(a) The NCP for each engine or vehicle for which a compliance level has been determined under Sec. 86.1112-87 is calculated according to the formula in paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section depending on the value of the compliance level. Each formula contains an annual adjustment factor (AAFi) which is defined in paragraph (a)(3) of this section. Other terms in the formulas are defined in paragraph (a)(4) of this section.
(1) If the compliance level (CL) is greater than the standard and less than or equal to X (e.g., point CL1 in figure 1), then:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR06OC93.111 where: PR1 = (F) (MC50)
(2) If the compliance level is greater than X and less than or equal to the upper limit as determined by Sec. 86.1104-87 (e.g., point CL2 in figure 1), then:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR06OC93.112 where:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR06OC93.113
(3) AAFi has the following values:
(i) If fraci-1 = 0, then AAFi = 1 + Ii-1
(ii) If fraci-1 0, then:
If fraci-1 0.50, then fraci-1 will be set equal to 0.50.
(iii) AAF1=1
(iv) In calculating the NCP for year n, the value fraci-1 for i=n will include actual NCP usage through March 31 of model year n-1 and EPA's estimate of additional usage for the remainder of model year n-1 using manufacturer input. All manufacturers using NCPs must report by subclass actual NCP and non-NCP production numbers through March 31, an estimate of NCP and non-NCP production for the remainder of the model year, and the previous year's actual NCP and non-NCP production to EPA no later than April 30 of the model year. If EPA is unable to obtain similar information from manufacturers not using NCPs, EPA will use projected sales data from the manufacturers' application for certification in computing the total production of the subclass and the fraci-1. The value of fraci-1 will be corrected to reflect actual year-end usage of NCPs and a corrected AAF will be used to establish NCPs in future years. The correction of previous year's AAF will not affect the previous year's penalty.
(4) The terms in the above formulas have the following meanings and values, which may be determined separately for each subclass and pollutant for which an NCP is offered. The production of Federal and California designated engines or vehicles shall be combined for the purpose of this section in calculating the NCP for each engine or vehicle. NCPn=NCP for year n for each applicable engine or vehicleCL=Compliance level for year n for applicable engines or vehiclesS=Emission standardUL=Upper limit as determined by section 86.1104-87, except that, if the
upper limit is determined by section 86.1104-87(c), the value
of UL in paragraph (a)(2) of this section shall be the prior
emission standard for that pollutant.UL'=Upper limit as determined by section 86.1104-87(c). This value is
not used in the above formulas.X=Compliance level above the standard at which NCP1 equals
PR1=Penalty rate when CL <=XPR2=Penalty rate when X 50=Estimate of the average total incremental cost to
comply with the standard relative to complying with the upper
limit.COC90=Estimate of the 90th percentile total incremental cost
to comply with the standard relative to complying with the
upper limit.MC50=Estimate of the average marginal cost of compliance
(dollars per emission unit) with the standard.F=Factor used to estimate the 90th percentile marginal cost based on the
average marginal cost (the minimum value of F is 1.1, the
maximum value of F is 1.3).AAFi=Annual adjustment factor for year i,
fraci-1=Fraction of engines or vehicles of a
subclass using NCPs in previous year (year i-1).Ai=Usage adjustment factor in year i: Ai=0.10 for
i=2; Ai=0.08 for i<2.Ii=Percentage increase in overall consumer price index in
year i.
(5) The values of COC50, COC90, MC50 and F will be determined for each applicable subclass by EPA based on the cost data used by EPA in setting the applicable emission standard. However, where the rulemaking to establish a specific NCP occurs after the rulemaking to establish the standard, EPA may augment the data base used to establish the standard by including the best cost and emission performance data available to EPA during the specific NCP rulemaking.
(6) In calculating the NCP, appropriate values of the following predefined terms should be used: CL, S, UL, F, and Ai. For all other terms, unrounded values of at least five figures beyond the decimal point should be used in calculations leading up to the penalty amount. Any NCP calculated under paragraph (a) of this section will be rounded to the nearest dollar in accordance with ASTM E29-67.
(b) The NCP determined in paragraph (a) of this section is assessed against all those engines or vehicles of the nonconforming configuration or engine family produced at all assembly plants and distributed into commerce--
(1) Since the beginning of the model year in the case of a certification failure described by Sec. 86.1106-87(a).
(2) Beginning ten days after an SEA failure described by Sec. 86.1106-87 (b) or (c).
(3) Following implementation of a production running change described by Sec. 86.1106-87(d).
(c) The NCP will continue to be assessed during the model year, until such time, if any, that the configuration or engine family is brought into conformance with applicable emission standards.
(d) A manufacturer may carry over an NCP from a model year to the next model year. There is no limit to the number of years that carryover can continue. The amount of the penalty will increase each year according to paragraph (a) of this section.
(e) The Administrator shall notify the manufacturer in writing of the nonconformance penalty established under paragraph (a) of this section after the completion of the PCA under Sec. 86.1112-87.
(f) A manufacturer may request a hearing under Sec. 86.1115-87 as to whether the compliance level (including a compliance level in excess of the upper limit) was determined in accordance with the procedures in Sec. 86.1112-87(a) or whether the nonconformance penalty was calculated in accordance with the procedures in Sec. 86.1113-87(a). If a nonconformance penalty has been established, such hearing must be requested within fifteen (15) days or such other period as may be allowed by the Administrator after the notification of the nonconformance penalty. If a manufacturer wishes to challenge a compliance level in excess of the upper limit, he must request a hearing within fifteen (15) days or such other period as may be allowed by the Administrator after the completion of the Production Compliance Audit.
(g)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (g)(2) of this section, the nonconformance penalty or penalties assessed under this subpart must be paid as follows:
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (g)(2) of this section, the nonconformance penalty or penalties assessed under this subpart must be paid as follows:
(i) By the quarterly due dates, i.e., within 30 days of the end of each calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31), or according to such other payment schedule as the Administrator may approve pursuant to a manufacturer's request, for all nonconforming engines or vehicles produced by a manufacturer in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section and distributed into commerce for that quarter.
(ii) The penalty shall be payable to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, NCP Fund, Motor Vehicle and Engine Compliance Program, P.O. Box 979032 St. Louis, MO 63197-9000. Note on the check and supporting information that this is an NCP payment.
(2) When a manufacturer has requested a hearing under Sec. 86.1115-87, it must pay the nonconformance penalty, and any interest, within ten days after the Presiding Officer renders his decision, unless the manufacturer first files a notice of intention to appeal to the Administrator pursuant to Sec. 86.1115-87(t)(1), or, if an appeal of the Presiding Officer's decision is taken, within ten days after the Administrator renders his decision, unless the manufacturer first files a petition for judicial review.
(3) A manufacturer making payment under paragraph (g)(1) or (g)(2) of this section shall submit the following information by each quarterly due date to: Director, Manufacturers Operations Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460. This information shall be submitted even if a manufacturer has no NCP production in a given quarter.
(i) Corporate identification, identification and quantity of engines or vehicles subject to the NCP, certificate identification (number and date), NCP payment calculations and interest payment calculations, if applicable.
(ii) The following statement and endorsement:
This information is submitted pursuant to section 206 of the Clean Air Act. All information reported herein is, to the best of------------------------------------------'s(Company name) knowledge, true and accurate. I am aware of the penalties associated with violations of the Clean Air Act and the regulations thereunder. ________________________________________________________________________(Authorized Company Representative)
(4) The Administrator may verify the production figures or other documentation submitted under paragraph (g)(3) of this section.
(5)(i) Interest shall be assessed on any nonconformance penalty for which payment has been withheld under Sec. 86.113-87(g) (1) or (2). Interest shall be calculated from the due date for the first quarterly NCP payment, as determined under Sec. 86.1113-87(g)(1), until either the date on which the Presiding Officer or the Administrator renders the final decision of the Agency under Sec. 86.1115-87 or the date when an alternate payment schedule (approved pursuant to Sec. 86.1113-87(g)(1)) ends.
(i) Interest shall be assessed on any nonconformance penalty for which payment has been withheld under Sec. 86.113-87(g) (1) or (2). Interest shall be calculated from the due date for the first quarterly NCP payment, as determined under Sec. 86.1113-87(g)(1), until either the date on which the Presiding Officer or the Administrator renders the final decision of the Agency under Sec. 86.1115-87 or the date when an alternate payment schedule (approved pursuant to Sec. 86.1113-87(g)(1)) ends.
(ii) The combined principal plus interest on each quarterly NCP payment withheld pursuant to Sec. 86.1113-87(g) (1) or (2) shall be calculated according to the formula: QNCP(1 + R).25n where:QNCP=the quarterly NCP paymentR=the interest rate applicable to that quartern=the number of quarters for which the quarterly NCP payment is
(iii) The number of quarters for which payment is outstanding for purposes of this paragraph shall be the number of quarterly NCP payment due dates, as determined under Sec. 86.1113-87(g)(1), which have elapsed throughout the duration of a hearing request, or alternate payment schedule.
(iv) The interest rate applicable to a quarter for purposes of this paragraph shall be the rate published by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to the Debt Collection Act of 1982 and effective on the date on which the NCP payment was originally due.
(6) A manufacturer will be refunded an overpayment, or be permitted to offset an overpayment by withholding a future payment, if approved in advance by the Administrator. The government shall pay no interest on overpayments.
(h) A manufacturer that certifies as a replacement for the nonconforming configuration, a configuration that is in conformance with applicable standards, and that performs a production compliance audit (PCA) in accordance with Sec. 86.1112-87(a) that results in a compliance level below the applicable standard, will be eligible to receive a refund of a portion of the engineering and development component of the penalty. The engineering and development component will be determined by multiplying the base penalty amount by the engineering and development factor for the appropriate subclass and pollutant in Sec. 86.1105-87. The amount refunded will depend on the model year in which the certification and PCA take place. In cases where payment of penalties have been waived by EPA in accordance with paragraph (g)(1)(iii) of this section, EPA will refund a portion of the engineering and development component. The proportionate refund to be paid by EPA will be based on the proportion of vehicles or engines of the nonconforming configuration for which NCPs were paid to EPA. The refund is calculated as follows: Rtot=Dn x FE&D; x NCP1 x Prodtot RCal=(ProdCal/Prodtot) x (Rtot) REPA=Rtot-RCal Where: n=index representing the number of model years for which the NCP has
been available for an engine or vehicle subclass (i.e., n=1
for the first year that NCPs are available, . . . , n=n for
the n\th\ year the NCPs are available; same as ``n'' in
paragraph (a)(4)).Dn=discount factor depending on the number of model years (n)
for which NCPs were available at the time of certification and
PCA of the replacement configuration, and its value is as
Dn=0.00 for n=8 or largerFE&D;=the engineering and development factor specified in
section 86.1105-87 for the appropriate subclass and pollutant NCP1=the penalty for each engine or vehicle during the first
(base) year the NCP is available as calculated in paragraph
(a)Prodtot=total number of engines or vehicles produced in the
subclass for which NCPs were paid to EPA or to the State of
CaliforniaProdCal=number of engines or vehicles in the subclass
demonstrated to have been titled, registered or principally
used in the State of California and for which NCPs were paid
to the State of California under paragraph (g)(1)Rtot=Total refund due to the manufacturer for the engineering
and development component of the NCPRCal=Refund due to the manufacturer from the State of
California for the engineering and development component of
the NCPREPA=Refund due to the manufacturer from EPA for the
engineering and development component of the NCP. [50 FR 35388, Aug. 30, 1985, as amended at 50 FR 53467, Dec. 31, 1985; 53 FR 19134, May 26, 1988; 55 FR 46629, Nov. 5, 1990; 61 FR 51366, Oct. 2, 1996; 77 FR 54402, Sept. 5, 2012]