices J1877 July 1994, ``Recommended Practice for Bar-Coded Vehicle Identification Number Label,'' and J1892 October 1993, ``Recommended Practice for Bar-Coded Vehicle Emission Configuration Label.'' SAE J1877 and J1892 are incorporated by reference. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be obtained from the Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. Copies may be inspected at Docket No. A-90-35 at EPA's Air Docket (LE-131), Room 1500M, 1st Floor, Waterside Mall, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC, or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html. [56 FR 25755, June 5, 1991]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 86.095-35, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.